Console.print = dfhack.print Console.println = dfhack.println Console.printerr = dfhack.printerr function err(msg) --make local maybe... print(msg) print(debug.traceback()) end function dofile(filename) --safer dofile, with traceback (very usefull) f,perr=loadfile(filename) if f~=nil then return xpcall(f,err) else print(perr) end end function dofile_silent(filename) --safer dofile, with traceback, no file not found error f,perr=loadfile(filename) if f~=nil then return xpcall(f,err) else if(string.sub(perr,1,11)~="cannot open") then --ugly hack print(perr) end end end function loadall(t1) --loads all non interactive plugin parts, so that later they could be used for k,v in pairs(t1) do dofile_silent("dfusion/"..v[1].."/init.lua") end end function mainmenu(t1) --Console.clear() while true do print("No. Name Desc") for k,v in pairs(t1) do print(string.format("%3d %15s %s",k,v[1],v[2])) end local q=Console.lineedit("Select plugin to run (q to quit):") if q=='q' then return end q=tonumber(q) if q~=nil then if q>=1 and q<=#t1 then if t1[q][3]==nil then dofile("dfusion/"..t1[q][1].."/plugin.lua") else t1[q][3]() end end end end end function RunSaved() print("Locating saves...") local print("Current region:"..str) str="data/save/"..str.."/dfusion/init.lua" print("Trying to run:"..str) dofile_silent(str) end dofile("dfusion/common.lua") dofile("dfusion/utils.lua") dofile("dfusion/offsets_misc.lua") dofile("dfusion/editor.lua") --dofile("dfusion/xml_struct.lua") unlockDF() plugins={} table.insert(plugins,{"simple_embark","A simple embark dwarf count editor"}) table.insert(plugins,{"tools","some misc tools"}) table.insert(plugins,{"embark","Multi race embark"}) table.insert(plugins,{"friendship","Multi race fort enabler"}) --[=[table.insert(plugins,{"items","A collection of item hacking tools"}) table.insert(plugins,{"offsets","Find all offsets"}) table.insert(plugins,{"friendship_civ","Multi civ fort enabler"}) table.insert(plugins,{"triggers","a function calling plug (discontinued...)"}) table.insert(plugins,{"migrants","multi race imigrations"}) --]=] --table.insert(plugins,{"onfunction","run lua on some df function"}) --table.insert(plugins,{"editor","edit internals of df",EditDF}) table.insert(plugins,{"saves","run current worlds's init.lua",RunSaved}) table.insert(plugins,{"adv_tools","some tools for (mainly) advneturer hacking"}) loadall(plugins) dofile_silent("dfusion/initcustom.lua") local args={...} local f,err=load(table.concat(args,' ')) if f then f() else Console.printerr(err) end if not INIT then mainmenu(plugins) end