#include "Core.h" #include "Console.h" #include "DataDefs.h" #include "Export.h" #include "PluginManager.h" #include "Types.h" #include "modules/Buildings.h" #include "modules/EventManager.h" #include "modules/Job.h" #include "modules/Maps.h" #include "modules/MapCache.h" #include "modules/Units.h" #include "modules/World.h" #include "df/body_part_raw_flags.h" #include "df/building.h" #include "df/building_type.h" #include "df/caste_body_info.h" #include "df/coord.h" #include "df/general_ref.h" #include "df/general_ref_building_holderst.h" #include "df/general_ref_unit.h" #include "df/general_ref_unit_holderst.h" #include "df/general_ref_unit_workerst.h" #include "df/item.h" #include "df/itemdef_weaponst.h" #include "df/item_quality.h" #include "df/item_weaponst.h" #include "df/inorganic_raw.h" #include "df/job.h" #include "df/job_skill.h" #include "df/job_type.h" #include "df/map_block.h" #include "df/strain_type.h" #include "df/tile_building_occ.h" #include "df/tile_occupancy.h" #include "df/tiletype.h" #include "df/tiletype_material.h" #include "df/tiletype_shape.h" #include "df/tiletype_shape_basic.h" #include "df/ui.h" #include "df/unit.h" #include "df/unit_inventory_item.h" #include "df/world.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace DFHack; using namespace df::enums; command_result diggingInvadersFunc(color_ostream &out, std::vector & parameters); DFHACK_PLUGIN("diggingInvaders"); DFhackCExport command_result plugin_init ( color_ostream &out, std::vector &commands) { // Fill the command list with your commands. commands.push_back(PluginCommand( "diggingInvaders", "Makes invaders dig to your dwarves.", diggingInvadersFunc, false, /* true means that the command can't be used from non-interactive user interface */ // Extended help string. Used by CR_WRONG_USAGE and the help command: "EXTRA HELP STRINGGNGNGNGNGNNGG.\n" )); return CR_OK; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_shutdown ( color_ostream &out ) { return CR_OK; } //cost is [path cost, building destruction cost, dig cost, construct cost]. Minimize constructions, then minimize dig cost, then minimize path cost. enum CostDimension { Distance, DestroyBuilding, Dig, DestroyConstruction, //Construct, costDim }; const int64_t costWeight[] = { //Distance 1, //Destroy Building 2, //Dig 10000, //DestroyConstruction 100, }; class Edge { public: //static map pointCost; df::coord p1; df::coord p2; int64_t cost; Edge(df::coord p1In, df::coord p2In, int64_t costIn): cost(costIn) { if ( p2In < p1In ) { p1 = p2In; p2 = p1In; } else { p1 = p1In; p2 = p2In; } } bool operator==(const Edge& e) const { return (cost == e.cost && p1 == e.p1 && p2 == e.p2); } bool operator<(const Edge& e) const { if ( cost != e.cost ) return cost < e.cost; if ( p1.z != e.p1.z ) return p1.z < e.p1.z; if ( p1 != e.p1 ) return p1 < e.p1; if ( p2.z != e.p2.z ) return p2.z < e.p2.z; if ( p2 != e.p2 ) return p2 < e.p2; return false; } }; vector* getEdgeSet(color_ostream &out, df::coord point, MapExtras::MapCache& cache, int32_t xMax, int32_t yMax, int32_t zMax); df::coord getRoot(df::coord point, unordered_map& rootMap); struct PointHash { size_t operator()(const df::coord c) const { return c.x * 65537 + c.y * 17 + c.z; } }; class PointComp { public: unordered_map *pointCost; PointComp(unordered_map *p): pointCost(p) { } int32_t operator()(df::coord p1, df::coord p2) { if ( p1 == p2 ) return 0; auto i1 = pointCost->find(p1); auto i2 = pointCost->find(p2); if ( i1 == pointCost->end() && i2 == pointCost->end() ) return p1 < p2; if ( i1 == pointCost->end() ) return true; if ( i2 == pointCost->end() ) return false; int64_t c1 = (*i1).second; int64_t c2 = (*i2).second; if ( c1 != c2 ) return c1 < c2; return p1 < p2; } }; //bool important(df::coord pos, map >& edges, df::coord prev, set& importantPoints, set& importantEdges); void doDiggingInvaders(color_ostream& out, void* ptr); command_result diggingInvadersFunc(color_ostream& out, std::vector& parameters) { if (!parameters.empty()) return CR_WRONG_USAGE; doDiggingInvaders(out, NULL); return CR_OK; } void doDiggingInvaders(color_ostream& out, void* ptr) { CoreSuspender suspend; unordered_set invaderPts; unordered_set localPts; unordered_map parentMap; unordered_map costMap; PointComp comp(&costMap); set fringe(comp); uint32_t xMax, yMax, zMax; Maps::getSize(xMax,yMax,zMax); xMax *= 16; yMax *= 16; MapExtras::MapCache cache; vector invaders; //TODO: look for invaders with buildingdestroyer:3 //find all locals and invaders for ( size_t a = 0; a < df::global::world->units.active.size(); a++ ) { df::unit* unit = df::global::world->units.active[a]; if ( unit->flags1.bits.dead ) continue; if ( Units::isCitizen(unit) ) { if ( localPts.find(unit->pos) != localPts.end() ) continue; localPts.insert(unit->pos); } else if ( unit->flags1.bits.active_invader ) { if ( invaderPts.find(unit->pos) != invaderPts.end() ) continue; invaderPts.insert(unit->pos); costMap[unit->pos] = 0; fringe.insert(unit->pos); invaders.push_back(unit); } else { continue; } } if ( invaders.empty() ) { return; } df::unit* firstInvader = invaders[0]; out << firstInvader->id << endl; out << firstInvader->pos.x << ", " << firstInvader->pos.y << ", " << firstInvader->pos.z << endl; int32_t localPtsFound = 0; unordered_set closedSet; unordered_map workNeeded; //non-walking work needed to get there clock_t t0 = clock(); clock_t totalEdgeTime = 0; while(!fringe.empty()) { df::coord pt = *(fringe.begin()); fringe.erase(fringe.begin()); //out.print("line %d: fringe size = %d, localPtsFound = %d / %d, closedSetSize = %d\n", __LINE__, fringe.size(), localPtsFound, localPts.size(), closedSet.size()); if ( closedSet.find(pt) != closedSet.end() ) { out.print("Double closure! Bad!\n"); break; } closedSet.insert(pt); if ( localPts.find(pt) != localPts.end() ) { localPtsFound++; if ( localPtsFound >= localPts.size() ) break; if ( workNeeded.find(pt) != workNeeded.end() && workNeeded[pt] > 0 ) break; } int64_t myCost = costMap[pt]; clock_t edgeTime = clock(); vector* myEdges = getEdgeSet(out, pt, cache, xMax, yMax, zMax); totalEdgeTime += (clock() - edgeTime); for ( auto a = myEdges->begin(); a != myEdges->end(); a++ ) { Edge &e = *a; df::coord& other = e.p1; if ( other == pt ) other = e.p2; //if ( closedSet.find(other) != closedSet.end() ) // continue; auto i = costMap.find(other); if ( i != costMap.end() ) { int64_t cost = (*i).second; if ( cost <= myCost + e.cost ) { continue; } fringe.erase((*i).first); } costMap[other] = myCost + e.cost; fringe.insert(other); parentMap[other] = pt; workNeeded[other] = (e.cost > 1 ? 1 : 0) + workNeeded[pt]; } delete myEdges; } clock_t time = clock() - t0; out.print("time = %d, totalEdgeTime = %d\n", time, totalEdgeTime); unordered_set requiresZNeg; unordered_set requiresZPos; //find important edges list importantEdges; for ( auto i = localPts.begin(); i != localPts.end(); i++ ) { df::coord pt = *i; if ( costMap.find(pt) == costMap.end() ) continue; if ( parentMap.find(pt) == parentMap.end() ) continue; if ( workNeeded[pt] == 0 ) continue; while ( parentMap.find(pt) != parentMap.end() ) { out.print("(%d,%d,%d)\n", pt.x, pt.y, pt.z); df::coord parent = parentMap[pt]; if ( Maps::canStepBetween(pt, parent) ) { } else { if ( pt.x == parent.x && pt.y == parent.y ) { if ( pt.z < parent.z ) { requiresZNeg.insert(parent); requiresZPos.insert(pt); } else if ( pt.z > parent.z ) { requiresZNeg.insert(pt); requiresZPos.insert(parent); } } //if ( workNeeded[pt] > workNeeded[parent] ) { importantEdges.push_front(Edge(pt,parent,0)); //} } pt = parent; } break; } unordered_set toDelete; for ( auto a = requiresZNeg.begin(); a != requiresZNeg.end(); a++ ) { df::coord pos = *a; df::tiletype* type = Maps::getTileType(pos); df::tiletype_shape shape = ENUM_ATTR(tiletype, shape, *type); if ( ENUM_ATTR(tiletype_shape, passable_low, shape) ) { toDelete.insert(pos); } } requiresZNeg.erase(toDelete.begin(), toDelete.end()); toDelete.clear(); for ( auto a = requiresZPos.begin(); a != requiresZPos.end(); a++ ) { df::coord pos = *a; df::tiletype* type = Maps::getTileType(pos); df::tiletype_shape shape = ENUM_ATTR(tiletype, shape, *type); if ( ENUM_ATTR(tiletype_shape, passable_high, shape) ) { toDelete.insert(pos); } } requiresZPos.erase(toDelete.begin(), toDelete.end()); toDelete.clear(); bool didSomething = false; df::coord where; for ( auto i = importantEdges.begin(); i != importantEdges.end(); i++ ) { Edge e = *i; df::coord pt1 = e.p1; df::coord pt2 = e.p2; if ( costMap[e.p2] < costMap[e.p1] ) { pt1 = e.p2; pt2 = e.p1; } bool important = //requireZNeg.find(pt1) != requireZNeg.end() || //requireZPos.find(pt1) != requireZPos.end() || requiresZNeg.find(pt2) != requiresZNeg.end() || requiresZPos.find(pt2) != requiresZPos.end() || Buildings::findAtTile(pt2) != NULL; if ( !important ) { if ( workNeeded[pt2] <= workNeeded[pt1] ) { //definitely not important continue; } } if ( workNeeded[pt1] > 0 ) continue; df::map_block* block1 = Maps::getTileBlock(pt1); df::map_block* block2 = Maps::getTileBlock(pt2); bool passable1 = block1->walkable[pt1.x&0x0F][pt1.y&0x0F]; bool passable2 = block2->walkable[pt2.x&0x0F][pt2.y&0x0F]; //TODO: if actions required > 1, continue df::building* building = Buildings::findAtTile(pt2); if ( building != NULL && building->getType() == df::enums::building_type::Stockpile ) { continue; } if ( building != NULL && passable2 ) { //building = NULL; } if ( building != NULL ) { out.print("%s, line %d: Destroying building %d at (%d,%d,%d)\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, building->id, pt2.x,pt2.y,pt2.z); //building->flags.bits.almost_deleted = true; df::job* job = new df::job; job->job_type = df::enums::job_type::DestroyBuilding; job->flags.bits.special = 1; df::general_ref_building_holderst* buildingRef = new df::general_ref_building_holderst; buildingRef->building_id = building->id; job->general_refs.push_back(buildingRef); df::general_ref_unit_workerst* workerRef = new df::general_ref_unit_workerst; workerRef->unit_id = firstInvader->id; job->general_refs.push_back(workerRef); firstInvader->job.current_job = job; firstInvader->path.path.x.clear(); firstInvader->path.path.y.clear(); firstInvader->path.path.z.clear(); firstInvader->path.dest = pt1; firstInvader->job.hunt_target = NULL; firstInvader->job.destroy_target = NULL; building->jobs.clear(); building->jobs.push_back(job); Job::linkIntoWorld(job); didSomething = true; where = pt2; break; } else { df::tiletype* type1 = Maps::getTileType(pt1); df::tiletype* type2 = Maps::getTileType(pt2); df::tiletype_shape shape1 = ENUM_ATTR(tiletype, shape, *type1); df::tiletype_shape shape2 = ENUM_ATTR(tiletype, shape, *type2); bool construction2 = ENUM_ATTR(tiletype, material, *type2) == df::enums::tiletype_material::CONSTRUCTION; if ( construction2 ) { out.print("%s, line %d. Removing construction (%d,%d,%d)\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, pt2.x,pt2.y,pt2.z); df::job* job = new df::job(); job->job_type = df::enums::job_type::RemoveConstruction; df::general_ref_unit_workerst* workerRef = new df::general_ref_unit_workerst; workerRef->unit_id = firstInvader->id; job->general_refs.push_back(workerRef); job->pos = pt2; firstInvader->job.current_job = job; firstInvader->path.path.x.clear(); firstInvader->path.path.y.clear(); firstInvader->path.path.z.clear(); firstInvader->path.dest = pt1; firstInvader->job.hunt_target = NULL; firstInvader->job.destroy_target = NULL; Job::linkIntoWorld(job); didSomething = true; where = pt2; break; } /*if ( pt1.z != pt2.z && shape1 != df::enums::tiletype_shape::STAIR_DOWN && shape1 != df::enums::tiletype_shape::STAIR_UPDOWN ) { block1->tiletype[pt2.x&0x0F][pt2.y&0x0F] = df::enums::tiletype::ConstructedStairUD; where = pt2; didSomething = true; break; }*/ bool up = requiresZPos.find(pt2) != requiresZPos.end(); bool down = requiresZNeg.find(pt2) != requiresZNeg.end(); df::job* job = new df::job; if ( up && down ) { job->job_type = df::enums::job_type::CarveUpDownStaircase; job->pos = pt2; firstInvader->path.dest = pt2; } else if ( up && !down ) { job->job_type = df::enums::job_type::CarveUpwardStaircase; job->pos = pt2; firstInvader->path.dest = pt2; } else if ( !up && down ) { job->job_type = df::enums::job_type::CarveDownwardStaircase; job->pos = pt2; firstInvader->path.dest = pt2; } else { job->job_type = df::enums::job_type::Dig; job->pos = pt2; firstInvader->path.dest = pt1; } df::general_ref_unit_workerst* ref = new df::general_ref_unit_workerst; ref->unit_id = firstInvader->id; job->general_refs.push_back(ref); firstInvader->job.hunt_target = NULL; firstInvader->job.destroy_target = NULL; firstInvader->job.current_job = job; firstInvader->path.path.x.clear(); firstInvader->path.path.y.clear(); firstInvader->path.path.z.clear(); out.print("Digging at (%d,%d,%d)\n", job->pos.x, job->pos.y, job->pos.z); Job::linkIntoWorld(job); //create and give a pick df::item_weaponst* pick = new df::item_weaponst; pick->pos = firstInvader->pos; pick->flags.bits.forbid = 1; pick->flags.bits.on_ground = 1; pick->id = (*df::global::item_next_id)++; pick->ignite_point = -1; pick->heatdam_point = -1; pick->colddam_point = -1; pick->boiling_point = 11000; pick->melting_point = 10500; pick->fixed_temp = -1; pick->weight = 0; pick->weight_fraction = 0; pick->stack_size = 1; pick->temperature.whole = 10059; pick->temperature.fraction = 0; pick->mat_type = 0; pick->mat_index = 5; pick->maker_race = 0; //hehe pick->quality = (df::enums::item_quality::item_quality)0; pick->skill_used = (df::enums::job_skill::job_skill)0; pick->maker = -1; df::itemdef_weaponst* itemdef = NULL; for ( size_t a = 0; a < df::global::world->raws.itemdefs.weapons.size(); a++ ) { df::itemdef_weaponst* candidate = df::global::world->raws.itemdefs.weapons[a]; if ( candidate->id == "ITEM_WEAPON_PICK" ) { itemdef = candidate; break; } } if ( itemdef == NULL ) { out.print("%s, %d: null itemdef.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } pick->subtype = itemdef; pick->sharpness = 5000; int32_t part = -1; part = firstInvader->body.weapon_bp; //weapon_bp if ( part == -1 ) { out.print("%s, %d: no grasp part.