local _ENV = mkmodule('plugins.stockpiles') local argparse = require('argparse') local gui = require('gui') local logistics = require('plugins.logistics') local overlay = require('plugins.overlay') local widgets = require('gui.widgets') local STOCKPILES_DIR = 'dfhack-config/stockpiles' local STOCKPILES_LIBRARY_DIR = 'hack/data/stockpiles' local BAD_FILENAME_REGEX = '[^%w._]' -------------------- -- plugin logic -------------------- local function get_sp_name(name, num) if #name > 0 then return name end return ('Stockpile %d'):format(num) end local STATUS_FMT = '%6s %s' local function print_status() local sps = df.global.world.buildings.other.STOCKPILE print(('Current stockpiles: %d'):format(#sps)) if #sps > 0 then print() print(STATUS_FMT:format('ID', 'Name')) print(STATUS_FMT:format('------', '----------')) end for _, sp in ipairs(sps) do print(STATUS_FMT:format(sp.id, get_sp_name(sp.name, sp.stockpile_number))) end end local function list_dir(path, prefix, filters) local paths = dfhack.filesystem.listdir_recursive(path, 0, false) if not paths then dfhack.printerr(('Cannot find stockpile settings directory: "%s"'):format(path)) return end local normalized_filters = {} for _, filter in ipairs(filters or {}) do table.insert(normalized_filters, filter:lower()) end for _, v in ipairs(paths) do local normalized_path = prefix .. v.path:lower() if v.isdir or not normalized_path:endswith('.dfstock') then goto continue end normalized_path = normalized_path:sub(1, -9) if #normalized_filters > 0 then local matched = false for _, filter in ipairs(normalized_filters) do if normalized_path:find(filter, 1, true) then matched = true break end end if not matched then goto continue end end print(('%s%s'):format(prefix, v.path:sub(1, -9))) ::continue:: end end local function list_settings_files(filters) list_dir(STOCKPILES_DIR, '', filters) list_dir(STOCKPILES_LIBRARY_DIR, 'library/', filters) end local function assert_safe_name(name) if not name or #name == 0 then qerror('name missing or empty') end if name:find(BAD_FILENAME_REGEX) then qerror('name can only contain numbers, letters, periods, and underscores') end end local function get_sp_id(opts) if opts.id then return opts.id end local sp = dfhack.gui.getSelectedStockpile(true) if sp then return sp.id end return nil end local included_elements = {containers=1, general=2, categories=4, types=8, features=16} function export_stockpile(name, opts) assert_safe_name(name) name = STOCKPILES_DIR .. '/' .. name local includedElements = 0 for _, inc in ipairs(opts.includes) do includedElements = includedElements | included_elements[inc] end if includedElements == 0 then for _, v in pairs(included_elements) do includedElements = includedElements | v end end stockpiles_export(name, get_sp_id(opts), includedElements) end local function normalize_name(name) local is_library = false if name:startswith('library/') then name = name:sub(9) is_library = true end assert_safe_name(name) if not is_library and dfhack.filesystem.exists(STOCKPILES_DIR .. '/' .. name .. '.dfstock') then return STOCKPILES_DIR .. '/' .. name end return STOCKPILES_LIBRARY_DIR .. '/' .. name end function import_stockpile(name, opts) name = normalize_name(name) stockpiles_import(name, get_sp_id(opts), opts.mode, table.concat(opts.filters or {}, ',')) end function import_route(name, route_id, stop_id, mode, filters) name = normalize_name(name) stockpiles_route_import(name, route_id, stop_id, mode, table.concat(filters or {}, ',')) end local function parse_include(arg) local includes = argparse.stringList(arg, 'include') for _, v in ipairs(includes) do if not included_elements[v] then qerror(('invalid included element: "%s"'):format(v)) end end return includes end local valid_modes = {set=true, enable=true, disable=true} local function parse_mode(arg) if not valid_modes[arg] then qerror(('invalid mode: "%s"'):format(arg)) end return arg end local function process_args(opts, args) if args[1] == 'help' then opts.help = true return end opts.includes = {} opts.mode = 'set' opts.filters = {} return argparse.processArgsGetopt(args, { { 'h', 'help', handler=function() opts.help = true end, }, { 'm', 'mode', hasArg=true, handler=function(arg) opts.mode = parse_mode(arg) end, }, { 'f', 'filter', hasArg=true, handler=function(arg) opts.filters = argparse.stringList(arg) end, }, { 'i', 'include', hasArg=true, handler=function(arg) opts.includes = parse_include(arg) end, }, { 's', 'stockpile', hasArg=true, handler=function(arg) opts.id = argparse.nonnegativeInt(arg, 'stockpile') end, }, }) end function parse_commandline(args) local opts = {} local positionals = process_args(opts, args) if opts.help or not positionals then return false end local command = table.remove(positionals, 1) if not command or command == 'status' then print_status() elseif command == 'list' then list_settings_files(positionals) elseif command == 'export' then export_stockpile(positionals[1], opts) elseif command == 'import' then import_stockpile(positionals[1], opts) else return false end return true end function get_stockpile_features(stockpile_number) local config = logistics.logistics_getStockpileConfigs(stockpile_number)[1] return config.melt, config.trade, config.dump end function set_stockpile_features(stockpile_number, melt, trade, dump) logistics.logistics_setStockpileConfig(stockpile_number, melt, trade, dump) end -------------------- -- dialogs -------------------- StockpilesExport = defclass(StockpilesExport, widgets.Window) StockpilesExport.ATTRS{frame_title='Export stockpile settings', frame={w=33, h=15}, resizable=true} function StockpilesExport:init() self:addviews{ widgets.EditField{ view_id='edit', frame={t=0, l=0, r=0}, label_text='name: ', on_char=function(ch) return not ch:match(BAD_FILENAME_REGEX) end, }, widgets.Label{frame={t=2, l=0}, text='Include which elements?'}, widgets.ToggleHotkeyLabel{frame={t=4, l=0}, label='General settings', initial_option=false}, widgets.ToggleHotkeyLabel{ frame={t=5, l=0}, label='Container settings', initial_option=false, }, widgets.ToggleHotkeyLabel{frame={t=6, l=0}, label='Categories', initial_option=true}, widgets.ToggleHotkeyLabel{frame={t=7, l=0}, label='Subtypes', initial_option=true}, widgets.ToggleHotkeyLabel{frame={t=8, l=0}, label='DFHack features', initial_option=true}, widgets.HotkeyLabel{ frame={t=10, l=0}, label='export', key='SELECT', enabled=function() return #self.subviews.edit.text > 0 end, on_activate=self:callback('on_submit'), }, } end function StockpilesExport:on_submit(text) self:dismiss() end StockpilesExportScreen = defclass(StockpilesExportScreen, gui.ZScreenModal) StockpilesExportScreen.ATTRS{focus_path='stockpiles/export'} function StockpilesExportScreen:init() self:addviews{StockpilesExport{}} end function StockpilesExportScreen:onDismiss() export_view = nil end local function do_export() export_view = export_view and export_view:raise() or StockpilesExportScreen{}:show() end -------------------- -- MinimizeButton -------------------- MinimizeButton = defclass(MinimizeButton, widgets.Widget) MinimizeButton.ATTRS{ label_unminimized='minimize', label_minimized='restore', label_pos='left', symbol_minimize=string.char(31), symbol_restore=string.char(30), get_minimized_fn=DEFAULT_NIL, on_click=DEFAULT_NIL, } function MinimizeButton:init() self.hovered = false ensure_key(self, 'frame').h = 1 local is_hovered = function() return self.hovered end local is_not_hovered = function() return not self.hovered end local get_action_symbol = function() return self.get_minimized_fn() and self.symbol_minimize or self.symbol_restore end local get_label = function() local label = self.get_minimized_fn() and self.label_minimized or self.label_unminimized return (' %s '):format(label) end local hovered_text = {'[', {text=get_action_symbol}, ']'} table.insert(hovered_text, self.label_pos == 'left' and 1 or #hovered_text + 1, {text=get_label, hpen=dfhack.pen.parse{fg=COLOR_BLACK, bg=COLOR_WHITE}}) self:addviews{ widgets.Label{ view_id='unhovered_label', frame={t=0, w=3, h=1}, text={'[', {text=get_action_symbol}, ']'}, text_pen=dfhack.pen.parse{fg=COLOR_BLACK, bg=COLOR_LIGHTRED}, text_hpen=dfhack.pen.parse{fg=COLOR_WHITE, bg=COLOR_RED}, on_click=function() self.on_click() self:updateLayout() end, visible=is_not_hovered, }, widgets.Label{ view_id='hovered_label', frame={t=0, h=1}, text=hovered_text, auto_width=true, text_pen=dfhack.pen.parse{fg=COLOR_BLACK, bg=COLOR_LIGHTRED}, text_hpen=dfhack.pen.parse{fg=COLOR_WHITE, bg=COLOR_RED}, on_click=function() self.on_click() self:updateLayout() end, visible=is_hovered, }, } if self.label_pos == 'left' then self.subviews.unhovered_label.frame.r = 0 self.subviews.hovered_label.frame.r = 0 else self.subviews.unhovered_label.frame.l = 0 self.subviews.hovered_label.frame.l = 0 end end function MinimizeButton:onRenderFrame() local prev_hovered = self.hovered if self.hovered then self.hovered = self.subviews.hovered_label:getMousePos() else self.hovered = self.subviews.unhovered_label:getMousePos() end if self.hovered ~= prev_hovered then self:updateLayout() df.global.gps.force_full_display_count = 1 end end -------------------- -- StockpilesOverlay -------------------- StockpilesOverlay = defclass(StockpilesOverlay, overlay.OverlayWidget) StockpilesOverlay.ATTRS{ default_pos={x=24, y=-6}, default_enabled=true, viewscreens='dwarfmode/Some/Stockpile', frame={w=73, h=4}, } function StockpilesOverlay:init() self.minimized = false local main_panel = widgets.Panel{ view_id='main', frame_style=gui.MEDIUM_FRAME, frame_background=gui.CLEAR_PEN, visible=function() return not self.minimized end, subviews={ widgets.HotkeyLabel{ frame={t=0, l=0}, label='import settings', auto_width=true, key='CUSTOM_CTRL_I', on_activate=do_import, }, widgets.HotkeyLabel{ frame={t=1, l=0}, label='export settings', auto_width=true, key='CUSTOM_CTRL_E', on_activate=do_export, }, widgets.Panel{ frame={t=0, l=25}, subviews={ widgets.Label{ frame={t=0, l=0, h=1}, auto_height=false, text={'Designate items brought to this stockpile for:'}, text_pen=COLOR_DARKGREY, }, widgets.ToggleHotkeyLabel{ view_id='melt', frame={t=1, l=0}, auto_width=true, key='CUSTOM_CTRL_M', option_gap=-1, options={{label='Melting', value=true, pen=COLOR_RED}, {label='Melting', value=false}}, on_change=self:callback('toggleLogisticsFeature', 'melt'), }, widgets.ToggleHotkeyLabel{ view_id='trade', frame={t=1, l=16}, auto_width=true, key='CUSTOM_CTRL_T', option_gap=-1, options={{label='Trading', value=true, pen=COLOR_YELLOW}, {label='Trading', value=false}}, on_change=self:callback('toggleLogisticsFeature', 'trade'), }, widgets.ToggleHotkeyLabel{ view_id='dump', frame={t=1, l=32}, auto_width=true, key='CUSTOM_CTRL_U', option_gap=-1, options={{label='Dumping', value=true, pen=COLOR_LIGHTMAGENTA}, {label='Dumping', value=false}}, on_change=self:callback('toggleLogisticsFeature', 'dump'), }, }, }, }, } self:addviews{ main_panel, MinimizeButton{ frame={t=0, r=1}, get_minimized_fn=function() return self.minimized end, on_click=self:callback('toggleMinimized'), }, } end function StockpilesOverlay:overlay_onupdate() -- periodically pick up changes made from other interfaces self.cur_stockpile = nil end function StockpilesOverlay:onRenderFrame() local sp = dfhack.gui.getSelectedStockpile(true) if sp and self.cur_stockpile ~= sp then local config = logistics.logistics_getStockpileConfigs(sp.stockpile_number)[1] self.subviews.melt:setOption(config.melt == 1) self.subviews.trade:setOption(config.trade == 1) self.subviews.dump:setOption(config.dump == 1) self.cur_stockpile = sp end end function StockpilesOverlay:toggleLogisticsFeature(feature) self.cur_stockpile = nil local sp = dfhack.gui.getSelectedStockpile(true) if not sp then return end local config = logistics.logistics_getStockpileConfigs(sp.stockpile_number)[1] -- logical xor logistics.logistics_setStockpileConfig(config.stockpile_number, (feature == 'melt') ~= (config.melt == 1), (feature == 'trade') ~= (config.trade == 1), (feature == 'dump') ~= (config.dump == 1)) end function StockpilesOverlay:toggleMinimized() self.minimized = not self.minimized self.cur_stockpile = nil end function StockpilesOverlay:onInput(keys) if keys.CUSTOM_ALT_M then self:toggleMinimized() return true end return StockpilesOverlay.super.onInput(self, keys) end OVERLAY_WIDGETS = {overlay=StockpilesOverlay} return _ENV