.. _introduction: ######################### Introduction and Overview ######################### DFHack is a Dwarf Fortress memory access library, distributed with a wide variety of useful scripts and plugins. The project is currently hosted `on GitHub <https://www.github.com/DFHack/dfhack>`_, and can be downloaded from `the releases page <https://github.com/DFHack/dfhack/releases>`_ - see `installing` for installation instructions. This is also where the `DFHack bug tracker <https://www.github.com/DFHack/dfhack>`_ is hosted. All new releases are announced in `the Bay12 forums thread <https://dfhack.org/bay12>`_, which is also a good place for discussion and questions. For users, DFHack provides a significant suite of bugfixes and interface enhancements by default, and more can be enabled. There are also many tools (such as `workflow` or `autodump`) which can make life easier. You can even add third-party scripts and plugins to do almost anything! For modders, DFHack makes many things possible. Custom reactions, new interactions, magic creature abilities, and more can be set through `scripts-modtools` and custom raws. Non-standard DFHack scripts and inits can be stored in the raw directory, making raws or saves fully self-contained for distribution - or for coexistence in a single DF install, even with incompatible components. For developers, DFHack unites the various ways tools access DF memory and allows easier development of new tools. As an open-source project under `various open-source licences <license>`, contributions are welcome. .. contents:: Contents :local: Getting started =============== See `installing` for details on installing DFHack. Once DFHack is installed, it extends DF with a console that can be used to run commands. On Windows, this console will open automatically when DF is started. On Linux and macOS, you will need to run the ``dfhack`` script from a terminal (instead of the ``df`` script included with DF), and that terminal will be used by the DFHack console. * Basic interaction with DFHack involves entering commands into the console. To learn what commands are available, you can keep reading this documentation or skip ahead and use the `ls` and `help` commands. * Another way to interact with DFHack is to set in-game `keybindings <keybinding>` for certain commands. Many of the newer and user-friendly tools are designed to be used this way. * Commands can also run at startup via `init files <init-files>`, on in batches at other times with the `script` command. * Finally, some commands are persistent once enabled, and will sit in the background managing or changing some aspect of the game if you `enable` them. .. _troubleshooting: .. _support: Troubleshooting =============== Don't panic! Even if you need this section, it'll be OK :) If something goes wrong, check the log files in DF's folder (``stderr.log`` and ``stdout.log``). Looking at these might help you - or someone else - solve the problem. Take screenshots of any weird error messages, and take notes on what you did to cause them. If the search function in this documentation isn't enough and :wiki:`the DF Wiki <>` hasn't helped, try asking in: - the `#dfhack IRC channel on freenode <https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=dfhack>`_ - the `Bay12 DFHack thread <https://dfhack.org/bay12>`_ - the `/r/dwarffortress <https://dwarffortress.reddit.com>`_ questions thread - the thread for the mod or Starter Pack you're using (if any)