// Burn a hole straight to hell! #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #include #include #include using namespace DFHack; #ifdef LINUX_BUILD #include void waitmsec (int delay) { usleep(delay); } #else #include void waitmsec (int delay) { Sleep(delay); } #endif #define minmax(MinV,V,MaxV) (max((MinV),min((MaxV),(V)))) //User interaction enums. //Pit Type (these only have meaning within hellhole, btw) #define PITTYPEMACRO \ X(pitTypeChasm,"Bottomless Chasm" ) \ X(pitTypeEerie,"Bottomless Eerie Pit" ) \ X(pitTypeMagma,"Magma Pit (similar to volcanoe, no hell access)" ) //end PITTYPEMACRO #define X(name,desc) name, enum e_pitType { pitTypeInvalid=-1, PITTYPEMACRO pitTypeCount, }; #undef X #define X(name,desc) desc, const char * pitTypeDesc[pitTypeCount+1] = { PITTYPEMACRO "" }; #undef X int getyesno( const char * msg , int default_value ){ const int bufferlen=4; static char buf[bufferlen]; memset(buf,0,bufferlen); while(-1){ if(msg) printf("\n%s (default=%s)\n:" , msg , (default_value?"yes":"no") ); fflush(stdin); fgets(buf,bufferlen,stdin); switch(buf[0]){ case 0: case 0x0d: case 0x0a: return default_value; case 'y': case 'Y': case 'T': case 't': case '1': return -1; case 'n': case 'N': case 'F': case 'f': case '0': return 0; } } return 0; } int getint( const char * msg , int min, int max, int default_value ){ const int bufferlen=16; static char buf[bufferlen]; int n=0; memset(buf,0,bufferlen); while(-1){ if(msg) printf("\n%s (default=%d)\n:" , msg , default_value); fflush(stdin); fgets(buf,bufferlen,stdin); if( !buf[0] || 0x0a==buf[0] || 0x0d==buf[0] ) return default_value; if( sscanf(buf,"%d", &n) ){ if(n>=min && n<=max ) return n; } } } //Interactive, get pit type from user #define X( e , desc ) printf("%2d) %s\n", (e), (desc) ); e_pitType selectPitType(e_pitType default_value ){ e_pitType r=pitTypeInvalid; int c=-1; while( -1 ){ printf("Enter the type of hole to dig (if no entry, default everything):\n" ); PITTYPEMACRO printf(":"); return (e_pitType)getint(NULL, 0, pitTypeCount-1, default_value ); } } #undef X void drawcircle(const int radius, unsigned char pattern[16][16], unsigned char v ){ //Small circles get better randomness if handled manually if( 1==radius ){ pattern[7][7]=v; if( (rand()&1) ) pattern[6][7]=v; if( (rand()&1) ) pattern[8][7]=v; if( (rand()&1) ) pattern[7][6]=v; if( (rand()&1) ) pattern[7][8]=v; }else if( 2==radius ){ pattern[7][7]=v; pattern[7][5]=v; pattern[7][6]=v; pattern[7][8]=v; pattern[7][9]=v; pattern[6][7]=v; pattern[8][7]=v; pattern[9][7]=v; pattern[6][6]=v; pattern[6][8]=v; pattern[8][6]=v; pattern[8][8]=v; pattern[5][7]=v; if( (rand()&1) ) pattern[6][5]=v; if( (rand()&1) ) pattern[5][6]=v; if( (rand()&1) ) pattern[8][5]=v; if( (rand()&1) ) pattern[9][6]=v; if( (rand()&1) ) pattern[6][9]=v; if( (rand()&1) ) pattern[5][8]=v; if( (rand()&1) ) pattern[8][9]=v; if( (rand()&1) ) pattern[9][8]=v; }else{ //radius 3 or larger, simple circle calculation. int x,y; for(y=0-radius; y<=radius; ++y){ for(x=0-radius; x<=radius; ++x){ if(x*x+y*y <= radius*radius + (rand()&31-8) ){ pattern[ minmax(0,7+x,15) ][ minmax(0,7+y,15) ]=v; } } } //Prevent boxy patterns with a quick modification on edges if(rand()&1) pattern[ 7 ][ minmax(0,7+radius+1,15) ] = v; if(rand()&1) pattern[ 7 ][ minmax(0,7-radius-1,15) ] = v; if(rand()&1) pattern[ minmax(0,7+radius+1,15) ][ 7 ] = v; if(rand()&1) pattern[ minmax(0,7-radius-1,15) ][ 