module DFHack class << self # return an Unit # with no arg, return currently selected unit in df UI ('v' or 'k' menu) # with numeric arg, search unit by # with an argument that respond to x/y/z (eg cursor), find first unit at this position def unit_find(what=:selected, y=nil, z=nil) if what == :selected return world.units.all.binsearch(df.get_selected_unit_id) elsif what.kind_of?(Integer) # search by id return world.units.all.binsearch(what) if not z # search by coords x = what world.units.all.find { |u| u.pos.x == x and u.pos.y == y and u.pos.z == z } elsif what.respond_to?(:x) or what.respond_to?(:pos) world.units.all.find { |u| same_pos?(what, u) } else raise "what what?" end end # returns an Array of all units that are current fort citizen (dwarves, on map, not hostile) def unit_citizens { |u| unit_iscitizen(u) } end def unit_testflagcurse(u, flag) return false if u.curse.rem_tags1.send(flag) return true if u.curse.add_tags1.send(flag) return false if u.caste < 0 u.race_tg.caste[u.caste].flags[flag] end def unit_isfortmember(u) # RE from viewscreen_unitlistst ctor return false if df.gamemode != :DWARF or u.mood == :Berserk or unit_testflagcurse(u, :CRAZED) or unit_testflagcurse(u, :OPPOSED_TO_LIFE) or u.enemy.undead or u.flags3.ghostly or u.flags1.marauder or u.flags1.active_invader or u.flags1.invader_origin or u.flags1.forest or u.flags1.merchant or u.flags1.diplomat return true if u.flags1.tame return false if u.flags2.underworld or u.flags2.resident or u.flags2.visitor_uninvited or u.flags2.visitor or u.civ_id == -1 or u.civ_id != df.ui.civ_id true end # return the page in viewscreen_unitlist where the unit would appear def unit_category(u) return if u.flags1.left or u.flags1.incoming # return if hostile & unit_invisible(u) (hidden_in_ambush or caged+mapblock.hidden or caged+holder.ambush return :Dead if u.flags2.killed return :Dead if u.flags3.ghostly # hostile ? return if u.flags1.inactive return :Others if !unit_isfortmember(u) casteflags = u.race_tg.caste[u.caste].flags if u.caste >= 0 return :Livestock if casteflags and (casteflags[:PET] or casteflags[:PET_EXOTIC]) return :Citizens if unit_testflagcurse(u, :CAN_SPEAK) :Livestock # some other stuff with ui.race_id ? (jobs only?) end # merchant: df.ui.caravans.find { |cv| cv.entity == u.civ_id } # diplomat: df.ui.dip_meeting_info.find { |m| m.diplomat_id == u.hist_figure_id or m.diplomat_id2 == u.hist_figure_id } def unit_nemesis(u) if ref = u.general_refs.find { |r| r.kind_of?(DFHack::GeneralRefIsNemesisst) } ref.nemesis_tg end end # return the subcategory for :Others (from vs_unitlist) def unit_other_category(u) # comment is actual code returned by the df function return :Berserk if u.mood == :Berserk # 5 return :Berserk if unit_testflagcurse(u, :CRAZED) # 14 return :Undead if unit_testflagcurse(u, :OPPOSED_TO_LIFE) # 1 return :Undead if u.flags3.ghostly # 15 if df.gamemode == :ADVENTURE return :Hostile if u.civ_id == -1 # 2 if u.animal.population.region_x == -1 return :Wild if u.flags2.roaming_wilderness_population_source_not_a_map_feature # 0 else return :Hostile if u.flags2.important_historical_figure and n = unit_nemesis(u) and n.flags[:ACTIVE_ADVENTURER] # 2 end return :Hostile if u.flags2.resident # 3 return :Hostile # 4 end return :Invader if u.flags1.active_invader or u.flags1.invader_origin # 6 return :Friendly if u.flags1.forest or u.flags1.merchant or u.flags1.diplomat # 8 return :Hostile if u.flags1.tame # 7 if u.civ_id != -1 return :Unsure if u.civ_id != df.ui.civ_id or u.flags1.resident or u.flags1.visitor or u.flags1.visitor_uninvited # 10 return :Hostile # 7 elsif u.animal.population.region_x == -1 return :Friendly if u.flags2.visitor # 8 return :Uninvited if u.flags2.visitor_uninvited # 12 return :Underworld if r = u.race_tg and r.underground_layer_min == 