#include <string> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include "Core.h" #include <Console.h> #include <Export.h> #include <PluginManager.h> #include <VTableInterpose.h> // DF data structure definition headers #include "DataDefs.h" #include "MiscUtils.h" #include "Types.h" #include "df/viewscreen_dwarfmodest.h" #include "df/world.h" #include "df/building_constructionst.h" #include "df/building.h" #include "df/job.h" #include "df/job_item.h" #include "modules/Gui.h" #include "modules/Screen.h" #include "modules/Buildings.h" #include "modules/Maps.h" #include "modules/World.h" using std::map; using std::string; using std::vector; using namespace DFHack; using namespace df::enums; using df::global::gps; using df::global::ui; using df::global::world; DFHACK_PLUGIN("resume"); #define PLUGIN_VERSION 0.2 #ifndef HAVE_NULLPTR #define nullptr 0L #endif DFhackCExport command_result plugin_shutdown ( color_ostream &out ) { return CR_OK; } template <class T, typename Fn> static void for_each_(vector<T> &v, Fn func) { for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), func); } template <class T, class V, typename Fn> static void transform_(vector<T> &src, vector<V> &dst, Fn func) { transform(src.begin(), src.end(), back_inserter(dst), func); } void OutputString(int8_t color, int &x, int &y, const std::string &text, bool newline = false, int left_margin = 0) { Screen::paintString(Screen::Pen(' ', color, 0), x, y, text); if (newline) { ++y; x = left_margin; } else x += text.length(); } df::job *get_suspended_job(df::building *bld) { if (bld->getBuildStage() != 0) return nullptr; if (bld->jobs.size() == 0) return nullptr; auto job = bld->jobs[0]; if (job->flags.bits.suspend) return job; return nullptr; } struct SuspendedBuilding { df::building *bld; df::coord pos; bool was_resumed; bool is_planned; SuspendedBuilding(df::building *bld_) : bld(bld_), was_resumed(false), is_planned(false) { pos = df::coord(bld->centerx, bld->centery, bld->z); } bool isValid() { return bld && Buildings::findAtTile(pos) == bld && get_suspended_job(bld); } }; DFHACK_PLUGIN_IS_ENABLED(enabled); static bool buildings_scanned = false; static vector<SuspendedBuilding> suspended_buildings, resumed_buildings; void scan_for_suspended_buildings() { if (buildings_scanned) return; for (auto b = world->buildings.all.begin(); b != world->buildings.all.end(); b++) { auto bld = *b; auto job = get_suspended_job(bld); if (job) { SuspendedBuilding sb(bld); sb.is_planned = job->job_items.size() == 1 && job->job_items[0]->item_type == item_type::NONE; auto it = resumed_buildings.begin(); for (; it != resumed_buildings.end(); ++it) if (it->bld == bld) break; sb.was_resumed = it != resumed_buildings.end(); suspended_buildings.push_back(sb); } } buildings_scanned = true; } void show_suspended_buildings() { int32_t vx, vy, vz; if (!Gui::getViewCoords(vx, vy, vz)) return; auto dims = Gui::getDwarfmodeViewDims(); int left_margin = vx + dims.map_x2; int bottom_margin = vy + dims.y2; for (auto sb = suspended_buildings.begin(); sb != suspended_buildings.end();) { if (!sb->isValid()) { sb = suspended_buildings.erase(sb); continue; } if (sb->bld->z == vz && sb->bld->centerx >= vx && sb->bld->centerx <= left_margin && sb->bld->centery >= vy && sb->bld->centery <= bottom_margin) { int x = sb->bld->centerx - vx + 1; int y = sb->bld->centery - vy + 1; auto color = COLOR_YELLOW; if (sb->is_planned) color = COLOR_GREEN; else if (sb->was_resumed) color = COLOR_RED; OutputString(color, x, y, "X"); } sb++; } } void clear_scanned() { buildings_scanned = false; suspended_buildings.clear(); } void resume_suspended_buildings(color_ostream &out) { out << "Resuming all buildings." << endl; for (auto isb = resumed_buildings.begin(); isb != resumed_buildings.end();) { if (isb->isValid()) { isb++; continue; } isb = resumed_buildings.erase(isb); } scan_for_suspended_buildings(); for (auto sb = suspended_buildings.begin(); sb != suspended_buildings.end(); sb++) { if (sb->is_planned) continue; resumed_buildings.push_back(*sb); sb->bld->jobs[0]->flags.bits.suspend = false; } clear_scanned(); out << resumed_buildings.size() << " buildings resumed" << endl; } //START Viewscreen Hook struct resume_hook : public df::viewscreen_dwarfmodest { //START UI Methods typedef df::viewscreen_dwarfmodest interpose_base; DEFINE_VMETHOD_INTERPOSE(void, render, ()) { INTERPOSE_NEXT(render)(); if (enabled && DFHack::World::ReadPauseState() && ui->main.mode == ui_sidebar_mode::Default) { scan_for_suspended_buildings(); show_suspended_buildings(); } else { clear_scanned(); } } }; IMPLEMENT_VMETHOD_INTERPOSE(resume_hook, render); DFhackCExport command_result plugin_enable ( color_ostream &out, bool enable) { if (!gps) return CR_FAILURE; if (enabled != enable) { clear_scanned(); if (!INTERPOSE_HOOK(resume_hook, render).apply(enable)) return CR_FAILURE; enabled = enable; } return CR_OK; } static command_result resume_cmd(color_ostream &out, vector <string> & parameters) { bool show_help = false; if (parameters.empty()) { show_help = true; } else { auto cmd = parameters[0][0]; if (cmd == 'v') { out << "Resume" << endl << "Version: " << PLUGIN_VERSION << endl; } else if (cmd == 's') { plugin_enable(out, true); out << "Overlay enabled" << endl; } else if (cmd == 'h') { plugin_enable(out, false); out << "Overlay disabled" << endl; } else if (cmd == 'a') { resume_suspended_buildings(out); } else { show_help = true; } } if (show_help) return CR_WRONG_USAGE; return CR_OK; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_init ( color_ostream &out, std::vector <PluginCommand> &commands) { commands.push_back( PluginCommand( "resume", "A plugin to help display and resume suspended constructions conveniently", resume_cmd, false, "resume show\n" " Show overlay when paused:\n" " Yellow: Suspended construction\n" " Red: Suspended after resume attempt, possibly stuck\n" " Green: Planned building waiting for materials\n" "resume hide\n" " Hide overlay\n" "resume all\n" " Resume all suspended building constructions\n" )); return CR_OK; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_onstatechange(color_ostream &out, state_change_event event) { switch (event) { case SC_MAP_LOADED: suspended_buildings.clear(); resumed_buildings.clear(); break; default: break; } return CR_OK; }