-- unit-info-viewer.lua -- Displays age, birth, maxage, shearing, milking, grazing, egg laying, body size, and death info about a unit. Recommended keybinding Alt-I -- version 1.04 -- original author: Kurik Amudnil -- edited by expwnent local gui = require 'gui' local widgets =require 'gui.widgets' local utils = require 'utils' local DEBUG = false if DEBUG then print('-----') end local pens = { BLACK = dfhack.pen.parse{fg=COLOR_BLACK,bg=0}, BLUE = dfhack.pen.parse{fg=COLOR_BLUE,bg=0}, GREEN = dfhack.pen.parse{fg=COLOR_GREEN,bg=0}, CYAN = dfhack.pen.parse{fg=COLOR_CYAN,bg=0}, RED = dfhack.pen.parse{fg=COLOR_RED,bg=0}, MAGENTA = dfhack.pen.parse{fg=COLOR_MAGENTA,bg=0}, BROWN = dfhack.pen.parse{fg=COLOR_BROWN,bg=0}, GREY = dfhack.pen.parse{fg=COLOR_GREY,bg=0}, DARKGREY = dfhack.pen.parse{fg=COLOR_DARKGREY,bg=0}, LIGHTBLUE = dfhack.pen.parse{fg=COLOR_LIGHTBLUE,bg=0}, LIGHTGREEN = dfhack.pen.parse{fg=COLOR_LIGHTGREEN,bg=0}, LIGHTCYAN = dfhack.pen.parse{fg=COLOR_LIGHTCYAN,bg=0}, LIGHTRED = dfhack.pen.parse{fg=COLOR_LIGHTRED,bg=0}, LIGHTMAGENTA = dfhack.pen.parse{fg=COLOR_LIGHTMAGENTA,bg=0}, YELLOW = dfhack.pen.parse{fg=COLOR_YELLOW,bg=0}, WHITE = dfhack.pen.parse{fg=COLOR_WHITE,bg=0}, } function getUnit_byID(id) -- get unit by id from units.all via binsearch if type(id) == 'number' then -- (vector,key,field,cmpfun,min,max) { item/nil , found true/false , idx/insert at } return utils.binsearch(df.global.world.units.all,id,'id') end end function getUnit_byVS(silent) -- by view screen mode silent = silent or false -- if not world loaded, return nil ? local u,tmp -- u: the unit to return ; tmp: temporary for intermediate tests/return values local v = dfhack.gui.getCurViewscreen() u = dfhack.gui.getSelectedUnit(true) -- supports gui scripts/plugin that provide a hook for getSelectedUnit() if u then return u -- else: contexts not currently supported by dfhack.gui.getSelectedUnit() elseif df.viewscreen_dwarfmodest:is_instance(v) then tmp = df.global.ui.main.mode if tmp == 17 or tmp == 42 or tmp == 43 then -- context: @dwarfmode/QueryBuiding/Some/Cage -- (q)uery cage -- context: @dwarfmode/ZonesPenInfo/AssignUnit -- i (zone) -> pe(N) -- context: @dwarfmode/ZonesPitInfo -- i (zone) -> (P)it u = df.global.ui_building_assign_units[df.global.ui_building_item_cursor] elseif tmp == 49 and df.global.ui.burrows.in_add_units_mode then -- @dwarfmode/Burrows/AddUnits u = df.global.ui.burrows.list_units[ df.global.ui.burrows.unit_cursor_pos ] elseif df.global.ui.follow_unit ~= -1 then -- context: follow unit mode u = getUnit_byID(df.global.ui.follow_unit) end -- end viewscreen_dwarfmodest elseif df.viewscreen_petst:is_instance(v) then -- context: @pet/List/Unit -- z (status) -> animals if v.mode == 0 then -- List if not v.is_vermin[v.cursor] then u = v.animal[v.cursor].unit end --elseif v.mode = 1 then -- training knowledge (no unit reference) elseif v.mode == 2 then -- select trainer u = v.trainer_unit[v.trainer_cursor] end elseif df.viewscreen_layer_workshop_profilest:is_instance(v) then -- context: @layer_workshop_profile/Unit -- (q)uery workshop -> (P)rofile -- df.global.ui.main.mode == 17 u = v.workers[v.layer_objects[0].cursor] elseif df.viewscreen_layer_overall_healthst:is_instance(v) then -- context @layer_overall_health/Units -- z -> health u = v.unit[v.layer_objects[0].cursor] elseif df.viewscreen_layer_militaryst:is_instance(v) then local PG_ASSIGNMENTS = 0 local PG_EQUIPMENT = 2 local TB_POSITIONS = 1 local TB_CANDIDATES = 2 -- layer_objects[0: squads list; 1: positions list; 2: candidates list] -- page 0:positions/assignments 1:alerts 2:equipment 3:uniforms 4:supplies 5:ammunition if v.page == PG_ASSIGNMENTS and v.layer_objects[TB_CANDIDATES].enabled and v.layer_objects[TB_CANDIDATES].active then -- context: @layer_military/Positions/Position/Candidates -- m -> Candidates u = v.positions.candidates[v.layer_objects[TB_CANDIDATES].cursor] elseif v.page == PG_ASSIGNMENTS and v.layer_objects[TB_POSITIONS].enabled and v.layer_objects[TB_POSITIONS].active then -- context: @layer_military/Positions/Position -- m -> Positions u = v.positions.assigned[v.layer_objects[TB_POSITIONS].cursor] elseif v.page == PG_EQUIPMENT and v.layer_objects[TB_POSITIONS].enabled and v.layer_objects[TB_POSITIONS].active then -- context: @layer_military/Equip/Customize/View/Position -- m -> (e)quip -> Positions -- context: @layer_military/Equip/Uniform/Positions -- m -> (e)quip -> assign (U)niforms -> Positions u = v.equip.units[v.layer_objects[TB_POSITIONS].cursor] end elseif df.viewscreen_layer_noblelistst:is_instance(v) then if v.mode == 0 then -- context: @layer_noblelist/List -- (n)obles u = v.info[v.layer_objects[v.mode].cursor].unit elseif v.mode == 1 then -- context: @layer_noblelist/Appoint -- (n)obles -> (r)eplace u = v.candidates[v.layer_objects[v.mode].cursor].unit end elseif df.viewscreen_unitst:is_instance(v) then -- @unit -- (v)unit -> z ; loo(k) -> enter ; (n)obles -> enter ; others u = v.unit elseif df.viewscreen_customize_unitst:is_instance(v) then -- @customize_unit -- @unit -> y u = v.unit elseif df.viewscreen_layer_unit_healthst:is_instance(v) then -- @layer_unit_health -- @unit -> h ; @layer_overall_health/Units -> enter if df.viewscreen_layer_overall_healthst:is_instance(v.parent) then -- context @layer_overall_health/Units -- z (status)-> health u = v.parent.unit[v.parent.layer_objects[0].cursor] elseif df.viewscreen_unitst:is_instance(v.parent) then -- @unit -- (v)unit -> z ; loo(k) -> enter ; (n)obles -> enter ; others u = v.parent.unit end elseif df.viewscreen_textviewerst:is_instance(v) then -- @textviewer -- @unit -> enter (thoughts and preferences) if df.viewscreen_unitst:is_instance(v.parent) then -- @unit -- @unit -> enter (thoughts and preferences) u = v.parent.unit elseif df.viewscreen_itemst:is_instance(v.parent) then tmp = v.parent.entry_ref[v.parent.cursor_pos] if df.general_ref_unit:is_instance(tmp) then -- general_ref_unit and derived ; general_ref_contains_unitst ; others? u = getUnit_byID(tmp.unit_id) end elseif df.viewscreen_dwarfmodest:is_instance(v.parent) then tmp = df.global.ui.main.mode if tmp == 24 then -- (v)iew units {g,i,p,w} -> z (thoughts and preferences) -- context: @dwarfmode/ViewUnits/... --if df.global.ui_selected_unit > -1 then -- -1 = 'no units nearby' u = df.global.world.units.active[df.global.ui_selected_unit] --end elseif tmp == 25 then -- loo(k) unit -> enter (thoughs and preferences) -- context: @dwarfmode/LookAround/Unit tmp = df.global.ui_look_list.items[df.global.ui_look_cursor] if tmp.type == 2 then -- 0:item 1:terrain >>2: unit<< 3:building 4:colony/vermin 7:spatter u = tmp.unit end end elseif df.viewscreen_unitlistst:is_instance(v.parent) then -- (u)nit list -> (v)iew unit (not citizen) -- context: @unitlist/Citizens ; @unitlist/Livestock ; @unitlist/Others ; @unitlist/Dead u = v.parent.units[v.parent.page][ v.parent.cursor_pos[v.parent.page] ] end end -- switch viewscreen if not u and not silent then dfhack.printerr('No unit is selected in the UI or context not supported.') end return u end -- getUnit_byVS() --http://lua-users.org/wiki/StringRecipes ---------- function str2FirstUpper(str) return str:gsub("^%l", string.upper) end -------------------------------------------------- --http://lua-users.org/wiki/StringRecipes ---------- local function tchelper(first, rest) return first:upper()..rest:lower() end -- Add extra characters to the pattern if you need to. _ and ' are -- found in the middle of identifiers and English words. -- We must also put %w_' into [%w_'] to make it handle normal stuff -- and extra stuff the same. -- This also turns hex numbers into, eg. 0Xa7d4 function str2TitleCase(str) return str:gsub("(%a)([%w_']*)", tchelper) end -------------------------------------------------- --isBlank suggestion by http://stackoverflow.com/a/10330861 function isBlank(x) x = tostring(x) or "" -- returns (not not match_begin), _ = match_end => not not true , _ => true -- returns not not nil => false (no match) return not not x:find("^%s*$") end --http://lua-users.org/wiki/StringRecipes (removed indents since I am not using them) function wrap(str, limit)--, indent, indent1) --indent = indent or "" --indent1 = indent1 or indent local limit = limit or 72 local here = 1 ---#indent1 return str:gsub("(%s+)()(%S+)()", --indent1..str:gsub( function(sp, st, word, fi) if fi-here > limit then here = st -- - #indent return "\n"..word --..indent..word end end) end -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- Time ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- local TU_PER_DAY = 1200 --[[ if advmode then TU_PER_DAY = 86400 ? or only for cur_year_tick? advmod_TU / 72 = ticks --]] local TU_PER_MONTH = TU_PER_DAY * 28 local TU_PER_YEAR = TU_PER_MONTH * 12 local MONTHS = { 'Granite', 'Slate', 'Felsite', 'Hematite', 'Malachite', 'Galena', 'Limestone', 'Sandstone', 'Timber', 'Moonstone', 'Opal', 'Obsidian', } Time = defclass(Time) function Time:init(args) self.year = args.year or 0 self.ticks = args.ticks or 0 end function Time:getDays() -- >>float<< Days as age (including years) return self.year * 336 + (self.ticks / TU_PER_DAY) end function Time:getMonths() -- >>int<< Months as age (not including years) return math.floor (self.ticks / TU_PER_MONTH) end function Time:getMonthStr() -- Month as date return MONTHS[self:getMonths()+1] or 'error' end function Time:getDayStr() -- Day as date local d = math.floor ( (self.ticks % TU_PER_MONTH) / TU_PER_DAY ) + 1 if d == 11 or d == 12 or d == 13 then d = tostring(d)..'th' elseif d % 10 == 1 then d = tostring(d)..'st' elseif d % 10 == 2 then d = tostring(d)..'nd' elseif d % 10 == 3 then d = tostring(d)..'rd' else d = tostring(d)..'th' end return d end --function Time:__add() --end function Time:__sub(other) if DEBUG then print(self.year,self.ticks) end if DEBUG then print(other.year,other.ticks) end if self.ticks < other.ticks then return Time{ year = (self.year - other.year - 1) , ticks = (TU_PER_YEAR + self.ticks - other.ticks) } else return Time{ year = (self.year - other.year) , ticks = (self.ticks - other.ticks) } end end -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------- Identity -------------------- -------------------------------------------------- local SINGULAR = 0 local PLURAL = 1 --local POSSESSIVE = 2 local PRONOUNS = { [0]='She', [1]='He', [2]='It', } local BABY = 0 local CHILD = 1 local ADULT = 2 local TRAINING_LEVELS = { [0] = ' (Semi-Wild)', -- Semi-wild ' (Trained)', -- Trained ' (-Trained-)', -- Well-trained ' (+Trained+)', -- Skillfully trained ' (*Trained*)', -- Expertly trained ' ('..string.char(240)..'Trained'..string.char(240)..')', -- Exceptionally trained ' ('..string.char(15)..'Trained'..string.char(15)..')', -- Masterully Trained ' (Tame)', -- Domesticated '', -- undefined '', -- wild/untameable } local DEATH_TYPES = { [0] = ' died of old age', -- OLD_AGE ' starved to death', -- HUNGER ' died of dehydration', -- THIRST ' was shot and killed', -- SHOT ' bled to death', -- BLEED ' drowned', -- DROWN ' suffocated', -- SUFFOCATE ' was struck down', -- STRUCK_DOWN ' was scuttled', -- SCUTTLE " didn't survive a collision", -- COLLISION ' took a magma bath', -- MAGMA ' took a magma shower', -- MAGMA_MIST ' was incinerated by dragon fire', -- DRAGONFIRE ' was killed by fire', -- FIRE ' experienced death by SCALD', -- SCALD ' was crushed by cavein', -- CAVEIN ' was smashed by a drawbridge', -- DRAWBRIDGE ' was killed by falling rocks', -- FALLING_ROCKS ' experienced death by CHASM', -- CHASM ' experienced death by CAGE', -- CAGE ' was murdered', -- MURDER ' was killed by a trap', -- TRAP ' vanished', -- VANISH ' experienced death by QUIT', -- QUIT ' experienced death by ABANDON', -- ABANDON ' suffered heat stroke', -- HEAT ' died of hypothermia', -- COLD ' experienced death by SPIKE', -- SPIKE ' experienced death by ENCASE_LAVA', -- ENCASE_LAVA ' experienced death by ENCASE_MAGMA', -- ENCASE_MAGMA ' was preserved in ice', -- ENCASE_ICE ' became headless', -- BEHEAD ' was crucified', -- CRUCIFY ' experienced death by BURY_ALIVE', -- BURY_ALIVE ' experienced death by DROWN_ALT', -- DROWN_ALT ' experienced death by BURN_ALIVE', -- BURN_ALIVE ' experienced death by FEED_TO_BEASTS', -- FEED_TO_BEASTS ' experienced death by HACK_TO_PIECES', -- HACK_TO_PIECES ' choked on air', -- LEAVE_OUT_IN_AIR ' experienced death by BOIL', -- BOIL ' melted', -- MELT ' experienced death by CONDENSE', -- CONDENSE ' experienced death by SOLIDIFY', -- SOLIDIFY ' succumbed to infection', -- INFECTION "'s ghost was put to rest with a memorial", -- MEMORIALIZE ' scared to death', -- SCARE ' experienced death by DARKNESS', -- DARKNESS ' experienced death by COLLAPSE', -- COLLAPSE ' was drained of blood', -- DRAIN_BLOOD ' was slaughtered', -- SLAUGHTER ' became roadkill', -- VEHICLE ' killed by a falling object', -- FALLING_OBJECT } --GHOST_TYPES[unit.relations.ghost_info.type].." This spirit has not been properly memorialized or buried." local GHOST_TYPES = { [0]="A murderous ghost.", "A sadistic ghost.", "A secretive ghost.", "An energetic poltergeist.", "An angry ghost.", "A violent ghost.", "A moaning spirit returned from the dead. It will generally trouble one unfortunate at a time.", "A howling spirit. The ceaseless noise is making sleep difficult.", "A troublesome poltergeist.", "A restless haunt, generally troubling past acquaintances and relatives.", "A forlorn haunt, seeking out known locations or drifting around the place of death.", } Identity = defclass(Identity) function Identity:init(args) local u = args.unit self.ident = dfhack.units.getIdentity(u) self.unit = u self.name = dfhack.TranslateName( dfhack.units.getVisibleName(u) ) self.name_en = dfhack.TranslateName( dfhack.units.getVisibleName(u) , true) self.raw_prof = dfhack.units.getProfessionName(u) self.pronoun = PRONOUNS[u.sex] or 'It' if self.ident then self.birth_date = Time{year = self.ident.birth_year, ticks = self.ident.birth_second} self.race_id = self.ident.race self.caste_id = self.ident.caste if self.ident.histfig_id > -1 then self.hf_id = self.ident.histfig_id end else self.birth_date = Time{year = self.unit.relations.birth_year, ticks = self.unit.relations.birth_time} self.race_id = u.race self.caste_id = u.caste if u.hist_figure_id > -1 then self.hf_id = u.hist_figure_id end end self.race = df.global.world.raws.creatures.all[self.race_id] self.caste = self.race.caste[self.caste_id] self.isCivCitizen = (df.global.ui.civ_id == u.civ_id) self.isStray = u.flags1.tame --self.isCivCitizen and not u.flags1.merchant self.cur_date = Time{year = df.global.cur_year, ticks = df.global.cur_year_tick} ------------ death ------------ self.dead = u.flags1.dead self.ghostly = u.flags3.ghostly self.undead = u.enemy.undead if self.dead and self.hf_id then -- dead-dead not undead-dead local events = df.global.world.history.events2 local e for idx = #events - 1,0,-1 do e = events[idx] if df.history_event_hist_figure_diedst:is_instance(e) and e.victim_hf == self.hf_id then self.death_event = e break end end end if u.counters.death_id > -1 then -- if undead/ghostly dead or dead-dead self.incident = df.global.world.incidents.all[u.counters.death_id] if not self.incident.flags.discovered then self.missing = true end end -- slaughtered? if self.death_event then self.death_date = Time{year = self.death_event.year, ticks = self.death_event.seconds} elseif self.incident then self.death_date = Time{year = self.incident.event_year, ticks = self.incident.event_time} end -- age now or age death? if self.dead and self.death_date then -- if cursed with no age? -- if hacked a ressurection, such that they aren't dead anymore, don't use the death date self.age_time = self.death_date - self.birth_date else self.age_time = self.cur_date - self.birth_date end if DEBUG then print( self.age_time.year,self.age_time.ticks,self.age_time:getMonths() ) end ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- caste_name ---------- self.caste_name = {} if isBlank(self.caste.caste_name[SINGULAR]) then self.caste_name[SINGULAR] = self.race.name[SINGULAR] else self.caste_name[SINGULAR] = self.caste.caste_name[SINGULAR] end if isBlank(self.caste.caste_name[PLURAL]) then self.caste_name[PLURAL] = self.race.name[PLURAL] else self.caste_name[PLURAL] = self.caste.caste_name[PLURAL] end ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- growth_status --------- -- 'baby_age' is the age the baby becomes a child -- 'child_age' is the age the child becomes an adult if self.age_time.year >= self.caste.misc.child_age then -- has child come of age becoming adult? self.growth_status = ADULT elseif self.age_time.year >= self.caste.misc.baby_age then -- has baby come of age becoming child? self.growth_status = CHILD else self.growth_status = BABY end ---------- ---------- ---------- -------- aged_caste_name -------- local caste_name, race_name if self.growth_status == ADULT then caste_name = self.caste.caste_name[SINGULAR] race_name = self.race.name[SINGULAR] elseif