digcircle ========= A command for easy designation of filled and hollow circles. It has several types of options. Shape: :hollow: Set the circle to hollow (default) :filled: Set the circle to filled :#: Diameter in tiles (default = 0, does nothing) Action: :set: Set designation (default) :unset: Unset current designation :invert: Invert designations already present Designation types: :dig: Normal digging designation (default) :ramp: Ramp digging :ustair: Staircase up :dstair: Staircase down :xstair: Staircase up/down :chan: Dig channel After you have set the options, the command called with no options repeats with the last selected parameters. Examples: ``digcircle filled 3`` Dig a filled circle with diameter = 3. ``digcircle`` Do it again.