-- Support for messing with the dwarfmode screen local _ENV = mkmodule('gui.dwarfmode') local gui = require('gui') local utils = require('utils') local dscreen = dfhack.screen local g_cursor = df.global.cursor local g_sel_rect = df.global.selection_rect local world_map = df.global.world.map AREA_MAP_WIDTH = 23 MENU_WIDTH = 30 refreshSidebar = dfhack.gui.refreshSidebar -- maps a ui_sidebar_mode to the keycode that would activate that mode when the -- current screen is 'dwarfmode/Default' SIDEBAR_MODE_KEYS = { [df.ui_sidebar_mode.Default]='', [df.ui_sidebar_mode.DesignateMine]='D_DESIGNATE', [df.ui_sidebar_mode.QueryBuilding]='D_BUILDJOB', [df.ui_sidebar_mode.LookAround]='D_LOOK', [df.ui_sidebar_mode.BuildingItems]='D_BUILDITEM', [df.ui_sidebar_mode.Stockpiles]='D_STOCKPILES', [df.ui_sidebar_mode.Zones]='D_CIVZONE', [df.ui_sidebar_mode.ViewUnits]='D_VIEWUNIT', } -- Sends ESC keycodes until we get to dwarfmode/Default and then enters the -- specified sidebar mode with the corresponding keycode. If we don't get to -- Default after max_esc presses of ESC (default value is 10), we throw an -- error. The target sidebar mode must be a member of SIDEBAR_MODE_KEYS function enterSidebarMode(sidebar_mode, max_esc) local navkey = SIDEBAR_MODE_KEYS[sidebar_mode] if not navkey then error(('Invalid or unsupported sidebar mode: %s (%s)') :format(sidebar_mode, df.ui_sidebar_mode[sidebar_mode])) end local max_esc_num = tonumber(max_esc) if max_esc and (not max_esc_num or max_esc_num <= 0) then error(('max_esc must be a positive number: got %s') :format(tostring(max_esc))) end local remaining_esc = max_esc_num or 10 local focus_string = '' while remaining_esc > 0 do local screen = dfhack.gui.getCurViewscreen(true) focus_string = dfhack.gui.getFocusString(screen) if df.global.plotinfo.main.mode == df.ui_sidebar_mode.Default and focus_string == 'dwarfmode/Default' then if #navkey > 0 then gui.simulateInput(screen, navkey) end if navkey == 'D_DESIGNATE' then -- if the z-level happens to be on the surface, the mode will be -- set to DesignateChopTrees. we need an extra step to get to -- DesignateMine gui.simulateInput(dfhack.gui.getCurViewscreen(true), 'DESIGNATE_DIG') end return end gui.simulateInput(screen, 'LEAVESCREEN') remaining_esc = remaining_esc - 1 end error(('Unable to get into target sidebar mode (%s) from' .. ' current UI viewscreen (%s).'):format( df.ui_sidebar_mode[sidebar_mode], focus_string)) end function getPanelLayout() local dims = dfhack.gui.getDwarfmodeViewDims() return { map=gui.mkdims_xy(dims.map_x1, dims.map_y1, dims.map_x2, dims.map_y2), } end function getCursorPos() if g_cursor.x ~= -30000 then return copyall(g_cursor) end end function setCursorPos(cursor) df.global.cursor = copyall(cursor) end function clearCursorPos() df.global.cursor = xyz2pos(nil) end function getSelection() local p1, p2 if g_sel_rect.start_x ~= -30000 then p1 = xyz2pos(g_sel_rect.start_x, g_sel_rect.start_y, g_sel_rect.start_z) end if g_sel_rect.end_x ~= -30000 then p2 = xyz2pos(g_sel_rect.end_x, g_sel_rect.end_y, g_sel_rect.end_z) end return p1, p2 end function setSelectionStart(pos) g_sel_rect.start_x = pos.x g_sel_rect.start_y = pos.y g_sel_rect.start_z = pos.z end function setSelectionEnd(pos) g_sel_rect.end_x = pos.x g_sel_rect.end_y = pos.y g_sel_rect.end_z = pos.z end function clearSelection() g_sel_rect.start_x = -30000 g_sel_rect.start_y = -30000 g_sel_rect.start_z = -30000 g_sel_rect.end_x = -30000 g_sel_rect.end_y = -30000 g_sel_rect.end_z = -30000 end function getSelectionRange(p1, p2) local r1 = xyz2pos( math.min(p1.x, p2.x), math.min(p1.y, p2.y), math.min(p1.z, p2.z) ) local r2 = xyz2pos( math.max(p1.x, p2.x), math.max(p1.y, p2.y), math.max(p1.z, p2.z) ) local sz = xyz2pos( r2.x - r1.x + 1, r2.y - r1.y + 1, r2.z - r1.z + 1 ) return r1, sz, r2 end Viewport = defclass(Viewport) function Viewport.make(map,x,y,z) local self = gui.mkdims_wh(x,y,map.width,map.height) self.z = z return mkinstance(Viewport, self) end function Viewport.get(layout) return Viewport.make( (layout or getPanelLayout()).map, df.global.window_x, df.global.window_y, df.global.window_z ) end function Viewport:resize(layout) return Viewport.make( (layout or getPanelLayout()).map, self.x1, self.y1, self.z ) end function Viewport:set() local vp = self:clip() df.global.window_x = vp.x1 df.global.window_y = vp.y1 df.global.window_z = vp.z return vp end function Viewport:getPos() return xyz2pos(self.x1, self.y1, self.z) end function Viewport:getSize() return xy2pos(self.width, self.height) end function Viewport:clip(x,y,z) return self:make( math.max(0, math.min(x or self.x1, world_map.x_count-self.width)), math.max(0, math.min(y or self.y1, world_map.y_count-self.height)), math.max(0, math.min(z or self.z, world_map.z_count-1)) ) end function Viewport:isVisibleXY(target,gap) gap = gap or 0 return math.max(target.x-gap,0) >= self.x1 and math.min(target.x+gap,world_map.x_count-1) <= self.x2 and math.max(target.y-gap,0) >= self.y1 and math.min(target.y+gap,world_map.y_count-1) <= self.y2 end function Viewport:isVisible(target,gap) gap = gap or 0 return self:isVisibleXY(target,gap) and target.z == self.z end function Viewport:tileToScreen(coord) return xyz2pos(coord.x - self.x1, coord.y - self.y1, coord.z - self.z) end function Viewport:getCenter() return xyz2pos( math.floor((self.x2+self.x1)/2), math.floor((self.y2+self.y1)/2), self.z ) end function Viewport:centerOn(target) return self:clip( target.x - math.floor(self.width/2), target.y - math.floor(self.height/2), target.z ) end function Viewport:scrollTo(target,gap) gap = math.max(0, gap or 5) if gap*2 >= math.min(self.width, self.height) then gap = math.floor(math.min(self.width, self.height)/2) end local x = math.min(self.x1, target.x-gap) x = math.max(x, target.x+gap+1-self.width) local y = math.min(self.y1, target.y-gap) y = math.max(y, target.y+gap+1-self.height) return self:clip(x, y, target.z) end function Viewport:reveal(target,gap,max_scroll,scroll_gap,scroll_z) gap = math.max(0, gap or 5) if self:isVisible(target, gap) then return self end max_scroll = math.max(0, max_scroll or 5) if self:isVisibleXY(target, -max_scroll) and (scroll_z or target.z == self.z) then return self:scrollTo(target, scroll_gap or gap) else return self:centerOn(target) end end MOVEMENT_KEYS = { KEYBOARD_CURSOR_UP = { 0, -1, 0 }, KEYBOARD_CURSOR_DOWN = { 0, 1, 0 }, KEYBOARD_CURSOR_LEFT = { -1, 0, 0 }, KEYBOARD_CURSOR_RIGHT = { 1, 0, 0 }, KEYBOARD_CURSOR_UP_FAST = { 0, -1, 0, true }, KEYBOARD_CURSOR_DOWN_FAST = { 0, 1, 0, true }, KEYBOARD_CURSOR_LEFT_FAST = { -1, 0, 0, true }, KEYBOARD_CURSOR_RIGHT_FAST = { 1, 0, 0, true }, CURSOR_UP = { 0, -1, 0 }, CURSOR_DOWN = { 0, 1, 0 }, CURSOR_LEFT = { -1, 0, 0 }, CURSOR_RIGHT = { 1, 0, 0 }, CURSOR_UPLEFT = { -1, -1, 0 }, CURSOR_UPRIGHT = { 1, -1, 0 }, CURSOR_DOWNLEFT = { -1, 1, 0 }, CURSOR_DOWNRIGHT = { 1, 1, 0 }, CURSOR_UP_FAST = { 0, -1, 0, true }, CURSOR_DOWN_FAST = { 0, 1, 0, true }, CURSOR_LEFT_FAST = { -1, 0, 0, true }, CURSOR_RIGHT_FAST = { 1, 0, 0, true }, CURSOR_UPLEFT_FAST = { -1, -1, 0, true }, CURSOR_UPRIGHT_FAST = { 1, -1, 0, true }, CURSOR_DOWNLEFT_FAST = { -1, 1, 0, true }, CURSOR_DOWNRIGHT_FAST = { 1, 1, 0, true }, CURSOR_UP_Z = { 0, 0, 1 }, CURSOR_DOWN_Z = { 0, 0, -1 }, CURSOR_UP_Z_AUX = { 0, 0, 1 }, CURSOR_DOWN_Z_AUX = { 0, 0, -1 }, } function get_movement_delta(key, delta, big_step) local info = MOVEMENT_KEYS[key] if info then if info[4] then delta = big_step end return delta*info[1], delta*info[2], info[3] end end HOTKEY_KEYS = {} for i,v in ipairs(df.global.plotinfo.main.hotkeys) do HOTKEY_KEYS['D_HOTKEY'..