-- Some simple dialog screens local _ENV = mkmodule('gui.dialogs') local gui = require('gui') local widgets = require('gui.widgets') local utils = require('utils') local dscreen = dfhack.screen MessageBox = defclass(MessageBox, gui.FramedScreen) MessageBox.focus_path = 'MessageBox' MessageBox.ATTRS{ frame_style = gui.GREY_LINE_FRAME, frame_inset = 1, -- new attrs on_accept = DEFAULT_NIL, on_cancel = DEFAULT_NIL, on_close = DEFAULT_NIL, } function MessageBox:init(info) self:addviews{ widgets.Label{ view_id = 'label', text = info.text, text_pen = info.text_pen, frame = { l = 0, t = 0 }, auto_height = true } } end function MessageBox:getWantedFrameSize() local label = self.subviews.label local width = math.max(self.frame_width or 0, 20, #(self.frame_title or '') + 4) local text_area_width = label:getTextWidth() if label.frame_inset then -- account for scroll icons text_area_width = text_area_width + (label.frame_inset.l or 0) text_area_width = text_area_width + (label.frame_inset.r or 0) end return math.max(width, text_area_width), label:getTextHeight() end function MessageBox:onRenderFrame(dc,rect) MessageBox.super.onRenderFrame(self,dc,rect) if self.on_accept then dc:seek(rect.x1+2,rect.y2):key('LEAVESCREEN'):string('/'):key('SELECT') end end function MessageBox:onDestroy() if self.on_close then self.on_close() end end function MessageBox:onInput(keys) if keys.SELECT or keys.LEAVESCREEN then self:dismiss() if keys.SELECT and self.on_accept then self.on_accept() elseif keys.LEAVESCREEN and self.on_cancel then self.on_cancel() end return true end return self:inputToSubviews(keys) end function showMessage(title, text, tcolor, on_close) local mb = MessageBox{ frame_title = title, text = text, text_pen = tcolor, on_close = on_close } mb:show() return mb end function showYesNoPrompt(title, text, tcolor, on_accept, on_cancel) local mb = MessageBox{ frame_title = title, text = text, text_pen = tcolor, on_accept = on_accept, on_cancel = on_cancel, } mb:show() return mb end InputBox = defclass(InputBox, MessageBox) InputBox.focus_path = 'InputBox' InputBox.ATTRS{ on_input = DEFAULT_NIL, } function InputBox:preinit(info) info.on_accept = nil end function InputBox:init(info) self:addviews{ widgets.EditField{ view_id = 'edit', text = info.input, text_pen = info.input_pen, frame = { l = 0, r = 0, h = 1 }, } } end function InputBox:getWantedFrameSize() local mw, mh = InputBox.super.getWantedFrameSize(self) self.subviews.edit.frame.t = mh+1 return mw, mh+2 end function InputBox:onInput(keys) if keys.SELECT then self:dismiss() if self.on_input then self.on_input(self.subviews.edit.text) end return true elseif keys.LEAVESCREEN then self:dismiss() if self.on_cancel then self.on_cancel() end return true end return self:inputToSubviews(keys) end function showInputPrompt(title, text, tcolor, input, on_input, on_cancel, min_width) local ib = InputBox{ frame_title = title, text = text, text_pen = tcolor, input = input, on_input = on_input, on_cancel = on_cancel, frame_width = min_width, } ib:show() return ib end ListBox = defclass(ListBox, MessageBox) ListBox.focus_path = 'ListBox' ListBox.ATTRS{ with_filter = false, dismiss_on_select = true, dismiss_on_select2 = true, cursor_pen = DEFAULT_NIL, select_pen = DEFAULT_NIL, on_select = DEFAULT_NIL, on_select2 = DEFAULT_NIL, select2_hint = DEFAULT_NIL, row_height = DEFAULT_NIL, list_frame_inset = DEFAULT_NIL, } function ListBox:preinit(info) info.on_accept = nil end function ListBox:init(info) local spen = dfhack.pen.parse(COLOR_CYAN, self.select_pen, nil, false) local cpen = dfhack.pen.parse(COLOR_LIGHTCYAN, self.cursor_pen or self.select_pen, nil, true) local list_widget = widgets.List if self.with_filter then list_widget = widgets.FilteredList end local on_submit2 if self.select2_hint or self.on_select2 then on_submit2 = function(sel, obj) if self.dismiss_on_select2 then self:dismiss() end if self.on_select2 then self.on_select2(sel, obj) end local cb = obj.on_select2 if cb then cb(obj, sel) end end end self:addviews{ list_widget{ view_id = 'list', selected = info.selected, choices = info.choices, icon_width = info.icon_width, text_pen = spen, cursor_pen = cpen, on_submit = function(sel,obj) if self.dismiss_on_select then self:dismiss() end if self.on_select then self.on_select(sel, obj) end local cb = obj.on_select or obj[2] if cb then cb(obj, sel) end end, on_submit2 = on_submit2, frame = { l = 0, r = 0}, frame_inset = self.list_frame_inset, row_height = self.row_height, } } end function ListBox:onRenderFrame(dc,rect) ListBox.super.onRenderFrame(self,dc,rect) if self.select2_hint then dc:seek(rect.x1+2,rect.y2):key('SEC_SELECT'):string(': '..self.select2_hint,COLOR_GREY) end end function ListBox:getWantedFrameSize() local mw, mh = ListBox.super.getWantedFrameSize(self) local list = self.subviews.list list.frame.t = mh+1 return math.max(mw, list:getContentWidth()), mh+3+math.min(18,list:getContentHeight()) end function ListBox:onInput(keys) if keys.LEAVESCREEN then self:dismiss() if self.on_cancel then self.on_cancel() end return true end return self:inputToSubviews(keys) end function showListPrompt(title, text, tcolor, choices, on_select, on_cancel, min_width, filter) local lb = ListBox{ frame_title = title, text = text, text_pen = tcolor, choices = choices, on_select = on_select, on_cancel = on_cancel, frame_width = min_width, with_filter = filter, } lb:show() return lb end return _ENV