local _ENV = mkmodule('plugins.stockflow') gui = require "gui" utils = require "utils" reaction_list = {} saved_orders = {} jobs_to_create = {} triggers = { {filled = false, divisor = 1, name = "Per empty space"}, {filled = true, divisor = 1, name = "Per stored item"}, {filled = false, divisor = 2, name = "Per two empty spaces"}, {filled = true, divisor = 2, name = "Per two stored items"}, {filled = false, divisor = 3, name = "Per three empty spaces"}, {filled = true, divisor = 3, name = "Per three stored items"}, {filled = false, divisor = 4, name = "Per four empty spaces"}, {filled = true, divisor = 4, name = "Per four stored items"}, {name = "Never"}, } -- There must be a better way get the value of an enum. job_types = {} for key, value in ipairs(df.job_type) do job_types[value] = key end entry_ints = { stockpile_id = 1, order_number = 2, trigger_number = 3, } -- Populate the reaction and stockpile order lists. -- To be called whenever a world is loaded. function initialize_world() reaction_list = collect_reactions() saved_orders = collect_orders() jobs_to_create = {} end -- Clear all caches. -- Called when a world is loaded, or when the plugin is disabled. function clear_caches() -- Free the C++ objects in the reaction list. for _, value in ipairs(reaction_list) do value.order:delete() end reaction_list = {} saved_orders = {} jobs_to_create = {} end function trigger_name(cache) local trigger = triggers[cache.entry.ints[entry_ints.trigger_number]] return trigger and trigger.name or "Never" end function list_orders() local listed = false for _, spec in pairs(saved_orders) do local num = spec.stockpile.stockpile_number local name = spec.entry.value local trigger = trigger_name(spec) print("Stockpile #"..num, name, trigger) listed = true end if not listed then print("No manager jobs have been set for your stockpiles.") print("Use j in a stockpile menu to create one...") end end -- Save the stockpile jobs for later creation. -- Called when the bookkeeper starts updating stockpile records. function start_bookkeeping() result = {} for reaction_id, quantity in pairs(check_stockpiles()) do local amount = order_quantity(reaction_list[reaction_id].order, quantity) if amount > 0 then result[reaction_id] = amount end end jobs_to_create = result end -- Insert any saved jobs. -- Called when the bookkeeper finishes updating stockpile records. function finish_bookkeeping() for reaction, amount in pairs(jobs_to_create) do create_orders(reaction_list[reaction].order, amount) end jobs_to_create = {} end function stockpile_settings(sp) local order = saved_orders[sp.id] if not order then return "No job selected", "" end return order.entry.value, trigger_name(order) end -- Toggle the trigger condition for a stockpile. function toggle_trigger(sp) local saved = saved_orders[sp.id] if saved then saved.entry.ints[entry_ints.trigger_number] = (saved.entry.ints[entry_ints.trigger_number] % #triggers) + 1 saved.entry:save() end end function collect_orders() local result = {} local entries = dfhack.persistent.get_all("stockflow/entry", true) if entries then local stockpiles = df.global.world.buildings.other.STOCKPILE for _, entry in ipairs(entries) do local spid = entry.ints[entry_ints.stockpile_id] local stockpile = utils.binsearch(stockpiles, spid, "id") if stockpile then -- Todo: What if entry.value ~= reaction_list[order_number].name? result[spid] = { stockpile = stockpile, entry = entry, } end end end return result end -- Choose an order that the stockpile should add to the manager queue. function select_order(stockpile) screen:reset(stockpile) screen:show() end function reaction_entry(job_type, values, name) local order = df.manager_order:new() -- These defaults differ from the newly created order's. order:assign{ job_type = job_type, unk_2 = -1, item_subtype = -1, mat_type = -1, mat_index = -1, } if values then -- Override default attributes. order:assign(values) end return { name = name or df.job_type.attrs[job_type].caption, order = order, } end function resource_reactions(reactions, job_type, mat_info, keys, items, options) local values = {} for key, value in pairs(mat_info.management) do values[key] = value end for _, itemid in ipairs(keys) do local itemdef = items[itemid] local start = options.verb or mat_info.verb or "Make" if options.adjective then start = start.." "..itemdef.adjective end if (not options.permissible) or options.permissible(itemdef) then local item_name = " "..itemdef[options.name_field or "name"] if options.capitalize then item_name = string.gsub(item_name, " .", string.upper) end values.item_subtype = itemid table.insert(reactions, reaction_entry(job_type, values, start.." "..mat_info.adjective..item_name)) end end end function material_reactions(reactions, itemtypes, mat_info) -- Expects a list of {job_type, verb, item_name} tuples. for _, row in ipairs(itemtypes) do local line = row[2].." "..mat_info.adjective if row[3] then line = line.." "..row[3] end table.insert(reactions, reaction_entry(row[1], mat_info.management, line)) end end function clothing_reactions(reactions, mat_info, filter) local resources = df.global.world.entities.all[df.global.ui.civ_id].resources local itemdefs = df.global.world.raws.itemdefs resource_reactions(reactions, job_types.MakeArmor, mat_info, resources.armor_type, itemdefs.armor, {permissible = filter}) resource_reactions(reactions, job_types.MakePants, mat_info, resources.pants_type, itemdefs.pants, {permissible = filter}) resource_reactions(reactions, job_types.MakeGloves, mat_info, resources.gloves_type, itemdefs.gloves, {permissible = filter}) resource_reactions(reactions, job_types.MakeHelm, mat_info, resources.helm_type, itemdefs.helms, {permissible = filter}) resource_reactions(reactions, job_types.MakeShoes, mat_info, resources.shoes_type, itemdefs.shoes, {permissible = filter}) end -- Find the reaction types that should be listed in the management interface. function collect_reactions() -- The sequence here tries to match the native manager screen. -- It should also be possible to collect the sequence from somewhere native, -- but I currently can only find it while the job selection screen is active. -- Even that list doesn't seem to include their names. local result = {} local materials = { rock = { adjective = "rock", management = {mat_type = 0}, }, } for _, name in ipairs{"wood", "cloth", "leather", "silk", "yarn", "bone", "shell", "tooth", "horn", "pearl"} do materials[name] = { adjective = name, management = {material_category = {[name] = true}}, } end materials.wood.adjective = "wooden" materials.tooth.adjective = "ivory/tooth" materials.leather.clothing_flag = "LEATHER" -- Collection and Entrapment table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.CollectWebs)) table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.CollectSand)) table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.CollectClay)) table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.CatchLiveLandAnimal)) table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.CatchLiveFish)) -- Cutting, encrusting, and metal extraction. local rock_types = df.global.world.raws.inorganics for rock_id = #rock_types-1, 0, -1 do local material = rock_types[rock_id].material local rock_name = material.state_adj.Solid if material.flags.IS_STONE or material.flags.IS_GEM then table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.CutGems, { mat_type = 0, mat_index = rock_id, }, "Cut "..rock_name)) table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.EncrustWithGems, { mat_type = 0, mat_index = rock_id, item_category = {finished_goods = true}, }, "Encrust Finished Goods With "..rock_name)) table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.EncrustWithGems, { mat_type = 0, mat_index = rock_id, item_category = {furniture = true}, }, "Encrust Furniture With "..rock_name)) table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.EncrustWithGems, { mat_type = 0, mat_index = rock_id, item_category = {ammo = true}, }, "Encrust Ammo With "..rock_name)) end if #rock_types[rock_id].metal_ore.mat_index > 0 then table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.SmeltOre, {mat_type = 0, mat_index = rock_id}, "Smelt "..rock_name.." Ore")) end if #rock_types[rock_id].thread_metal.mat_index > 0 then table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.ExtractMetalStrands, {mat_type = 0, mat_index = rock_id})) end end -- Glass cutting and encrusting, with different job numbers. -- We could search the entire table, but glass is less subject to raws. local glass_types = df.global.world.raws.mat_table.builtin local glasses = {} for glass_id = 3, 5 do local material = glass_types[glass_id] local glass_name = material.state_adj.Solid if material.flags.IS_GLASS then -- For future use. table.insert(glasses, { adjective = glass_name, management = {mat_type = glass_id}, }) table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.CutGlass, {mat_type = glass_id}, "Cut "..glass_name)) table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.EncrustWithGlass, { mat_type = glass_id, item_category = {finished_goods = true}, }, "Encrust Finished Goods With "..glass_name)) table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.EncrustWithGlass, { mat_type = glass_id, item_category = {furniture = true}, }, "Encrust Furniture With "..glass_name)) table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.EncrustWithGlass, { mat_type = glass_id, item_category = {ammo = true}, }, "Encrust Ammo With "..glass_name)) end end -- Dyeing table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.DyeThread)) table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.DyeCloth)) -- Sew Image cloth_mats = {materials.cloth, materials.silk, materials.yarn, materials.leather} for _, material in ipairs(cloth_mats) do material_reactions(result, {{job_types.SewImage, "Sew", "Image"}}, material) end for _, spec in ipairs{materials.bone, materials.shell, materials.tooth, materials.horn, materials.pearl} do material_reactions(result, {{job_types.DecorateWith, "Decorate With"}}, spec) end table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.MakeTotem)) table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.ButcherAnimal)) table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.MillPlants)) table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.MakePotashFromLye)) table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.MakePotashFromAsh)) -- Kitchen table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.PrepareMeal, {mat_type = 2}, "Prepare Easy Meal")) table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.PrepareMeal, {mat_type = 3}, "Prepare Fine Meal")) table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.PrepareMeal, {mat_type = 4}, "Prepare Lavish Meal")) -- Brew Drink table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.BrewDrink)) -- Weaving table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.WeaveCloth, {material_category = {plant = true}}, "Weave Thread into Cloth")) table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.WeaveCloth, {material_category = {silk = true}}, "Weave Thread into Silk")) table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.WeaveCloth, {material_category = {yarn = true}}, "Weave Yarn into Cloth")) -- Extracts, farmer's workshop, and wood burning table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.ExtractFromPlants)) table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.ExtractFromRawFish)) table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.ExtractFromLandAnimal)) table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.PrepareRawFish)) table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.MakeCheese)) table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.MilkCreature)) table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.ShearCreature)) table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.SpinThread)) table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.MakeLye)) table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.ProcessPlants)) table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.ProcessPlantsBag)) table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.ProcessPlantsVial)) table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.ProcessPlantsBarrel)) table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.MakeCharcoal)) table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.MakeAsh)) -- Reactions defined in the raws. -- Not all reactions are allowed to the civilization. -- That includes "Make sharp rock" by default. local entity = df.global.world.entities.all[df.global.ui.civ_id] for _, reaction_id in ipairs(entity.entity_raw.workshops.permitted_reaction_id) do local reaction = df.global.world.raws.reactions[reaction_id] local name = string.gsub(reaction.name, "^.", string.upper) table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.CustomReaction, {reaction_name = reaction.code}, name)) end -- Metal forging local itemdefs = df.global.world.raws.itemdefs for rock_id = 0, #rock_types - 1 do local material = rock_types[rock_id].material local rock_name = material.state_adj.Solid local mat_flags = { adjective = rock_name, management = {mat_type = 0, mat_index = rock_id}, verb = "Forge", } if material.flags.IS_METAL then table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.StudWith, mat_flags.management, "Stud