7 ] = v; } } void settileat(unsigned char pattern[16][16], const unsigned char needle, const unsigned char v, const int index ) { int ok=0; int safety=256*256; int y,x,i=0; //Scan for sequential index while( !ok && --safety ){ for(y=0 ; !ok && y<16 ; ++y ){ for(x=0 ; !ok && x<16 ; ++x ){ if( needle==pattern[x][y] ){ ++i; if( index==i ){ //Got it! pattern[x][y]=v; ok=-1; } } } } } } int main (void) { srand ( (unsigned int)time(NULL) ); //Message of intent cout << "DF Hell Hole" << endl << "This program will instantly dig a bottomless hole through hell, wherever your cursor is." << endl << "This can not be undone! End program now if you don't want hellish fun." << endl ; //User selection of settings should have it own routine, a structure for settings, I know //sloppy mess, but this is just a demo utility. //Pit Types. e_pitType pittype = selectPitType(pitTypeInvalid); //Hole Diameter int holeradius=6; if( pitTypeInvalid != pittype && pitTypeMagma != pittype ){ holeradius = getint( "Enter hole radius, 0 to 8", 0, 8, holeradius ); } //Wall thickness int wallthickness=1; if( pitTypeInvalid != pittype && pitTypeMagma != pittype ){ wallthickness = getint( "Enter wall thickness, 0 to 8", 0, 8, wallthickness ); } //Obsidian Pillars int pillarwall=1; if( pitTypeInvalid != pittype ){ pillarwall = getint( "Number of Obsidian Pillars in wall, 0 to 255", 0, 255, pillarwall ); } int pillarchasm=1; if( pitTypeInvalid != pittype ){ pillarchasm = getint( "Number of Obsidian Pillars in hole, 0 to 255", 0, 255, pillarchasm ); } //Open Hell? int exposehell = 0; if( pitTypeInvalid != pittype && pitTypeMagma != pittype && wallthickness ){ exposehell=getyesno("Expose the pit to hell (no walls in hell)?",0); } //Fill? int fillmagma=0; if( pitTypeInvalid != pittype ){ fillmagma=getyesno("Fill with magma?",0); } int fillwater=0; if( pitTypeInvalid != pittype && !fillmagma){ fillwater=getyesno("Fill with water?",0); } //If skipped all settings, fix the pit type if( pitTypeInvalid == pittype ) pittype = pitTypeChasm; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Print settings. //If a settings struct existed, this could be in a routine printf("Using Settings:\n"); printf("Pit Type......: %d = %s\n", pittype, pitTypeDesc[pittype]); printf("Hole Radius...: %d\n", holeradius); printf("Wall Thickness: %d\n", wallthickness); printf("Pillars, Wall.: %d\n", pillarwall); printf("Pillars, Hole.: %d\n", pillarchasm); printf("Expose Hell...: %c\n", (exposehell?'Y':'N') ); printf("Magma Fill....: %c\n", (fillmagma?'Y':'N') ); printf("Water Fill....: %c\n", (fillwater?'Y':'N') ); int64_t n; uint32_t x_max,y_max,z_max; //The Tile Type to use for the walls lining the hole //263 is semi-molten rock, 331 is obsidian uint32_t whell=263, wmolten=263, wmagma=331, wcave=331; //The Tile Type to use for the hole's floor at bottom of the map //35 is chasm, 42 is eerie pit , 340 is obsidian floor uint32_t floor=35, cap=340; if( pitTypeEerie == pittype ) floor=42; //Should tiles be revealed? int reveal=1; //Pattern to dig unsigned char pattern[16][16]; for(int regen=1;regen; ){ regen=0; memset(pattern,0,sizeof(pattern)); //Calculate a randomized circle. //These values found through experimentation. int x=0, y=0, n=0; //Two concentric irregular circles //Outer circle, solid. if( wallthickness ){ drawcircle(holeradius+wallthickness, pattern, 2); } //Inner circle, hole. if( holeradius ){ drawcircle(holeradius, pattern, 1); } //Post-process to be certain the wall totally encloses hole. if(wallthickness){ for(y=0;y<16;++y){ for(x=0;x<16;++x){ if( 1==pattern[x][y] ){ //No hole at edges. if( x<1 || x>14 || y<1 || y>14 ){ pattern[x][y]=2; } }else if( 0==pattern[x][y] ){ //check neighbors if( x>0 && y>0 && 1==pattern[x-1][y-1] ){ pattern[x][y]=2; continue; } if( x>0 && 1==pattern[x-1][y ] ){ pattern[x][y]=2; continue; } if( y>0 && 1==pattern[x ][y-1] ){ pattern[x][y]=2; continue; } if( x<15 && 1==pattern[x+1][y ] ){ pattern[x][y]=2; continue; } if( x<15&& y>0 && 1==pattern[x+1][y-1] ){ pattern[x][y]=2; continue; } if( x<15&& y<15&& 1==pattern[x+1][y+1] ){ pattern[x][y]=2; continue; } if( y<15&& 1==pattern[x ][y+1] ){ pattern[x][y]=2; continue; } if( x>0 && y<15&& 1==pattern[x-1][y+1] ){ pattern[x][y]=2; continue; } } } } } //Final pass, makes sure that somewhere random gets a vertical pillar of rock which is safe //to dig stairs down, to permit access to anywhere within the pit from the top. for(n=pillarchasm; n ; --n){ settileat( pattern , 1 , 3 , rand()&255 ); } for(n=pillarwall; n ; --n){ settileat( pattern , 2 , 3 , rand()&255 ); } //Note: //At this point, the pattern holds: //0 for all tiles which will be ignored. //1 for all tiles set to empty pit space. //2 for all normal walls. //3 for the straight obsidian top-to-bottom wall. printf("\nPattern:\n"); const char patternkey[] = ".cW!4567890123"; //Print the pattern for(y=0;y<16;++y){ for(x=0;x<16;++x){ cout << patternkey[ pattern[x][y] ]; } cout << endl; } cout << endl; regen = !getyesno("Acceptable Pattern?",1); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Connect to DF! DFHack::ContextManager DFMgr("Memory.xml"); DFHack::Context *DF = DFMgr.getSingleContext(); //Init try { DF->Attach(); } catch (exception& e) { cerr << e.what() << endl; #ifndef LINUX_BUILD cin.ignore(); #endif return 1; } // init the map DFHack::Maps *Mapz = DF->getMaps(); if(!Mapz->Start()) { cerr << "Can't init map. Exiting." << endl; #ifndef LINUX_BUILD cin.ignore(); #endif return 1; } Mapz->getSize(x_max,y_max,z_max); //Get cursor int32_t cursorX, cursorY, cursorZ; DFHack::Position *Pos = DF->getPosition(); Pos->getCursorCoords(cursorX,cursorY,cursorZ); if(-30000==cursorX){ cout << "No cursor position found. Exiting." << endl; #ifndef LINUX_BUILD cin.ignore(); #endif return 1; } //Block coordinates int32_t bx=cursorX/16, by=cursorY/16, bz=cursorZ; //Tile coordinates within block int32_t tx=cursorX%16, ty=cursorY%16, tz=cursorZ; /* //Access the DF interface to pause the game. //Copied from the reveal tool. DFHack::Gui *Gui =DF->getGui(); cout << "Pausing..." << endl; Gui->SetPauseState(true); DF->Resume(); waitmsec(1000); DF->Suspend(); */ //Verify that every z-level at this location exists. for(int32_t z = 0; z<= bz ;z++){ if( ! Mapz->isValidBlock(bx,by,z) ){ cout << "This block does't exist yet!" << endl << "Designate the lowest level for digging to make DF allocate the block, then try again." << endl; #ifndef LINUX_BUILD cin.ignore(); #endif return 1; } } //Get all the map features. vector global_features; if(!Mapz->ReadGlobalFeatures(global_features)){ cout << "Couldn't load global features! Probably a version problem." << endl; #ifndef LINUX_BUILD cin.ignore(); #endif return 1; } std::map > local_features; if(!Mapz->ReadLocalFeatures(local_features)){ cout << "Couldn't load local