#include <array> #include <atomic> #include <vector> #include <random> #include <string> #include <thread> #include "Console.h" #include "Core.h" #include "Debug.h" #include "Export.h" #include "MiscUtils.h" #include "PluginManager.h" #include "Signal.hpp" #include "modules/Gui.h" #include "modules/Items.h" #include "modules/Maps.h" #include "df/caste_raw.h" #include "df/creature_raw.h" #include "df/world.h" // for MSVC alignas(64) issues #ifdef WIN32 #define _DISABLE_EXTENDED_ALIGNED_STORAGE #endif using std::vector; using std::string; using namespace DFHack; DFHACK_PLUGIN("kittens"); DFHACK_PLUGIN_IS_ENABLED(is_enabled); REQUIRE_GLOBAL(ui); REQUIRE_GLOBAL(world); namespace DFHack { DBG_DECLARE(kittens,command); } std::atomic<bool> shutdown_flag{false}; std::atomic<bool> final_flag{true}; std::atomic<bool> timering{false}; std::atomic<bool> trackmenu_flg{false}; std::atomic<uint8_t> trackpos_flg{0}; std::atomic<uint8_t> statetrack{0}; int32_t last_designation[3] = {-30000, -30000, -30000}; int32_t last_mouse[2] = {-1, -1}; df::ui_sidebar_mode last_menu = df::ui_sidebar_mode::Default; uint64_t timeLast = 0; command_result kittens (color_ostream &out, vector <string> & parameters); command_result ktimer (color_ostream &out, vector <string> & parameters); command_result trackmenu (color_ostream &out, vector <string> & parameters); command_result trackpos (color_ostream &out, vector <string> & parameters); command_result trackstate (color_ostream &out, vector <string> & parameters); command_result colormods (color_ostream &out, vector <string> & parameters); command_result sharedsignal (color_ostream &out, vector <string> & parameters); DFhackCExport command_result plugin_init ( color_ostream &out, std::vector <PluginCommand> &commands) { commands.push_back(PluginCommand("nyan","NYAN CAT INVASION!",kittens)); commands.push_back(PluginCommand("ktimer","Measure time between game updates and console lag.",ktimer)); commands.push_back(PluginCommand("trackmenu","Track menu ID changes (toggle).",trackmenu)); commands.push_back(PluginCommand("trackpos","Track mouse and designation coords (toggle).",trackpos)); commands.push_back(PluginCommand("trackstate","Track world and map state (toggle).",trackstate)); commands.push_back(PluginCommand("colormods","Dump colormod vectors.",colormods)); commands.push_back(PluginCommand("sharedsignal","Test Signal with signal_shared_tag",sharedsignal)); return CR_OK; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_shutdown ( color_ostream &out ) { shutdown_flag = true; while(!final_flag) { Core::getInstance().getConsole().msleep(60); } return CR_OK; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_onstatechange(color_ostream &out, state_change_event event) { if(!statetrack) return CR_OK; switch (event) { case SC_MAP_LOADED: out << "Map loaded" << endl; break; case SC_MAP_UNLOADED: out << "Map unloaded" << endl; break; case SC_WORLD_LOADED: out << "World loaded" << endl; break; case SC_WORLD_UNLOADED: out << "World unloaded" << endl; break; case SC_VIEWSCREEN_CHANGED: out << "Screen changed" << endl; break; default: out << "Something else is happening, nobody knows what..." << endl; break; } return CR_OK; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_onupdate ( color_ostream &out ) { if(timering) { uint64_t time2 = GetTimeMs64(); uint64_t delta = time2-timeLast; timeLast = time2; out.print("Time delta = %d ms\n", int(delta)); } if(trackmenu_flg) { if (last_menu != ui->main.mode) { last_menu = ui->main.mode; out.print("Menu: %d\n",last_menu); } } if(trackpos_flg) { int32_t desig_x, desig_y, desig_z; Gui::getDesignationCoords(desig_x,desig_y,desig_z); if(desig_x != last_designation[0] || desig_y != last_designation[1] || desig_z != last_designation[2]) { last_designation[0] = desig_x; last_designation[1] = desig_y; last_designation[2] = desig_z; out.print("Designation: %d %d %d\n",desig_x, desig_y, desig_z); } df::coord mousePos = Gui::getMousePos(); if(mousePos.x != last_mouse[0] || mousePos.y != last_mouse[1]) { last_mouse[0] = mousePos.x; last_mouse[1] = mousePos.y; out.print("Mouse: %d %d\n",mousePos.x, mousePos.y); } } return CR_OK; } command_result trackmenu (color_ostream &out, vector <string> & parameters) { bool is_running = trackmenu_flg.exchange(false); if(is_running) { return CR_OK; } else { is_enabled = true; last_menu = ui->main.mode; out.print("Menu: %d\n",last_menu); trackmenu_flg = true; return CR_OK; } } command_result trackpos (color_ostream &out, vector <string> & parameters) { trackpos_flg.fetch_xor(1); is_enabled = true; return CR_OK; } command_result trackstate ( color_ostream& out, vector< string >& parameters ) { statetrack.fetch_xor(1); return CR_OK; } command_result colormods (color_ostream &out, vector <string> & parameters) { CoreSuspender suspend; auto & vec = world->raws.creatures.alphabetic; for(df::creature_raw* rawlion : vec) { df::caste_raw * caste = rawlion->caste[0]; out.print("%s\nCaste addr %p\n",rawlion->creature_id.c_str(), &caste->color_modifiers); for(size_t j = 0; j < caste->color_modifiers.size();j++) { out.print("mod %zd: %p\n", j, caste->color_modifiers[j]); } } return CR_OK; } command_result ktimer (color_ostream &out, vector <string> & parameters) { bool is_running = timering.exchange(false); if(is_running) { return CR_OK; } uint64_t timestart = GetTimeMs64(); { CoreSuspender suspend; uint64_t timeend = GetTimeMs64(); timeLast = timeend; timering = true; out.print("Time to suspend = %d ms\n", int(timeend - timestart)); } is_enabled = true; return CR_OK; } struct Connected; using shared = std::shared_ptr<Connected>; using weak = std::weak_ptr<Connected>; static constexpr std::chrono::microseconds delay{1}; template<typename Derived> struct ClearMem : public ConnectedBase { ~ClearMem() { memset(reinterpret_cast<void*>(this), 0xDE, sizeof(Derived)); } }; struct Connected : public ClearMem<Connected> { using Sig = Signal<void(uint32_t), signal_shared_tag>; std::array<Sig::Connection,4> con; Sig signal; weak other; Sig::weak_ptr other_sig; color_ostream *out; int id; uint32_t count; uint32_t caller; alignas(64) std::atomic<uint32_t> callee; Connected() = default; Connected(int id) : Connected{} { this->id = id; } void connect(color_ostream& o, shared& b, size_t pos, uint32_t c) { out = &o; count = c*2; other = b; other_sig = b->signal.weak_from_this(); // Externally synchronized object destruction is only safe to this // connect. con[pos] = b->signal.connect( [this](uint32_t) { uint32_t old = callee.fetch_add(1); assert(old != 0xDEDEDEDE); (void)old; std::this_thread::sleep_for(delay); assert(callee != 0xDEDEDEDE); }); // Shared object managed object with possibility of destruction while // other threads calling emit must pass the shared_ptr to connect. Connected *bptr = b.get(); b->con[pos] = signal.connect(b, [bptr](int) { uint32_t old = bptr->callee.fetch_add(1); assert(old != 0xDEDEDEDE); (void)old; std::this_thread::sleep_for(delay); assert(bptr->callee != 0xDEDEDEDE); }); } void reconnect(size_t pos) { auto b = other.lock(); if (!b) return; // Not required to use Sig::lock because other holds strong reference to // Signal. But this just shows how weak_ref could be used. auto sig = Sig::lock(other_sig); if (!sig) return; con[pos] = sig->connect(b, [this](uint32_t) { uint32_t old = callee.fetch_add(1); assert(old != 0xDEDEDEDE); (void)old; std::this_thread::sleep_for(delay); assert(callee != 0xDEDEDEDE); }); } void connect(color_ostream& o, shared& a, shared& b,size_t pos, uint32_t c) { out = &o; count = c; con[pos] = b->signal.connect(a, [this](uint32_t) { uint32_t old = callee.fetch_add(1); assert(old != 0xDEDEDEDE); (void)old; std::this_thread::sleep_for(delay); assert(callee != 0xDEDEDEDE); }); } Connected* operator->() noexcept { return this; } ~Connected() { INFO(command,*out).print("Connected %d had %d count. " "It was caller %d times. " "It was callee %d times.