local _ENV = mkmodule('utils') local df = df local getopt = require('3rdparty.alt_getopt') -- Comparator function function compare(a,b) if a < b then return -1 elseif a > b then return 1 else return 0 end end -- Sort strings; compare empty last function compare_name(a,b) if a == '' then if b == '' then return 0 else return 1 end elseif b == '' then return -1 else return compare(a,b) end end -- Make a field comparator function compare_field(field,cmp) cmp = cmp or compare if field then return function (a,b) return cmp(a[field],b[field]) end else return cmp end end -- Make a comparator of field vs key function compare_field_key(field,cmp) cmp = cmp or compare if field then return function (a,b) return cmp(a[field],b) end else return cmp end end function is_container(obj) return df.isvalid(obj) == 'ref' and obj._kind == 'container' end -- Make a sequence of numbers in 1..size function make_index_sequence(istart,iend) local index = {} for i=istart,iend do index[i-istart+1] = i end return index end --[[ Sort items in data according to ordering. Each ordering spec is a table with possible fields: * key = function(value) Computes comparison key from a data value. Not called on nil. * key_table = function(data) Computes a key table from the data table in one go. * compare = function(a,b) Comparison function. Defaults to compare above. Called on non-nil keys; nil sorts last. * nil_first If true, nil keys are sorted first instead of last. * reverse If true, sort non-nil keys in descending order. Returns a table of integer indices into data. --]] function make_sort_order(data,ordering) -- Compute sort keys and comparators local keys = {} local cmps = {} local size = data.n or #data for i=1,#ordering do local order = ordering[i] if order.key_table then keys[i] = order.key_table(data) elseif order.key then local kt = {} local kf = order.key for j=1,size do if data[j] == nil then kt[j] = nil else kt[j] = kf(data[j]) end end keys[i] = kt else keys[i] = data end cmps[i] = order.compare or compare end -- Make an order table local index = make_index_sequence(1,size) -- Sort the ordering table table.sort(index, function(ia,ib) for i=1,#keys do local ka = keys[i][ia] local kb = keys[i][ib] -- Sort nil keys to the end if ka == nil then if kb ~= nil then return ordering[i].nil_first end elseif kb == nil then return not ordering[i].nil_first else local cmpv = cmps[i](ka,kb) if ordering[i].reverse then cmpv = -cmpv end if cmpv < 0 then return true elseif cmpv > 0 then return false end end end return ia < ib -- this should ensure stable sort end) return index end --[[ Iterate a 'list' structure, e.g. df.global.world.job_list --]] local function next_df_list(s,link) link = link.next if link then return link, link.item end end function listpairs(list) return next_df_list, nil, list end --[[ Recursively assign data into a table. --]] function assign(tgt,src) if df.isvalid(tgt) == 'ref' then df.assign(tgt, src) elseif type(tgt) == 'table' then for k,v in pairs(src) do if type(v) == 'table' then local cv = tgt[k] if cv == nil then cv = {} tgt[k] = cv end assign(cv, v) else tgt[k] = v end end else error('Invalid assign target type: '..tostring(tgt)) end return tgt end local function copy_field(obj,k,v,deep) if v == nil then return NULL end if deep then local field = obj:_field(k) if field == v then return clone(v,deep) end end return v end -- Copy the object as lua data structures. function clone(obj,deep) if type(obj) == 'table' then if deep then return assign({},obj) else return copyall(obj) end elseif df.isvalid(obj) == 'ref' then local kind = obj._kind if kind == 'primitive' then return obj.value elseif kind == 'bitfield' then local rv = {} for k,v in pairs(obj) do rv[k] = v end return rv elseif kind == 'container' then local rv = {} for k,v in ipairs(obj) do rv[k+1] = copy_field(obj,k,v,deep) end return rv else -- struct local rv = {} for k,v in pairs(obj) do