90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
C7 44 24 18 01 00 00 00 FF A0 44 01 00 00

.text:08051461 sub_8051461     proc near
.text:08051461                 mov     dword ptr [esp+18h], 1
.text:08051469                 jmp     dword ptr [eax+144h]
.text:08051469 sub_8051461     endp

90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
FF 4C 24 14 78 08 EB 0B

.text:08051548 loc_8051548:
.text:08051548                 dec     dword ptr [esp+14h]
.text:0805154C                 js      short loc_8051556
.text:0805154E                 jmp     short loc_805155B

90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
E9 F6 8C 05 00 E9 D0 8D 05 00

.text:08051556 loc_8051556:
.text:08051556                 jmp     loc_80AA251
.text:0805155B loc_805155B:
.text:0805155B                 jmp     loc_80AA330

90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
FF 4C 24 14 78 E8 EB 06

.text:08051568 loc_8051568:
.text:08051568                 dec     [esp+14h]
.text:0805156C                 js      short loc_8051556
.text:0805156E                 jmp     short loc_8051576

90 90 90 90 90
E9 4D 8E 05 00

.text:08051576 loc_8051576:
.text:08051576                 jmp     loc_80AA3C8

FF 90 44 01 00 00
E8 19 72 FA FF 90

.text:080AA243                 call    dword ptr [eax+144h]
.text:080AA243                 call    sub_8051461
.text:080AA248                 nop

E9 DA 71 FA FF

.text:080AA369                 jmp     loc_80AA251
.text:080AA369                 jmp     loc_8051548

E9 56 FE FF FF
E9 6D 71 FA FF

.text:080AA3F6                 jmp     loc_80AA251
.text:080AA3F6                 jmp     loc_8051568


+ int allowed_count = 1; // to mean 2
- if (type(item) == new_type)
+ if (type(item) == new_type && --allowed_count < 0)
    return false;

to allow up to two items of the same type at the same time

This difference file is created by The Interactive Disassembler

00009461: 90 C7
00009462: 90 44
00009463: 90 24
00009464: 90 18
00009465: 90 01
00009466: 90 00
00009467: 90 00
00009468: 90 00
00009469: 90 FF
0000946A: 90 A0
0000946B: 90 44
0000946C: 90 01
0000946D: 90 00
0000946E: 90 00
00009548: 90 FF
00009549: 90 4C
0000954A: 90 24
0000954B: 90 14
0000954C: 90 78
0000954D: 90 08
0000954E: 90 EB
0000954F: 90 0B
00009556: 90 E9
00009557: 90 F6
00009558: 90 8C
00009559: 90 05
0000955A: 90 00
0000955B: 90 E9
0000955C: 90 D0
0000955D: 90 8D
0000955E: 90 05
0000955F: 90 00
00009568: 90 FF
00009569: 90 4C
0000956A: 90 24
0000956B: 90 14
0000956C: 90 78
0000956D: 90 E8
0000956E: 90 EB
0000956F: 90 06
00009576: 90 E9
00009577: 90 4D
00009578: 90 8E
00009579: 90 05
0000957A: 90 00
00062243: FF E8
00062244: 90 19
00062245: 44 72
00062246: 01 FA
00062247: 00 FF
00062248: 00 90
0006236A: E3 DA
0006236B: FE 71
0006236C: FF FA
000623F7: 56 6D
000623F8: FE 71
000623F9: FF FA