#include #include #include #include "Console.h" #include "Core.h" #include "DataDefs.h" #include "Debug.h" #include "Error.h" #include "Export.h" #include "LuaTools.h" #include "LuaWrapper.h" #include "PluginManager.h" #include "VTableInterpose.h" #include "modules/Gui.h" #include "uicommon.h" #include "df/building_tradedepotst.h" #include "df/gamest.h" #include "df/general_ref.h" #include "df/general_ref_contained_in_itemst.h" #include "df/interfacest.h" #include "df/viewscreen_dwarfmodest.h" using namespace DFHack; using namespace df::enums; using std::map; using std::queue; using std::string; using std::vector; DFHACK_PLUGIN("confirm"); DFHACK_PLUGIN_IS_ENABLED(is_enabled); REQUIRE_GLOBAL(game) REQUIRE_GLOBAL(gps); typedef std::set ikey_set; command_result df_confirm (color_ostream &out, vector & parameters); struct conf_wrapper; static map confirmations; string active_id; queue cmds; namespace DFHack { DBG_DECLARE(confirm,status); } template inline bool in_vector (std::vector &vec, FT item) { return std::find(vec.begin(), vec.end(), item) != vec.end(); } string char_replace (string s, char a, char b) { string res = s; size_t i = res.size(); while (i--) if (res[i] == a) res[i] = b; return res; } bool set_conf_state (string name, bool state); bool set_conf_paused (string name, bool pause); class confirmation_base { public: enum cstate { INACTIVE, ACTIVE, SELECTED }; virtual string get_id() = 0; virtual string get_focus_string() = 0; virtual bool match_prefix() = 0; virtual bool set_state(cstate) = 0; static bool set_state(string id, cstate state) { if (active && active->get_id() == id) { active->set_state(state); return true; } return false; } protected: static confirmation_base *active; }; confirmation_base *confirmation_base::active = nullptr; struct conf_wrapper { private: bool enabled; bool paused; std::set hooks; public: conf_wrapper() :enabled(false), paused(false) {} void add_hook(VMethodInterposeLinkBase *hook) { if (!hooks.count(hook)) hooks.insert(hook); } bool apply (bool state) { if (state == enabled) return true; for (auto hook : hooks) { if (!hook->apply(state)) return false; } enabled = state; return true; } bool set_paused (bool pause) { paused = pause; return true; } inline bool is_enabled() { return enabled; } inline bool is_paused() { return paused; } }; namespace trade { static bool goods_selected (std::vector &selected) { for (uint8_t sel : selected) if (sel == 1) return true; return false; } inline bool trader_goods_selected (df::viewscreen_dwarfmodest *screen) { CHECK_NULL_POINTER(screen); return goods_selected(game->main_interface.trade.goodflag[0]); } inline bool broker_goods_selected (df::viewscreen_dwarfmodest*screen) { CHECK_NULL_POINTER(screen); return goods_selected(game->main_interface.trade.goodflag[1]); } /*static bool goods_all_selected(const std::vector& selected, const std::vector& items) \ { for (size_t i = 0; i < selected.size(); ++i) { if (!selected[i]) { // check to see if item is in a container // (if the container is not selected, it will be detected separately) bool in_container = false; for (auto ref : items[i]->general_refs) { if (virtual_cast(ref)) { in_container = true; break; } } if (!in_container) return false; } } return true; } inline bool trader_goods_all_selected(df::viewscreen_dwarfmodest*screen) { CHECK_NULL_POINTER(screen); return false;// goods_all_selected(screen->trader_selected, screen->trader_items); } inline bool broker_goods_all_selected(df::viewscreen_dwarfmodest*screen) { CHECK_NULL_POINTER(screen); return false;// goods_all_selected(screen->broker_selected, screen->broker_items); }*/ } namespace conf_lua { static color_ostream_proxy *out; static lua_State *l_state; bool init (color_ostream &dfout) { out = new