//command-prompt a one line command entry at the top of the screen for quick commands #include "Core.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "df/interface_key.h" #include "df/ui.h" #include "df/graphic.h" #include "df/enabler.h" using namespace DFHack; using namespace df::enums; DFHACK_PLUGIN("command-prompt"); REQUIRE_GLOBAL(ui); REQUIRE_GLOBAL(gps); REQUIRE_GLOBAL(enabler); std::vector command_history; class viewscreen_commandpromptst; class prompt_ostream:public buffered_color_ostream { viewscreen_commandpromptst *parent_; protected: void flush_proxy(); public: prompt_ostream(viewscreen_commandpromptst* parent):parent_(parent){} bool empty(){return buffer.empty();} }; class viewscreen_commandpromptst : public dfhack_viewscreen { public: void feed(std::set *events); void logic() { dfhack_viewscreen::logic(); } void render(); void help() { } int8_t movies_okay() { return 0; } df::unit* getSelectedUnit() { return Gui::getAnyUnit(parent); } df::item* getSelectedItem() { return Gui::getAnyItem(parent); } df::building* getSelectedBuilding() { return Gui::getAnyBuilding(parent); } std::string getFocusString() { return "commandprompt"; } viewscreen_commandpromptst(std::string entry):is_response(false), submitted(false) { show_fps=gps->display_frames; gps->display_frames=0; cursor_pos = entry.size(); frame = 0; history_idx = command_history.size(); if (history_idx > 0) { if (command_history[history_idx - 1] == "") { command_history.pop_back(); history_idx--; } } command_history.push_back(entry); } ~viewscreen_commandpromptst() { gps->display_frames=show_fps; } void add_response(color_value v, std::string s) { std::stringstream ss(s); std::string part; while (std::getline(ss, part)) { responses.push_back(std::make_pair(v, part + '\n')); } } std::string get_entry() { return command_history[history_idx]; } void set_entry(std::string entry) { command_history[history_idx] = entry; } void back_word() { std::string entry = get_entry(); if (cursor_pos == 0) return; cursor_pos--; while (cursor_pos > 0 && !isalnum(entry[cursor_pos])) cursor_pos--; while (cursor_pos > 0 && isalnum(entry[cursor_pos])) cursor_pos--; if (!isalnum(entry[cursor_pos]) && cursor_pos != 0) cursor_pos++; } void forward_word() { std::string entry = get_entry(); int len = entry.size(); if (cursor_pos == len) return; cursor_pos++; while (cursor_pos <= len && !isalnum(entry[cursor_pos])) cursor_pos++; while (cursor_pos <= len && isalnum(entry[cursor_pos])) cursor_pos++; if (cursor_pos > len) cursor_pos = len; } protected: std::list > responses; int cursor_pos; int history_idx; bool submitted; bool is_response; bool show_fps; int frame; void submit(); }; void prompt_ostream::flush_proxy() { if (buffer.empty()) return; for(auto it=buffer.begin();it!=buffer.end();it++) parent_->add_response(it->first,it->second); buffer.clear(); } void viewscreen_commandpromptst::render() { ++frame; if (frame >= enabler->gfps) frame = 0; if (Screen::isDismissed(this)) return; dfhack_viewscreen::render(); auto dim = Screen::getWindowSize(); parent->render(); if(is_response) { auto it=responses.begin(); for(int i=0;isecond; Screen::paintString(Screen::Pen(' ',it->first,0),0,i,cur_line.substr(0,cur_line.size()-1)); } } else { std::string entry = get_entry(); Screen::fillRect(Screen::Pen(' ', 7, 0),0,0,dim.x,0); Screen::paintString(Screen::Pen(' ', 7, 0), 0, 0,"[DFHack]#"); std::string cursor = (frame < enabler->gfps / 2) ? "_" : " "; if(cursor_pos < (dim.x - 10)) { Screen::paintString(Screen::Pen(' ', 7, 0), 10,0 , entry); if (entry.size() > dim.x - 