dofile("dfusion/offsets_misc.lua") STD_STRING=0 DWORD=1 WORD=2 BYTE=3 function GetTextRegion() if __TEXT ~=nil then --Chache this, not going to change. return __TEXT end ranges__=Process.getMemRanges() --print("Ranges:"..#ranges__) for k,v in pairs(ranges__) do --for k2,v2 in pairs(v) do -- print(string.format("%d %s->%s",k,tostring(k2),tostring(v2))) --end --local num --flgs="" --if(v["read"])then flgs=flgs..'r' end --if(v["write"])then flgs=flgs..'w' end --if(v["execute"]) then flgs=flgs..'e' end --if num>=100 then --print(string.format("%d %x->%x %s %s",k,v["start"],v["end"], or "",flgs)) --end local pos=string.find(,".text") or string.find(,"libs/Dwarf_Fortress") if(pos~=nil) and v["execute"] then __TEXT=v; return v; end end error(".Text region not found!") end function UpdateRanges() ranges__=Process.getMemRanges() end function GetRegionIn(pos) ranges__=ranges__ or Process.getMemRanges() for k,v in pairs(ranges__) do if pos>=v.start and pos<v["end"] then return v end end return nil end function GetRegionIn2(pos) ranges__=ranges__ or Process.getMemRanges() local cr=nil for k,v in pairs(ranges__) do --for k2,v2 in pairs(v) do -- print(string.format("%d %s->%s",k,tostring(k2),tostring(v2))) --end --local num --num=0 --if(v["read"])then num=num+1 end --if(v["write"])then num=num+10 end --if(v["execute"]) then num=num+100 end --print(string.format("%d %x->%x %s %x",k,v["start"],v["end"],,pos)) if pos>=v.start then --This is a hack to counter .text region suddenly shrinking. if cr~=nil then if v.start < cr.start then -- find region that start is closest cr=v end else cr=v end end end return cr end function ValidOffset(pos) ranges__=ranges__ or Process.getMemRanges() return GetRegionIn(pos)~=nil end function unlockDF() local reg=GetTextRegion() reg["write"]=true Process.setPermisions(reg,reg) end function lockDF() local reg=GetTextRegion() reg["write"]=false Process.setPermisions(reg,reg) end function SetExecute(pos) UpdateRanges() local reg=GetRegionIn(pos) reg.execute=true Process.setPermisions(reg,reg) -- TODO maybe make a page with only execute permisions or sth end -- engine bindings engine=engine or {} engine.peekd=Process.readDWord engine.poked=Process.writeDWord engine.peekb=Process.readByte engine.pokeb=Process.writeByte engine.peekw=Process.readWord engine.pokew=Process.writeWord engine.peekstr_stl=Process.readSTLString engine.pokestr_stl=Process.writeSTLString engine.peekstr=Process.readCString --engine.pokestr=Process.readCString engine.pokearb=Process.write function engine.peek(offset,rtype) if type(rtype)=="table" then if ==nil then return engine.peekpattern(offset,rtype) else return engine.peek(,rtype.rtype) end end if rtype==STD_STRING then return engine.peekstr(offset) elseif rtype==DWORD then return engine.peekd(offset) elseif rtype==WORD then return engine.peekw(offset) elseif rtype==BYTE then return engine.peekb(offset) else error("Invalid peek type") return end end function engine.poke(offset,rtype,val) if type(rtype)=="table" then if ==nil then return engine.pokepattern(offset,rtype,val) else return engine.poke(,rtype.rtype,val) end end if rtype==STD_STRING then return engine.pokestr(offset,val) elseif rtype==DWORD then return engine.poked(offset,val) elseif rtype==WORD then return engine.pokew(offset,val) elseif rtype==BYTE then return engine.pokeb(offset,val) else error("Invalid poke type:"..tostring(rtype)) return end end function engine.sizeof(rtype) if rtype==STD_STRING then error("String has no constant size") return elseif rtype==DWORD then return 4; elseif rtype==WORD then return 2; elseif rtype==BYTE then return 1; else error("Invalid sizeof type") return end end function engine.peekpattern(offset,pattern) local ret={} for k,v in pairs(pattern) do --print("k:"..k.." v:"..type(v)) if type(v)=="table" then ret[k]=engine.peek(,v.rtype) --print(k.." peeked:" else ret[k]=v end end ret.