#include #include #include #include #include #include "Internal.h" #include "modules/DFSDL.h" #include "modules/Textures.h" #include "Debug.h" #include "PluginManager.h" #include "VTableInterpose.h" #include "df/enabler.h" #include "df/viewscreen_adopt_regionst.h" #include "df/viewscreen_loadgamest.h" #include "df/viewscreen_new_arenast.h" #include "df/viewscreen_new_regionst.h" #include #include using df::global::enabler; using namespace DFHack; using namespace DFHack::DFSDL; namespace DFHack { DBG_DECLARE(core, textures, DebugCategory::LINFO); } struct ReservedRange { void init(int32_t start) { this->start = start; this->end = start + ReservedRange::size; this->current = start; this->is_installed = true; } long get_new_texpos() { if (this->current == this->end) return -1; return this->current++; } static const int32_t size = 10000; // size of reserved texpos buffer int32_t start = -1; int32_t end = -1; long current = -1; bool is_installed = false; }; static ReservedRange reserved_range{}; static std::unordered_map g_handle_to_texpos; static std::unordered_map g_handle_to_reserved_texpos; static std::unordered_map g_handle_to_surface; static std::unordered_map> g_tileset_to_handles; static std::vector g_delayed_regs; static std::mutex g_adding_mutex; static std::atomic loading_state = false; // Converts an arbitrary Surface to something like the display format // (32-bit RGBA), and converts magenta to transparency if convert_magenta is set // and the source surface didn't already have an alpha channel. // It also deletes the source surface. // // It uses the same pixel format (RGBA, R at lowest address) regardless of // hardware. SDL_Surface* canonicalize_format(SDL_Surface* src) { // even though we have null check after DFIMG_Load // in loadTileset() (the only consumer of this method) // it's better put nullcheck here as well if (!src) return src; auto fmt = DFSDL_AllocFormat(SDL_PixelFormatEnum::SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA32); SDL_Surface* tgt = DFSDL_ConvertSurface(src, fmt, SDL_SWSURFACE); DFSDL_FreeSurface(src); for (int x = 0; x < tgt->w; ++x) { for (int y = 0; y < tgt->h; ++y) { Uint8* p = (Uint8*)tgt->pixels + y * tgt->pitch + x * 4; if (p[3] == 0) { for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++) { p[c] = 0; } } } } return tgt; } // register surface in texture raws, get a texpos static long add_texture(SDL_Surface* surface) { std::lock_guard lg_add_texture(g_adding_mutex); auto texpos = enabler->textures.raws.size(); enabler->textures.raws.push_back(surface); return texpos; } // register surface in texture raws to specific texpos static void insert_texture(SDL_Surface* surface, long texpos) { std::lock_guard lg_add_texture(g_adding_mutex); enabler->textures.raws[texpos] = surface; } // delete surface from texture raws static void delete_texture(long texpos) { std::lock_guard lg_add_texture(g_adding_mutex); auto pos = static_cast(texpos); if (pos >= enabler->textures.raws.size()) return; enabler->textures.raws[texpos] = NULL; } // create new surface with RGBA32 format and pixels as data SDL_Surface* create_texture(std::vector& pixels, int texture_px_w, int texture_px_h) { auto surface = DFSDL_CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormat(0, texture_px_w, texture_px_h, 32, SDL_PixelFormatEnum::SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA32); auto canvas_length = static_cast(texture_px_w * texture_px_h); for (size_t i = 0; i < pixels.size() && i < canvas_length; i++) { uint32_t* p = (uint32_t*)surface->pixels + i; *p = pixels[i]; } return surface; } // convert single surface into tiles according w/h // register tiles in texture raws and return handles std::vector slice_tileset(SDL_Surface* surface, int tile_px_w, int tile_px_h, bool reserved) { std::vector handles{}; if (!surface) return handles; int dimx = surface->w / tile_px_w; int dimy = surface->h / tile_px_h; if (reserved && (dimx * dimy > reserved_range.end - reserved_range.current)) { WARN(textures).print( "there is not enough space in reserved range for whole tileset, using dynamic range\n"); reserved = false; } for (int y = 0; y < dimy; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < dimx; x++) { SDL_Surface* tile = DFSDL_CreateRGBSurface( 0, tile_px_w, tile_px_h, 32, surface->format->Rmask, surface->format->Gmask, surface->format->Bmask, surface->format->Amask); SDL_Rect vp{tile_px_w * x, tile_px_h * y, tile_px_w, tile_px_h}; DFSDL_UpperBlit(surface, &vp, tile, NULL); auto handle = Textures::loadTexture(tile, reserved); handles.push_back(handle); } } DFSDL_FreeSurface(surface); return