features! Probably a version problem." << endl; #ifndef LINUX_BUILD cin.ignore(); #endif return 1; } //Get info on current tile, to determine how to generate the pit mapblock40d topblock; Mapz->ReadBlock40d( bx, by, bz , &topblock ); //Related block info planecoord pc; pc.dim.x=bx; pc.dim.y=by; mapblock40d block; const TileRow * tp; t_designation * d; //From top to bottom, dig this dude. //Top level, cap. Mapz->ReadBlock40d( bx, by, bz , &block ); for(uint32_t x=0;x<16;++x){ for(uint32_t y=0;y<16;++y){ if(pattern[x][y]){ tp = getTileTypeP(block.tiletypes[x][y]); d = &block.designation[x][y]; //Only modify this level if it's 'empty' if( EMPTY != tp->c && RAMP_TOP != tp->c && STAIR_DOWN != tp->c && DFHack::TILE_STREAM_TOP != tp->s) continue; //Need a floor for empty space. if(reveal) d->bits.hidden = 0; //topblock.designation[x][y].bits.hidden; //Always clear the dig designation. d->bits.dig=designation_no; //unlock fluids, so they fall down the pit. d->bits.flow_forbid = d->bits.liquid_static=0; block.blockflags.bits.liquid_1 = block.blockflags.bits.liquid_2 = 1; //Remove aquifer, to prevent bugginess d->bits.water_table=0; //Set the tile. block.tiletypes[x][y] = cap + rand()%4; } } } //Write the block. Mapz->WriteBlockFlags(bx,by,bz, block.blockflags ); Mapz->WriteDesignations(bx,by,bz, &block.designation ); Mapz->WriteTileTypes(bx,by,bz, &block.tiletypes ); Mapz->WriteDirtyBit(bx,by,bz,1); //Various behaviour flags. int moltencount=0; int solidcount=0; int emptycount=0; int hellcount=0; int tpat; //All levels in between. uint32_t t; for(int32_t z = bz-1; z>0 ; --z){ moltencount=0; solidcount=0; emptycount=0; hellcount=0; cout << z << endl; assert( Mapz->isValidBlock(bx,by,z) ); if(!Mapz->ReadBlock40d( bx, by, z , &block )){ cout << "Bad block! " << bx << "," << by << "," << z; } for(int32_t x=0;x<16;++x){ for(int32_t y=0;y<16;++y){ t=0; tp = getTileTypeP(block.tiletypes[x][y]); d = &block.designation[x][y]; tpat=pattern[x][y]; //Manipulate behaviour based on settings and location switch( tp->m ){ case MAGMA: ++moltencount; //Making a fake volcanoe/magma pipe? if( pitTypeMagma == pittype ){ //Leave tile unchanged. tpat=0; } break; case OBSIDIAN: case FEATSTONE: case HFS: //ignore, even though it is technically solid break; case VEIN: default: if( EMPTY != tp->c ){ ++emptycount; }else{ ++solidcount; } } //Check hell status if( (block.local_feature > -1 && feature_Underworld==local_features[pc][block.local_feature]->type ) || (block.global_feature > -1 && feature_Underworld==global_features[block.global_feature].type ) ){ ++hellcount; //Are we leaving hell open? if( exposehell ){ //Leave tile unchanged. tpat=0; } } //Border or space? switch(tpat){ case 0: continue; break; case 1: //Empty Space t=32; //d->bits.light = topblock.designation[x][y].bits.light; //d->bits.skyview = topblock.designation[x][y].bits.skyview; //d->bits.subterranean = topblock.designation[x][y].bits.subterranean; //Erase special markers d->bits.feature_global = d->bits.feature_local = 0; //Water? Magma? if(fillmagma || fillwater){ d->bits.flow_size=7; d->bits.liquid_character = liquid_fresh; if(fillmagma){ d->bits.liquid_type=liquid_magma; }else{ d->bits.liquid_type=liquid_water; } } break; case 2: //Border. //First guess based on current material switch( tp->m ){ case OBSIDIAN: t=wmagma; break; case MAGMA: t=wmolten; break; case HFS: t=whell; break; case VEIN: t=440; //Solid vein block break; case FEATSTONE: t=335; //Solid feature stone block break; default: t=wcave; } //If the tile already is a feature, or if it is a vein, we're done. //Otherwise, adopt block features. if( VEIN!