dwarfmonitor ============ Records dwarf activity to measure fort efficiency. Options: :enable : Start monitoring ``mode``. ``mode`` can be "work", "misery", "weather", or "all". This will enable all corresponding widgets, if applicable. :disable : Stop monitoring ``mode``, and disable corresponding widgets, if applicable. :stats: Show statistics summary :prefs: Show dwarf preferences summary :reload: Reload configuration file (``dfhack-config/dwarfmonitor.json``) :dfhack-keybind:`dwarfmonitor` Widget configuration: The following types of widgets (defined in :file:`hack/lua/plugins/dwarfmonitor.lua`) can be displayed on the main fortress mode screen: :date: Show the in-game date :misery: Show overall happiness levels of all dwarves :weather: Show current weather (rain/snow) :cursor: Show the current mouse cursor position The file :file:`dfhack-config/dwarfmonitor.json` can be edited to control the positions and settings of all widgets displayed. This file should contain a JSON object with the key ``widgets`` containing an array of objects - see the included file in the ``dfhack-config`` folder for an example: .. code-block:: lua { "widgets": [ { "type": "widget type (weather, misery, etc.)", "x": X coordinate, "y": Y coordinate <...additional options...> } ] } X and Y coordinates begin at zero (in the upper left corner of the screen). Negative coordinates will be treated as distances from the lower right corner, beginning at 1 - e.g. an x coordinate of 0 is the leftmost column, while an x coordinate of 1 is the rightmost column. By default, the x and y coordinates given correspond to the leftmost tile of the widget. Including an ``anchor`` option set to ``right`` will cause the rightmost tile of the widget to be located at this position instead. Some widgets support additional options: * ``date`` widget: * ``format``: specifies the format of the date. The following characters are replaced (all others, such as punctuation, are not modified) * ``Y`` or ``y``: The current year * ``M``: The current month, zero-padded if necessary * ``m``: The current month, *not* zero-padded * ``D``: The current day, zero-padded if necessary * ``d``: The current day, *not* zero-padded The default date format is ``Y-M-D``, per the ISO8601_ standard. .. _ISO8601: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601 * ``cursor`` widget: * ``format``: Specifies the format. ``X``, ``x``, ``Y``, and ``y`` are replaced with the corresponding cursor cordinates, while all other characters are unmodified. * ``show_invalid``: If set to ``true``, the mouse coordinates will both be displayed as ``-1`` when the cursor is outside of the DF window; otherwise, nothing will be displayed.