(i+1)] = v end function get_hotkey_target(key) local hk = HOTKEY_KEYS[key] if hk and hk.cmd == df.ui_hotkey.T_cmd.Zoom then return xyz2pos(hk.x, hk.y, hk.z) end end function Viewport:scrollByKey(key) local dx, dy, dz = get_movement_delta(key, 10, 20) if dx then return self:clip( self.x1 + dx, self.y1 + dy, self.z + dz ) else local hk_pos = get_hotkey_target(key) if hk_pos then return self:centerOn(hk_pos) else return self end end end DwarfOverlay = defclass(DwarfOverlay, gui.Screen) function DwarfOverlay:updateLayout(parent_rect) self.df_layout = getPanelLayout() DwarfOverlay.super.updateLayout(self, parent_rect) end function DwarfOverlay:getViewport(old_vp) if old_vp then return old_vp:resize(self.df_layout) else return Viewport.get(self.df_layout) end end function DwarfOverlay:moveCursorTo(cursor,viewport,gap) setCursorPos(cursor) self:zoomViewportTo(cursor,viewport,gap) end function DwarfOverlay:zoomViewportTo(target, viewport, gap) if gap and self:getViewport():isVisible(target, gap) then return end self:getViewport(viewport):reveal(target, 5, 0, 10):set() end function DwarfOverlay:selectBuilding(building,cursor,viewport,gap) cursor = cursor or utils.getBuildingCenter(building) df.global.world.selected_building = building self:moveCursorTo(cursor, viewport, gap) end function DwarfOverlay:propagateMoveKeys(keys) for code,_ in pairs(keys) do if MOVEMENT_KEYS[code] or HOTKEY_KEYS[code] then if not HOTKEY_KEYS[code] or get_hotkey_target(code) then self:sendInputToParent(code) end return code end end end function DwarfOverlay:simulateViewScroll(keys, anchor, no_clip_cursor) local layout = self.df_layout local cursor = getCursorPos() anchor = anchor or cursor if anchor and keys.A_MOVE_SAME_SQUARE then self:getViewport():centerOn(anchor):set() return 'A_MOVE_SAME_SQUARE' end for code,_ in pairs(keys) do if MOVEMENT_KEYS[code] or HOTKEY_KEYS[code] then local vp = self:getViewport():scrollByKey(code) if (cursor and not no_clip_cursor) or no_clip_cursor == false then vp = vp:reveal(anchor,4,20,4,true) end vp:set() return code end end end function DwarfOverlay:simulateCursorMovement(keys, anchor) local layout = self.df_layout local cursor = getCursorPos() local cx, cy, cz = pos2xyz(cursor) if anchor and keys.A_MOVE_SAME_SQUARE then setCursorPos(anchor) self:getViewport():centerOn(anchor):set() return 'A_MOVE_SAME_SQUARE' end for code,_ in pairs(keys) do if MOVEMENT_KEYS[code] then local dx, dy, dz = get_movement_delta(code, 1, 10) local ncur = xyz2pos(cx+dx, cy+dy, cz+dz) if dfhack.maps.isValidTilePos(ncur) then setCursorPos(ncur) self:getViewport():reveal(ncur,4,10,6,true):set() end return code elseif HOTKEY_KEYS[code] then local pos = get_hotkey_target(code) if pos and dfhack.maps.isValidTilePos(pos) then setCursorPos(pos) self:getViewport():centerOn(pos):set() end return code end end end function DwarfOverlay:onAboutToShow(parent) if not df.viewscreen_dwarfmodest:is_instance(parent) then error("This screen requires the main dwarfmode view") end end MenuOverlay = defclass(MenuOverlay, DwarfOverlay) MenuOverlay.ATTRS { frame_inset = 0, frame_background = gui.CLEAR_PEN, -- if sidebar_mode is set, we will enter the specified sidebar mode on show -- and restore the previous sidebar mode on dismiss. otherwise it is up to -- the caller to ensure we are in a sidebar mode where the menu is visible. sidebar_mode = DEFAULT_NIL, } function MenuOverlay:init() if not dfhack.isMapLoaded() then -- sidebar menus are only valid when a fort map is loaded error('A fortress map must be loaded.') end if self.sidebar_mode then self.saved_sidebar_mode = df.global.plotinfo.main.mode -- what mode should we restore when this window is dismissed? ideally, we'd -- restore the mode that the user has set, but we should fall back to -- restoring the default mode if either of the following conditions are -- true: -- 1) enterSidebarMode doesn't support getting back into the current mode -- 2) a dfhack viewscreen is currently visible. in this case, we can't trust -- that the current sidebar mode was set by the user. it could just be a -- MenuOverlay subclass that is currently being shown that has set the -- sidebar mode for its own purposes. if not SIDEBAR_MODE_KEYS[self.saved_sidebar_mode] or dfhack.gui.getCurFocus(true):find('^dfhack/') then self.saved_sidebar_mode = df.ui_sidebar_mode.Default end enterSidebarMode(self.sidebar_mode) end end function MenuOverlay:computeFrame(parent_rect) return self.df_layout.menu, gui.inset_frame(self.df_layout.menu, self.frame_inset) end function MenuOverlay:onAboutToShow(parent) self:updateLayout() if not self.df_layout.menu then error("The menu panel of dwarfmode is not visible") end end function MenuOverlay:onDismiss() if self.saved_sidebar_mode then enterSidebarMode(self.saved_sidebar_mode) end end function MenuOverlay:render(dc) self:renderParent() local menu = self.df_layout.menu if menu then -- Paint signature on the frame. dscreen.paintString( {fg=COLOR_BLACK,bg=COLOR_DARKGREY}, menu.x1+1, menu.y2+1, "DFHack" ) if self.frame_background then dc:fill(menu, self.frame_background) end MenuOverlay.super.render(self, dc) end end -- Framework for managing rendering over the map area. This function is intended -- to be called from a subclass's onRenderBody() function. -- -- get_overlay_char_fn takes a coordinate position and an is_cursor boolean and -- returns the char to render at that position and, optionally, the foreground -- and background colors to use to draw the char. If nothing should be rendered -- at that position, the function should return nil. If no foreground color is -- specified, it defaults to COLOR_GREEN. If no background color is specified, -- it defaults to COLOR_BLACK. -- -- bounds_rect has elements {x1, x2, y1, y2} in global map coordinates (not -- screen coordinates). The rect is intersected with the visible map viewport to -- get the range over which get_overlay_char_fn is called. If bounds_rect is not -- specified, the entire viewport is scanned. -- -- example call from a subclass: -- function MyMenuOverlaySubclass:onRenderBody() -- local function get_overlay_char(pos) -- return safe_index(self.overlay_chars, pos.z, pos.y, pos.x), COLOR_RED -- end -- self:renderMapOverlay(get_overlay_char, self.overlay_bounds) -- end function MenuOverlay:renderMapOverlay(get_overlay_char_fn, bounds_rect) local vp = self:getViewport() local rect = gui.ViewRect{rect=vp, clip_view=bounds_rect and gui.ViewRect{rect=bounds_rect} or nil} -- nothing to do if the viewport is completely separate from the bounds_rect if rect:isDefunct() then return end local dc = gui.Painter.new(self.df_layout.map) local z = df.global.window_z local cursor = getCursorPos() for y=rect.clip_y1,rect.clip_y2 do for x=rect.clip_x1,rect.clip_x2 do local pos = xyz2pos(x, y, z) local overlay_char, fg_color, bg_color = get_overlay_char_fn( pos, same_xy(cursor, pos)) if not overlay_char then goto continue end local stile = vp:tileToScreen(pos) dc:map(true):seek(stile.x, stile.y): pen(fg_color or COLOR_GREEN, bg_color or COLOR_BLACK): char(overlay_char):map(false) ::continue:: end end end return _ENV