__offset=offset return ret end function engine.pokepattern(offset,pattern,val) for k,v in pairs(pattern) do --print("k:"..k.." v:"..type(v)) if type(v)=="table" then engine.poke(,v.rtype,val[k]) end end end function engine.LoadModData(file) local T2={} T2.symbols={},T2.size=engine.loadobj(file) data,modsize=engine.loadobj(file) local T=engine.loadobjsymbols(file) for k,v in pairs(T) do if v.pos~=0 then T2.symbols[]=v.pos end end return T2 end function engine.FindMarker(moddata,name) if moddata.symbols[name] ~=nil then return engine.findmarker(0xDEADBEEF,,moddata.size,moddata.symbols[name]) end end function engine.installMod(file,name,bonussize) local T=engine.LoadModData(file) local modpos,modsize=engine.loadmod(file,name,bonussize) T.pos=modpos return T end it_menu={} it_menu.__index=it_menu function it_menu:add(name,func) table.insert(self.items,{func,name}) end function it_menu:display() print("Select choice (q exits):") for p,c in pairs(self.items) do print(string.format("%3d).%s",p,c[2])) end local ans repeat local r r=io.stdin:read() if r=='q' then return end ans=tonumber(r) if ans==nil or not(ans<=table.maxn(self.items) and ans>0) then print("incorrect choice") end until ans~=nil and (ans<=table.maxn(self.items) and ans>0) self.items[ans][1]() end function MakeMenu() local ret={} ret.items={} setmetatable(ret,it_menu) return ret end function PrintPattern(loadedpattern) for k,v in pairs(loadedpattern) do if type(v)== "string" then print(k.." "..v) else print(string.format("%s %d inhex:%x",k,v,v)) end end end function printPattern(pattern) local i=0; local names={} names[STD_STRING]="std_string (STD_STRING)" names[DWORD]= "Double word (DWORD)" names[WORD]= "Word (WORD)" names[STD_STRING]="Byte (BYTE)" ret={} for k,v in pairs(pattern) do if type(v)=="table" and then if names[v.rtype]~=nil then lname=names[v.rtype] else if type(v.rtype)=="table" then lname="Table (prob subpattern)" else lname="Other" end end print(string.format("%d. %s is %s with offset %x",i,k,lname, table.insert(ret,k) else print(string.format("%d. %s",i,k)) end i=i+1 end return ret; end function editPattern(offset,pattern,name) if type(pattern[name].rtype)=="table" then if pattern[name].rtype.setval~=nil then print(string.format("%x",offset+pattern[name].off)) local t=engine.peek(offset+pattern[name].off,pattern[name].rtype) print("Value is now:"..t:getval()) print("Enter new value:") val=io.stdin:read() t:setval(val) else ModPattern(offset+pattern[name].off,pattern[name].rtype) end return end val=engine.peek(offset,pattern[name]) print("Value is now:"..val) print("Enter new value:") if pattern[name].rtype==STD_STRING then val=io.stdin:read() else val=tonumber(io.stdin:read()) end engine.poke(offset,pattern[name],val) end function ModPattern(itemoffset,pattern) print("Select what to edit:") nm=printPattern(pattern) q=tonumber(io.stdin:read()) if q~=nil and q<#nm then editPattern(itemoffset,pattern,nm[q+1]) end end function findVectors() if __VECTORS ~=nil then --chache return __VECTORS end local text=GetTextRegion() local h=hexsearch(text.start,text["end"],0x8b,ANYBYTE,ANYDWORD,0x8b,ANYBYTE,ANYDWORD,0x2b) local pos=h:findall() local T={} for k,v in pairs(pos) do local loc1,loc2 loc1=engine.peekd(v+2) loc2=engine.peekd(v+8) print(string.format("%x - %x=%x",loc1,loc2,loc1-loc2)) if(loc1-loc2==4) then if T[loc1-4]~=nil then T[loc1-4]=T[loc1-4]+1 else T[loc1-4]=1 end end end __VECTORS=T return T end function GetRaceToken(p) --actually gets token... print(string.format("%x vs %x",offsets.getEx('CreatureGloss'),VersionInfo.getGroup("Materials"):getAddress("creature_type_vector"))) --local