/* https://github.com/peterix/dfhack Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Petr Mrázek (peterix@gmail.com) This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. */ #include "Internal.h" #include "Core.h" #include "MemAccess.h" #include "PluginManager.h" #include "RemoteServer.h" #include "Console.h" #include "Types.h" #include "DataDefs.h" #include "MiscUtils.h" #include "LuaWrapper.h" #include "LuaTools.h" using namespace DFHack; #include #include #include using namespace std; #include "tinythread.h" using namespace tthread; #include struct Plugin::RefLock { RefLock() { refcount = 0; wakeup = new condition_variable(); mut = new mutex(); } ~RefLock() { delete wakeup; delete mut; } void lock() { mut->lock(); } void unlock() { mut->unlock(); } void lock_add() { mut->lock(); refcount ++; mut->unlock(); } void lock_sub() { mut->lock(); if (--refcount == 0) wakeup->notify_one(); mut->unlock(); } void wait() { while(refcount) { wakeup->wait(*mut); } } condition_variable * wakeup; mutex * mut; int refcount; }; struct Plugin::RefAutolock { RefLock * lock; RefAutolock(RefLock * lck):lock(lck){ lock->lock(); }; ~RefAutolock(){ lock->unlock(); }; }; struct Plugin::RefAutoinc { RefLock * lock; RefAutoinc(RefLock * lck):lock(lck){ lock->lock_add(); }; ~RefAutoinc(){ lock->lock_sub(); }; }; struct Plugin::LuaCommand { Plugin *owner; std::string name; int (*command)(lua_State *state); LuaCommand(Plugin *owner, std::string name) : owner(owner), name(name), command(NULL) {} }; struct Plugin::LuaFunction { Plugin *owner; std::string name; function_identity_base *identity; bool silent; LuaFunction(Plugin *owner, std::string name) : owner(owner), name(name), identity(NULL), silent(false) {} }; struct Plugin::LuaEvent : public Lua::Event::Owner { LuaFunction handler; Lua::Notification *event; bool active; int count; LuaEvent(Plugin *owner, std::string name) : handler(owner,name), event(NULL), active(false), count(0) { handler.silent = true; } void on_count_changed(int new_cnt, int delta) { RefAutoinc lock(handler.owner->access); count = new_cnt; if (event) event->on_count_changed(new_cnt, delta); } void on_invoked(lua_State *state, int nargs, bool from_c) { RefAutoinc lock(handler.owner->access); if (event) event->on_invoked(state, nargs, from_c); } }; Plugin::Plugin(Core * core, const std::string & filepath, const std::string & _filename, PluginManager * pm) { filename = filepath; parent = pm; name.reserve(_filename.size()); for(size_t i = 0; i < _filename.size();i++) { char ch = _filename[i]; if(ch == '.') break; name.append(1,ch); } plugin_lib = 0; plugin_init = 0; plugin_shutdown = 0; plugin_status = 0; plugin_onupdate = 0; plugin_onstatechange = 0; plugin_rpcconnect = 0; state = PS_UNLOADED; access = new RefLock(); } Plugin::~Plugin() { if(state == PS_LOADED) { unload(Core::getInstance().getConsole()); } delete access; } bool Plugin::load(color_ostream &con) { RefAutolock lock(access); if(state == PS_BROKEN) { return false; } else if(state == PS_LOADED) { return true; } DFLibrary * plug = OpenPlugin(filename.c_str()); if(!plug) { con.printerr("Can't load plugin %s\n", filename.c_str()); state = PS_BROKEN; return false; } const char ** plug_name =(const char ** ) LookupPlugin(plug, "name"); const char ** plug_version =(const char ** ) LookupPlugin(plug, "version"); if(!plug_name || !plug_version) { con.printerr("Plugin %s has no name or version.\n", filename.c_str()); ClosePlugin(plug); state = PS_BROKEN; return false; } if(strcmp(DFHACK_VERSION, *plug_version) != 0) { con.printerr("Plugin %s was not built for this version of DFHack.