-- Transforms a unit into another unit type --author expwnent --based on shapechange by Putnam --[[=begin modtools/transform-unit ======================= Transforms a unit into another unit type, possibly permanently. Warning: this will crash arena mode if you view the unit on the same tick that it transforms. If you wait until later, it will be fine. =end]] local utils = require 'utils' normalRace = normalRace or {} local function transform(unit,race,caste) unit.enemy.normal_race = race unit.enemy.normal_caste = caste unit.enemy.were_race = race unit.enemy.were_caste = caste end validArgs = validArgs or utils.invert({ 'clear', 'help', 'unit', 'duration', 'setPrevRace', 'keepInventory', 'race', 'caste', 'suppressAnnouncement', 'untransform', }) local args = utils.processArgs({...}, validArgs) if args.help then print([[scripts/modtools/transform-unit.lua arguments -help print this help message -clear clear records of normal races -unit id set the target unit -duration ticks how long it should last, or "forever" -setPrevRace make a record of the previous race so that you can change it back with -untransform -keepInventory move items back into inventory after transformation -race raceName -caste casteName -suppressAnnouncement don't show the Unit has transformed into a Blah! event -untransform turn the unit back into what it was before ]]) return end if args.clear then normalRace = {} end if not args.unit then error 'Specify a unit.' end if not args.duration then args.duration = 'forever' end local raceIndex local race local caste if args.untransform then local unit = df.unit.find(tonumber(args.unit)) raceIndex = normalRace[args.unit].race race = df.creature_raw.find(raceIndex) caste = normalRace[args.unit].caste normalRace[args.unit] = nil else if not args.race or not args.caste then error 'Specficy a target form.' end --find race for i,v in ipairs(df.global.world.raws.creatures.all) do if v.creature_id == args.race then raceIndex = i race = v break end end if not race then error 'Invalid race.' end for i,v in ipairs(race.caste) do if v.caste_id == args.caste then caste = i break end end if not caste then error 'Invalid caste.' end end local unit = df.unit.find(tonumber(args.unit)) local oldRace = unit.enemy.normal_race local oldCaste = unit.enemy.normal_caste if args.setPrevRace then normalRace[args.unit] = {} normalRace[args.unit].race = oldRace normalRace[args.unit].caste = oldCaste end transform(unit,raceIndex,caste,args.setPrevRace) local inventoryItems = {} local function getInventory() local result = {} for _,item in ipairs(unit.inventory) do table.insert(result, item:new()); end return result end local function restoreInventory() dfhack.timeout(1, 'ticks', function() for _,item in ipairs(inventoryItems) do dfhack.items.moveToInventory(item.item, unit, item.mode, item.body_part_id) item:delete() end inventoryItems = {} end) end if args.keepInventory then inventoryItems = getInventory() end if args.keepInventory then restoreInventory() end if args.duration and args.duration ~= 'forever' then --when the timeout ticks down, transform them back dfhack.timeout(tonumber(args.duration), 'ticks', function() if args.keepInventory then inventoryItems = getInventory() end transform(unit,oldRace,oldCaste) if args.keepInventory then restoreInventory() end end) end