/* * Autolabor 2.0 module for dfhack * * */ #include "Core.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "modules/Units.h" #include "modules/World.h" // DF data structure definition headers #include "DataDefs.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "modules/MapCache.h" #include "modules/Items.h" using std::string; using std::endl; using namespace DFHack; using namespace df::enums; using df::global::ui; using df::global::world; #define ARRAY_COUNT(array) (sizeof(array)/sizeof((array)[0])) static int enable_autolabor = 0; static bool print_debug = 0; static std::vector state_count(5); static PersistentDataItem config; enum ConfigFlags { CF_ENABLED = 1, CF_ALLOW_FISHING = 2, CF_ALLOW_HUNTING = 4, }; // Here go all the command declarations... // mostly to allow having the mandatory stuff on top of the file and commands on the bottom command_result autolabor (color_ostream &out, std::vector & parameters); // A plugin must be able to return its name and version. // The name string provided must correspond to the filename - autolabor.plug.so or autolabor.plug.dll in this case DFHACK_PLUGIN("autolabor"); static void generate_labor_to_skill_map(); enum dwarf_state { // Ready for a new task IDLE, // Busy with a useful task BUSY, // In the military, can't work MILITARY, // Child or noble, can't work CHILD, // Doing something that precludes working, may be busy for a while OTHER }; const int NUM_STATE = 5; static const char *state_names[] = { "IDLE", "BUSY", "MILITARY", "CHILD", "OTHER", }; static const dwarf_state dwarf_states[] = { BUSY /* CarveFortification */, BUSY /* DetailWall */, BUSY /* DetailFloor */, BUSY /* Dig */, BUSY /* CarveUpwardStaircase */, BUSY /* CarveDownwardStaircase */, BUSY /* CarveUpDownStaircase */, BUSY /* CarveRamp */, BUSY /* DigChannel */, BUSY /* FellTree */, BUSY /* GatherPlants */, BUSY /* RemoveConstruction */, BUSY /* CollectWebs */, BUSY /* BringItemToDepot */, BUSY /* BringItemToShop */, OTHER /* Eat */, OTHER /* GetProvisions */, OTHER /* Drink */, OTHER /* Drink2 */, OTHER /* FillWaterskin */, OTHER /* FillWaterskin2 */, OTHER /* Sleep */, BUSY /* CollectSand */, BUSY /* Fish */, BUSY /* Hunt */, OTHER /* HuntVermin */, BUSY /* Kidnap */, BUSY /* BeatCriminal */, BUSY /* StartingFistFight */, BUSY /* CollectTaxes */, BUSY /* GuardTaxCollector */, BUSY /* CatchLiveLandAnimal */, BUSY /* CatchLiveFish */, BUSY /* ReturnKill */, BUSY /* CheckChest */, BUSY /* StoreOwnedItem */, BUSY /* PlaceItemInTomb */, BUSY /* StoreItemInStockpile */, BUSY /* StoreItemInBag */, BUSY /* StoreItemInHospital */, BUSY /* StoreItemInChest */, BUSY /* StoreItemInCabinet */, BUSY /* StoreWeapon */, BUSY /* StoreArmor */, BUSY /* StoreItemInBarrel */, BUSY /* StoreItemInBin */, BUSY /* SeekArtifact */, BUSY /* SeekInfant */, OTHER /* AttendParty */, OTHER /* GoShopping */, OTHER /* GoShopping2 */, BUSY /* Clean */, OTHER /* Rest */, BUSY /* PickupEquipment */, BUSY /* DumpItem */, OTHER /* StrangeMoodCrafter */, OTHER /* StrangeMoodJeweller */, OTHER /* StrangeMoodForge */, OTHER /* StrangeMoodMagmaForge */, OTHER /* StrangeMoodBrooding */, OTHER /* StrangeMoodFell */, OTHER /* StrangeMoodCarpenter */, OTHER /* StrangeMoodMason */, OTHER /* StrangeMoodBowyer */, OTHER /* StrangeMoodTanner */, OTHER /* StrangeMoodWeaver */, OTHER /* StrangeMoodGlassmaker */, OTHER /* StrangeMoodMechanics */, BUSY /* ConstructBuilding */, BUSY /* ConstructDoor */, BUSY /* ConstructFloodgate */, BUSY /* ConstructBed */, BUSY /* ConstructThrone */, BUSY /* ConstructCoffin */, BUSY /* ConstructTable */, BUSY /* ConstructChest */, BUSY /* ConstructBin */, BUSY /* ConstructArmorStand */, BUSY /* ConstructWeaponRack */, BUSY /* ConstructCabinet */, BUSY /* ConstructStatue */, BUSY /* ConstructBlocks */, BUSY /* MakeRawGlass */, BUSY /* MakeCrafts */, BUSY /* MintCoins */, BUSY /* CutGems */, BUSY /* CutGlass */, BUSY /* EncrustWithGems */, BUSY /* EncrustWithGlass */, BUSY /* DestroyBuilding */, BUSY /* SmeltOre */, BUSY /* MeltMetalObject */, BUSY /* ExtractMetalStrands */, BUSY /* PlantSeeds */, BUSY /* HarvestPlants */, BUSY /* TrainHuntingAnimal */, BUSY /* TrainWarAnimal */, BUSY /* MakeWeapon */, BUSY /* ForgeAnvil */, BUSY /* ConstructCatapultParts */, BUSY /* ConstructBallistaParts */, BUSY /* MakeArmor */, BUSY /* MakeHelm */, BUSY /* MakePants */, BUSY /* StudWith */, BUSY /* ButcherAnimal */, BUSY /* PrepareRawFish */, BUSY /* MillPlants */, BUSY /* BaitTrap */, BUSY /* MilkCreature */, BUSY /* MakeCheese */, BUSY /* ProcessPlants */, BUSY /* ProcessPlantsBag */, BUSY /* ProcessPlantsVial */, BUSY /* ProcessPlantsBarrel */, BUSY /* PrepareMeal */, BUSY /* WeaveCloth */, BUSY /* MakeGloves */, BUSY /* MakeShoes */, BUSY /* MakeShield */, BUSY /* MakeCage */, BUSY /* MakeChain */, BUSY /* MakeFlask */, BUSY /* MakeGoblet */, BUSY /* MakeInstrument */, BUSY /* MakeToy */, BUSY /* MakeAnimalTrap */, BUSY /* MakeBarrel */, BUSY /* MakeBucket */, BUSY /* MakeWindow */, BUSY /* MakeTotem */, BUSY /* MakeAmmo */, BUSY /* DecorateWith */, BUSY /* MakeBackpack */, BUSY /* MakeQuiver */, BUSY /* MakeBallistaArrowHead */, BUSY /* AssembleSiegeAmmo */, BUSY /* LoadCatapult */, BUSY /* LoadBallista */, BUSY /* FireCatapult */, BUSY /* FireBallista */, BUSY /* ConstructMechanisms */, BUSY /* MakeTrapComponent */, BUSY /* LoadCageTrap */, BUSY /* LoadStoneTrap */, BUSY /* LoadWeaponTrap */, BUSY /* CleanTrap */, BUSY /* CastSpell */, BUSY /* LinkBuildingToTrigger */, BUSY /* PullLever */, BUSY /* BrewDrink */, BUSY /* ExtractFromPlants */, BUSY /* ExtractFromRawFish */, BUSY /* ExtractFromLandAnimal */, BUSY /* TameVermin */, BUSY /* TameAnimal */, BUSY /* ChainAnimal */, BUSY /* UnchainAnimal */, BUSY /* UnchainPet */, BUSY /* ReleaseLargeCreature */, BUSY /* ReleasePet */, BUSY /* ReleaseSmallCreature */, BUSY /* HandleSmallCreature */, BUSY /* HandleLargeCreature */, BUSY /* CageLargeCreature */, BUSY /* CageSmallCreature */, BUSY /* RecoverWounded */, BUSY /* DiagnosePatient */, BUSY /* ImmobilizeBreak */, BUSY /* DressWound */, BUSY /* CleanPatient */, BUSY /* Surgery */, BUSY /* Suture */, BUSY /* SetBone */, BUSY /* PlaceInTraction */, BUSY /* DrainAquarium */, BUSY /* FillAquarium */, BUSY /* FillPond */, BUSY /* GiveWater */, BUSY /* GiveFood */, BUSY /* GiveWater2 */, BUSY /* GiveFood2 */, BUSY /* RecoverPet */, BUSY /* PitLargeAnimal */, BUSY /* PitSmallAnimal */, BUSY /* SlaughterAnimal */, BUSY /* MakeCharcoal */, BUSY /* MakeAsh */, BUSY /* MakeLye */, BUSY /* MakePotashFromLye */, BUSY /* FertilizeField */, BUSY /* MakePotashFromAsh */, BUSY /* DyeThread */, BUSY /* DyeCloth */, BUSY /* SewImage */, BUSY /* MakePipeSection */, BUSY /* OperatePump */, OTHER /* ManageWorkOrders */, OTHER /* UpdateStockpileRecords */, OTHER /* TradeAtDepot */, BUSY /* ConstructHatchCover */, BUSY /* ConstructGrate */, BUSY /* RemoveStairs */, BUSY /* ConstructQuern */, BUSY /* ConstructMillstone */, BUSY /* ConstructSplint */, BUSY /* ConstructCrutch */, BUSY /* ConstructTractionBench */, BUSY /* CleanSelf */, BUSY /* BringCrutch */, BUSY /* ApplyCast */, BUSY /* CustomReaction */, BUSY /* ConstructSlab */, BUSY /* EngraveSlab */, BUSY /* ShearCreature */, BUSY /* SpinThread */, BUSY /* PenLargeAnimal */, BUSY /* PenSmallAnimal */, BUSY /* MakeTool */, BUSY /* CollectClay */, BUSY /* InstallColonyInHive */, BUSY /* CollectHiveProducts */, OTHER /* CauseTrouble */, OTHER /* DrinkBlood */, OTHER /* ReportCrime */, OTHER /* ExecuteCriminal */, BUSY /* TrainAnimal */, BUSY /* CarveTrack */, BUSY /* PushTrackVehicle */, BUSY /* PlaceTrackVehicle */, BUSY /* StoreItemInVehicle */ }; struct labor_info { PersistentDataItem config; int active_dwarfs; int priority() { return config.ival(1); } void set_priority(int priority) { config.ival(1) = priority; } int maximum_dwarfs() { return config.ival(2); } void set_maximum_dwarfs(int maximum_dwarfs) { config.ival(2) = maximum_dwarfs; } int time_since_last_assigned() { return (*df::global::cur_year - config.ival(3)) * 403200 + *df::global::cur_year_tick - config.ival(4); } void mark_assigned() { config.ival(3) = (* df::global::cur_year); config.ival(4) = (* df::global::cur_year_tick); } }; struct labor_default { int priority; int maximum_dwarfs; }; static std::vector labor_infos; static const struct labor_default default_labor_infos[] = { /* MINE */ {200, 0}, /* HAUL_STONE */ {100, 0}, /* HAUL_WOOD */ {100, 0}, /* HAUL_BODY */ {200, 0}, /* HAUL_FOOD */ {300, 0}, /* HAUL_REFUSE */ {100, 0}, /* HAUL_ITEM */ {100, 0}, /* HAUL_FURNITURE */ {100, 0}, /* HAUL_ANIMAL */ {100, 0}, /* CLEAN */ {200, 0}, /* CUTWOOD */ {200, 0}, /* CARPENTER */ {200, 0}, /* DETAIL */ {200, 0}, /* MASON */ {200, 0}, /* ARCHITECT */ {400, 0}, /* ANIMALTRAIN */ {200, 0}, /* ANIMALCARE */ {200, 0}, /* DIAGNOSE */ {1000, 0}, /* SURGERY */ {1000, 0}, /* BONE_SETTING */ {1000, 0}, /* SUTURING */ {1000, 0}, /* DRESSING_WOUNDS */ {1000, 0}, /* FEED_WATER_CIVILIANS */ {1000, 0}, /* RECOVER_WOUNDED */ {200, 0}, /* BUTCHER */ {200, 0}, /* TRAPPER */ {200, 0}, /* DISSECT_VERMIN */ {200, 0}, /* LEATHER */ {200, 0}, /* TANNER */ {200, 0}, /* BREWER */ {200, 0}, /* ALCHEMIST */ {200, 0}, /* SOAP_MAKER */ {200, 0}, /* WEAVER */ {200, 0}, /* CLOTHESMAKER */ {200, 0}, /* MILLER */ {200, 0}, /* PROCESS_PLANT */ {200, 0}, /* MAKE_CHEESE */ {200, 0}, /* MILK */ {200, 0}, /* COOK */ {200, 0}, /* PLANT */ {200, 0}, /* HERBALIST */ {200, 0}, /* FISH */ {100, 0}, /* CLEAN_FISH */ {200, 0}, /* DISSECT_FISH */ {200, 0}, /* HUNT */ {100, 0}, /* SMELT */ {200, 0}, /* FORGE_WEAPON */ {200, 0}, /* FORGE_ARMOR */ {200, 0}, /* FORGE_FURNITURE */ {200, 0}, /* METAL_CRAFT */ {200, 0}, /* CUT_GEM */ {200, 0}, /* ENCRUST_GEM */ {200, 0}, /* WOOD_CRAFT */ {200, 0}, /* STONE_CRAFT */ {200, 0}, /* BONE_CARVE */ {200, 0}, /* GLASSMAKER */ {200, 0}, /* EXTRACT_STRAND */ {200, 0}, /* SIEGECRAFT */ {200, 0}, /* SIEGEOPERATE */ {200, 0}, /* BOWYER */ {200, 0}, /* MECHANIC */ {200, 0}, /* POTASH_MAKING */ {200, 0}, /* LYE_MAKING */ {200, 0}, /* DYER */ {200, 0}, /* BURN_WOOD */ {200, 0}, /* OPERATE_PUMP */ {200, 0}, /* SHEARER */ {200, 0}, /* SPINNER */ {200, 0}, /* POTTERY */ {200, 0}, /* GLAZING */ {200, 0}, /* PRESSING */ {200, 0}, /* BEEKEEPING */ {200, 1}, // reduce risk of stuck beekeepers (see http://www.bay12games.com/dwarves/mantisbt/view.php?id=3981) /* WAX_WORKING */ {200, 0}, /* PUSH_HAUL_VEHICLES */ {200, 0} }; struct dwarf_info_t { df::unit* dwarf; dwarf_state state; bool clear_all; bool has_axe; bool has_pick; bool has_crossbow; int