local _ENV = mkmodule('plugins.buildingplan') --[[ Native functions: * bool isPlannableBuilding(df::building_type type, int16_t subtype, int32_t custom) * bool isPlannedBuilding(df::building *bld) * void addPlannedBuilding(df::building *bld) * void doCycle() * void scheduleCycle() --]] local argparse = require('argparse') local gui = require('gui') local guidm = require('gui.dwarfmode') local overlay = require('plugins.overlay') local utils = require('utils') local widgets = require('gui.widgets') require('dfhack.buildings') local function process_args(opts, args) if args[1] == 'help' then opts.help = true return end return argparse.processArgsGetopt(args, { {'h', 'help', handler=function() opts.help = true end}, }) end function parse_commandline(...) local args, opts = {...}, {} local positionals = process_args(opts, args) if opts.help then return false end local command = table.remove(positionals, 1) if not command or command == 'status' then printStatus() elseif command == 'set' then setSetting(positionals[1], positionals[2] == 'true') else return false end return true end function get_num_filters(btype, subtype, custom) local filters = dfhack.buildings.getFiltersByType({}, btype, subtype, custom) return filters and #filters or 0 end function get_job_item(btype, subtype, custom, index) local filters = dfhack.buildings.getFiltersByType({}, btype, subtype, custom) if not filters or not filters[index] then return nil end local obj = df.job_item:new() obj:assign(filters[index]) return obj end local BUTTON_START_PEN, BUTTON_END_PEN = nil, nil local reset_counts_flag = false local reset_inspector_flag = false function signal_reset() BUTTON_START_PEN = nil BUTTON_END_PEN = nil reset_counts_flag = true reset_inspector_flag = true end local to_pen = dfhack.pen.parse local function get_button_start_pen() if not BUTTON_START_PEN then local texpos_base = dfhack.textures.getControlPanelTexposStart() BUTTON_START_PEN = to_pen{ch='[', fg=COLOR_YELLOW, tile=texpos_base > 0 and texpos_base + 13 or nil} end return BUTTON_START_PEN end local function get_button_end_pen() if not BUTTON_END_PEN then local texpos_base = dfhack.textures.getControlPanelTexposStart() BUTTON_END_PEN = to_pen{ch=']', fg=COLOR_YELLOW, tile=texpos_base > 0 and texpos_base + 15 or nil} end return BUTTON_END_PEN end -------------------------------- -- PlannerOverlay -- local uibs = df.global.buildreq local function cur_building_has_no_area() if uibs.building_type == df.building_type.Construction then return false end local filters = dfhack.buildings.getFiltersByType({}, uibs.building_type, uibs.building_subtype, uibs.custom_type) -- this works because all variable-size buildings have either no item -- filters or a quantity of -1 for their first (and only) item return filters and filters[1] and (not filters[1].quantity or filters[1].quantity > 0) end local function is_choosing_area() return uibs.selection_pos.x >= 0 end local function get_cur_area_dims() if not is_choosing_area() then return 1, 1, 1 end return math.abs(uibs.selection_pos.x - uibs.pos.x) + 1, math.abs(uibs.selection_pos.y - uibs.pos.y) + 1, math.abs(uibs.selection_pos.z - uibs.pos.z) + 1 end local function get_cur_filters() return dfhack.buildings.getFiltersByType({}, uibs.building_type, uibs.building_subtype, uibs.custom_type) end local function is_plannable() return get_cur_filters() and not (uibs.building_type == df.building_type.Construction and uibs.building_subtype == df.construction_type.TrackNSEW) end