rv[k] = copy_field(obj,k,v,deep) end return rv end else return obj end end local function get_default(default,key,base) if type(default) == 'table' then local dv = default[key] if dv == nil then dv = default._default end if dv == nil then dv = base end return dv else return default end end -- Copy the object as lua data structures, skipping values matching defaults. function clone_with_default(obj,default,force) local rv = nil local function setrv(k,v) if v ~= nil then if rv == nil then rv = {} end rv[k] = v end end if default == nil then return nil elseif type(obj) == 'table' then for k,v in pairs(obj) do setrv(k, clone_with_default(v, get_default(default,k))) end elseif df.isvalid(obj) == 'ref' then local kind = obj._kind if kind == 'primitive' then return clone_with_default(obj.value,default,force) elseif kind == 'bitfield' then for k,v in pairs(obj) do setrv(k, clone_with_default(v, get_default(default,k,false))) end elseif kind == 'container' then for k,v in ipairs(obj) do setrv(k+1, clone_with_default(v, default, true)) end else -- struct for k,v in pairs(obj) do setrv(k, clone_with_default(v, get_default(default,k))) end end elseif obj == default and not force then return nil elseif obj == nil then return NULL else return obj end if force and rv == nil then rv = {} end return rv end -- Parse an integer value into a bitfield table function parse_bitfield_int(value, type_ref) if value == 0 then return nil end local res = {} for i,v in ipairs(type_ref) do if bit32.extract(value, i) ~= 0 then res[v] = true end end return res end -- List the enabled flag names in the bitfield table function list_bitfield_flags(bitfield, list) list = list or {} if bitfield then for name,val in pairs(bitfield) do if val then table.insert(list, name) end end end return list end -- Sort a vector or lua table function sort_vector(vector,field,cmp) local fcmp = compare_field(field,cmp) local scmp = function(a,b) return fcmp(a,b) < 0 end if df.isvalid(vector) then if vector._kind ~= 'container' then error('Container expected: '..tostring(vector)) end local items = clone(vector, true) table.sort(items, scmp) vector:assign(items) else table.sort(vector, scmp) end return vector end -- Linear search function linear_index(vector,key,field) local min,max if df.isvalid(vector) then min,max = 0,#vector-1 else min,max = 1,#vector end if field then for i=min,max do local obj = vector[i] if obj[field] == key then return i, obj end end else for i=min,max do local obj = vector[i] if obj == key then return i, obj end end end return nil end -- Binary search in a vector or lua table function binsearch(vector,key,field,cmp,min,max) if not(min and max) then if df.isvalid(vector) then min = -1 max = #vector else min = 0 max = #vector+1 end end local mf = math.floor local fcmp = compare_field_key(field,cmp) while true do local mid = mf((min+max)/2) if mid <= min then return nil, false, max end local item = vector[mid] local cv = fcmp(item, key) if cv == 0 then return item, true, mid elseif cv < 0 then min = mid else max = mid end end end -- Binary search and insert function insert_sorted(vector,item,field,cmp) local key = item if field and item then key = item[field] end local cur,found,pos = binsearch(vector,key,field,cmp) if found then return false,cur,pos else if df.isvalid(vector) then vector:insert(pos, item) else table.insert(vector, pos, item) end return true,vector[pos],pos end end -- Binary search, then insert or overwrite function insert_or_update(vector,item,field,cmp) local added,cur,pos = insert_sorted(vector,item,field,cmp) if not added then vector[pos] = item cur = vector[pos] end return added,cur,pos end -- Binary search and erase function erase_sorted_key(vector,key,field,cmp) local cur,found,pos = binsearch(vector,key,field,cmp) if found then if df.isvalid(vector) then vector:erase(pos) else table.remove(vector, pos) end end return found,cur,pos end function