self.growth_status == CHILD then caste_name = self.caste.child_name[SINGULAR] race_name = self.race.general_child_name[SINGULAR] else --if self.growth_status == BABY then caste_name = self.caste.baby_name[SINGULAR] race_name = self.race.general_baby_name[SINGULAR] end self.aged_caste_name = {} if isBlank(caste_name[SINGULAR]) then self.aged_caste_name[SINGULAR] = race_name[SINGULAR] else self.aged_caste_name[SINGULAR] = caste_name[SINGULAR] end if isBlank(caste_name[PLURAL]) then self.aged_caste_name[PLURAL] = race_name[PLURAL] else self.aged_caste_name[PLURAL] = caste_name[PLURAL] end ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- Profession adjustment ----- local prof = self.raw_prof if self.undead then prof = str2TitleCase( self.caste_name[SINGULAR] ) if isBlank(u.enemy.undead.anon_7) then prof = prof..' Corpse' else prof = u.enemy.undead.anon_7 -- a reanimated body part will use this string instead end end --[[ if self.ghostly then prof = 'Ghostly '..prof end --]] if u.curse.name_visible and not isBlank(u.curse.name) then prof = prof..' '..u.curse.name end if isBlank(self.name) then if self.isStray then prof = 'Stray '..prof --..TRAINING_LEVELS[u.training_level] end end self.prof = prof ---------- ---------- ---------- end -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --[[ prof_id ? group_id ? fort_race_id fort_civ_id --fort_group_id? --]] UnitInfoViewer = defclass(UnitInfoViewer, gui.FramedScreen) UnitInfoViewer.focus_path = 'unitinfoviewer' -- -> dfhack/lua/unitinfoviewer UnitInfoViewer.ATTRS={ frame_style = gui.GREY_LINE_FRAME, frame_inset = 2, -- used by init frame_outset = 1,--3, -- new, used by init; 0 = full screen, suggest 0, 1, or 3 or maybe 5 --frame_title , -- not used --frame_width,frame_height calculated by frame inset and outset in init } function UnitInfoViewer:init(args) -- requires args.unit --if DEBUG then print('-----') end local x,y = dfhack.screen.getWindowSize() -- what if inset or outset are defined as {l,r,t,b}? x = x - 2*(self.frame_inset + 1 + self.frame_outset) -- 1=frame border thickness y = y - 2*(self.frame_inset + 1 + self.frame_outset) -- 1=frame border thickness self.frame_width = args.frame_width or x self.frame_height = args.frame_height or y self.text = {} if df.unit:is_instance(args.unit) then self.ident = Identity{ unit = args.unit } if not isBlank(self.ident.name_en) then self.frame_title = 'Unit: '..self.ident.name_en elseif not isBlank(self.ident.prof) then self.frame_title = 'Unit: '..self.ident.prof if self.ident.isStray then self.frame_title = self.frame_title..TRAINING_LEVELS[self.ident.unit.training_level] end end self:chunk_Name() self:chunk_Description() if not (self.ident.dead or self.ident.undead or self.ident.ghostly) then --not self.dead if self.ident.isCivCitizen then self:chunk_Age() self:chunk_MaxAge() end if self.ident.isStray then if self.ident.growth_status == ADULT then self:chunk_Milkable() end self:chunk_Grazer() if self.ident.growth_status == ADULT then self:chunk_Shearable() end if self.ident.growth_status == ADULT then self:chunk_EggLayer() end end self:chunk_BodySize() elseif self.ident.ghostly then self:chunk_Dead() self:chunk_Ghostly() elseif self.ident.undead then self:chunk_BodySize() self:chunk_Dead() else self:chunk_Dead() end else self:insert_chunk("No unit is selected in the UI or context not supported.",pens.LIGHTRED) end self:addviews{ widgets.Label{ frame={yalign=0}, text=self.text } } end function UnitInfoViewer:onInput(keys) if keys.LEAVESCREEN or keys.SELECT then self:dismiss() end end function UnitInfoViewer:onGetSelectedUnit() return self.ident.unit end function UnitInfoViewer:insert_chunk(str,pen) local lines = utils.split_string( wrap(str,self.frame_width) , NEWLINE ) for i = 1,#lines do table.insert(self.text,{text=lines[i],pen=pen}) table.insert(self.text,NEWLINE) end table.insert(self.text,NEWLINE) end function UnitInfoViewer:chunk_Name() local i = self.ident local u = i.unit local prof = i.prof local color = dfhack.units.getProfessionColor(u) local blurb if i.ghostly then prof = 'Ghostly '..prof end if i.isStray then prof = prof..TRAINING_LEVELS[u.training_level] end if isBlank(i.name) then if isBlank(prof) then blurb = 'I am a mystery' else blurb = prof end else if isBlank(prof) then blurb=i.name else blurb=i.name..', '..prof end end self:insert_chunk(blurb,dfhack.pen.parse{fg=color,bg=0}) end function UnitInfoViewer:chunk_Description() local dsc = self.ident.caste.description if not isBlank(dsc) then self:insert_chunk(dsc,pens.WHITE) end end function UnitInfoViewer:chunk_Age() local i = self.ident local age_str -- = '' if i.age_time.year > 1 then age_str = tostring(i.age_time.year)..' years old' elseif i.age_time.year > 0 then -- == 1 age_str = '1 year old' else --if age_time.year == 0 then local age_m = i.age_time:getMonths() -- math.floor if age_m > 1 then age_str = tostring(age_m)..' months old' elseif age_m > 0 then -- age_m == 1 age_str = '1 month old' else -- if age_m == 0 then -- and age_m < 0 which would be an error age_str = 'a newborn' end end local blurb = i.pronoun..' is '..age_str if i.race_id == df.global.ui.race_id then blurb = blurb..', born on the '..i.birth_date:getDayStr()..' of '..i.birth_date:getMonthStr()..' in the year '..tostring(i.birth_date.year)..PERIOD else blurb = blurb..PERIOD end self:insert_chunk(blurb,pens.YELLOW) end function UnitInfoViewer:chunk_MaxAge() local i = self.ident local maxage = math.floor( (i.caste.misc.maxage_max + i.caste.misc.maxage_min)/2 ) --or i.unit.curse.add_tags1.NO_AGING hidden ident? if i.caste.misc.maxage_min == -1 then maxage = ' die of unnatural causes.' elseif maxage == 0 then maxage = ' die at a very young age.' elseif maxage == 1 then maxage = ' live about '..tostring(maxage)..' year.' else maxage = ' live about '..tostring(maxage)..' years.' end --' is expected to '.. local blurb = str2FirstUpper(i.caste_name[PLURAL])..maxage self:insert_chunk(blurb,pens.DARKGREY) end function UnitInfoViewer:chunk_Grazer() if self.ident.caste.flags.GRAZER then local blurb = 'Grazing satisfies '..tostring(self.ident.caste.misc.grazer)..' units of hunger.' self:insert_chunk(blurb,pens.LIGHTGREEN) end end function UnitInfoViewer:chunk_EggLayer() local caste = self.ident.caste if caste.flags.LAYS_EGGS then local clutch = math.floor( (caste.misc.clutch_size_max + caste.misc.clutch_size_min)/2 ) local blurb = 'Lays clutches of about '..tostring(clutch) if clutch > 1 then blurb = blurb..' eggs.' else blurb = blurb..' egg.' end self:insert_chunk(blurb,pens.GREEN) end end function UnitInfoViewer:chunk_Milkable() local i = self.ident if i.caste.flags.MILKABLE then local milk = dfhack.matinfo.decode( i.caste.extracts.milkable_mat , i.caste.extracts.milkable_matidx ) if milk then local days,seconds = math.modf ( i.caste.misc.milkable / TU_PER_DAY ) days = (seconds > 0) and (tostring(days)..' to '..tostring(days + 1)) or tostring(days) --local blurb = pronoun..' produces '..milk:toString()..' every '..days..' days.' local blurb = (i.growth_status == ADULT) and (i.pronoun..' secretes ') or str2FirstUpper(i.caste_name[PLURAL])..' secrete ' blurb = blurb..milk:toString()..' every '..days..' days.' self:insert_chunk(blurb,pens.LIGHTCYAN) end end end function UnitInfoViewer:chunk_Shearable() local i = self.ident local mat_types = i.caste.body_info.materials.mat_type local mat_idxs = i.caste.body_info.materials.mat_index local mat_info, blurb for idx,mat_type in ipairs(mat_types) do mat_info = dfhack.matinfo.decode(mat_type,mat_idxs[idx]) if mat_info and mat_info.material.flags.YARN then blurb = (i.growth_status == ADULT) and (i.pronoun..' produces ') or str2FirstUpper(i.caste_name[PLURAL])..' produce ' blurb = blurb..mat_info:toString()..PERIOD self:insert_chunk(blurb,pens.BROWN) end end end function UnitInfoViewer:chunk_BodySize() local i = self.ident local pat = i.unit.body.physical_attrs local blurb = i.pronoun..' appears to be about '..pat.STRENGTH.value..':'..pat.AGILITY.value..' cubic decimeters in size.' self:insert_chunk(blurb,pens.LIGHTBLUE) end function UnitInfoViewer:chunk_Ghostly() local blurb = GHOST_TYPES[self.ident.unit.relations.ghost_info.type].." This spirit has not been properly memorialized or buried." self:insert_chunk(blurb,pens.LIGHTMAGENTA) -- Arose in relations.curse_year curse_time end function UnitInfoViewer:chunk_Dead() local i = self.ident local blurb, str, pen if i.missing then --dfhack.units.isDead(unit) str = ' is missing.' pen = pens.WHITE elseif i.death_event then --str = "The Caste_name Unit_Name died in year #{e.year}" --str << " (cause: #{e.death_cause.to_s.downcase})," --str << " killed by the #{e.slayer_race_tg.name[0]} #{e.slayer_hf_tg.name}" if e.slayer_hf != -1 --str << " using a #{df.world.raws.itemdefs.weapons[e.weapon.item_subtype].name}" if e.weapon.item_type == :WEAPON --str << ", shot by a #{df.world.raws.itemdefs.weapons[e.weapon.bow_item_subtype].name}" if e.weapon.bow_item_type == :WEAPON str = DEATH_TYPES[i.death_event.death_cause]..PERIOD pen = pens.MAGENTA elseif i.incident then --str = "The #{u.race_tg.name[0]}" --str << " #{u.name}" if u.name.has_name --str << " died" --str << " in year #{incident.event_year}" if incident --str << " (cause: #{u.counters.death_cause.to_s.downcase})," if u.counters.death_cause != -1 --str << " killed by the #{killer.race_tg.name[0]} #{killer.name}" if killer str = DEATH_TYPES[i.incident.death_cause]..PERIOD pen = pens.MAGENTA elseif i.unit.flags2.slaughter and i.unit.flags2.killed then str = ' was slaughtered.' pen = pens.MAGENTA else str = ' is dead.' pen = pens.MAGENTA end if i.undead or i.ghostly then str = ' is undead.' pen = pens.GREY end blurb = 'The '..i.prof -- assume prof is not blank if not isBlank(i.name) then blurb = blurb..', '..i.name end blurb = blurb..str self:insert_chunk(blurb,pen) end -- only show if UnitInfoViewer isn't the current focus if dfhack.gui.getCurFocus() ~= 'dfhack/lua/'..UnitInfoViewer.focus_path then local gui_no_unit = false -- show if not found? local unit = getUnit_byVS(gui_no_unit) -- silent? or let the gui display if unit or gui_no_unit then local kan_viewscreen = UnitInfoViewer{unit = unit} kan_viewscreen:show() end end