module DFHack class << self # return an Item # arg similar to unit.rb/unit_find; no arg = 'k' menu def item_find(what=:selected, y=nil, z=nil) if what == :selected return world.items.all.binsearch(df.get_selected_item_id) elsif what.kind_of?(Integer) # search by id return world.items.all.binsearch(what) if not z # search by position x = what world.items.all.find { |i| i.pos.x == x and i.pos.y == y and i.pos.z == z } elsif what.respond_to?(:x) or what.respond_to?(:pos) world.items.all.find { |i| same_pos?(what, i) } else raise "what what?" end end # check item flags to see if it is suitable for use as a job input material def item_isfree(i, check_empty=true) !i.flags.trader and !i.flags.in_job and ! and !i.flags.removed and !i.flags.forbid and !i.flags.dump and !i.flags.owned and !i.flags.in_chest and # used as hospital supply ? (!i.flags.container or not check_empty or !i.general_refs.find { |ir| ir.kind_of?(DFHack::GeneralRefContainsItemst) }) and (!i.flags.in_inventory or (!i.general_refs.find { |ir| ir.kind_of?(DFHack::GeneralRefUnitHolderst) and # allow hauled items TODO check if holder is a thief ir.unit_tg.inventory.find { |ii| ii.item == i and ii.mode != :Hauled } } and !i.general_refs.find { |ir| ir.kind_of?(DFHack::GeneralRefContainedInItemst) and !item_isfree(ir.item_tg, false) })) and (!i.flags.in_building or !i.general_refs.find { |ir| ir.kind_of?(DFHack::GeneralRefBuildingHolderst) and ir.building_tg.contained_items.find { |bi| bi.use_mode == 2 and bi.item == i } }) and (!i.flags.on_ground or !df.map_tile_at(i).designation.hidden) # i.flags.unk11? end end end