-- Browses rooms owned by a unit. local utils = require 'utils' local gui = require 'gui' local guidm = require 'gui.dwarfmode' local room_type_table = { [df.building_bedst] = { token = 'bed', qidx = 2, tile = 233 }, [df.building_tablest] = { token = 'table', qidx = 3, tile = 209 }, [df.building_chairst] = { token = 'chair', qidx = 4, tile = 210 }, [df.building_coffinst] = { token = 'coffin', qidx = 5, tile = 48 }, } local room_quality_table = { { 1, 'Meager Quarters', 'Meager Dining Room', 'Meager Office', 'Grave' }, { 100, 'Modest Quarters', 'Modest Dining Room', 'Modest Office', "Servant's Burial Chamber" }, { 250, 'Quarters', 'Dining Room', 'Office', 'Burial Chamber' }, { 500, 'Decent Quarters', 'Decent Dining Room', 'Decent Office', 'Tomb' }, { 1000, 'Fine Quarters', 'Fine Dining Room', 'Splendid Office', 'Fine Tomb' }, { 1500, 'Great Bedroom', 'Great Dining Room', 'Throne Room', 'Mausoleum' }, { 2500, 'Grand Bedroom', 'Grand Dining Room', 'Opulent Throne Room', 'Grand Mausoleum' }, { 10000, 'Royal Bedroom', 'Royal Dining Room', 'Royal Throne Room', 'Royal Mausoleum' } } function getRoomName(building, unit) local info = room_type_table[building._type] if not info or not building.is_room then return utils.getBuildingName(building) end local quality = building:getRoomValue(unit) local row = room_quality_table[1] for _,v in ipairs(room_quality_table) do if v[1] <= quality then row = v else break end end return row[info.qidx] end function makeRoomEntry(bld, unit, is_spouse) local info = room_type_table[bld._type] or {} return { obj = bld, token = info.token or '?', tile = info.tile or '?', caption = getRoomName(bld, unit), can_use = (not is_spouse or bld:canUseSpouseRoom()), owner = unit } end function listRooms(unit, spouse) local rv = {} for _,v in pairs(unit.owned_buildings) do if v.owner == unit then rv[#rv+1] = makeRoomEntry(v, unit, spouse) end end return rv end function concat_lists(...) local rv = {} for i = 1,select('#',...) do local v = select(i,...) if v then for _,x in ipairs(v) do rv[#rv+1] = x end end end return rv end RoomList = defclass(RoomList, guidm.MenuOverlay) RoomList.focus_path = 'room-list' function RoomList:init(unit) local base_bld = df.global.world.selected_building self:init_fields{ unit = unit, base_building = base_bld, items = {}, selected = 1, own_rooms = {}, spouse_rooms = {} } guidm.MenuOverlay.init(self) self.old_viewport = self:getViewport() self.old_cursor = guidm.getCursorPos() if unit then self.own_rooms = listRooms(unit) self.spouse = df.unit.find(unit.relations.spouse_id) if self.spouse then self.spouse_rooms = listRooms(self.spouse, unit) end self.items = concat_lists(self.own_rooms, self.spouse_rooms) end if base_bld then for i,v in ipairs(self.items) do if v.obj == base_bld then self.selected = i v.tile = 26 goto found end end self.base_item = makeRoomEntry(base_bld, unit) self.base_item.owner = unit self.base_item.old_owner = base_bld.owner self.base_item.tile = 26 self.items = concat_lists({self.base_item}, self.items) ::found:: end return self end local sex_char = { [0] = 12, [1] = 11 } function drawUnitName(dc, unit) dc:pen(COLOR_GREY) if unit then local color = dfhack.units.getProfessionColor(unit) dc:char(sex_char[unit.sex] or '?'):advance(1):pen(color) local vname = dfhack.units.getVisibleName(unit) if vname and vname.has_name then dc:string(dfhack.TranslateName(vname)..', ') end dc:string(dfhack.units.getProfessionName(unit)) else dc:string("No Owner Assigned") end end function drawRoomEntry(dc, entry, selected) local color = COLOR_GREEN if not entry.can_use then color = COLOR_RED elseif entry.obj.owner ~= entry.owner or not entry.owner then color = COLOR_CYAN end dc:pen{fg = color, bold = (selected == entry)} dc:char(entry.tile):advance(1):string(entry.caption) end function can_modify(sel_item) return sel_item and sel_item.owner and sel_item.can_use and not sel_item.owner.flags1.dead end function RoomList:onRenderBody(dc) local sel_item = self.items[self.selected] dc:clear():seek(1,1) drawUnitName(dc, self.unit) if self.base_item then dc:newline():newline(2) drawRoomEntry(dc, self.base_item, sel_item) end if #self.own_rooms > 0 then dc:newline() for _,v in ipairs(self.own_rooms) do dc:newline(2) drawRoomEntry(dc, v, sel_item) end end if #self.spouse_rooms > 0 then dc:newline():newline(1) drawUnitName(dc, self.spouse) dc:newline() for _,v in ipairs(self.spouse_rooms) do dc:newline(2) drawRoomEntry(dc, v, sel_item) end end if self.unit and #self.own_rooms == 0 and #self.spouse_rooms == 0 then dc:newline():newline(2):string("No already assigned rooms.", COLOR_LIGHTRED) end dc:newline():newline(1):pen(COLOR_WHITE) dc:string("Esc", COLOR_LIGHTGREEN):string(": Back") if can_modify(sel_item) then dc:string(", "):string("Enter", COLOR_LIGHTGREEN) if sel_item.obj.owner == sel_item.owner then dc:string(": Unassign") else dc:string(": Assign") end end end function RoomList:changeSelected(delta) if #self.items <= 1 then return end self.selected = 1 + (self.selected + delta - 1) % #self.items self:selectBuilding(self.items[self.selected].obj) end function RoomList:onInput(keys) local sel_item = self.items[self.selected] if keys.SECONDSCROLL_UP then self:changeSelected(-1) elseif keys.SECONDSCROLL_DOWN then self:changeSelected(1) elseif keys.LEAVESCREEN then self:dismiss() if self.base_building then if not sel_item or self.base_building ~= sel_item.obj then self:selectBuilding(self.base_building, self.old_cursor, self.old_view) end if self.unit and self.base_building.owner == self.unit then df.global.ui_building_in_assign = false end end elseif keys.SELECT then if can_modify(sel_item) then local owner = sel_item.owner if sel_item.obj.owner == owner then owner = sel_item.old_owner end dfhack.buildings.setOwner(sel_item.obj, owner) end elseif self:simulateViewScroll(keys) then return end end local focus = dfhack.gui.getCurFocus() if focus == 'dwarfmode/QueryBuilding/Some' then local base = df.global.world.selected_building mkinstance(RoomList):init(base.owner):show() elseif focus == 'dwarfmode/QueryBuilding/Some/Assign/Unit' then local unit = df.global.ui_building_assign_units[df.global.ui_building_item_cursor] mkinstance(RoomList):init(unit):show() else qerror("This script requires the main dwarfmode view in 'q' mode") end