10) Screen::paintTile(Screen::Pen('\032', 7, 0), dim.x - 1, 0); if (cursor != " ") Screen::paintString(Screen::Pen(' ', 10, 0), 10 + cursor_pos, 0, cursor); } else { size_t start = cursor_pos - dim.x + 10 + 1; Screen::paintTile(Screen::Pen('\033', 7, 0), 9, 0); Screen::paintString(Screen::Pen(' ', 7, 0), 10, 0, entry.substr(start)); if (cursor != " ") Screen::paintString(Screen::Pen(' ', 10, 0), dim.x - 1, 0, cursor); } } } void viewscreen_commandpromptst::submit() { CoreSuspendClaimer suspend; if(is_response) { Screen::dismiss(this); return; } if(submitted) return; submitted = true; prompt_ostream out(this); Core::getInstance().runCommand(out, get_entry()); if(out.empty() && responses.empty()) Screen::dismiss(this); else { is_response=true; } } void viewscreen_commandpromptst::feed(std::set *events) { int old_pos = cursor_pos; std::string entry = get_entry(); bool leave_all = events->count(interface_key::LEAVESCREEN_ALL); if (leave_all || events->count(interface_key::LEAVESCREEN)) { events->clear(); Screen::dismiss(this); if (leave_all) { events->insert(interface_key::LEAVESCREEN); parent->feed(events); events->clear(); } //if (command_history.size() && !entry.size()) // command_history.pop_back(); return; } if (events->count(interface_key::SELECT)) { submit(); return; } if (is_response) return; for (auto it = events->begin(); it != events->end(); ++it) { auto key = *it; if (key==interface_key::STRING_A000) //delete? { if(entry.size() && cursor_pos > 0) { entry.erase(cursor_pos - 1, 1); cursor_pos--; } if(cursor_pos > entry.size()) cursor_pos = entry.size(); continue; } int charcode = Screen::keyToChar(key); if (charcode > 0) { entry.insert(cursor_pos, 1, char(charcode)); cursor_pos++; set_entry(entry); return; } } // Prevent number keys from moving cursor if(events->count(interface_key::CURSOR_RIGHT)) { cursor_pos++; if (cursor_pos > entry.size()) cursor_pos = entry.size(); } else if(events->count(interface_key::CURSOR_LEFT)) { cursor_pos--; if (cursor_pos < 0) cursor_pos = 0; } else if(events->count(interface_key::CURSOR_RIGHT_FAST)) { forward_word(); } else if(events->count(interface_key::CURSOR_LEFT_FAST)) { back_word(); } else if(events->count(interface_key::CUSTOM_CTRL_A)) { cursor_pos = 0; } else if(events->count(interface_key::CUSTOM_CTRL_E)) { cursor_pos = entry.size(); } else if(events->count(interface_key::CURSOR_UP)) { history_idx--; if (history_idx < 0) history_idx = 0; entry = get_entry(); cursor_pos = entry.size(); } else if(events->count(interface_key::CURSOR_DOWN)) { if (history_idx < command_history.size() - 1) { history_idx++; if (history_idx >= command_history.size()) history_idx = command_history.size() - 1; entry = get_entry(); cursor_pos = entry.size(); } } set_entry(entry); if (old_pos != cursor_pos) frame = 0; } command_result show_prompt(color_ostream &out, std::vector & parameters) { if (Gui::getCurFocus() == "dfhack/commandprompt") { Screen::dismiss(Gui::getCurViewscreen(true)); } std::string params; for(size_t i=0;i &commands) { commands.push_back(PluginCommand( "command-prompt","Shows a command prompt on window.",show_prompt,hotkey_allow_all, "command-prompt [entry] - shows a cmd prompt in df window. Entry is used for default prefix (e.g. ':lua')" )); return CR_OK; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_onstatechange (color_ostream &out, state_change_event e) { if (e == SC_BEGIN_UNLOAD && Gui::getCurFocus() == "dfhack/commandprompt") return CR_FAILURE; return CR_OK; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_shutdown ( color_ostream &out ) { return CR_OK; }