With "..rock_name)) if material.flags.ITEMS_WEAPON then -- Todo: Are these really the right flags to check? resource_reactions(result, job_types.MakeWeapon, mat_flags, entity.resources.weapon_type, itemdefs.weapons, { permissible = (function(itemdef) return itemdef.skill_ranged == -1 end), }) -- Is this entirely disconnected from the entity? material_reactions(result, {{MakeBallistaArrowHead, "Forge", "Ballista Arrow Head"}}, mat_flags) resource_reactions(result, job_types.MakeTrapComponent, mat_flags, entity.resources.trapcomp_type, itemdefs.trapcomps, { adjective = true, }) resource_reactions(result, job_types.AssembleSiegeAmmo, mat_flags, entity.resources.siegeammo_type, itemdefs.siege_ammo, { verb = "Assemble", }) end if material.flags.ITEMS_WEAPON_RANGED then resource_reactions(result, job_types.MakeWeapon, mat_flags, entity.resources.weapon_type, itemdefs.weapons, { permissible = (function(itemdef) return itemdef.skill_ranged >= 0 end), }) end if material.flags.ITEMS_DIGGER then -- Todo: Ranged or training digging weapons? resource_reactions(result, job_types.MakeWeapon, mat_flags, entity.resources.digger_type, itemdefs.weapons, { }) end if material.flags.ITEMS_AMMO then resource_reactions(result, job_types.MakeAmmo, mat_flags, entity.resources.ammo_type, itemdefs.ammo, { name_field = "name_plural", }) end if material.flags.ITEMS_ANVIL then material_reactions(result, {{job_types.ForgeAnvil, "Forge", "Anvil"}}, mat_flags) end if material.flags.ITEMS_ARMOR then local metalclothing = (function(itemdef) return itemdef.props.flags.METAL end) clothing_reactions(result, mat_flags, metalclothing) resource_reactions(result, job_types.MakeShield, mat_flags, entity.resources.shield_type, itemdefs.shields, { }) end if material.flags.ITEMS_SOFT then local metalclothing = (function(itemdef) return itemdef.props.flags.SOFT and not itemdef.props.flags.METAL end) clothing_reactions(result, mat_flags, metalclothing) end if material.flags.ITEMS_HARD then resource_reactions(result, job_types.MakeTool, mat_flags, entity.resources.tool_type, itemdefs.tools, { permissible = (function(itemdef) return itemdef.flags.HARD_MAT end), capitalize = true, }) end if material.flags.ITEMS_METAL then resource_reactions(result, job_types.MakeTool, mat_flags, entity.resources.tool_type, itemdefs.tools, { permissible = (function(itemdef) return itemdef.flags.METAL_MAT end), capitalize = true, }) end if material.flags.ITEMS_HARD then material_reactions(result, { {job_types.ConstructDoor, "Construct", "Door"}, {job_types.ConstructFloodgate, "Construct", "Floodgate"}, {job_types.ConstructHatchCover, "Construct", "Hatch Cover"}, {job_types.ConstructGrate, "Construct", "Grate"}, {job_types.ConstructThrone, "Construct", "Throne"}, {job_types.ConstructCoffin, "Construct", "Sarcophagus"}, {job_types.ConstructTable, "Construct", "Table"}, {job_types.ConstructSplint, "Construct", "Splint"}, {job_types.ConstructCrutch, "Construct", "Crutch"}, {job_types.ConstructArmorStand, "Construct", "Armor Stand"}, {job_types.ConstructWeaponRack, "Construct", "Weapon Rack"}, {job_types.ConstructCabinet, "Construct", "Cabinet"}, {job_types.MakeGoblet, "Forge", "Goblet"}, {job_types.MakeInstrument, "Forge", "Instrument"}, {job_types.MakeToy, "Forge", "Toy"}, {job_types.ConstructStatue, "Construct", "Statue"}, {job_types.ConstructBlocks, "Construct", "Blocks"}, {job_types.MakeAnimalTrap, "Forge", "Animal Trap"}, {job_types.MakeBarrel, "Forge", "Barrel"}, {job_types.MakeBucket, "Forge", "Bucket"}, {job_types.ConstructBin, "Construct", "Bin"}, {job_types.MakePipeSection, "Forge", "Pipe Section"}, {job_types.MakeCage, "Forge", "Cage"}, {job_types.MintCoins, "Mint", "Coins"}, {job_types.ConstructChest, "Construct", "Chest"}, {job_types.MakeFlask, "Forge", "Flask"}, {job_types.MakeChain, "Forge", "Chain"}, {job_types.MakeCrafts, "Make", "Crafts"}, }, mat_flags) end if material.flags.ITEMS_SOFT then material_reactions(result, { {job_types.MakeBackpack, "Make", "Backpack"}, {job_types.MakeQuiver, "Make", "Quiver"}, {job_types.ConstructCatapultParts, "Construct", "Catapult Parts"}, {job_types.ConstructBallistaParts, "Construct", "Ballista Parts"}, }, mat_flags) end end end -- Traction Bench table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.ConstructTractionBench)) -- Non-metal weapons resource_reactions(result, job_types.MakeWeapon, materials.wood, entity.resources.weapon_type, itemdefs.weapons, { permissible = (function(itemdef) return itemdef.skill_ranged >= 0 end), }) resource_reactions(result, job_types.MakeWeapon, materials.wood, entity.resources.training_weapon_type, itemdefs.weapons, { }) resource_reactions(result, job_types.MakeWeapon, materials.bone, entity.resources.weapon_type, itemdefs.weapons, { permissible = (function(itemdef) return itemdef.skill_ranged >= 0 end), }) resource_reactions(result, job_types.MakeWeapon, materials.rock, entity.resources.weapon_type, itemdefs.weapons, { permissible = (function(itemdef) return itemdef.flags.CAN_STONE end), }) -- Wooden items -- Closely related to the ITEMS_HARD list. material_reactions(result, { {job_types.ConstructDoor, "Construct", "Door"}, {job_types.ConstructFloodgate, "Construct", "Floodgate"}, {job_types.ConstructHatchCover, "Construct", "Hatch Cover"}, {job_types.ConstructGrate, "Construct", "Grate"}, {job_types.ConstructThrone, "Construct", "Chair"}, {job_types.ConstructCoffin, "Construct", "Casket"}, {job_types.ConstructTable, "Construct", "Table"}, {job_types.ConstructArmorStand, "Construct", "Armor Stand"}, {job_types.ConstructWeaponRack, "Construct", "Weapon Rack"}, {job_types.ConstructCabinet, "Construct", "Cabinet"}, {job_types.MakeGoblet, "Make", "Cup"}, {job_types.MakeInstrument, "Make", "Instrument"}, }, materials.wood) resource_reactions(result, job_types.MakeTool, materials.wood, entity.resources.tool_type, itemdefs.tools, { -- permissible = (function(itemdef) return itemdef.flags.WOOD_MAT end), capitalize = true, }) material_reactions(result, { {job_types.MakeToy, "Make", "Toy"}, {job_types.ConstructBlocks, "Construct", "Blocks"}, {job_types.ConstructSplint, "Construct", "Splint"}, {job_types.ConstructCrutch, "Construct", "Crutch"}, {job_types.MakeAnimalTrap, "Make", "Animal Trap"}, {job_types.MakeBarrel, "Make", "Barrel"}, {job_types.MakeBucket, "Make", "Bucket"}, {job_types.ConstructBin, "Construct", "Bin"}, {job_types.MakeCage, "Make", "Cage"}, {job_types.MakePipeSection, "Make", "Pipe Section"}, }, materials.wood) resource_reactions(result, job_types.MakeTrapComponent, materials.wood, entity.resources.trapcomp_type, itemdefs.trapcomps, { permissible = (function(itemdef) return itemdef.flags.WOOD end), adjective = true, }) -- Rock items material_reactions(result, { {job_types.ConstructDoor, "Construct", "Door"}, {job_types.ConstructFloodgate, "Construct", "Floodgate"}, {job_types.ConstructHatchCover, "Construct", "Hatch Cover"}, {job_types.ConstructGrate, "Construct", "Grate"}, {job_types.ConstructThrone, "Construct", "Throne"}, {job_types.ConstructCoffin, "Construct", "Coffin"}, {job_types.ConstructTable, "Construct", "Table"}, {job_types.ConstructArmorStand, "Construct", "Armor Stand"}, {job_types.ConstructWeaponRack, "Construct", "Weapon Rack"}, {job_types.ConstructCabinet, "Construct", "Cabinet"}, {job_types.MakeGoblet, "Make", "Mug"}, {job_types.MakeInstrument, "Make", "Instrument"}, }, materials.rock) resource_reactions(result, job_types.MakeTool, materials.rock, entity.resources.tool_type, itemdefs.tools, { permissible = (function(itemdef) return itemdef.flags.HARD_MAT end), capitalize = true, }) material_reactions(result, { {job_types.MakeToy, "Make", "Toy"}, {job_types.ConstructQuern, "Construct", "Quern"}, {job_types.ConstructMillstone, "Construct", "Millstone"}, {job_types.ConstructSlab, "Construct", "Slab"}, {job_types.ConstructStatue, "Construct", "Statue"}, {job_types.ConstructBlocks, "Construct", "Blocks"}, }, materials.rock) -- Glass items for _, mat_info in ipairs(glasses) do material_reactions(result, { {job_types.ConstructDoor, "Construct", "Portal"}, {job_types.ConstructFloodgate, "Construct", "Floodgate"}, {job_types.ConstructHatchCover, "Construct", "Hatch Cover"}, {job_types.ConstructGrate, "Construct", "Grate"}, {job_types.ConstructThrone, "Construct", "Throne"}, {job_types.ConstructCoffin, "Construct", "Coffin"}, {job_types.ConstructTable, "Construct", "Table"}, {job_types.ConstructArmorStand, "Construct", "Armor Stand"}, {job_types.ConstructWeaponRack, "Construct", "Weapon Rack"}, {job_types.ConstructCabinet, "Construct", "Cabinet"}, {job_types.MakeGoblet, "Make", "Goblet"}, {job_types.MakeInstrument, "Make", "Instrument"}, }, mat_info) resource_reactions(result, job_types.MakeTool, mat_info, entity.resources.tool_type, itemdefs.tools, { permissible = (function(itemdef) return itemdef.flags.HARD_MAT end), capitalize = true, }) material_reactions(result, { {job_types.MakeToy, "Make", "Toy"}, {job_types.ConstructStatue, "Construct", "Statue"}, {job_types.ConstructBlocks, "Construct", "Blocks"}, {job_types.MakeCage, "Make", "Terrarium"}, {job_types.MakePipeSection, "Make", "Tube"}, }, mat_info) resource_reactions(result, job_types.MakeTrapComponent, mat_info, entity.resources.trapcomp_type, itemdefs.trapcomps, { adjective = true, }) end -- Bed, specified as wooden. table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.ConstructBed, materials.wood.management)) -- Windows for _, mat_info in ipairs(glasses) do material_reactions(result, { {job_types.MakeWindow, "Make", "Window"}, }, mat_info) end -- Rock Mechanisms table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.ConstructMechanisms, materials.rock.management)) resource_reactions(result, job_types.AssembleSiegeAmmo, materials.wood, entity.resources.siegeammo_type, itemdefs.siege_ammo, { verb = "Assemble", }) for _, mat_info in ipairs(glasses) do material_reactions(result, { {job_types.MakeRawGlass, "Make Raw", nil}, }, mat_info) end material_reactions(result, { {job_types.MakeBackpack, "Make", "Backpack"}, {job_types.MakeQuiver, "Make", "Quiver"}, }, materials.leather) for _, material in ipairs(cloth_mats) do clothing_reactions(result, material, (function(itemdef) return itemdef.props.flags[material.clothing_flag or "SOFT"] end)) end -- Boxes, Bags, and Ropes boxmats = { {mats = {materials.wood}, box = "Chest"}, {mats = {materials.rock}, box = "Coffer"}, {mats = glasses, box = "Box", flask = "Vial"}, {mats = {materials.cloth}, box = "Bag", chain = "Rope"}, {mats = {materials.leather}, box = "Bag", flask = "Waterskin"}, {mats = {materials.silk, materials.yarn}, box = "Bag", chain = "Rope"}, } for _, boxmat in ipairs(boxmats) do for _, mat in ipairs(boxmat.mats) do material_reactions(result, {{job_types.ConstructChest, "Construct", boxmat.box}}, mat) if boxmat.chain then material_reactions(result, {{job_types.MakeChain, "Make", boxmat.chain}}, mat) end if boxmat.flask then material_reactions(result, {{job_types.MakeFlask, "Make", boxmat.flask}}, mat) end end end for _, mat in ipairs{ materials.wood, materials.rock, materials.cloth, materials.leather, materials.shell, materials.bone, materials.silk, materials.tooth, materials.horn, materials.pearl, materials.yarn, } do material_reactions(result, {{job_types.MakeCrafts, "Make", "Crafts"}}, mat) end -- Siege engine parts table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.ConstructCatapultParts, materials.wood.management)) table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.ConstructBallistaParts, materials.wood.management)) for _, mat in ipairs{materials.wood, materials.bone} do resource_reactions(result, job_types.MakeAmmo, mat, entity.resources.ammo_type, itemdefs.ammo, { name_field = "name_plural", }) end -- BARRED and SCALED as flag names don't quite seem to fit, here. clothing_reactions(result, materials.bone, (function(itemdef) return itemdef.props.flags[3] end)) clothing_reactions(result, materials.shell, (function(itemdef) return itemdef.props.flags[4] end)) for _, mat in ipairs{materials.wood, materials.leather} do resource_reactions(result, job_types.MakeShield, mat, entity.resources.shield_type, itemdefs.shields, {}) end -- Melt a Metal Object table.insert(result, reaction_entry(job_types.MeltMetalObject)) return result end screen = gui.FramedScreen { frame_title = "Select Stockpile Order", } PageSize = 16 function screen:onRenderBody(dc) -- Emulates the built-in manager screen. dc:seek(1, 1):string("Type in parts of the name to narrow your search. ", COLOR_WHITE) dc:string(gui.getKeyDisplay("LEAVESCREEN"), COLOR_LIGHTGREEN) dc:string(" to abort.", COLOR_WHITE) dc:seek(1, PageSize + 5):string(self.search_string, COLOR_LIGHTCYAN) for _, item in ipairs(self.displayed) do dc:seek(item.x, item.y):string(item.name, item.color) end end function screen:onInput(keys) if keys.LEAVESCREEN then self:dismiss() elseif keys.SELECT then self:dismiss() local selected = self.reactions[self.position].index store_order(self.stockpile, selected) elseif keys.STANDARDSCROLL_UP then self.position = self.position - 1 elseif keys.STANDARDSCROLL_DOWN then self.position = self.position + 1 elseif keys.STANDARDSCROLL_LEFT then self.position = self.position - PageSize elseif keys.STANDARDSCROLL_RIGHT then self.position = self.position + PageSize elseif keys.STANDARDSCROLL_PAGEUP then -- Moves to the first item displayed on the new page, for some reason. self.position = self.position - PageSize*2 - ((self.position-1) % (PageSize*2)) elseif