5 # 9 return :Resident if u.flags2.resident # 13 return :Friendly # 8 else return :Friendly if u.flags2.visitor # 8 return :Underworld if r = u.race_tg and r.underground_layer_min == 5 # 9 return :Wild if u.animal.population.feature_idx == -1 and u.animal.population.cave_id == -1 # 0 return :Wild # 11 end end def unit_iscitizen(u) unit_category(u) == :Citizens end def unit_hostiles { |u| unit_ishostile(u) } end # returns if an unit is openly hostile # does not include ghosts / wildlife def unit_ishostile(u) # return true if u.flags3.ghostly and not u.flags1.inactive return unless unit_category(u) == :Others case unit_other_category(u) when :Berserk, :Undead, :Hostile, :Invader, :Underworld # XXX :Resident, :Uninvited? true when :Unsure # from df code, with removed duplicate checks already in other_category return true if u.enemy.undead or u.flags3.ghostly or u.flags1.marauder return false if u.flags1.forest or u.flags1.merchant or u.flags1.diplomat or u.flags2.visitor return true if u.flags1.tame or u.flags2.underworld if histfig = u.hist_figure_tg group = df.ui.group_tg case unit_checkdiplomacy_hf_ent(histfig, group) when 4, 5 true end elsif diplo = u.civ_tg.unknown1b.diplomacy.binsearch(df.ui.group_id, :group_id) diplo.relation != 1 and diplo.relation != 5 else u.animal.population.region_x != -1 or u.flags2.resident or u.flags2.visitor_uninvited end end end def unit_checkdiplomacy_hf_ent(histfig, group) var_3d = var_3e = var_45 = var_46 = var_47 = var_48 = var_49 = nil var_3d = 1 if group.type == :Outcast or group.type == :NomadicGroup or (group.type == :Civilization and group.entity_raw.flags[:LOCAL_BANDITRY]) histfig.entity_links.each { |link| if link.entity_id == case link.getType when :MEMBER, :MERCENARY, :SLAVE, :PRISONER, :POSITION, :HERO var_47 = 1 when :FORMER_MEMBER, :FORMER_MERCENARY, :FORMER_SLAVE, :FORMER_PRISONER var_48 = 1 when :ENEMY var_49 = 1 when :CRIMINAL var_45 = 1 end else case link.getType when :MEMBER, :MERCENARY, :SLAVE if link_entity = link.entity_tg diplo = group.unknown1b.diplomacy.binsearch(link.entity_id, :group_id) case diplo.relation when 0, 3, 4 var_48 = 1 when 1, 5 var_46 = 1 end var_3e = 1 if link_entity.type == :Outcast or link_entity.type == :NomadicGroup or (link_entity.type == :Civilization and link_entity.entity_raw.flags[:LOCAL_BANDITRY]) end end end } if var_49 4 elsif var_46 5 elsif !var_47 and group.resources.ethic[:KILL_NEUTRAL] == 16 4 elsif df.gamemode == :ADVENTURE and !var_47 and (var_3e or !var_3d) 4 elsif var_45 3 elsif var_47 2 elsif var_48 1 else 0 end end # list workers (citizen, not crazy / child / inmood / noble) def unit_workers { |u| unit_isworker(u) } end def unit_isworker(u) unit_iscitizen(u) and u.race == df.ui.race_id and u.mood == :None and u.profession != :CHILD and u.profession != :BABY and # TODO MENIAL_WORK_EXEMPTION_SPOUSE !unit_entitypositions(u).find { |pos| pos.flags[:MENIAL_WORK_EXEMPTION] } end # list currently idle workers def unit_idlers { |u| unit_isidler(u) } end def unit_isidler(u) unit_isworker(u) and # current_job includes eat/drink/sleep/pickupequip !u.job.current_job and # filter 'attend meeting' not u.specific_refs.find { |s| s.type == :ACTIVITY } and # filter soldiers (TODO check schedule) u.military.squad_id == -1 and # filter incoming migrants not u.status.misc_traits.find { |t| == :Migrant } end def unit_entitypositions(unit) list = [] return list if not histfig = unit.hist_figure_tg histfig.entity_links.each { |el| next if el._rtti_classname != :histfig_entity_link_positionst next if not ent = el.entity_tg next if not pa = ent.positions.assignments.binsearch(el.assignment_id) next if not pos = ent.positions.own.binsearch(pa.position_id) list << pos } list end end class LanguageName def to_s(english=false) df.translate_name(self, english) end end end