local _ENV = mkmodule('plugins.dfusion.tools') local dfu=require("plugins.dfusion") local ms=require "memscan" menu=dfu.SimpleMenu() RaceNames={} function build_race_names() if #RaceNames~=0 then return RaceNames else for k,v in pairs(df.global.world.raws.creatures.all) do RaceNames[v.creature_id]=k end dfhack.onStateChange.invalidate_races=function(change_id) --todo does this work? if change_id==SC_WORLD_UNLOADED then dfhack.onStateChange.invalidate_races=nil RaceNames={} end end return RaceNames end end function setrace(name) local RaceTable=build_race_names() print("Your current race is:"..df.global.world.raws.creatures.all[df.global.ui.race_id].creature_id) local id if name == nil then print("Type new race's token name in full caps (q to quit):") repeat local entry=io.stdin:read() if entry=="q" then return end id=RaceTable[entry] until id~=nil else id=RaceTable[name] if id==nil then error("Name not found!") end end df.global.ui.race_id=id end menu:add("Set current race",setrace) function GiveSentience(names) local RaceTable=build_race_names() --slow.If loaded don't load again local id,ids if names ==nil then ids={} print("Type race's token name in full caps to give sentience to:") repeat id=io.stdin:read() id=RaceTable[entry] if id~=nil then table.insert(ids,id) end until id==nil else ids={} for _,name in pairs(names) do id=RaceTable[name] table.insert(ids,id) end end for _,id in pairs(ids) do local races=df.global.world.raws.creatures.all local castes=races[id].caste print(string.format("Caste count:%i",#castes)) for i =0,#castes-1 do print("Caste name:"..castes[i].caste_id.."...") local flags=castes[i].flags --print(string.format("%x",flagoffset)) if flags.CAN_SPEAK then print("\tis sentient.") else print("\tnon sentient. Allocating IQ...") flags.CAN_SPEAK=true end end end end menu:add("Give Sentience",GiveSentience) function MakeFollow(unit,trgunit) if unit == nil then unit=dfhack.gui.getSelectedUnit() end if unit== nil then error("Invalid creature") end if trgunit==nil then trgunit=df.global.world.units.active[0] end unit.relations.group_leader_id=trgunit.id local u_nem=getNemesis(unit) local t_nem=getNemesis(trgunit) if u_nem then u_nem.group_leader_id=t_nem.id end if t_nem and u_nem then t_nem.companions:insert(#t_nem.companions,u_nem.id) end end menu:add("Make creature follow",MakeFollow) function project(unit,trg) --TODO add to menu? if unit==nil then unit=getCreatureAtPointer() end if unit==nil then error("Failed to project unit. Unit not selected/valid") end -- todo: add projectile to world, point to unit, add flag to unit, add gen-ref to projectile. local p=df.proj_unitst:new() local startpos={x=unit.pos.x,y=unit.pos.y,z=unit.pos.z} p.origin_pos=startpos p.target_pos=trg p.cur_pos=startpos p.prev_pos=startpos p.unit=unit --- wtf stuff p.unk14=100 p.unk16=-1 p.unk23=-1 p.fall_delay=5 p.fall_counter=5 p.collided=true -- end wtf local citem=df.global.world.proj_list local maxid=1 local newlink=df.proj_list_link:new() newlink.item=p while citem.item~= nil do if citem.item.id>maxid then maxid=citem.item.id end if citem.next ~= nil then citem=citem.next else break end end p.id=maxid+1 newlink.prev=citem citem.next=newlink local proj_ref=df.general_ref_projectile:new() proj_ref.projectile_id=p.id unit.refs:insert(#unit.refs,proj_ref) unit.flags1.projectile=true end function empregnate(unit) if unit==nil then unit=getSelectedUnit() end if unit==nil then unit=getCreatureAtPos(getxyz()) end if unit==nil then error("Failed to empregnate. Unit not selected/valid") end if unit.curse then unit.curse.add_tags2.STERILE=false end local genes = unit.appearance.genes if unit.relations.pregnancy_ptr == nil then print("creating preg ptr.") if false then print(string.format("%x %x",df.sizeof(unit.relations:_field("pregnancy_ptr")))) return end unit.relations.pregnancy_ptr = { new = true, assign = genes } end local ngenes = unit.relations.pregnancy_ptr if #ngenes.appearance ~= #genes.appearance or #ngenes.colors ~= #genes.colors then print("Array sizes incorrect, fixing.") ngenes:assign(genes); end print("Setting preg timer.") unit.relations.pregnancy_timer=10 unit.relations.pregnancy_mystery=1 end menu:add("Empregnate",empregnate) return _ENV