=tp->m && !d->bits.feature_global && !d->bits.feature_local ){ //Local Feature? if( block.local_feature > -1 ){ switch( n=local_features[pc][block.local_feature]->type ){ case feature_Adamantine_Tube: case feature_Underworld: case feature_Hell_Temple: //Whatever the feature is made of. "featstone wall" d->bits.feature_local = 1; t=335; break; default: //something here. for debugging, it may be interesting to know. if(n) cout << '(' << n << ')'; } } //Global Feature? else if(block.global_feature > -1 ){ switch( n=global_features[block.global_feature].type ){ case feature_Adamantine_Tube: case feature_Underworld: case feature_Hell_Temple: //Whatever the feature is made of. "featstone wall" d->bits.feature_global = 1; t=335; break; default: //something here. for debugging, it may be interesting to know. if(n) cout << '[' << n << ']'; } } } //Erase any liquids, as they cause problems. d->bits.flow_size=0; d->bits.liquid_character = liquid_fresh; d->bits.liquid_type=liquid_water; break; case 3: //Special wall, always sets to obsidian, to give a stairway t=331; //Erase special markers d->bits.feature_global = d->bits.feature_local = 0; //Erase any liquids, as they cause problems. d->bits.flow_size=0; d->bits.liquid_character = liquid_fresh; d->bits.liquid_type=liquid_water; break; default: cout << ".err,bad pattern."; } //For all tiles. if(reveal) d->bits.hidden = 0; //topblock.designation[x][y].bits.hidden; //Always clear the dig designation. d->bits.dig=designation_no; //unlock fluids, so they fall down the pit. d->bits.flow_forbid = d->bits.liquid_static=0; block.blockflags.bits.liquid_1 = block.blockflags.bits.liquid_2 = 1; //Remove aquifer, to prevent bugginess d->bits.water_table=0; //Set the tile. block.tiletypes[x][y] = t; } } //Write the block. Mapz->WriteBlockFlags(bx,by,z, block.blockflags ); Mapz->WriteDesignations(bx,by,z, &block.designation ); Mapz->WriteTileTypes(bx,by,z, &block.tiletypes ); Mapz->WriteDirtyBit(bx,by,z,1); //Making a fake volcanoe/magma pipe? if( pitTypeMagma == pittype && !solidcount){ //Nothing «solid», we're making a magma pipe, we're done. z=0; } } //The bottom level is special. if( pitTypeMagma != pittype ) { Mapz->ReadBlock40d( bx, by, 0 , &block ); for(uint32_t x=0;x<16;++x){ for(uint32_t y=0;y<16;++y){ //Only the portion below the empty space is handled. if(pattern[x][y]){ if( 1==pattern[x][y] ) t=floor; else if( 3==pattern[x][y] ) t=331; else continue; tp = getTileTypeP(block.tiletypes[x][y]); d = &block.designation[x][y]; //For all tiles. if(reveal) d->bits.hidden = 0; //topblock.designation[x][y].bits.hidden; //Always clear the dig designation. d->bits.dig=designation_no; //unlock fluids, so they fall down the pit. d->bits.flow_forbid = d->bits.liquid_static=0; block.blockflags.bits.liquid_1 = block.blockflags.bits.liquid_2 = 1; //Set the tile. block.tiletypes[x][y] = floor; } } } //Write the block. Mapz->WriteBlockFlags(bx,by,0, block.blockflags ); Mapz->WriteDesignations(bx,by,0, &block.designation ); Mapz->WriteTileTypes(bx,by,0, &block.tiletypes ); Mapz->WriteDirtyBit(bx,by,0,1); } DF->Detach(); #ifndef LINUX_BUILD cout << "Done. Press any key to continue" << endl; cin.ignore(); #endif return 0; }