\n" "Plugin: %s, DFHack: %s\n", *plug_name, *plug_version, DFHACK_VERSION); ClosePlugin(plug); state = PS_BROKEN; return false; } plugin_init = (command_result (*)(color_ostream &, std::vector &)) LookupPlugin(plug, "plugin_init"); if(!plugin_init) { con.printerr("Plugin %s has no init function.\n", filename.c_str()); ClosePlugin(plug); state = PS_BROKEN; return false; } plugin_status = (command_result (*)(color_ostream &, std::string &)) LookupPlugin(plug, "plugin_status"); plugin_onupdate = (command_result (*)(color_ostream &)) LookupPlugin(plug, "plugin_onupdate"); plugin_shutdown = (command_result (*)(color_ostream &)) LookupPlugin(plug, "plugin_shutdown"); plugin_onstatechange = (command_result (*)(color_ostream &, state_change_event)) LookupPlugin(plug, "plugin_onstatechange"); plugin_rpcconnect = (RPCService* (*)(color_ostream &)) LookupPlugin(plug, "plugin_rpcconnect"); plugin_eval_ruby = (command_result (*)(color_ostream &, const char*)) LookupPlugin(plug, "plugin_eval_ruby"); index_lua(plug); this->name = *plug_name; plugin_lib = plug; commands.clear(); if(plugin_init(con,commands) == CR_OK) { state = PS_LOADED; parent->registerCommands(this); return true; } else { con.printerr("Plugin %s has failed to initialize properly.\n", filename.c_str()); reset_lua(); ClosePlugin(plugin_lib); state = PS_BROKEN; return false; } } bool Plugin::unload(color_ostream &con) { // get the mutex access->lock(); // if we are actually loaded if(state == PS_LOADED) { // notify the plugin about an attempt to shutdown if (plugin_onstatechange && plugin_onstatechange(con, SC_BEGIN_UNLOAD) == CR_NOT_FOUND) { con.printerr("Plugin %s has refused to be unloaded.\n", name.c_str()); access->unlock(); return false; } // wait for all calls to finish access->wait(); // notify plugin about shutdown, if it has a shutdown function command_result cr = CR_OK; if(plugin_shutdown) cr = plugin_shutdown(con); // cleanup... reset_lua(); parent->unregisterCommands(this); commands.clear(); if(cr == CR_OK) { ClosePlugin(plugin_lib); state = PS_UNLOADED; access->unlock(); return true; } else { con.printerr("Plugin %s has failed to shutdown!\n",name.c_str()); state = PS_BROKEN; access->unlock(); return false; } } else if(state == PS_UNLOADED) { access->unlock(); return true; } access->unlock(); return false; } bool Plugin::reload(color_ostream &out) { if(state != PS_LOADED) return false; if(!unload(out)) return false; if(!load(out)) return false; return true; } command_result Plugin::invoke(color_ostream &out, const std::string & command, std::vector & parameters) { Core & c = Core::getInstance(); command_result cr = CR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; access->lock_add(); if(state == PS_LOADED) { for (size_t i = 0; i < commands.size();i++) { PluginCommand &cmd = commands[i]; if(cmd.name == command) { // running interactive things from some other source than the console would break it if(!out.is_console() && cmd.interactive) cr = CR_NEEDS_CONSOLE; else if (cmd.guard) { // Execute hotkey commands in a way where they can // expect their guard conditions to be matched, // so as to avoid duplicating checks. // This means suspending the core beforehand. CoreSuspender suspend(&c); df::viewscreen *top = c.getTopViewscreen(); if (!cmd.guard(top)) { out.printerr("Could not invoke %s: unsuitable UI state.