\n", id, count, caller, callee.load()); } }; command_result sharedsignal (color_ostream &out, vector <string> & parameters) { using rng_t = std::linear_congruential_engine<uint32_t, 747796405U, 2891336453U, 0>; rng_t rng(std::random_device{}()); size_t count = 10; if (0 < parameters.size()) { std::stringstream ss(parameters[0]); ss >> count; DEBUG(command, out) << "Parsed " << count << " from paramters[0] '" << parameters[0] << '\'' << std::endl; } std::uniform_int_distribution<uint32_t> dis(4096,8192); out << "Running signal_shared_tag destruction test " << count << " times" << std::endl; for (size_t nr = 0; nr < count; ++nr) { std::array<std::thread,4> t{}; // Make an object which destruction is protected by std::thread::join() Connected external{static_cast<int>(t.size())}; TRACE(command, out) << "begin " << std::endl; { int id = 0; // Make objects that are automatically protected using weak_ptr // references that are promoted to shared_ptr when Signal is // accessed. std::array<shared,4> c = { std::make_shared<Connected>(id++), std::make_shared<Connected>(id++), std::make_shared<Connected>(id++), std::make_shared<Connected>(id++), }; assert(t.size() == c.size()); for (unsigned i = 1; i < c.size(); ++i) { c[0]->connect(out, c[0], c[i], i - 1, dis(rng)); c[i]->connect(out, c[i], c[0], 0, dis(rng)); } external.connect(out, c[1], 1, dis(rng)); auto thr = [&out](shared c) { TRACE(command, out) << "Thread " << c->id << " started." << std::endl; weak ref = c; for (;c->caller < c->count; ++c->caller) { c->signal(std::move(c->caller)); } TRACE(command, out) << "Thread " << c->id << " resets shared." << std::endl; c.reset(); while((c = ref.lock())) { ++c->caller; c->signal(std::move(c->caller)); c.reset(); std::this_thread::sleep_for(delay*25); } }; for (unsigned i = 0; i < c.size(); ++i) { TRACE(command, out) << "start thread " << i << std::endl; t[i] = std::thread{thr, c[i]}; } } TRACE(command, out) << "running " << std::endl; for (;external->caller < external->count; ++external->caller) { external->signal(std::move(external->caller)); external->reconnect(1); } TRACE(command, out) << "join " << std::endl; for (unsigned i = 0; i < t.size(); ++i) t[i].join(); } return CR_OK; } command_result kittens (color_ostream &out, vector <string> & parameters) { if (parameters.size() >= 1) { if (parameters[0] == "stop") { shutdown_flag = true; while(!final_flag) { Core::getInstance().getConsole().msleep(60); } shutdown_flag = false; return CR_OK; } } final_flag = false; if (!out.is_console()) return CR_FAILURE; Console &con = static_cast<Console&>(out); // http://evilzone.org/creative-arts/nyan-cat-ascii/ const char * nyan []= { "NYAN NYAN NYAN NYAN NYAN NYAN NYAN", "+ o + o ", " + o + +", "o +", " o + + +", "+ o o + o", "-_-_-_-_-_-_-_,------, o ", "_-_-_-_-_-_-_-| /\\_/\\ ", "-_-_-_-_-_-_-~|__( ^ .^) + + ", "_-_-_-_-_-_-_-\"\" \"\" ", "+ o o + o", " + +", "o o o o +", " o +", "+ + o o + ", "NYAN NYAN NYAN NYAN NYAN NYAN NYAN", 0 }; const char VARIABLE_IS_NOT_USED * kittenz1 []= { " ____", " (. \\", " \\ | ", " \\ |___(\\--/)", " __/ ( . . )", " \"'._. '-.O.'", " '-. \\ \"|\\", " '.,,/'.,,mrf", 0 }; con.cursor(false); con.clear(); Console::color_value color = COLOR_BLUE; while(1) { if(shutdown_flag || !con.isInited()) { final_flag = true; con.reset_color(); con << std::endl << "NYAN!" << std::endl << std::flush; return CR_OK; } con.color(color); int index = 0; const char * kit = nyan[index]; con.gotoxy(1,1); //con << "Your DF is now full of kittens!" << std::endl; while (kit != 0) { con.gotoxy(1,1+index); con << kit << std::endl; index++; kit = nyan[index]; } con.flush(); con.msleep(60); color = Console::color_value(int(color) + 1); if(color > COLOR_MAX) color = COLOR_BLUE; } }