color_ostream_proxy(Core::getInstance().getConsole()); l_state = Lua::Open(*out); return l_state; } void cleanup() { if (out) { delete out; out = nullptr; } lua_close(l_state); } bool call (const char *func, int nargs = 0, int nres = 0) { if (!Lua::PushModulePublic(*out, l_state, "plugins.confirm", func)) return false; if (nargs > 0) lua_insert(l_state, lua_gettop(l_state) - nargs); return Lua::SafeCall(*out, l_state, nargs, nres); } bool simple_call (const char *func) { Lua::StackUnwinder top(l_state); return call(func, 0, 0); } template void push (T val) { Lua::Push(l_state, val); } namespace api { int get_ids (lua_State *L) { lua_newtable(L); for (auto item : confirmations) Lua::TableInsert(L, item.first, true); return 1; } int get_conf_data (lua_State *L) { lua_newtable(L); int i = 1; for (auto item : confirmations) { Lua::Push(L, i++); lua_newtable(L); Lua::TableInsert(L, "id", item.first); Lua::TableInsert(L, "enabled", item.second->is_enabled()); Lua::TableInsert(L, "paused", item.second->is_paused()); lua_settable(L, -3); } return 1; } int get_active_id (lua_State *L) { if (active_id.size()) Lua::Push(L, active_id); else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } } } #define CONF_LUA_FUNC(ns, name) {#name, df::wrap_function(ns::name, true)} DFHACK_PLUGIN_LUA_FUNCTIONS { CONF_LUA_FUNC( , set_conf_state), CONF_LUA_FUNC( , set_conf_paused), CONF_LUA_FUNC(trade, broker_goods_selected), //CONF_LUA_FUNC(trade, broker_goods_all_selected), CONF_LUA_FUNC(trade, trader_goods_selected), //CONF_LUA_FUNC(trade, trader_goods_all_selected), DFHACK_LUA_END }; #define CONF_LUA_CMD(name) {#name, conf_lua::api::name} DFHACK_PLUGIN_LUA_COMMANDS { CONF_LUA_CMD(get_ids), CONF_LUA_CMD(get_conf_data), CONF_LUA_CMD(get_active_id), DFHACK_LUA_END }; void show_options() { cmds.push("gui/confirm-opts"); } template class confirmation : public confirmation_base { public: typedef T screen_type; screen_type *screen; bool set_state (cstate s) override { if (confirmation_base::active && confirmation_base::active != this) { // Stop this confirmation from appearing over another one return false; } state = s; if (s == INACTIVE) { active_id = ""; confirmation_base::active = nullptr; } else { active_id = get_id(); confirmation_base::active = this; } return true; } bool feed (ikey_set *input) { bool mouseExit = false; if(df::global::enabler->mouse_rbut) { mouseExit = true; } bool mouseSelect = false; if(df::global::enabler->mouse_lbut) { mouseSelect = true; } conf_wrapper *wrapper = confirmations[this->get_id()]; if(wrapper->is_paused()) { std::string concernedFocus = this->get_focus_string(); if(!Gui::matchFocusString(this->get_focus_string(), this->match_prefix())) wrapper->set_paused(false); return false; } else if (state == INACTIVE) { if(mouseExit) { if(intercept_key("MOUSE_RIGHT") && set_state(ACTIVE)) { df::global::enabler->mouse_rbut = 0; df::global::enabler->mouse_rbut_down = 0; mouse_pos = df::coord2d(df::global::gps->mouse_x, df::global::gps->mouse_y); last_key_is_right_click = true; return true; } } else last_key_is_right_click = false; if(mouseSelect) { if(intercept_key("MOUSE_LEFT") && set_state(ACTIVE)) { df::global::enabler->mouse_lbut = 0; df::global::enabler->mouse_lbut_down = 0; mouse_pos = df::coord2d(df::global::gps->mouse_x, df::global::gps->mouse_y); last_key_is_left_click = true; return true; } } else last_key_is_left_click = false; for (df::interface_key key : *input) { if (intercept_key(key) && set_state(ACTIVE)) { last_key = key; return true; } } return false; } else if (state == ACTIVE) { if (input->count(df::interface_key::LEAVESCREEN) || mouseExit) { if(mouseExit) { df::global::enabler->mouse_rbut = 0; df::global::enabler->mouse_rbut_down = 0; } set_state(INACTIVE); } else if (input->count(df::interface_key::SELECT)) set_state(SELECTED); else if (input->count(df::interface_key::CUSTOM_P)) { DEBUG(status).print("pausing\n"); wrapper->set_paused(true); set_state(INACTIVE); } else if (input->count(df::interface_key::CUSTOM_S)) show_options(); return true; } return false; } bool key_conflict (df::interface_key key) { if (key == df::interface_key::SELECT || key == df::interface_key::LEAVESCREEN) return false; return state == ACTIVE; } void render() { static vector lines; static const std::string pause_message = "Pause confirmations until you exit this screen"; Screen::Pen corner_ul = Screen::Pen((char)201, COLOR_GREY, COLOR_BLACK); Screen::Pen corner_ur = Screen::Pen((char)187, COLOR_GREY, COLOR_BLACK); Screen::Pen corner_dl = Screen::Pen((char)200, COLOR_GREY, COLOR_BLACK); Screen::Pen corner_dr = Screen::Pen((char)188, COLOR_GREY, COLOR_BLACK); Screen::Pen border_ud = Screen::Pen((char)205, COLOR_GREY, COLOR_BLACK); Screen::Pen border_lr = Screen::Pen((char)186, COLOR_GREY, COLOR_BLACK); if (state == ACTIVE) { split_string(&lines, get_message(), "\n"); size_t max_length = 40; for (string line : lines) max_length = std::max(max_length, line.size()); int width = max_length + 4; vector pause_message_lines; word_wrap(&pause_message_lines, pause_message, max_length - 3); int height = lines.size() + pause_message_lines.size() + 5; int x1 = (gps->dimx / 2) - (width / 2); int x2 = x1 + width - 1; int y1 = (gps->dimy / 2) - (height / 2); int y2 = y1 + height - 1; for (int x = x1; x <= x2; x++) { Screen::paintTile(border_ud, x, y1); Screen::paintTile(border_ud, x, y2); } for (int y = y1; y <= y2; y++) { Screen::paintTile(border_lr, x1, y); Screen::paintTile(border_lr, x2, y); } Screen::paintTile(corner_ul, x1, y1); Screen::paintTile(corner_ur, x2, y1); Screen::paintTile(corner_dl, x1, y2); Screen::paintTile(corner_dr, x2, y2); string title = " " + get_title() + " "; Screen::paintString(Screen::Pen(' ', COLOR_DARKGREY, COLOR_BLACK), x2 - 6, y1, "DFHack"); Screen::paintString(Screen::Pen(' ', COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_GREY), (gps->dimx / 2) - (title.size() / 2), y1, title); int x = x1 + 2; int y = y2; OutputString(COLOR_LIGHTRED, x, y, Screen::getKeyDisplay(df::interface_key::LEAVESCREEN)); OutputString(COLOR_WHITE, x, y, ": Cancel"); x = (gps->dimx - (Screen::getKeyDisplay(df::interface_key::CUSTOM_S) + ": Settings").size()) / 2 + 1; OutputString(COLOR_LIGHTRED, x, y, Screen::getKeyDisplay(df::interface_key::CUSTOM_S)); OutputString(COLOR_WHITE, x, y, ": Settings"); x = x2 - 2 - 3 - Screen::getKeyDisplay(df::interface_key::SELECT).size(); OutputString(COLOR_LIGHTRED, x, y, Screen::getKeyDisplay(df::interface_key::SELECT)); OutputString(COLOR_WHITE, x, y, ": Ok"); Screen::fillRect(Screen::Pen(' ', COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_BLACK), x1 + 1, y1 + 1, x2 - 1, y2 - 1); for (size_t i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { Screen::paintString(Screen::Pen(' ', get_color(), COLOR_BLACK), x1 + 2, y1 + 2 + i, lines[i]); } y = y1 + 3 + lines.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < pause_message_lines.size(); i++) { Screen::paintString(Screen::Pen(' ', COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK), x1 + 5, y + i, pause_message_lines[i]); } x = x1 + 2; OutputString(COLOR_LIGHTRED, x, y, Screen::getKeyDisplay(df::interface_key::CUSTOM_P)); OutputString(COLOR_WHITE, x, y, ":"); } else if (state == SELECTED) { ikey_set tmp; if(last_key_is_left_click) { long prevx = df::global::gps->mouse_x; long prevy = df::global::gps->mouse_y; df::global::gps->mouse_x = mouse_pos.x; df::global::gps->mouse_y = mouse_pos.y; df::global::enabler->mouse_lbut = 1; df::global::enabler->mouse_lbut_down = 1; screen->feed(&tmp); df::global::enabler->mouse_lbut = 0; df::global::enabler->mouse_lbut_down = 0; df::global::gps->mouse_x = prevx; df::global::gps->mouse_y = prevy; } else if(last_key_is_right_click) { tmp.insert(df::interface_key::LEAVESCREEN); screen->feed(&tmp); } else { tmp.insert(last_key); screen->feed(&tmp); } set_state(INACTIVE); } // clean up any artifacts df::global::gps->force_full_display_count = 1; } string get_id() override = 0; string get_focus_string() override = 0; bool match_prefix() override = 0; #define CONF_LUA_START using namespace conf_lua; Lua::StackUnwinder unwind(l_state); push(screen); push(get_id()); bool intercept_key (df::interface_key key) { CONF_LUA_START; push(key); if (call("intercept_key", 3, 1)) return lua_toboolean(l_state, -1); else return false; }; bool intercept_key (std::string mouse_button = "MOUSE_LEFT") { CONF_LUA_START; push(mouse_button); if (call("intercept_key", 3, 1)) return lua_toboolean(l_state, -1); else return false; }; string get_title() { CONF_LUA_START; if (call("get_title", 2, 1) && lua_isstring(l_state, -1)) return lua_tostring(l_state, -1); else return "Confirm"; } string get_message() { CONF_LUA_START; if (call("get_message", 2, 1) && lua_isstring(l_state, -1)) return lua_tostring(l_state, -1); else return ""; }; UIColor get_color() { CONF_LUA_START; if (call("get_color", 2, 1) && lua_isnumber(l_state, -1)) return lua_tointeger(l_state, -1) % 16; else return COLOR_YELLOW; } #undef CONF_LUA_START protected: cstate state; df::interface_key last_key; bool last_key_is_left_click; bool last_key_is_right_click; df::coord2d mouse_pos; }; template int conf_register(confirmation *c, const vector &hooks) { conf_wrapper *w = new conf_wrapper(); confirmations[c->get_id()] = w; for (auto hook : hooks) w->add_hook(hook); return 0; } #define IMPLEMENT_CONFIRMATION_HOOKS(cls, prio) \ static cls cls##_instance; \ struct cls##_hooks : cls::screen_type { \ typedef cls::screen_type interpose_base; \ DEFINE_VMETHOD_INTERPOSE(void, feed, (ikey_set *input)) \ { \ cls##_instance.screen = this; \ if (!cls##_instance.feed(input)) \ INTERPOSE_NEXT(feed)(input); \ } \ DEFINE_VMETHOD_INTERPOSE(void, render, ()) \ { \ cls##_instance.screen = this; \ INTERPOSE_NEXT(render)(); \ cls##_instance.render(); \ } \ }; \ IMPLEMENT_VMETHOD_INTERPOSE_PRIO(cls##_hooks, feed, prio); \ IMPLEMENT_VMETHOD_INTERPOSE_PRIO(cls##_hooks, render, prio); \ static int conf_register_##cls = conf_register(&cls##_instance, {\ &INTERPOSE_HOOK(cls##_hooks, feed), \ &INTERPOSE_HOOK(cls##_hooks, render), \ }); #define DEFINE_CONFIRMATION(cls, screen, focusString) \ class confirmation_##cls : public confirmation { \ virtual string get_id() { static string id = char_replace(#cls, '_', '-'); return id; } \ virtual string get_focus_string() { return focusString; } \ virtual bool match_prefix() { return focusString[strlen(focusString) - 1] == '*'; } \ }; \ IMPLEMENT_CONFIRMATION_HOOKS(confirmation_##cls, 0); /* This section defines stubs for all confirmation dialogs, with methods implemented in plugins/lua/confirm.lua. IDs (used in the "confirm enable/disable" command, by Lua, and in the docs) are obtained by replacing '_' with '-' in the first argument to DEFINE_CONFIRMATION The second argument to DEFINE_CONFIRMATION determines the viewscreen that any intercepted input will be fed to. The third argument to DEFINE_CONFIRMATION determines the focus string that will be used to determine if the confirmation should be unpaused. If a confirmation is paused and the focus string is no longer found in the current focus, the confirmation will be unpaused. Focus strings ending in "*" will use prefix matching e.g. "dwarfmode/Info*" would match "dwarfmode/Info/Foo", "dwarfmode/Info/Bar" and so on. All matching is case insensitive. */ DEFINE_CONFIRMATION(trade_cancel, viewscreen_dwarfmodest, "dwarfmode/Trade"); DEFINE_CONFIRMATION(haul_delete_route, viewscreen_dwarfmodest, "dwarfmode/Hauling"); DEFINE_CONFIRMATION(haul_delete_stop, viewscreen_dwarfmodest, "dwarfmode/Hauling"); DEFINE_CONFIRMATION(depot_remove, viewscreen_dwarfmodest, "dwarfmode/ViewSheets/BUILDING"); DEFINE_CONFIRMATION(squad_disband, viewscreen_dwarfmodest, "dwarfmode/Squads"); DEFINE_CONFIRMATION(order_remove, viewscreen_dwarfmodest, "dwarfmode/Info/WORK_ORDERS"); DEFINE_CONFIRMATION(zone_remove, viewscreen_dwarfmodest, "dwarfmode/Zone*"); DEFINE_CONFIRMATION(burrow_remove, viewscreen_dwarfmodest, "dwarfmode/Burrow"); DEFINE_CONFIRMATION(stockpile_remove, viewscreen_dwarfmodest, "dwarfmode/Some/Stockpile"); // these are more complex to implement //DEFINE_CONFIRMATION(convict, viewscreen_dwarfmodest); //DEFINE_CONFIRMATION(trade, viewscreen_dwarfmodest); //DEFINE_CONFIRMATION(trade_seize, viewscreen_dwarfmodest); //DEFINE_CONFIRMATION(trade_offer, viewscreen_dwarfmodest); //DEFINE_CONFIRMATION(trade_select_all, viewscreen_dwarfmodest); //DEFINE_CONFIRMATION(uniform_delete, viewscreen_dwarfmodest); //DEFINE_CONFIRMATION(note_delete, viewscreen_dwarfmodest); //DEFINE_CONFIRMATION(route_delete, viewscreen_dwarfmodest); // locations can't be retired currently //DEFINE_CONFIRMATION(location_retire, viewscreen_locationsst); DFhackCExport command_result plugin_init (color_ostream &out, vector &commands) { if (!conf_lua::init(out)) return CR_FAILURE; commands.push_back(PluginCommand( "confirm", "Add confirmation dialogs for destructive actions.", df_confirm)); return CR_OK; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_enable (color_ostream &out, bool enable) { if (is_enabled != enable) { for (auto c : confirmations) { if (!c.second->apply(enable)) return CR_FAILURE; } is_enabled = enable; } if (is_enabled) { conf_lua::simple_call("check"); } return CR_OK; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_shutdown (color_ostream &out) { if (plugin_enable(out, false) != CR_OK) return CR_FAILURE; conf_lua::cleanup(); for (auto item : confirmations) { delete item.second; } confirmations.clear(); return CR_OK; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_onupdate (color_ostream &out) { while (!cmds.empty()) { Core::getInstance().runCommand(out, cmds.front()); cmds.pop(); } return CR_OK; } bool set_conf_state (string name, bool state) { bool found = false; for (auto it : confirmations) { if (it.first == name) { found = true; it.second->apply(state); } } if (state == false) { // dismiss the confirmation too confirmation_base::set_state(name, confirmation_base::INACTIVE); } return found; } bool set_conf_paused (string name, bool pause) { bool found = false; for (auto it : confirmations) { if (it.first == name) { found = true; it.second->set_paused(pause); } } if (pause == true) { // dismiss the confirmation too confirmation_base::set_state(name, confirmation_base::INACTIVE); } return found; } void enable_conf (color_ostream &out, string name, bool state) { if (!set_conf_state(name, state)) out.printerr("Unrecognized option: %s\n", name.c_str()); } command_result df_confirm (color_ostream &out, vector & parameters) { CoreSuspender suspend; bool state = true; if (parameters.empty() || in_vector(parameters, "help") || in_vector(parameters, "status")) { out << "Available options: \n"; for (auto it : confirmations) out.print(" %20s: %s\n", it.first.c_str(), it.second->is_enabled() ? "enabled" : "disabled"); return CR_OK; } for (string param : parameters) { if (param == "enable") state = true; else if (param == "disable") state = false; else if (param == "all") { for (auto it : confirmations) it.second->apply(state); } else enable_conf(out, param, state); } return CR_OK; }