\n", command.c_str()); cr = CR_WRONG_USAGE; } else { cr = cmd.function(out, parameters); } } else { cr = cmd.function(out, parameters); } if (cr == CR_WRONG_USAGE && !cmd.usage.empty()) out << "Usage:\n" << cmd.usage << flush; break; } } } access->lock_sub(); return cr; } bool Plugin::can_invoke_hotkey(const std::string & command, df::viewscreen *top ) { Core & c = Core::getInstance(); bool cr = false; access->lock_add(); if(state == PS_LOADED) { for (size_t i = 0; i < commands.size();i++) { PluginCommand &cmd = commands[i]; if(cmd.name == command) { if (cmd.interactive) cr = false; else if (cmd.guard) cr = cmd.guard(top); else cr = Gui::default_hotkey(top); break; } } } access->lock_sub(); return cr; } command_result Plugin::on_update(color_ostream &out) { command_result cr = CR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; access->lock_add(); if(state == PS_LOADED && plugin_onupdate) { cr = plugin_onupdate(out); Lua::Core::Reset(out, "plugin_onupdate"); } access->lock_sub(); return cr; } command_result Plugin::on_state_change(color_ostream &out, state_change_event event) { command_result cr = CR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; access->lock_add(); if(state == PS_LOADED && plugin_onstatechange) { cr = plugin_onstatechange(out, event); Lua::Core::Reset(out, "plugin_onstatechange"); } access->lock_sub(); return cr; } RPCService *Plugin::rpc_connect(color_ostream &out) { RPCService *rv = NULL; access->lock_add(); if(state == PS_LOADED && plugin_rpcconnect) { rv = plugin_rpcconnect(out); } if (rv) { // Retain the access reference assert(!rv->holder); services.push_back(rv); rv->holder = this; return rv; } else { access->lock_sub(); return NULL; } } void Plugin::detach_connection(RPCService *svc) { int idx = linear_index(services, svc); assert(svc->holder == this && idx >= 0); vector_erase_at(services, idx); access->lock_sub(); } Plugin::plugin_state Plugin::getState() const { return state; } void Plugin::index_lua(DFLibrary *lib) { if (auto cmdlist = (CommandReg*)LookupPlugin(lib, "plugin_lua_commands")) { for (; cmdlist->name; ++cmdlist) { auto &cmd = lua_commands[cmdlist->name]; if (!cmd) cmd = new LuaCommand(this,cmdlist->name); cmd->command = cmdlist->command; } } if (auto funlist = (FunctionReg*)LookupPlugin(lib, "plugin_lua_functions")) { for (; funlist->name; ++funlist) { auto &cmd = lua_functions[funlist->name]; if (!cmd) cmd = new LuaFunction(this,funlist->name); cmd->identity = funlist->identity; } } if (auto evlist = (EventReg*)LookupPlugin(lib, "plugin_lua_events")) { for (; evlist->name; ++evlist) { auto &cmd = lua_events[evlist->name]; if (!cmd) cmd = new LuaEvent(this,evlist->name); cmd->handler.identity = evlist->event->get_handler(); cmd->event = evlist->event; if (cmd->active) { cmd->event->bind(Lua::Core::State, cmd); if (cmd->count > 0) cmd->event->on_count_changed(cmd->count, 0); } } } } void Plugin::reset_lua() { for (auto it = lua_commands.begin(); it != lua_commands.end(); ++it) it->second->command = NULL; for (auto it = lua_functions.begin(); it != lua_functions.end(); ++it) it->second->identity = NULL; for (auto it = lua_events.begin(); it != lua_events.end(); ++it) { it->second->handler.identity = NULL; it->second->event = NULL; } } int Plugin::lua_cmd_wrapper(lua_State *state) { auto cmd = (LuaCommand*)lua_touserdata(state, lua_upvalueindex(1)); RefAutoinc lock(cmd->owner->access); if (!cmd->command) luaL_error(state, "plugin command %s() has been unloaded", (cmd->owner->name+"."+cmd->name).c_str()); return Lua::CallWithCatch(state, cmd->command, cmd->name.c_str()); } int Plugin::lua_fun_wrapper(lua_State *state) { auto cmd = (LuaFunction*)lua_touserdata(state, UPVAL_CONTAINER_ID); RefAutoinc lock(cmd->owner->access); if (!cmd->identity) { if (cmd->silent) return 0; luaL_error(state, "plugin function %s() has been unloaded", (cmd->owner->name+"."