logistics ========= .. dfhack-tool:: :summary: Automatically mark and route items in monitored stockpiles. :tags: fort productivity items stockpiles Commands act upon the stockpile selected in the UI unless another stockpile identifier is specified on the commandline. When the plugin is enabled, it checks stockpiles marked with automelt, autotrade, and/or autodump features twice every in-game day, and will mark valid items in those stockpiles for melting, trading, and/or dumping, respectively. Note that items will only be marked for trading if a caravan is approaching or is already at the trade depot. Please see `gui/logistics` for the interactive status and configuration dialog. Usage ----- :: enable logistics logistics [status] logistics now logistics add [melt] [trade] [dump] [] logistics clear [all] [] Examples -------- ``logistics`` Print a summary of all your stockpiles, their ``logistics`` configuration, and the number of items that are designated (or can be designated) by each of the ``logistics`` processors. ``logistics now`` Designate items in monitored stockpiles according to the current configuration. This works regardless of whether ``logistics`` is currently enabled. ``logistics add melt`` Register the currently selected stockpile for automelting. Meltable items that are brought to this stockpile will be designated for melting. ``logistics add melt trade -s goblinite`` Register the stockpile(s) named "goblinite" for automatic melting and automatic trading. Items will be marked for melting, but any items still in the stockpile when a caravan shows up will be brought to the trade depot for trading. ``logistics clear`` Unregisters the currently selected stockpile from any monitoring. Any currently designated items will remain designated. ``logistics clear -s 12,15,goblinite`` Unregisters the stockpiles with stockpile numbers 12 and 15, along with any stockpiles named "goblinite", from any monitoring. ``logistics clear all`` Unregister all stockpiles from any monitoring. Options ------- ``-s``, ``--stockpile [,...]`` Causes the command to act upon stockpiles with the given names or numbers instead of the stockpile that is currently selected in the UI. Note that the numbers are the stockpile numbers, not the building ids.