keys.STANDARDSCROLL_PAGEDOWN then -- Moves to the first item displayed on the new page, for some reason. self.position = self.position + PageSize*2 - ((self.position-1) % (PageSize*2)) elseif keys.STRING_A000 then -- This seems like an odd way to check for Backspace. self.search_string = string.sub(self.search_string, 1, -2) elseif keys._STRING and keys._STRING >= 32 then -- This interface only accepts letters and spaces. local char = string.char(keys._STRING) if char == " " or string.find(char, "^%a") then self.search_string = self.search_string .. string.upper(char) end end self:refilter() end function screen:reset(stockpile) self.stockpile = stockpile self.search_string = "" self.position = 1 self:refilter() end function matchall(haystack, needles) for _, needle in ipairs(needles) do if not string.find(haystack, needle) then return false end end return true end function splitstring(full, pattern) local last = string.len(full) local result = {} local n = 1 while n <= last do local start, stop = string.find(full, pattern, n) if not start then result[#result+1] = string.sub(full, n) break elseif start > n then result[#result+1] = string.sub(full, n, start - 1) end if stop < n then -- The pattern matches an empty string. -- Avoid an infinite loop. break end n = stop + 1 end return result end function screen:refilter() local filtered = {} local needles = splitstring(self.search_string, " ") for key, value in ipairs(reaction_list) do if matchall(string.upper(value.name), needles) then filtered[#filtered+1] = { index = key, name = value.name } end end if self.position < 1 then self.position = #filtered elseif self.position > #filtered then self.position = 1 end local start = 1 while self.position >= start + PageSize*2 do start = start + PageSize*2 end local displayed = {} for n = 0, PageSize*2 - 1 do local item = filtered[start + n] if not item then break end local x = 1 local y = 4 + n if n >= PageSize then x = 39 y = y - PageSize end local color = COLOR_CYAN if start + n == self.position then color = COLOR_LIGHTCYAN end displayed[n + 1] = { x = x, y = y, name = item.name, color = color, } end self.reactions = filtered self.displayed = displayed end function store_order(stockpile, order_number) local name = reaction_list[order_number].name -- print("Setting stockpile #"..stockpile.stockpile_number.." to "..name.." (#"..order_number..")") local saved = saved_orders[stockpile.id] if saved then saved.entry.value = name saved.entry.ints[entry_ints.order_number] = order_number saved.entry:save() else saved_orders[stockpile.id] = { stockpile = stockpile, entry = dfhack.persistent.save{ key = "stockflow/entry/"..stockpile.id, value = name, ints = { stockpile.id, order_number, 1, }, }, } end end -- Compare the job specification of two orders. function orders_match(a, b) local fields = { "job_type", "item_subtype", "reaction_name", "mat_type", "mat_index", } for _, fieldname in ipairs(fields) do if a[fieldname] ~= b[fieldname] then return false end end local subtables = { "item_category", "material_category", } for _, fieldname in ipairs(subtables) do local aa = a[fieldname] local bb = b[fieldname] for key, value in ipairs(aa) do if bb[key] ~= value then return false end end end return true end -- Reduce the quantity by the number of matching orders in the queue. function order_quantity(order, quantity) local amount = quantity for _, managed in ipairs(df.global.world.manager_orders) do if orders_match(order, managed) then amount = amount - managed.amount_left if amount < 0 then return 0 end end end if amount > 30 then -- Respect the quantity limit. -- With this many in the queue, we can wait for the next cycle. return 30 end return amount end -- Place a new copy of the order onto the manager's queue. function create_orders(order, amount) local new_order = order:new() new_order.amount_left = amount new_order.amount_total = amount -- Todo: Create in a validated state if the fortress is small enough? new_order.is_validated = 0 df.global.world.manager_orders:insert('#', new_order) end function findItemsAtTile(x, y, z) -- There should be a faster and easier way to do this... local found = {} for _, item in ipairs(df.global.world.items.all) do -- local ix, iy, iz = dfhack.items.getPosition(item) if item.pos.x == x and item.pos.y == y and item.pos.z == z and item.flags.on_ground then found[#found+1] = item end end return found end function countContents(container, settings) local total = 0 local blocking = false for _, item in ipairs(dfhack.items.getContainedItems(container)) do if item.flags.container then -- Recursively count the total of items contained. -- Not likely to go more than two levels deep. local subtotal, subblocked = countContents(item, settings) if subtotal > 0 then -- Ignore the inner container itself; -- generally, only the contained items matter. total = total + subtotal elseif subblocked then blocking = true elseif matches_stockpile(item, settings) then -- The container may or may not be empty, -- but is stockpiled as a container itself. total = total + 1 else blocking = true end elseif matches_stockpile(item, settings) then total = total + 1 else blocking = true end end return total, blocking end function check_stockpiles(verbose) local result = {} for _, spec in pairs(saved_orders) do local trigger = triggers[spec.entry.ints[entry_ints.trigger_number]] if trigger and trigger.divisor then local reaction = spec.entry.ints[entry_ints.order_number] local filled, empty = check_pile(spec.stockpile, verbose) local amount = trigger.filled and filled or empty amount = (amount - (amount % trigger.divisor)) / trigger.divisor result[reaction] = (result[reaction] or 0) + amount end end return result end function check_pile(sp, verbose) local numspaces = 0 local filled = 0 local empty = 0 for y = sp.y1, sp.y2 do for x = sp.x1, sp.x2 do -- Sadly, the obvious check currently fails when y == sp.y2 if dfhack.buildings.containsTile(sp, x, y) or (y == sp.y2 and dfhack.buildings.findAtTile(x, y, sp.z) == sp) then numspaces = numspaces + 1 local designation, occupancy = dfhack.maps.getTileFlags(x, y, sp.z) if not designation.liquid_type then if not occupancy.item then empty = empty + 1 else local item_count, blocked = count_pile_items(sp, x, y) if item_count > 0 then filled = filled + item_count elseif not blocked then empty = empty + 1 end end end end end end if verbose then print("Stockpile #"..sp.stockpile_number, string.format("%3d spaces", numspaces), string.format("%4d items", filled), string.format("%4d empty spaces", empty)) end return filled, empty end function count_pile_items(sp, x, y) local item_count = 0 local blocked = false for _, item in ipairs(findItemsAtTile(x, y, sp.z)) do if item:isAssignedToThisStockpile(sp.id) then -- This is a bin or barrel associated with the stockpile. -- If it's empty, it doesn't count as blocking the stockpile space. -- Oddly, when empty, item.flags.container might be false. local subtotal, subblocked = countContents(item, sp.settings) item_count = item_count + subtotal if subblocked then blocked = true end elseif matches_stockpile(item, sp.settings) then item_count = item_count + 1 else blocked = true end end return item_count, blocked end function matches_stockpile(item, settings) -- Check whether the item matches the stockpile. -- FIXME: This is starting to look like a whole lot of work. if df.item_barst:is_instance(item) then return settings.flags.bars_blocks elseif df.item_blocksst:is_instance(item) then return settings.flags.bars_blocks elseif df.item_smallgemst:is_instance(item) then return settings.flags.gems elseif df.item_boulderst:is_instance(item) then return settings.flags.stone elseif df.item_woodst:is_instance(item) then return settings.flags.wood elseif df.item_seedsst:is_instance(item) then return settings.flags.food elseif df.item_meatst:is_instance(item) then return settings.flags.food elseif df.item_plantst:is_instance(item) then return settings.flags.food elseif df.item_leavesst:is_instance(item) then return settings.flags.food elseif df.item_cheesest:is_instance(item) then return settings.flags.food elseif df.item_globst:is_instance(item) then return settings.flags.food elseif df.item_fishst:is_instance(item) then return settings.flags.food elseif df.item_fish_rawst:is_instance(item) then return settings.flags.food elseif df.item_foodst:is_instance(item) then return settings.flags.food elseif df.item_drinkst:is_instance(item) then return settings.flags.food elseif df.item_eggst:is_instance(item) then return settings.flags.food elseif df.item_skin_tannedst:is_instance(item) then return settings.flags.leather elseif df.item_remainsst:is_instance(item) then return settings.flags.refuse elseif df.item_verminst:is_instance(item) then return settings.flags.animals elseif df.item_petst:is_instance(item) then return settings.flags.animals elseif df.item_threadst:is_instance(item) then return settings.flags.cloth end return true end return _ENV