+cmd->name).c_str()); } return LuaWrapper::method_wrapper_core(state, cmd->identity); } void Plugin::open_lua(lua_State *state, int table) { table = lua_absindex(state, table); RefAutolock lock(access); for (auto it = lua_commands.begin(); it != lua_commands.end(); ++it) { lua_pushlightuserdata(state, it->second); lua_pushcclosure(state, lua_cmd_wrapper, 1); lua_setfield(state, table, it->first.c_str()); } for (auto it = lua_functions.begin(); it != lua_functions.end(); ++it) { push_function(state, it->second); lua_setfield(state, table, it->first.c_str()); } if (Lua::IsCoreContext(state)) { for (auto it = lua_events.begin(); it != lua_events.end(); ++it) { Lua::Event::Make(state, it->second, it->second); push_function(state, &it->second->handler); Lua::Event::SetPrivateCallback(state, -2); it->second->active = true; if (it->second->event) it->second->event->bind(Lua::Core::State, it->second); lua_setfield(state, table, it->first.c_str()); } } } void Plugin::push_function(lua_State *state, LuaFunction *fn) { lua_rawgetp(state, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, &LuaWrapper::DFHACK_TYPETABLE_TOKEN); lua_pushlightuserdata(state, NULL); lua_pushfstring(state, "%s.%s()", name.c_str(), fn->name.c_str()); lua_pushlightuserdata(state, fn); lua_pushcclosure(state, lua_fun_wrapper, 4); } PluginManager::PluginManager(Core * core) { #ifdef LINUX_BUILD string path = core->getHackPath() + "plugins/"; const string searchstr = ".plug.so"; #else string path = core->getHackPath() + "plugins\\"; const string searchstr = ".plug.dll"; #endif cmdlist_mutex = new mutex(); eval_ruby = NULL; vector filez; getdir(path, filez); for(size_t i = 0; i < filez.size();i++) { if(hasEnding(filez[i],searchstr)) { Plugin * p = new Plugin(core, path + filez[i], filez[i], this); all_plugins.push_back(p); // make all plugins load by default (until a proper design emerges). p->load(core->getConsole()); } } } PluginManager::~PluginManager() { for(size_t i = 0; i < all_plugins.size();i++) { delete all_plugins[i]; } all_plugins.clear(); delete cmdlist_mutex; } Plugin *PluginManager::getPluginByName (const std::string & name) { for(size_t i = 0; i < all_plugins.size(); i++) { if(name == all_plugins[i]->name) return all_plugins[i]; } return 0; } Plugin *PluginManager::getPluginByCommand(const std::string &command) { tthread::lock_guard lock(*cmdlist_mutex); map ::iterator iter = belongs.find(command); if (iter != belongs.end()) return iter->second; else return NULL; } // FIXME: handle name collisions... command_result PluginManager::InvokeCommand(color_ostream &out, const std::string & command, std::vector & parameters) { Plugin *plugin = getPluginByCommand(command); return plugin ? plugin->invoke(out, command, parameters) : CR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } bool PluginManager::CanInvokeHotkey(const std::string &command, df::viewscreen *top) { Plugin *plugin = getPluginByCommand(command); return plugin ? plugin->can_invoke_hotkey(command, top) : true; } void PluginManager::OnUpdate(color_ostream &out) { for(size_t i = 0; i < all_plugins.size(); i++) { all_plugins[i]->on_update(out); } } void PluginManager::OnStateChange(color_ostream &out, state_change_event event) { for(size_t i = 0; i < all_plugins.size(); i++) { all_plugins[i]->on_state_change(out, event); } } // FIXME: doesn't check name collisions! void PluginManager::registerCommands( Plugin * p ) { cmdlist_mutex->lock(); vector & cmds = p->commands; for(size_t i = 0; i < cmds.size();i++) { belongs[cmds[i].name] = p; } if (p->plugin_eval_ruby) eval_ruby = p->plugin_eval_ruby; cmdlist_mutex->unlock(); } // FIXME: doesn't check name collisions! void PluginManager::unregisterCommands( Plugin * p ) { cmdlist_mutex->lock(); vector & cmds = p->commands; for(size_t i = 0; i < cmds.size();i++) { belongs.erase(cmds[i].name); } if (p->plugin_eval_ruby) eval_ruby = NULL; cmdlist_mutex->unlock(); }