-- teleports a unit to a location -- author Putnam -- edited by expwnent --[[=begin teleport ======== Teleports a unit to given coordinates. Examples: :teleport -showunitid: prints unitid beneath cursor :teleport -showpos: prints coordinates beneath cursor :teleport -unit 1234 -x 56 -y 115 -z 26: teleports unit 1234 to 56,115,26 =end]] function teleport(unit,pos) local unitoccupancy = dfhack.maps.getTileBlock(unit.pos).occupancy[unit.pos.x%16][unit.pos.y%16] local newoccupancy = dfhack.maps.getTileBlock(pos).occupancy[pos.x%16][pos.y%16] if newoccupancy.unit then unit.flags1.on_ground=true end unit.pos.x = pos.x unit.pos.y = pos.y unit.pos.z = pos.z if not unit.flags1.on_ground then unitoccupancy.unit = false else unitoccupancy.unit_grounded = false end end utils = require('utils') validArgs = validArgs or utils.invert({ 'unit', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'showunitid', 'showpos' }) if moduleMode then return end local args = utils.processArgs({...}, validArgs) if args.showunitid or args.showpos then if args.showunitid then print(dfhack.gui.getSelectedUnit(true).id) else printall(df.global.cursor) end else local unit = args.unit and df.unit.find(args.unit) or dfhack.gui.getSelectedUnit(true) local pos = not(not args.x or not args.y or not args.z) and {x=args.x,y=args.y,z=args.z} or {x=df.global.cursor.x,y=df.global.cursor.y,z=df.global.cursor.z} if not unit then qerror('A unit needs to be selected or specified. Use teleport -showunitid to get a unit\'s ID.') end if not pos.x or pos.x==-30000 then qerror('A position needs to be highlighted or specified. Use teleport -showpos to get a position\'s exact xyz values.') end teleport(unit,pos) end