erase_sorted(vector,item,field,cmp) local key = item if field and item then key = item[field] end return erase_sorted_key(vector,key,field,cmp) end -- Calls a method with a string temporary function call_with_string(obj,methodname,...) return dfhack.with_temp_object( df.new "string", function(str,obj,methodname,...) obj[methodname](obj,str,...) return str.value end, obj,methodname,... ) end function getBuildingName(building) return call_with_string(building, 'getName') end function getBuildingCenter(building) return xyz2pos(building.centerx, building.centery, building.z) end function getItemDescription(item,mode) return call_with_string(item, 'getItemDescription', mode or 0) end function getItemDescriptionPrefix(item,mode) return call_with_string(item, 'getItemDescriptionPrefix', mode or 0) end -- Split the string by the given delimiter function split_string(self, delimiter) local result = { } local from = 1 local delim_from, delim_to = string.find( self, delimiter, from ) while delim_from do table.insert( result, string.sub( self, from , delim_from-1 ) ) from = delim_to + 1 delim_from, delim_to = string.find( self, delimiter, from ) end table.insert( result, string.sub( self, from ) ) return result end -- Ask a yes-no question function prompt_yes_no(msg,default) local prompt = msg if default == nil then prompt = prompt..' (y/n): ' elseif default then prompt = prompt..' (y/n)[y]: ' else prompt = prompt..' (y/n)[n]: ' end while true do local rv,err = dfhack.lineedit(prompt) if not rv then qerror(err); elseif string.match(rv,'^[Yy]') then return true elseif string.match(rv,'^[Nn]') then return false elseif rv == 'abort' then qerror('User abort') elseif rv == '' and default ~= nil then return default end end end -- Ask for input with check function function prompt_input(prompt,check,quit_str) quit_str = quit_str or '~~~' while true do local rv,err = dfhack.lineedit(prompt) if not rv then qerror(err); end if rv == quit_str then qerror('User abort') end local rtbl = table.pack(check(rv)) if rtbl[1] then return table.unpack(rtbl,2,rtbl.n) end end end function check_number(text) local nv = tonumber(text) return nv ~= nil, nv end function invert(tab) local result = {} for k,v in pairs(tab) do result[v]=k end return result end function processArgs(args, validArgs) --[[ standardized argument processing for scripts -argName value -argName [list of values] -argName [list of [nested values] -that can be [whatever] format of matched square brackets] -arg1 \-arg3 escape sequences --]] local result = {} local argName local bracketDepth = 0 for i,arg in ipairs(args) do if argName then if arg == '[' then if bracketDepth > 0 then table.insert(result[argName], arg) end bracketDepth = bracketDepth+1 elseif arg == ']' then bracketDepth = bracketDepth-1 if bracketDepth > 0 then table.insert(result[argName], arg) else argName = nil end elseif string.sub(arg,1,1) == '\\' then if bracketDepth == 0 then result[argName] = string.sub(arg,2) argName = nil else table.insert(result[argName], string.sub(arg,2)) end else if bracketDepth == 0 then result[argName] = arg argName = nil else table.insert(result[argName], arg) end end elseif string.sub(arg,1,1) == '-' then argName = string.sub(arg,2) if validArgs and not validArgs[argName] then error('error: invalid arg: ' .. i .. ': ' .. argName) end if result[argName] then error('duplicate arg: ' .. i .. ': ' .. argName) end if i+1 > #args or string.sub(args[i+1],1,1) == '-' then result[argName] = '' argName = nil else result[argName] = {} end else error('error parsing arg ' .. i .. ': ' .. arg) end end return result end -- processes commandline options according to optionActions and returns all -- argument strings that are not options. Options and non-option strings can -- appear in any order, and single-letter options that do not take arguments -- can be combined into a single option string (e.g. '-abc' is the same as -- '-a -b -c' if options 'a' and 'b' do not take arguments. -- -- optionActions is a vector with elements in the following format: -- {shortOptionName, longOptionAlias, hasArg=boolean, handler=fn} -- shortOptionName and handler are required. If the option takes an argument, -- it will be passed to the handler function. -- longOptionAlias is optional. -- hasArgument defaults to false. -- -- example usage: -- -- local filename = nil -- local open_readonly = false -- local nonoptions = processArgsGetopt(args, { -- {'r', handler=function() open_readonly = true end}, -- {'f', 'filename', hasArg=true, -- handler=function(optarg) filename = optarg end} -- }) -- -- when args is {'first', '-f', 'fname', 'second'} or, equivalently, -- {'first', '--filename', 'fname', 'second'} (note the double dash in front of -- the long option alias), then filename will be fname and nonoptions will -- contain {'first', 'second'}. function processArgsGetopt(args, optionActions) local sh_opts, long_opts = '', {} local handlers = {} for _,optionAction in ipairs(optionActions) do local sh_opt,long_opt = optionAction[1], optionAction[2] if not sh_opt or type(sh_opt) ~= 'string' or #sh_opt ~= 1 then error('optionAction missing option letter at index 1') end if not optionAction.handler then error(string.format('handler missing for option "%s"', sh_opt)) end sh_opts = sh_opts .. sh_opt if optionAction.hasArg then sh_opts = sh_opts .. ':' end handlers[sh_opt] = optionAction.handler if long_opt then long_opts[long_opt] = sh_opt handlers[long_opt] = optionAction.handler end end local opts, optargs, nonoptions = getopt.get_ordered_opts(args, sh_opts, long_opts) for i,v in ipairs(opts) do handlers[v](optargs[i]) end return nonoptions end function fillTable(table1,table2) for k,v in pairs(table2) do table1[k] = v end end function unfillTable(table1,table2) for k,v in pairs(table2) do table1[k] = nil end end function df_shortcut_var(k) if k == 'scr' or k == 'screen' then return dfhack.gui.getCurViewscreen() elseif k == 'bld' or k == 'building' then return dfhack.gui.getSelectedBuilding() elseif k == 'item' then return dfhack.gui.getSelectedItem() elseif k == 'job' then return dfhack.gui.getSelectedJob() elseif k == 'wsjob' or k == 'workshop_job' then return dfhack.gui.getSelectedWorkshopJob() elseif k == 'unit' then return dfhack.gui.getSelectedUnit() elseif k == 'plant' then return dfhack.gui.getSelectedPlant() else for g in pairs(df.global) do if g == k then return df.global[k] end end return _G[k] end end function df_shortcut_env() local env = {} setmetatable(env, {__index = function(self, k) return df_shortcut_var(k) end}) return env end df_env = df_shortcut_env() function df_expr_to_ref(expr) expr = expr:gsub('%["(.-)"%]', function(field) return '.' .. field end) :gsub('%[\'(.-)\'%]', function(field) return '.' .. field end) :gsub('%[(%d+)]', function(field) return '.' .. field end) local parts = split_string(expr, '%.') local obj = df_env[parts[1]] for i = 2, #parts do local key = tonumber(parts[i]) or parts[i] local cur = obj[key] if i == #parts and ((type(cur) ~= 'userdata') or type(cur) == 'userdata' and getmetatable(cur) == nil) then obj = obj:_field(key) else obj = obj[key] end end return obj end function addressof(obj) return select(2, df.sizeof(obj)) end function OrderedTable() -- store values in a separate table to ensure that __index and __newindex -- run on every table index operation local t = {} local key_to_index = {} local index_to_key = {} local mt = {} function mt:__index(k) return t[k] end function mt:__newindex(k, v) if not key_to_index[k] then table.insert(index_to_key, k) key_to_index[k] = #index_to_key end t[k] = v end function mt:__pairs() return function(_, k) if k then k = index_to_key[key_to_index[k] + 1] else k = index_to_key[1] end if k then return k, t[k] end end, nil, nil end local self = {} setmetatable(self, mt) return self end return _ENV