-- Regularly writes extra info to gamelog.txt local help = [[=begin modtools/extra-gamelog ====================== This script writes extra information to the gamelog. This is useful for tools like :forums:`Soundsense <106497>`. =end]] msg = dfhack.gui.writeToGamelog function log_on_load(op) if op ~= SC_WORLD_LOADED then return end -- Seasons fix for Soundsense local seasons = { [-1] = 'Nothing', -- worldgen 'Spring', 'Summer', 'Autumn', 'Winter'} msg(seasons[df.global.cur_season]..' has arrived on the calendar.') -- Weather fix for Soundsense local raining = false local snowing = false for _, row in ipairs(df.global.current_weather) do for _, weather in ipairs(row) do raining = raining or weather == 1 snowing = snowing or weather == 2 end end if (not snowing and not raining) then msg("The weather has cleared.") elseif raining then msg("It has started raining.") elseif snowing then msg("A snow storm has come.") end -- Log site information for forts if df.world_site.find(df.global.ui.site_id) == nil then return end local site = df.world_site.find(df.global.ui.site_id) local fort_ent = df.global.ui.main.fortress_entity local civ_ent = df.historical_entity.find(df.global.ui.civ_id) local function fullname(item) return dfhack.TranslateName(item.name)..' ('..dfhack.TranslateName(item.name ,true)..')' end msg('Loaded '..df.global.world.cur_savegame.save_dir..', '..fullname(df.global.world.world_data).. ' at coordinates ('..site.pos.x..','..site.pos.y..')') msg('Loaded the fortress '..fullname(site).. (fort_ent and ', colonized by the group '..fullname(fort_ent) or '').. (civ_ent and ' of the civilization '..fullname(civ_ent)..'.' or '.')) end old_expedition_leader = nil old_mayor = nil function log_nobles() local expedition_leader = nil local mayor = nil local function check(unit) if not dfhack.units.isCitizen(unit) then return end for _, pos in ipairs(dfhack.units.getNoblePositions(unit) or {}) do if pos.position.name[0] == "expedition leader" then expedition_leader = unit elseif pos.position.name[0] == "mayor" then mayor = unit end end end for _, unit in ipairs(df.global.world.units.active) do check(unit) end if old_mayor == nil and expedition_leader == nil and mayor ~= nil and old_expedition_leader ~= nil then msg("Expedition leader was replaced by mayor.") end if expedition_leader ~= old_expedition_leader then if expedition_leader == nil then msg("Expedition leader position is now vacant.") else msg(dfhack.TranslateName(dfhack.units.getVisibleName(expedition_leader)).." became expedition leader.") end end if mayor ~= old_mayor then if mayor == nil then msg("Mayor position is now vacant.") else msg(dfhack.TranslateName(dfhack.units.getVisibleName(mayor)).." became mayor.") end end old_mayor = mayor old_expedition_leader = expedition_leader end siege = false function log_siege() local function cur_siege() for _, unit in ipairs(df.global.world.units.active) do if unit.flags1.active_invader then return true end end return false end local old_siege = siege siege = cur_siege() if siege ~= old_siege and siege then msg("A vile force of darkness has arrived!") elseif siege ~= old_siege and not siege then msg("Siege was broken.") end end local workshopTypes = { [0]="Carpenters Workshop", "Farmers Workshop", "Masons Workshop", "Craftsdwarfs Workshop", "Jewelers Workshop", "Metalsmiths Forge", "Magma Forge", "Bowyers Workshop", "Mechanics Workshop", "Siege Workshop", "Butchers Workshop", "Leatherworks Workshop", "Tanners Workshop", "Clothiers Workshop", "Fishery", "Still", "Loom", "Quern", "Kennels", "Kitchen", "Ashery", "Dyers Workshop", "Millstone", "Custom", "Tool", } local furnaceTypes = { [0]="Wood Furnace", "Smelter", "Glass Furnace", "Kiln", "Magma Smelter", "Magma Glass Furnace", "Magma Kiln", "Custom Furnace", } buildStates = {} function log_buildings() for _, building in ipairs(df.global.world.buildings.all) do if getmetatable(building) == "building_workshopst" or getmetatable(building) == "building_furnacest" then buildStates[building.id] = buildStates[building.id] or building.flags.exists if buildStates[building.id] ~= building.flags.exists then buildStates[building.id] = building.flags.exists if building.flags.exists then if getmetatable(building) == "building_workshopst" then msg(workshopTypes[building.type].." was built.") elseif getmetatable(building) == "building_furnacest" then msg(furnaceTypes[building.type].." was built.") end end end end end end local function event_loop() log_nobles() log_siege() log_buildings() dfhack.timeout(50, 'ticks', event_loop) end local args = {...} if args[1] == 'disable' then dfhack.onStateChange[_ENV] = nil elseif args[1] == 'enable' then dfhack.onStateChange[_ENV] = log_on_load event_loop() else print(help) end