local function is_stairs() return uibs.building_type == df.building_type.Construction and uibs.building_subtype == df.construction_type.UpDownStair end local direction_panel_frame = {t=4, h=13, w=46, r=28} local direction_panel_types = utils.invert{ df.building_type.Bridge, df.building_type.ScrewPump, df.building_type.WaterWheel, df.building_type.AxleHorizontal, df.building_type.Rollers, } local function has_direction_panel() return direction_panel_types[uibs.building_type] or (uibs.building_type == df.building_type.Trap and uibs.building_subtype == df.trap_type.TrackStop) end local pressure_plate_panel_frame = {t=4, h=37, w=46, r=28} local function has_pressure_plate_panel() return uibs.building_type == df.building_type.Trap and uibs.building_subtype == df.trap_type.PressurePlate end local function is_over_options_panel() local frame = nil if has_direction_panel() then frame = direction_panel_frame elseif has_pressure_plate_panel() then frame = pressure_plate_panel_frame else return false end local v = widgets.Widget{frame=frame} local rect = gui.mkdims_wh(0, 0, dfhack.screen.getWindowSize()) v:updateLayout(gui.ViewRect{rect=rect}) return v:getMousePos() end local function to_title_case(str) str = str:gsub('(%a)([%w_]*)', function (first, rest) return first:upper()..rest:lower() end) str = str:gsub('_', ' ') return str end ItemLine = defclass(ItemLine, widgets.Panel) ItemLine.ATTRS{ idx=DEFAULT_NIL, is_selected_fn=DEFAULT_NIL, on_select=DEFAULT_NIL, on_filter=DEFAULT_NIL, on_clear_filter=DEFAULT_NIL, } function ItemLine:init() self.frame.h = 1 self.visible = function() return #get_cur_filters() >= self.idx end self:addviews{ widgets.Label{ frame={t=0, l=0}, text='*', auto_width=true, visible=self.is_selected_fn, }, widgets.Label{ frame={t=0, r=0}, text='*', auto_width=true, visible=self.is_selected_fn, on_click=self.on_filter, }, widgets.Label{ frame={t=0, l=25}, text={ {tile=get_button_start_pen}, {gap=6, tile=get_button_end_pen}, }, auto_width=true, on_click=function() self.on_filter(self.idx) end, }, widgets.Label{ frame={t=0, l=33}, text={ {tile=get_button_start_pen}, {gap=1, tile=get_button_end_pen}, }, auto_width=true, on_click=function() self.on_clear_filter(self.idx) end, }, widgets.Label{ frame={t=0, l=2}, text={ {width=21, text=self:callback('get_item_line_text')}, {gap=3, text='filter', pen=COLOR_GREEN}, {gap=2, text='x', pen=COLOR_GREEN}, {gap=3, text=function() return self.note end, pen=function() return self.note_pen end}, }, }, } end function ItemLine:reset() self.desc = nil self.available = nil end function ItemLine:onInput(keys) if keys._MOUSE_L_DOWN and self:getMousePos() then self.on_select(self.idx) end return ItemLine.super.onInput(self, keys) end function get_desc(filter) local desc = 'Unknown' if filter.has_tool_use and filter.has_tool_use > -1 then desc = to_title_case(df.tool_uses[filter.has_tool_use]) elseif filter.flags2 and filter.flags2.screw then desc = 'Screw' elseif filter.item_type and filter.item_type > -1 then desc = to_title_case(df.item_type[filter.item_type]) elseif filter.vector_id and filter.vector_id > -1 then desc = to_title_case(df.job_item_vector_id[filter.vector_id]) elseif filter.flags2 and filter.flags2.building_material then desc = 'Building material'; if filter.flags2.fire_safe then desc = 'Fire-safe material'; end if filter.flags2.magma_safe then desc = 'Magma-safe material'; end end if desc:endswith('s') then desc = desc:sub(1,-2) end if desc == 'Trappart' then desc = 