# don't use this file directly. use the one in the root folder of the project # this is required to ensure we use the right configuration for the system. IF(UNIX) add_definitions(-DLINUX_BUILD) ENDIF(UNIX) # attachtest - 100x attach/detach, suspend/resume ADD_EXECUTABLE(dfattachtest attachtest.cpp) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(dfattachtest dfhack) # a benchmark program, reads the map 1000x ADD_EXECUTABLE(dfexpbench expbench.cpp) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(dfexpbench dfhack) # creaturedump - basic creature dump - a test of the creature related exports ADD_EXECUTABLE(dfcreaturedump creaturedump.cpp) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(dfcreaturedump dfhack) # buildingsdump - dump buildings and their raw data filtered by type ADD_EXECUTABLE(dfbuildingsdump buildingsdump.cpp) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(dfbuildingsdump dfhack) # materialtest - just list the first material of each type ADD_EXECUTABLE(dfmaterialtest materialtest.cpp) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(dfmaterialtest dfhack) # position - check the DF window and cursor parameters ADD_EXECUTABLE(dfposition position.cpp) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(dfposition dfhack) # suspendtest - test if suspend works. df should stop responding when suspended by dfhack ADD_EXECUTABLE(dfsuspend suspendtest.cpp) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(dfsuspend dfhack) # itemdump - dump the item under the cursor ADD_EXECUTABLE(dfitemdump dfitemdump.cpp) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(dfitemdump dfhack) # hotkeynotedump - dumps the hotkeys and notes for the loaded map # Author: belal ADD_EXECUTABLE(dfhotkeynotedump hotkeynotedump.cpp) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(dfhotkeynotedump dfhack) # findnameindexes # Author: belal ADD_EXECUTABLE(dffindnameindexes findnameindexes.cpp) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(dffindnameindexes dfhack) # settlementdump - dumps the settlements on the loaded map # Author: belal ADD_EXECUTABLE(dfsettlementdump settlementdump.cpp) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(dfsettlementdump dfhack) # veccheck - read vector values at address ADD_EXECUTABLE(dfvecc veccheck.cpp) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(dfvecc dfhack) # catsplosion - Makes every cat pregnant, and almost due... # Author: Zhentar ADD_EXECUTABLE(dfcatsplosion catsplosion.cpp) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(dfcatsplosion dfhack) IF(UNIX) # veinlook - look at the map... sort of ADD_EXECUTABLE(dfveinlook veinlook.cpp) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(dfveinlook dfhack ncursesw) ENDIF(UNIX) # renamer - change the custom names and professions of creatures, sends keys to df directly ADD_EXECUTABLE(dfrenamer renamer.cpp) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(dfrenamer dfhack) IF(UNIX) install(TARGETS dfattachtest dfbuildingsdump dfcreaturedump dfitemdump dfexpbench dfmaterialtest dfposition dfrenamer dfsuspend dfveinlook RUNTIME DESTINATION bin ) ENDIF(UNIX)