handles; } TexposHandle Textures::loadTexture(SDL_Surface* surface, bool reserved) { if (!surface || !enabler) return 0; // should be some error, i guess if (loading_state) reserved = true; // use reserved range during loading for all textures auto handle = reinterpret_cast(surface); g_handle_to_surface.emplace(handle, surface); surface->refcount++; // prevent destruct on next FreeSurface by game if (reserved && reserved_range.is_installed) { auto texpos = reserved_range.get_new_texpos(); if (texpos != -1) { insert_texture(surface, texpos); g_handle_to_reserved_texpos.emplace(handle, texpos); return handle; } if (loading_state) { // if we in loading state and reserved range is full -> error ERR(textures).printerr("reserved range limit has been reached, use dynamic range\n"); return 0; } } // if we here in loading state = true, then it should be dynamic range -> delay reg if (loading_state) { g_delayed_regs.push_back(handle); } else { auto texpos = add_texture(surface); g_handle_to_texpos.emplace(handle, texpos); } return handle; } std::vector Textures::loadTileset(const std::string& file, int tile_px_w, int tile_px_h, bool reserved) { if (!enabler) return std::vector{}; if (g_tileset_to_handles.contains(file)) return g_tileset_to_handles[file]; if (!enabler) return std::vector{}; SDL_Surface* surface = DFIMG_Load(file.c_str()); if (!surface) { ERR(textures).printerr("unable to load textures from '%s'\n", file.c_str()); return std::vector{}; } surface = canonicalize_format(surface); auto handles = slice_tileset(surface, tile_px_w, tile_px_h, reserved); DEBUG(textures).print("loaded %zd textures from '%s'\n", handles.size(), file.c_str()); g_tileset_to_handles[file] = handles; return handles; } long Textures::getTexposByHandle(TexposHandle handle) { if (!handle || !enabler) return -1; if (g_handle_to_reserved_texpos.contains(handle)) return g_handle_to_reserved_texpos[handle]; if (g_handle_to_texpos.contains(handle)) return g_handle_to_texpos[handle]; if (std::find(g_delayed_regs.begin(), g_delayed_regs.end(), handle) != g_delayed_regs.end()) return 0; if (g_handle_to_surface.contains(handle)) { g_handle_to_surface[handle]->refcount++; // prevent destruct on next FreeSurface by game if (loading_state) { // reinit dor dynamic range during loading -> delayed g_delayed_regs.push_back(handle); return 0; } auto texpos = add_texture(g_handle_to_surface[handle]); g_handle_to_texpos.emplace(handle, texpos); return texpos; } return -1; } TexposHandle Textures::createTile(std::vector& pixels, int tile_px_w, int tile_px_h, bool reserved) { if (!enabler) return 0; auto texture = create_texture(pixels, tile_px_w, tile_px_h); auto handle = Textures::loadTexture(texture, reserved); return handle; } std::vector Textures::createTileset(std::vector& pixels, int texture_px_w, int texture_px_h, int tile_px_w, int tile_px_h, bool reserved) { if (!enabler) return std::vector{}; auto texture = create_texture(pixels, texture_px_w, texture_px_h); auto handles = slice_tileset(texture, tile_px_w, tile_px_h, reserved); return handles; } void Textures::deleteHandle(TexposHandle handle) { if (!enabler) return; auto texpos = Textures::getTexposByHandle(handle); if (texpos > 0) delete_texture(texpos); if (g_handle_to_reserved_texpos.contains(handle)) g_handle_to_reserved_texpos.erase(handle); if (g_handle_to_texpos.contains(handle)) g_handle_to_texpos.erase(handle); if (auto it = std::find(g_delayed_regs.begin(), g_delayed_regs.end(), handle); it != g_delayed_regs.end()) g_delayed_regs.erase(it); if (g_handle_to_surface.contains(handle)) { auto surface = g_handle_to_surface[handle]; while (surface->refcount) DFSDL_FreeSurface(surface); g_handle_to_surface.erase(handle); } } static void reset_texpos() { DEBUG(textures).print("resetting texture mappings\n"); g_handle_to_texpos.clear(); } static void reset_reserved_texpos() { DEBUG(textures).print("resetting reserved texture mappings\n"); g_handle_to_reserved_texpos.clear(); } static void reset_tilesets() { DEBUG(textures).print("resetting tileset to handle mappings\n"); g_tileset_to_handles.clear(); } static void reset_surface() { DEBUG(textures).print("deleting cached surfaces\n"); for (auto& entry : g_handle_to_surface) { DFSDL_FreeSurface(entry.second); } g_handle_to_surface.clear(); } static void register_delayed_handles() { DEBUG(textures).print("register delayed handles, size %zd\n", g_delayed_regs.size()); for (auto& handle : g_delayed_regs) { auto texpos = add_texture(g_handle_to_surface[handle]); g_handle_to_texpos.emplace(handle, texpos); } g_delayed_regs.clear(); } // reset point on New