'Mechanism' elseif desc == 'Wood' then desc = 'Log' end return desc end local function get_quantity(filter) local quantity = filter.quantity or 1 local dimx, dimy, dimz = get_cur_area_dims() if quantity < 1 then quantity = (((dimx * dimy) // 4) + 1) * dimz else quantity = quantity * dimx * dimy * dimz end return quantity end function ItemLine:get_item_line_text() local idx = self.idx local filter = get_cur_filters()[idx] local quantity = get_quantity(filter) self.desc = self.desc or get_desc(filter) self.available = self.available or countAvailableItems(uibs.building_type, uibs.building_subtype, uibs.custom_type, idx - 1) if self.available >= quantity then self.note_pen = COLOR_GREEN self.note = 'Available now' else self.note_pen = COLOR_YELLOW self.note = 'Will link later' end return ('%d %s%s'):format(quantity, self.desc, quantity == 1 and '' or 's') end function ItemLine:reduce_quantity() if not self.available then return end local filter = get_cur_filters()[self.idx] self.available = math.max(0, self.available - get_quantity(filter)) end local function get_placement_errors() local out = '' for _,str in ipairs(uibs.errors) do if #out > 0 then out = out .. NEWLINE end out = out .. str.value end return out end PlannerOverlay = defclass(PlannerOverlay, overlay.OverlayWidget) PlannerOverlay.ATTRS{ default_pos={x=5,y=9}, default_enabled=true, viewscreens='dwarfmode/Building/Placement', frame={w=56, h=20}, } function PlannerOverlay:init() self.selected = 1 local main_panel = widgets.Panel{ view_id='main', frame={t=0, l=0, r=0, h=14}, frame_style=gui.MEDIUM_FRAME, frame_background=gui.CLEAR_PEN, } local function make_is_selected_fn(idx) return function() return self.selected == idx end end local function on_select_fn(idx) self.selected = idx end main_panel:addviews{ widgets.Label{ frame={}, auto_width=true, text='No items required.', visible=function() return #get_cur_filters() == 0 end, }, ItemLine{view_id='item1', frame={t=0, l=0, r=0}, idx=1, is_selected_fn=make_is_selected_fn(1), on_select=on_select_fn, on_filter=self:callback('filter'), on_clear_filter=self:callback('clear_filter')}, ItemLine{view_id='item2', frame={t=2, l=0, r=0}, idx=2, is_selected_fn=make_is_selected_fn(2), on_select=on_select_fn, on_filter=self:callback('filter'), on_clear_filter=self:callback('clear_filter')}, ItemLine{view_id='item3', frame={t=4, l=0, r=0}, idx=3, is_selected_fn=make_is_selected_fn(3), on_select=on_select_fn, on_filter=self:callback('filter'), on_clear_filter=self:callback('clear_filter')}, ItemLine{view_id='item4', frame={t=6, l=0, r=0}, idx=4, is_selected_fn=make_is_selected_fn(4), on_select=on_select_fn, on_filter=self:callback('filter'), on_clear_filter=self:callback('clear_filter')}, widgets.CycleHotkeyLabel{ view_id='stairs_top_subtype', frame={t=4, l=4}, key='CUSTOM_R', label='Top Stair Type: ', visible=is_stairs, options={ {label='Auto', value='auto'}, {label='UpDown', value=df.construction_type.UpDownStair}, {label='Down', value=df.construction_type.DownStair}, }, }, widgets.CycleHotkeyLabel { view_id='stairs_bottom_subtype', frame={t=5, l=4}, key='CUSTOM_B', label='Bottom Stair Type: ', visible=is_stairs, options={ {label='Auto', value='auto'}, {label='UpDown', value=df.construction_type.UpDownStair}, {label='Up', value=df.construction_type.UpStair}, }, }, widgets.Label{ frame={b=3, l=17}, text={ 'Selected area: ', {text=function() return ('%dx%dx%d'):format(get_cur_area_dims()) end }, }, visible=is_choosing_area, }, widgets.Panel{ visible=function() return #get_cur_filters() > 0 end, subviews={ widgets.HotkeyLabel{ frame={b=1, l=0}, key='SELECT', label='Choose item', on_activate=function() self:choose(self.selected) end, enabled=function() return (self.subviews['item'..self.selected].available or 0) > 0 end, }, widgets.HotkeyLabel{ frame={b=1, l=21}, key='CUSTOM_F', label='Filter', on_activate=function() self:filter(self.selected) end, }, widgets.HotkeyLabel{ frame={b=1, l=33}, key='CUSTOM_X', label='Clear filter', on_activate=function() self:clear_filter(self.selected) end, }, widgets.CycleHotkeyLabel{ view_id='safety', frame={b=0, l=2}, key='CUSTOM_G', label='Safety: ', options={ {label='None', value='none'}, {label='Magma', value='magma'}, {label='Fire', value='fire'}, }, }, }, }, } local error_panel = widgets.ResizingPanel{ view_id='errors', frame={t=14, l=0, r=0}, frame_style=gui.MEDIUM_FRAME, frame_background=gui.CLEAR_PEN, } error_panel:addviews{ widgets.WrappedLabel{ frame={t=0, l=0, r=0}, text_pen=COLOR_LIGHTRED, text_to_wrap=get_placement_errors, visible=function() return #uibs.errors > 0 end, }, widgets.Label{ frame={t=0, l=0, r=0}, text_pen=COLOR_GREEN, text='OK to build', visible=function() return #uibs.errors == 0 end, }, } self:addviews{ main_panel, error_panel, } end function PlannerOverlay:reset() self.subviews.item1:reset() self.subviews.item2:reset() self.subviews.item3:reset() self.subviews.item4:reset() reset_counts_flag = false end function PlannerOverlay:choose(idx) print('choose', idx) end function PlannerOverlay:filter(idx) print('filter', idx) end function PlannerOverlay:clear_filter(idx) print('clear_filter', idx) end function PlannerOverlay:onInput(keys) if not is_plannable() then return false end if keys.LEAVESCREEN or keys._MOUSE_R_DOWN then if uibs.selection_pos:isValid() then uibs.selection_pos:clear() return true end self.selected = 1 self:reset() return false end if PlannerOverlay.super.onInput(self, keys) then return true end if keys._MOUSE_L_DOWN then if is_over_options_panel() then return false end local detect_rect = copyall(self.frame_rect) detect_rect.height = self.subviews.main.frame_rect.height + self.subviews.errors.frame_rect.height detect_rect.y2 = detect_rect.y1 + detect_rect.height - 1 if self.subviews.main:getMousePos(gui.ViewRect{rect=detect_rect}) or self.subviews.errors:getMousePos() then return true end if #uibs.errors > 0 then return true end local pos = dfhack.gui.getMousePos() if pos then if is_choosing_area() or cur_building_has_no_area() then if #get_cur_filters() == 0 then return false -- we don't add value; let the game place it end self.subviews.item1:reduce_quantity() self.subviews.item2:reduce_quantity() self.subviews.item3:reduce_quantity() self.subviews.item4:reduce_quantity() self:place_building() uibs.selection_pos:clear() return true elseif not is_choosing_area() then return false end end end return keys._MOUSE_L end function PlannerOverlay:render(dc) if not is_plannable() then return end self.subviews.errors:updateLayout() PlannerOverlay.super.render(self, dc) end local GOOD_PEN = to_pen{ch='o', fg=COLOR_GREEN, tile=dfhack.screen.findGraphicsTile('CURSORS', 1, 2)} local BAD_PEN = to_pen{ch='X', fg=COLOR_RED, tile=dfhack.screen.findGraphicsTile('CURSORS', 3, 0)} function PlannerOverlay:onRenderFrame(dc, rect) PlannerOverlay.super.onRenderFrame(self, dc, rect) if reset_counts_flag then self:reset() end if not is_choosing_area() then return end local bounds = { x1 = math.min(uibs.selection_pos.x, uibs.pos.x), x2 = math.max(uibs.selection_pos.x, uibs.pos.x), y1 = math.min(uibs.selection_pos.y, uibs.pos.y), y2 = math.max(uibs.selection_pos.y, uibs.pos.y), } local pen = #uibs.errors > 0 and BAD_PEN or GOOD_PEN local function get_overlay_pen(pos) return pen end guidm.renderMapOverlay(get_overlay_pen, bounds) end function PlannerOverlay:place_building() local direction = uibs.direction local width, height, depth = get_cur_area_dims() local _, adjusted_width, adjusted_height = dfhack.buildings.getCorrectSize( width, height, uibs.building_type, uibs.building_subtype, uibs.custom_type, direction) -- get the upper-left corner of the building/area at min z-level local has_selection = is_choosing_area() local start_pos = xyz2pos( has_selection and math.min(uibs.selection_pos.x, uibs.pos.x) or uibs.pos.x - adjusted_width//2, has_selection and math.min(uibs.selection_pos.y, uibs.pos.y) or uibs.pos.y - adjusted_height//2, has_selection and math.min(uibs.selection_pos.z, uibs.pos.z) or uibs.pos.z ) if uibs.building_type == df.building_type.ScrewPump then if direction == df.screw_pump_direction.FromSouth then start_pos.y = start_pos.y + 1 elseif direction == df.screw_pump_direction.FromEast then start_pos.x = start_pos.x + 1 end end local min_x, max_x = start_pos.x, start_pos.x local min_y, max_y = start_pos.y, start_pos.y local min_z, max_z = start_pos.z, start_pos.z if adjusted_width == 1 and adjusted_height == 1 and (width > 1 or height > 1 or depth > 1) then max_x = min_x + width - 1 max_y = min_y + height - 1 max_z = math.max(uibs.selection_pos.z, uibs.pos.z) end local blds = {} local subtype = uibs.building_subtype for z=min_z,max_z do for y=min_y,max_y do for x=min_x,max_x do local pos = xyz2pos(x, y, z) if is_stairs() then if z == min_z then subtype = self.subviews.stairs_bottom_subtype:getOptionValue() if subtype == 'auto' then local tt = dfhack.maps.getTileType(pos) local shape = df.tiletype.attrs[tt].shape if shape == df.tiletype_shape.STAIR_DOWN then subtype = uibs.building_subtype else subtype = df.construction_type.UpStair end end elseif z == max_z then subtype = self.subviews.stairs_top_subtype:getOptionValue() if subtype == 'auto' then local tt = dfhack.maps.getTileType(pos) local shape = df.tiletype.attrs[tt].shape if shape == df.tiletype_shape.STAIR_UP then subtype = uibs.building_subtype else subtype = df.construction_type.DownStair end end else subtype = uibs.building_subtype end end local bld, err = dfhack.buildings.constructBuilding{pos=pos, type=uibs.building_type, subtype=subtype, custom=uibs.custom_type, width=adjusted_width, height=adjusted_height, direction=direction} if err then for _,b in ipairs(blds) do dfhack.buildings.deconstruct(b) end dfhack.printerr(err .. (' (%d, %d, %d)'):format(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)) return end -- assign fields for the types that need them. we can't pass them all in -- to the call to constructBuilding since attempting to assign unrelated -- fields to building types that don't support them causes errors. for k,v in pairs(bld) do if k == 'friction' then bld.friction = uibs.friction end if k == 'use_dump' then bld.use_dump = uibs.use_dump end if k == 'dump_x_shift' then bld.dump_x_shift = uibs.dump_x_shift end if k == 'dump_y_shift' then bld.dump_y_shift = uibs.dump_y_shift end if k == 'speed' then bld.speed = uibs.speed end end table.insert(blds, bld) end end end for _,bld in ipairs(blds) do addPlannedBuilding(bld) end scheduleCycle() end -------------------------------- -- InspectorOverlay -- local function get_building_filters() local bld = dfhack.gui.getSelectedBuilding() return dfhack.buildings.getFiltersByType({}, bld:getType(), bld:getSubtype(), bld:getCustomType()) end InspectorLine = defclass(InspectorLine, widgets.Panel) InspectorLine.ATTRS{ idx=DEFAULT_NIL, } function InspectorLine:init() self.frame.h = 2 self.visible = function() return #get_building_filters() >= self.idx end self:addviews{ widgets.Label{ frame={t=0, l=0}, text={{text=self:callback('get_desc_string')}}, }, widgets.Label{ frame={t=1, l=2}, text={{text=self:callback('get_status_line')}}, }, } end function InspectorLine:get_desc_string() if self.desc then return self.desc end self.desc = getDescString(dfhack.gui.getSelectedBuilding(), self.idx-1) return self.desc end function InspectorLine:get_status_line() if self.status then return self.status end local queue_pos = getQueuePosition(dfhack.gui.getSelectedBuilding(), self.idx-1) if queue_pos <= 0 then return 'Item attached' end self.status = ('Position in line: %d'):format(queue_pos) return self.status end function InspectorLine:reset() self.status = nil end InspectorOverlay = defclass(InspectorOverlay, overlay.OverlayWidget) InspectorOverlay.ATTRS{ default_pos={x=-41,y=14}, default_enabled=true, viewscreens='dwarfmode/ViewSheets/BUILDING', frame={w=30, h=14}, frame_style=gui.MEDIUM_FRAME, frame_background=gui.CLEAR_PEN, } function InspectorOverlay:init() self:addviews{ widgets.Label{ frame={t=0, l=0}, text='Waiting for items:', }, InspectorLine{view_id='item1', frame={t=2, l=0}, idx=1}, InspectorLine{view_id='item2', frame={t=4, l=0}, idx=2}, InspectorLine{view_id='item3', frame={t=6, l=0}, idx=3}, InspectorLine{view_id='item4', frame={t=8, l=0}, idx=4}, widgets.HotkeyLabel{ frame={t=10, l=0}, label='adjust filters', key='CUSTOM_CTRL_F', }, widgets.HotkeyLabel{ frame={t=11, l=0}, label='make top priority', key='CUSTOM_CTRL_T', on_activate=self:callback('make_top_priority'), }, } end function InspectorOverlay:reset() self.subviews.item1:reset() self.subviews.item2:reset() self.subviews.item3:reset() self.subviews.item4:reset() reset_inspector_flag = false end function InspectorOverlay:make_top_priority() makeTopPriority(dfhack.gui.getSelectedBuilding()) self:reset() end function InspectorOverlay:onInput(keys) if not isPlannedBuilding(dfhack.gui.getSelectedBuilding()) then return false end if keys._MOUSE_L_DOWN or keys._MOUSE_R_DOWN or keys.LEAVESCREEN then self:reset() end return InspectorOverlay.super.onInput(self, keys) end function InspectorOverlay:render(dc) if not isPlannedBuilding(dfhack.gui.getSelectedBuilding()) then return end if reset_inspector_flag then self:reset() end InspectorOverlay.super.render(self, dc) end OVERLAY_WIDGETS = { planner=PlannerOverlay, inspector=InspectorOverlay, } -- returns whether the items matched by the specified filter can have a quality -- rating. This also conveniently indicates whether an item can be decorated. -- does not need the core suspended -- reverse_idx is 0-based and is expected to be counted from the *last* filter function item_can_be_improved(btype, subtype, custom, reverse_idx) local filter = get_filter(btype, subtype, custom, reverse_idx) if filter.flags2 and filter.flags2.building_material then return false; end return filter.item_type ~= df.item_type.WOOD and filter.item_type ~= df.item_type.BLOCKS and filter.item_type ~= df.item_type.BAR and filter.item_type ~= df.item_type.BOULDER end return _ENV