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } //check for existing item there for ( size_t a = 0; a < firstInvader->inventory.size(); a++ ) { df::unit_inventory_item* inv_item = firstInvader->inventory[a]; if ( false || inv_item->body_part_id == part ) { //throw it on the GROUND Items::moveToGround(cache, inv_item->item, firstInvader->pos); } } Items::moveToInventory(cache, pick, firstInvader, df::unit_inventory_item::T_mode::Weapon, part); didSomething = true; where = pt2; break; } } out << "didSomething = " << didSomething << endl; if ( !didSomething ) return; /* Cost cost = costMap[where]; float cost_tick = 0; cost_tick += cost.cost[CostDimension::Distance]; cost_tick += cost.cost[CostDimension::DestroyBuilding] / (float)destroySpeed; cost_tick += cost.cost[CostDimension::Dig] / (float)digSpeed; EventManager::EventHandler handle(doDiggingInvaders); Plugin* me = Core::getInstance().getPluginManager()->getPluginByName("diggingInvaders"); //EventManager::registerTick(handle, (int32_t)cost_tick, me); df::global::world->reindex_pathfinding = true; */ } int64_t getEdgeCost(color_ostream& out, df::coord pt1, df::coord pt2) { //first, list all the facts int32_t dx = pt2.x - pt1.x; int32_t dy = pt2.y - pt1.y; int32_t dz = pt2.z - pt1.z; int64_t cost = costWeight[CostDimension::Distance]; Maps::ensureTileBlock(pt1); Maps::ensureTileBlock(pt2); df::tiletype* type1 = Maps::getTileType(pt1); df::tiletype* type2 = Maps::getTileType(pt2); df::map_block* block1 = Maps::getTileBlock(pt1); df::map_block* block2 = Maps::getTileBlock(pt2); df::tiletype_shape shape1 = ENUM_ATTR(tiletype, shape, *type1); df::tiletype_shape shape2 = ENUM_ATTR(tiletype, shape, *type2); bool construction1 = ENUM_ATTR(tiletype, material, *type1) == df::enums::tiletype_material::CONSTRUCTION; bool construction2 = ENUM_ATTR(tiletype, material, *type2) == df::enums::tiletype_material::CONSTRUCTION; bool passable1 = block1->walkable[pt1.x&0xF][pt1.y&0xF] != 0; bool passable2 = block2->walkable[pt2.x&0xF][pt2.y&0xF] != 0; bool passable_high1 = ENUM_ATTR(tiletype_shape, passable_high, shape1); bool passable_high2 = ENUM_ATTR(tiletype_shape, passable_high, shape2); bool passable_low1 = ENUM_ATTR(tiletype_shape, passable_low, shape1); bool passable_low2 = ENUM_ATTR(tiletype_shape, passable_low, shape2); bool building1, building2; bool sameBuilding = false; { df::enums::tile_building_occ::tile_building_occ awk = block1->occupancy[pt1.x&0x0F][pt1.y&0x0F].bits.building; building1 = awk == df::enums::tile_building_occ::Obstacle || awk == df::enums::tile_building_occ::Impassable; awk = block2->occupancy[pt2.x&0x0F][pt2.y&0x0F].bits.building; building2 = awk == df::enums::tile_building_occ::Obstacle || awk == df::enums::tile_building_occ::Impassable; if ( building1 && building2 ) { df::building* b1 = Buildings::findAtTile(pt1); df::building* b2 = Buildings::findAtTile(pt2); sameBuilding = b1 == b2; } } if ( Maps::canStepBetween(pt1, pt2) ) { if ( building2 && !sameBuilding ) { cost += costWeight[CostDimension::DestroyBuilding]; } return cost; } if ( shape2 == df::enums::tiletype_shape::EMPTY ) { return -1; } //cannot step between: find out why if ( dz == 0 ) { if ( passable2 && !passable1 ) { return cost; } if ( passable1 && passable2 ) { out << __FILE__ << ", line " << __LINE__ << ": WTF?" << endl; return cost; } //pt2 is not passable. it must be a construction, a building, or a wall. if ( building2 ) { if ( sameBuilding ) { //don't charge twice for destroying the same building return cost; } cost += costWeight[CostDimension::DestroyBuilding]; return cost; } if ( construction2 ) { //impassible constructions must be deconstructed cost += costWeight[CostDimension::DestroyConstruction]; return cost; } if ( shape2 == df::enums::tiletype_shape::TREE ) { return -1; } if ( shape2 == df::enums::tiletype_shape::RAMP_TOP ) { return -1; } //it has to be a wall if ( shape2 != df::enums::tiletype_shape::WALL ) { out << "shape = " << (int32_t)shape2 << endl; out << __FILE__ << ", line " << __LINE__ << ": WTF?" << endl; return cost; } cost += costWeight[CostDimension::Dig]; return cost; } //dz != 0 if ( dx == 0 && dy == 0 ) { if ( dz > 0 ) { if ( passable_low2 ) return cost; if ( building2 || construction2 ) { return -1; } cost += costWeight[CostDimension::Dig]; return cost; } //descending if ( passable_high2 ) return cost; if ( building2 || construction2 ) { return -1; } //must be a wall? if ( shape2 != df::enums::tiletype_shape::WALL ) { out.print("%s, line %n: WTF?\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); return cost; } cost += costWeight[CostDimension::Dig]; return cost; } //moving diagonally return -1; #if 0 //if ( dz != 0 ) cost++; if ( Maps::canStepBetween(point, neighbor) ) { df::map_block* block2 = Maps::getTileBlock(neighbor); df::enums::tile_building_occ::tile_building_occ occ = block2->occupancy[neighbor.x&0x0F][neighbor.y&0x0F].bits.building; bool building2 = occ == df::enums::tile_building_occ::Obstacle || occ == df::enums::tile_building_occ::Impassable || occ == df::enums::tile_building_occ::Floored; if ( building2 ) { df::building* building = Buildings::findAtTile(neighbor); if ( true || building->getType() == df::enums::building_type::Hatch ) { if ( true || building->isForbidden() ) { //TODO: worry about destroying hatches with nowhere to stand cost += costWeight[CostDimension::DestroyBuilding]; } } } Edge edge(point, neighbor, cost); result->push_back(edge); } else { //find out WHY we can't walk there //make it simple: don't deal with unallocated blocks Maps::ensureTileBlock(point); Maps::ensureTileBlock(neighbor); df::tiletype* type1 = Maps::getTileType(point); df::tiletype* type2 = Maps::getTileType(neighbor); df::map_block* block1 = Maps::getTileBlock(point); df::map_block* block2 = Maps::getTileBlock(neighbor); df::tiletype_shape shape1 = ENUM_ATTR(tiletype, shape, *type1); df::tiletype_shape shape2 = ENUM_ATTR(tiletype, shape, *type2); bool construction1 = ENUM_ATTR(tiletype, material, *type1) == df::enums::tiletype_material::CONSTRUCTION; bool construction2 = ENUM_ATTR(tiletype, material, *type2) == df::enums::tiletype_material::CONSTRUCTION; bool passable1 = block1->walkable[point.x&0xF][point.y&0xF] != 0; bool passable2 = block2->walkable[neighbor.x&0xF][neighbor.y&0xF] != 0; bool building1, building2; bool sameBuilding = false; { df::enums::tile_building_occ::tile_building_occ awk = block1->occupancy[point.x&0x0F][point.y&0x0F].bits.building; building1 = awk == df::enums::tile_building_occ::Obstacle || awk == df::enums::tile_building_occ::Impassable; awk = block2->occupancy[neighbor.x&0x0F][neighbor.y&0x0F].bits.building; building2 = awk == df::enums::tile_building_occ::Obstacle || awk == df::enums::tile_building_occ::Impassable; if ( building1 && building2 ) { df::building* b1 = Buildings::findAtTile(point); df::building* b2 = Buildings::findAtTile(neighbor); sameBuilding = b1 == b2; } } if ( !passable2 && building2 && !sameBuilding ) { df::building* b2 = Buildings::findAtTile(neighbor); cost += costWeight[CostDimension::DestroyBuilding]; if ( dz != 0 ) continue; } else { if ( shape2 == df::enums::tiletype_shape::EMPTY ) { //cost.cost[CostDimension::Construct] += getConstructCost(neighbor); continue; } else { if ( dz == 0 ) { if ( passable2 ) { if ( passable1 ) { out.print("%s, line %d: weirdness. (%d,%d,%d), (%d,%d,%d)\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, point.x,point.y,point.z, neighbor.x,neighbor.y,neighbor.z); //exit(1); //TODO: check } else { //this is fine: only charge once for digging through a wall, etc } } else { //passable2 is false if ( construction2 ) { //must deconstruct orthogonally if ( dx*dy != 0 ) continue; cost += costWeight[CostDimension::DestroyConstruction]; } else { cost += costWeight[CostDimension::Dig]; } } } else { //dz is nonzero bool ascending = dz > 0; if ( dx == 0 && dy == 0 ) { if ( ENUM_ATTR(tiletype_shape, basic_shape, shape2) == df::enums::tiletype_shape_basic::Stair ) { if ( (ascending && ENUM_ATTR(tiletype_shape, passable_low, shape2)) || (!ascending && ENUM_ATTR(tiletype_shape, walkable_up, shape2)) ) { out.print("%s, line %d: weirdness. (%d,%d,%d), (%d,%d,%d)\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, point.x,point.y,point.z, neighbor.x,neighbor.y,neighbor.z); //TODO: check for forbidden hatch continue; } else { //figure out if we can dig something in there df::enums::tiletype_shape_basic::tiletype_shape_basic basic = ENUM_ATTR(tiletype_shape, basic_shape, shape2); if ( ascending ) { if ( construction2 ) continue; //technically possible: moving up, construction is up stair, hiding a floor with no down stair if ( basic == df::enums::tiletype_shape_basic::Wall || basic == df::enums::tiletype_shape_basic::Stair || df::enums::tiletype_shape_basic::Floor ) { cost += costWeight[CostDimension::Dig]; } else { continue; } } else { //descending if ( construction2 ) continue; if ( basic == df::enums::tiletype_shape_basic::Wall ) { cost += costWeight[CostDimension::Dig]; } else if ( basic == df::enums::tiletype_shape_basic::Ramp ) { //do nothing } else if ( basic == df::enums::tiletype_shape_basic::Floor ) { //do nothing } else { continue; } } } } else { //shape2 is not a stair if ( ENUM_ATTR(tiletype_shape, basic_shape, shape2) == df::enums::tiletype_shape_basic::Wall ) { if ( construction2 ) continue; cost += costWeight[CostDimension::Dig]; } else if ( ENUM_ATTR(tiletype_shape, basic_shape, shape2) == df::enums::tiletype_shape_basic::Open ) { continue; } else { if ( ascending && ENUM_ATTR(tiletype_shape, basic_shape, shape2) == df::enums::tiletype_shape_basic::Floor && !construction2 ) { cost += costWeight[CostDimension::Dig]; } continue; } } } else { //now we're talking about moving up and down nonvertically, ie with ramps continue; } } } } } return cost; #endif } vector* getEdgeSet(color_ostream &out, df::coord point, MapExtras::MapCache& cache, int32_t xMax, int32_t yMax, int32_t zMax) { vector* result = new vector; result->reserve(26); for ( int32_t dx = -1; dx <= 1; dx++ ) { for ( int32_t dy = -1; dy <= 1; dy++ ) { for ( int32_t dz = -1; dz <= 1; dz++ ) { df::coord neighbor(point.x+dx, point.y+dy, point.z+dz); if ( neighbor.x < 0 || neighbor.x >= xMax || neighbor.y < 0 || neighbor.y >= yMax || neighbor.z < 0 || neighbor.z >= zMax ) continue; if ( dz != 0 && /*(point.x == 0 || point.y == 0 || point.z == 0 || point.x == xMax-1 || point.y == yMax-1 || point.z == zMax-1) ||*/ (neighbor.x == 0 || neighbor.y == 0 || neighbor.z == 0 || neighbor.x == xMax-1 || neighbor.y == yMax-1 || neighbor.z == zMax-1) ) continue; if ( dx == 0 && dy == 0 && dz == 0 ) continue; int64_t cost = getEdgeCost(out, point, neighbor); if ( cost == -1 ) continue; Edge edge(point, neighbor, cost); result->push_back(edge); } } } return result; } df::coord getRoot(df::coord point, map& rootMap) { map::iterator i = rootMap.find(point); if ( i == rootMap.end() ) { rootMap[point] = point; return point; } df::coord parent = (*i).second; if ( parent == point ) return parent; df::coord root = getRoot(parent, rootMap); rootMap[point] = root; return root; }