#pragma once #include <algorithm> #include <cctype> #include <functional> #include <locale> #include <map> #include <string> #include <set> #include "Core.h" #include "MiscUtils.h" #include <Console.h> #include <Export.h> #include <PluginManager.h> #include <VTableInterpose.h> #include "modules/Items.h" #include "modules/Screen.h" #include "modules/World.h" #include "df/building_stockpilest.h" #include "df/caravan_state.h" #include "df/dfhack_material_category.h" #include "df/enabler.h" #include "df/item_quality.h" #include "df/plotinfost.h" #include "df/world.h" using namespace std; using std::string; using std::vector; using std::map; using std::set; using namespace DFHack; using namespace df::enums; #define COLOR_TITLE COLOR_BROWN #define COLOR_UNSELECTED COLOR_GREY #define COLOR_SELECTED COLOR_WHITE #define COLOR_HIGHLIGHTED COLOR_GREEN struct coord32_t { int32_t x, y, z; coord32_t() { x = -30000; y = -30000; z = -30000; } coord32_t(df::coord& other) { x = other.x; y = other.y; z = other.z; } df::coord get_coord16() const { return df::coord(x, y, z); } }; typedef int8_t UIColor; static inline void OutputString(UIColor color, int &x, int &y, const std::string &text, bool newline = false, int left_margin = 0, const UIColor bg_color = 0, bool map = false) { Screen::paintString(Screen::Pen(' ', color, bg_color), x, y, text, map); if (newline) { ++y; x = left_margin; } else x += text.length(); } static inline void OutputHotkeyString(int &x, int &y, const char *text, const char *hotkey, bool newline = false, int left_margin = 0, int8_t text_color = COLOR_WHITE, int8_t hotkey_color = COLOR_LIGHTGREEN, bool map = false) { OutputString(hotkey_color, x, y, hotkey, false, 0, 0, map); string display(": "); display.append(text); OutputString(text_color, x, y, display, newline, left_margin, 0, map); } static inline void OutputHotkeyString(int &x, int &y, const char *text, df::interface_key hotkey, bool newline = false, int left_margin = 0, int8_t text_color = COLOR_WHITE, int8_t hotkey_color = COLOR_LIGHTGREEN, bool map = false) { OutputHotkeyString(x, y, text, DFHack::Screen::getKeyDisplay(hotkey).c_str(), newline, left_margin, text_color, hotkey_color, map); } static inline void OutputLabelString(int &x, int &y, const char *text, const char *hotkey, const string &label, bool newline = false, int left_margin = 0, int8_t text_color = COLOR_WHITE, int8_t hotkey_color = COLOR_LIGHTGREEN, bool map = false) { OutputString(hotkey_color, x, y, hotkey, false, 0, 0, map); string display(": "); display.append(text); display.append(": "); OutputString(text_color, x, y, display, false, 0, 0, map); OutputString(hotkey_color, x, y, label, newline, left_margin, 0, map); } static inline void OutputLabelString(int &x, int &y, const char *text, df::interface_key hotkey, const string &label, bool newline = false, int left_margin = 0, int8_t text_color = COLOR_WHITE, int8_t hotkey_color = COLOR_LIGHTGREEN, bool map = false) { OutputLabelString(x, y, text, DFHack::Screen::getKeyDisplay(hotkey).c_str(), label, newline, left_margin, text_color, hotkey_color, map); } static inline void OutputFilterString(int &x, int &y, const char *text, const char *hotkey, bool state, bool newline = false, int left_margin = 0, int8_t hotkey_color = COLOR_LIGHTGREEN, bool map = false) { OutputString(hotkey_color, x, y, hotkey, false, 0, 0, map); OutputString(COLOR_WHITE, x, y, ": ", false, 0, 0, map); OutputString((state) ? COLOR_WHITE : COLOR_GREY, x, y, text, newline, left_margin, 0, map); } static inline void OutputToggleString(int &x, int &y, const char *text, const char *hotkey, bool state, bool newline = true, int left_margin = 0, int8_t color = COLOR_WHITE, int8_t hotkey_color = COLOR_LIGHTGREEN, bool map = false) { OutputHotkeyString(x, y, text, hotkey, false, 0, color, hotkey_color, map); OutputString(color, x, y, ": ", false, 0, 0, map); if (state) OutputString(COLOR_GREEN, x, y, "On", newline, left_margin, 0, map); else OutputString(COLOR_GREY, x, y, "Off", newline, left_margin, 0, map); } static inline void OutputToggleString(int &x, int &y, const char *text, df::interface_key hotkey, bool state, bool newline = true, int left_margin = 0, int8_t color = COLOR_WHITE, int8_t hotkey_color = COLOR_LIGHTGREEN, bool map = false) { OutputToggleString(x, y, text, DFHack::Screen::getKeyDisplay(hotkey).c_str(), state, newline, left_margin, color, hotkey_color, map); } static inline void set_to_limit(int &value, const int maximum, const int min = 0) { if (value < min) value = min; else if (value > maximum) value = maximum; } inline void paint_text(const UIColor color, const int &x, const int &y, const std::string &text, const UIColor background = 0) { Screen::paintString(Screen::Pen(' ', color, background), x, y, text); } static inline string pad_string(string text, const int size, const bool front = true, const bool trim = false) { if (text.length() > size_t(size)) { if (trim && size > 10) { text = text.substr(0, size-3); text.append("..."); } return text; } string aligned(size - text.length(), ' '); if (front) { aligned.append(text); return aligned; } else { text.append(aligned); return text; } } static inline df::interface_key get_string_key(const std::set<df::interface_key> *input) { for (auto it = input->begin(); it != input->end(); ++it) { if (DFHack::Screen::keyToChar(*it) >= 0) return *it; } return df::interface_key::NONE; } static inline char get_string_input(const std::set<df::interface_key> *input) { return DFHack::Screen::keyToChar(get_string_key(input)); } /* * Utility Functions */ static inline df::building_stockpilest *get_selected_stockpile() { if (!Gui::dwarfmode_hotkey(Core::getTopViewscreen()) || df::global::plotinfo->main.mode != ui_sidebar_mode::QueryBuilding) { return nullptr; } return virtual_cast<df::building_stockpilest>(df::global::world->selected_building); } static inline bool can_trade() { if (df::global::plotinfo->caravans.size() == 0) return false; for (auto it = df::global::plotinfo->caravans.begin(); it != df::global::plotinfo->caravans.end(); it++) { typedef df::caravan_state::T_trade_state state; auto caravan = *it; auto trade_state = caravan->trade_state; auto time_remaining = caravan->time_remaining; if ((trade_state == state::Approaching || trade_state == state::AtDepot) && time_remaining != 0) return true; } return false; } static inline bool is_metal_item(df::item *item) { MaterialInfo mat(item); return (mat.getCraftClass() == craft_material_class::Metal); } static inline bool is_set_to_melt(df::item* item) { return item->flags.bits.melt; } // Copied from Kelly Martin's code static inline bool can_melt(df::item* item) { df::item_flags bad_flags; bad_flags.whole = 0; #define F(x) bad_flags.bits.x = true; F(dump); F(forbid); F(garbage_collect); F(in_job); F(hostile); F(on_fire); F(rotten); F(trader); F(in_building); F(construction); F(artifact); F(melt); #undef F if (item->flags.whole & bad_flags.whole) return false; df::item_type t = item->getType(); if (t == df::enums::item_type::BOX || t == df::enums::item_type::BAR) return false; if (!is_metal_item(item)) return false; for (auto g = item->general_refs.begin(); g != item->general_refs.end(); g++) { switch ((*g)->getType()) { case general_ref_type::CONTAINS_ITEM: case general_ref_type::UNIT_HOLDER: case general_ref_type::CONTAINS_UNIT: return false; case general_ref_type::CONTAINED_IN_ITEM: { df::item* c = (*g)->getItem(); for (auto gg = c->general_refs.begin(); gg != c->general_refs.end(); gg++) { if ((*gg)->getType() == general_ref_type::UNIT_HOLDER) return false; } } break; default: break; } } if (item->getQuality() >= item_quality::Masterful) return false; return true; } /* * Stockpile Access */ class StockpileInfo { public: StockpileInfo() : id(0), sp(nullptr), x1(-30000), x2(-30000), y1(-30000), y2(-30000), z(-30000) { } StockpileInfo(df::building_stockpilest *sp_) : StockpileInfo() { sp = sp_; readBuilding(); } bool inStockpile(df::item *i) { // Check if the item is assigned to a stockpile if (i->isAssignedToStockpile()) return i->isAssignedToThisStockpile(sp->id); // If this is in a container check where the container item is df::item* container = Items::getContainer(i); if (container) return inStockpile(container); // Inventory items seems to have stale position information. We can // assume that they are not in the stockpile. if (i->flags.bits.in_inventory) return false; // Only containers are assigned to a stockpile. We need a coordinate // check for free items. if (i->pos.z != z) return false; if (i->pos.x < x1 || i->pos.x >= x2 || i->pos.y < y1 || i->pos.y >= y2) return false; int e = (i->pos.x - x1) + (i->pos.y - y1) * sp->room.width; return sp->room.extents[e] == 1; } bool isValid() { if (!id) return false; auto found = df::building::find(id); return found && found == sp && found->getType() == building_type::Stockpile; } int32_t getId() { return id; } bool matches(df::building_stockpilest* sp) { return this->sp == sp; } df::building_stockpilest* getStockpile() { return sp; } protected: int32_t id; df::building_stockpilest* sp; void readBuilding() { if (!sp) return; id = sp->id; z = sp->z; x1 = sp->room.x; x2 = sp->room.x + sp->room.width; y1 = sp->room.y; y2 = sp->room.y + sp->room.height; } protected: int x1, x2, y1, y2, z; }; class PersistentStockpileInfo : public StockpileInfo { public: PersistentStockpileInfo(df::building_stockpilest *sp, string persistence_key) : StockpileInfo(sp), persistence_key(persistence_key) { } PersistentStockpileInfo(PersistentDataItem &config, string persistence_key) : config(config), persistence_key(persistence_key) { id = config.ival(1); } bool load() { auto found = df::building::find(id); if (!found || found->getType() != building_type::Stockpile) return false; sp = virtual_cast<df::building_stockpilest>(found); if (!sp) return false; readBuilding(); return true; } void save() { config = DFHack::World::AddPersistentData(persistence_key); config.ival(1) = id; } void remove() { DFHack::World::DeletePersistentData(config); } protected: PersistentDataItem config; string persistence_key; };