vec=engine.peek(offsets.getEx('CreatureGloss'),ptr_vector) local vec=engine.peek(VersionInfo.getGroup("Materials"):getAddress("creature_type_vector"),ptr_vector) --print("Vector ok") local off=vec:getval(p) --print("Offset:" local crgloss=engine.peek(off,ptr_CrGloss) --print("Peek ok") return crgloss.token:getval() end function BuildNameTable() local rtbl={} local vec=engine.peek(offsets.getEx('CreatureGloss'),ptr_vector) --print(string.format("Vector start:%x", --print(string.format("Vector end:%x",vec.en)) --local i=0 for p=0,vec:size()-1 do local off=vec:getval(p) --print("First member:" local name=engine.peek(off,ptt_dfstring) --print("Loading:"..p.."=" rtbl[name:getval()]=p --i=i+1 --if i>100 then -- io.stdin:read() -- i=0 --end end return rtbl; end function BuildMaterialTable() local rtbl={} local vec=engine.peek(offsets.getEx('Materials'),ptr_vector) --print(string.format("Vector start:%x", --print(string.format("Vector end:%x",vec.en)) --local i=0 for p=0,vec:size()-1 do local off=vec:getval(p) --print("First member:" local name=engine.peek(off,ptt_dfstring) --print("Loading:"..p.."=" rtbl[name:getval()]=p --i=i+1 --if i>100 then -- io.stdin:read() -- i=0 --end end return rtbl; end function BuildWordTables() local names={} local rnames={} local vector=engine.peek(offsets.getEx('WordVec'),ptr_vector) for i =0,vector:size()-1 do local off=vector:getval(i) local n=engine.peekstr(off) names[i]=n rnames[n]=i end return names,rnames end function ParseScript(file) io.input(file) f="" first=0 nobraces=0 function updFunction() if f~="" then first=0 if nobraces==0 then f=f.."}" end nobraces=0 print("Doing:"..f) assert(loadstring(f))() f="" end end while true do local line ="*line") if line == nil then break end if string.sub(line,1,2)==">>" then updFunction() if string.find(line,"%b()") then f=string.sub(line,3) nobraces=1 else f=string.sub(line,3).."{" end --print(string.sub(line,3)..) else if first~=0 then f=f.."," else first=1 end f=f..string.format('%q',line) end end updFunction() end function ParseNames(path) local ret={} local for n in ff:lines() do table.insert(ret,n) end return ret end function getxyz() -- this will return pointers x,y and z coordinates. local off=VersionInfo.getGroup("Position"):getAddress("cursor_xyz") -- lets find where in memory its being held -- now lets read them (they are double words (or unsigned longs or 4 bits each) and go in sucesion local x=engine.peekd(off) local y=engine.peekd(off+4) --next is 4 from start local z=engine.peekd(off+8) --next is 8 from start --print("Pointer @:"..x..","..y..","..z) return x,y,z -- return the coords end function GetCreatureAtPos(x,y,z) -- gets the creature index @ x,y,z coord --local x,y,z=getxyz() --get 'X' coords local vector=engine.peek(VersionInfo.getGroup("Creatures"):getAddress("vector"),ptr_vector) -- load all creatures for i = 0, vector:size()-1 do -- look into all creatures offsets local curoff=vector:getval(i) -- get i-th creatures offset local cx=engine.peek(curoff,ptr_Creature.x) --get its coordinates local cy=engine.peek(curoff,ptr_Creature.y) local cz=engine.peek(curoff,ptr_Creature.z) if cx==x and cy==y and cz==z then --compare them return i --return index end end print("Creature not found!") return -1 end function Allocate(size) local ptr=engine.getmod('General_Space') if ptr==nil then ptr=engine.newmod("General_Space",4096) -- some time later maybe make some more space engine.poked(ptr,4) end local curptr=engine.peekd(ptr) curptr=curptr+size engine.poked(ptr,curptr) return curptr-size+ptr end dofile("dfusion/patterns.lua") dofile("dfusion/patterns2.lua") dofile("dfusion/itempatterns.lua") dofile("dfusion/buildingpatterns.lua")