Game struct tracking_stage_new_region : df::viewscreen_new_regionst { typedef df::viewscreen_new_regionst interpose_base; DEFINE_VMETHOD_INTERPOSE(void, logic, ()) { if (this->m_raw_load_stage != this->raw_load_stage) { TRACE(textures).print("raw_load_stage %d -> %d\n", this->m_raw_load_stage, this->raw_load_stage); bool tmp_state = loading_state; loading_state = this->raw_load_stage >= 0 && this->raw_load_stage < 3 ? true : false; if (tmp_state != loading_state && !loading_state) register_delayed_handles(); this->m_raw_load_stage = this->raw_load_stage; if (this->m_raw_load_stage == 1) reset_texpos(); } INTERPOSE_NEXT(logic)(); } private: inline static int m_raw_load_stage = -2; // not valid state at the start }; IMPLEMENT_VMETHOD_INTERPOSE(tracking_stage_new_region, logic); // reset point on New Game in Existing World struct tracking_stage_adopt_region : df::viewscreen_adopt_regionst { typedef df::viewscreen_adopt_regionst interpose_base; DEFINE_VMETHOD_INTERPOSE(void, logic, ()) { if (this->m_cur_step != this->cur_step) { TRACE(textures).print("step %d -> %d\n", this->m_cur_step, this->cur_step); bool tmp_state = loading_state; loading_state = this->cur_step >= 0 && this->cur_step < 3 ? true : false; if (tmp_state != loading_state && !loading_state) register_delayed_handles(); this->m_cur_step = this->cur_step; if (this->m_cur_step == 1) reset_texpos(); } INTERPOSE_NEXT(logic)(); } private: inline static int m_cur_step = -2; // not valid state at the start }; IMPLEMENT_VMETHOD_INTERPOSE(tracking_stage_adopt_region, logic); // reset point on Load Game struct tracking_stage_load_region : df::viewscreen_loadgamest { typedef df::viewscreen_loadgamest interpose_base; DEFINE_VMETHOD_INTERPOSE(void, logic, ()) { if (this->m_cur_step != this->cur_step) { TRACE(textures).print("step %d -> %d\n", this->m_cur_step, this->cur_step); bool tmp_state = loading_state; loading_state = this->cur_step >= 0 && this->cur_step < 3 ? true : false; if (tmp_state != loading_state && !loading_state) register_delayed_handles(); this->m_cur_step = this->cur_step; if (this->m_cur_step == 1) reset_texpos(); } INTERPOSE_NEXT(logic)(); } private: inline static int m_cur_step = -2; // not valid state at the start }; IMPLEMENT_VMETHOD_INTERPOSE(tracking_stage_load_region, logic); // reset point on New Arena struct tracking_stage_new_arena : df::viewscreen_new_arenast { typedef df::viewscreen_new_arenast interpose_base; DEFINE_VMETHOD_INTERPOSE(void, logic, ()) { if (this->m_cur_step != this->cur_step) { TRACE(textures).print("step %d -> %d\n", this->m_cur_step, this->cur_step); bool tmp_state = loading_state; loading_state = this->cur_step >= 0 && this->cur_step < 3 ? true : false; if (tmp_state != loading_state && !loading_state) register_delayed_handles(); this->m_cur_step = this->cur_step; if (this->m_cur_step == 0) reset_texpos(); } INTERPOSE_NEXT(logic)(); } private: inline static int m_cur_step = -2; // not valid state at the start }; IMPLEMENT_VMETHOD_INTERPOSE(tracking_stage_new_arena, logic); static void install_reset_point() { INTERPOSE_HOOK(tracking_stage_new_region, logic).apply(); INTERPOSE_HOOK(tracking_stage_adopt_region, logic).apply(); INTERPOSE_HOOK(tracking_stage_load_region, logic).apply(); INTERPOSE_HOOK(tracking_stage_new_arena, logic).apply(); } static void uninstall_reset_point() { INTERPOSE_HOOK(tracking_stage_new_region, logic).remove(); INTERPOSE_HOOK(tracking_stage_adopt_region, logic).remove(); INTERPOSE_HOOK(tracking_stage_load_region, logic).remove(); INTERPOSE_HOOK(tracking_stage_new_arena, logic).remove(); } static void reserve_static_range() { if (static_cast(enabler->textures.init_texture_size) != enabler->textures.raws.size()) { WARN(textures).print( "reserved range can't be installed! all textures will be loaded to dynamic range!"); return; } reserved_range.init(enabler->textures.init_texture_size); auto dummy_surface = DFSDL_CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormat( SDL_DONTFREE, 0, 0, 32, SDL_PixelFormatEnum::SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA32); for (int32_t i = 0; i < ReservedRange::size; i++) { add_texture(dummy_surface); } enabler->textures.init_texture_size += ReservedRange::size; } void Textures::init(color_ostream& out) { if (!enabler) return; reserve_static_range(); install_reset_point(); DEBUG(textures, out) .print("dynamic texture loading ready, reserved range %d-%d\n", reserved_range.start, reserved_range.end); } void Textures::cleanup() { if (!enabler) return; reset_texpos(); reset_reserved_texpos(); reset_tilesets(); reset_surface(); uninstall_reset_point(); }