autoclothing ============ **Tags:** `tag/fort`, `tag/auto`, `tag/jobs` :dfhack-keybind:`autoclothing` :index:`Automatically manage clothing work orders. <autoclothing; Automatically manage clothing work orders.>` It allows you to set how many of each clothing type every citizen should have. Usage:: autoclothing autoclothing <material> <item> [quantity] ``material`` can be "cloth", "silk", "yarn", or "leather". The ``item`` can be anything your civilization can produce, such as "dress" or "mitten". When invoked without parameters, it shows a summary of all managed clothing orders. When invoked with a material and item, but without a quantity, it shows the current configuration for that material and item. Examples -------- ``autoclothing cloth "short skirt" 10`` Sets the desired number of cloth short skirts available per citizen to 10. ``autoclothing cloth dress`` Displays the currently set number of cloth dresses chosen per citizen.