high_skill; bool has_children; bool armed; df::unit_labor using_labor; dwarf_info_t(df::unit* dw) : dwarf(dw), clear_all(false), has_axe(false), has_pick(false), has_crossbow(false), state(OTHER), high_skill(0), has_children(false), armed(false) { } void set_labor(df::unit_labor labor) { if (labor >= 0 && labor <= ENUM_LAST_ITEM(unit_labor)) { dwarf->status.labors[labor] = true; if ((labor == df::unit_labor::MINE && !has_pick) || (labor == df::unit_labor::CUTWOOD && !has_axe) || (labor == df::unit_labor::HUNT && !has_crossbow)) dwarf->military.pickup_flags.bits.update = 1; } } void clear_labor(df::unit_labor labor) { if (labor >= 0 && labor <= ENUM_LAST_ITEM(unit_labor)) { dwarf->status.labors[labor] = false; if ((labor == df::unit_labor::MINE && has_pick) || (labor == df::unit_labor::CUTWOOD && has_axe) || (labor == df::unit_labor::HUNT && has_crossbow)) dwarf->military.pickup_flags.bits.update = 1; } } }; /* * Here starts all the complicated stuff to try to deduce labors from jobs. * This is all way more complicated than it really ought to be, but I have * not found a way to make it simpler. */ static df::unit_labor hauling_labor_map[] = { df::unit_labor::HAUL_ITEM, /* BAR */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_STONE, /* SMALLGEM */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_ITEM, /* BLOCKS */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_STONE, /* ROUGH */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_STONE, /* BOULDER */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_WOOD, /* WOOD */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_FURNITURE, /* DOOR */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_FURNITURE, /* FLOODGATE */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_FURNITURE, /* BED */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_FURNITURE, /* CHAIR */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_ITEM, /* CHAIN */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_ITEM, /* FLASK */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_ITEM, /* GOBLET */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_ITEM, /* INSTRUMENT */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_ITEM, /* TOY */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_FURNITURE, /* WINDOW */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_ANIMAL, /* CAGE */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_ITEM, /* BARREL */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_ITEM, /* BUCKET */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_ANIMAL, /* ANIMALTRAP */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_FURNITURE, /* TABLE */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_FURNITURE, /* COFFIN */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_FURNITURE, /* STATUE */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_REFUSE, /* CORPSE */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_ITEM, /* WEAPON */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_ITEM, /* ARMOR */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_ITEM, /* SHOES */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_ITEM, /* SHIELD */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_ITEM, /* HELM */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_ITEM, /* GLOVES */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_FURNITURE, /* BOX */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_ITEM, /* BIN */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_FURNITURE, /* ARMORSTAND */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_FURNITURE, /* WEAPONRACK */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_FURNITURE, /* CABINET */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_ITEM, /* FIGURINE */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_ITEM, /* AMULET */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_ITEM, /* SCEPTER */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_ITEM, /* AMMO */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_ITEM, /* CROWN */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_ITEM, /* RING */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_ITEM, /* EARRING */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_ITEM, /* BRACELET */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_ITEM, /* GEM */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_FURNITURE, /* ANVIL */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_REFUSE, /* CORPSEPIECE */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_REFUSE, /* REMAINS */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_FOOD, /* MEAT */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_FOOD, /* FISH */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_FOOD, /* FISH_RAW */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_REFUSE, /* VERMIN */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_ITEM, /* PET */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_FOOD, /* SEEDS */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_FOOD, /* PLANT */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_ITEM, /* SKIN_TANNED */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_FOOD, /* LEAVES */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_ITEM, /* THREAD */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_ITEM, /* CLOTH */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_ITEM, /* TOTEM */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_ITEM, /* PANTS */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_ITEM, /* BACKPACK */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_ITEM, /* QUIVER */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_FURNITURE, /* CATAPULTPARTS */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_FURNITURE, /* BALLISTAPARTS */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_FURNITURE, /* SIEGEAMMO */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_FURNITURE, /* BALLISTAARROWHEAD */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_FURNITURE, /* TRAPPARTS */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_FURNITURE, /* TRAPCOMP */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_FOOD, /* DRINK */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_FOOD, /* POWDER_MISC */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_FOOD, /* CHEESE */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_FOOD, /* FOOD */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_FOOD, /* LIQUID_MISC */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_ITEM, /* COIN */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_FOOD, /* GLOB */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_STONE, /* ROCK */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_FURNITURE, /* PIPE_SECTION */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_FURNITURE, /* HATCH_COVER */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_FURNITURE, /* GRATE */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_FURNITURE, /* QUERN */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_FURNITURE, /* MILLSTONE */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_ITEM, /* SPLINT */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_ITEM, /* CRUTCH */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_FURNITURE, /* TRACTION_BENCH */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_ITEM, /* ORTHOPEDIC_CAST */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_ITEM, /* TOOL */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_FURNITURE, /* SLAB */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_FOOD, /* EGG */ df::unit_labor::HAUL_ITEM, /* BOOK */ }; static df::unit_labor workshop_build_labor[] = { /* Carpenters */ df::unit_labor::CARPENTER, /* Farmers */ df::unit_labor::PROCESS_PLANT, /* Masons */ df::unit_labor::MASON, /* Craftsdwarfs */ df::unit_labor::STONE_CRAFT, /* Jewelers */ df::unit_labor::CUT_GEM, /* MetalsmithsForge */ df::unit_labor::METAL_CRAFT, /* MagmaForge */ df::unit_labor::METAL_CRAFT, /* Bowyers */ df::unit_labor::BOWYER, /* Mechanics */ df::unit_labor::MECHANIC, /* Siege */ df::unit_labor::SIEGECRAFT, /* Butchers */ df::unit_labor::BUTCHER, /* Leatherworks */ df::unit_labor::LEATHER, /* Tanners */ df::unit_labor::TANNER, /* Clothiers */ df::unit_labor::CLOTHESMAKER, /* Fishery */ df::unit_labor::FISH, /* Still */ df::unit_labor::BREWER, /* Loom */ df::unit_labor::WEAVER, /* Quern */ df::unit_labor::MILLER, /* Kennels */ df::unit_labor::ANIMALTRAIN, /* Kitchen */ df::unit_labor::COOK, /* Ashery */ df::unit_labor::LYE_MAKING, /* Dyers */ df::unit_labor::DYER, /* Millstone */ df::unit_labor::MILLER, /* Custom */ df::unit_labor::NONE, /* Tool */ df::unit_labor::NONE }; static df::building* get_building_from_job(df::job* j) { for (auto r = j->general_refs.begin(); r != j->general_refs.end(); r++) { if ((*r)->getType() == df::general_ref_type::BUILDING_HOLDER) { int32_t id = ((df::general_ref_building_holderst*)(*r))->building_id; df::building* bld = binsearch_in_vector(world->buildings.all, id); return bld; } } return 0; } static df::unit_labor construction_build_labor (df::item* i) { MaterialInfo matinfo; if (matinfo.decode(i)) { if (matinfo.material->flags.is_set(df::material_flags::IS_METAL)) return df::unit_labor::METAL_CRAFT; if (matinfo.material->flags.is_set(df::material_flags::WOOD)) return df::unit_labor::CARPENTER; } return df::unit_labor::MASON; } color_ostream* debug_stream; void debug (char* fmt, ...) { if (debug_stream) { va_list args; va_start(args,fmt); debug_stream->vprint(fmt, args); va_end(args); } } class JobLaborMapper { private: class jlfunc { public: virtual df::unit_labor get_labor(df::job* j) = 0; }; class jlfunc_const : public jlfunc { private: df::unit_labor labor; public: df::unit_labor get_labor(df::job* j) { return labor; } jlfunc_const(df::unit_labor l) : labor(l) {}; }; class jlfunc_hauling : public jlfunc { public: df::unit_labor get_labor(df::job* j) { df::item* item = 0; if (j->job_type == df::job_type::StoreItemInStockpile && j->item_subtype != -1) return (df::unit_labor) j->item_subtype; for (auto i = j->items.begin(); i != j->items.end(); i++) { if ((*i)->role == 7) { item = (*i)->item; break; } } if (item && item->flags.bits.container) { for (auto a = item->general_refs.begin(); a != item->general_refs.end(); a++) { if ((*a)->getType() == df::general_ref_type::CONTAINS_ITEM) { int item_id = ((df::general_ref_contains_itemst *) (*a))->item_id; item = binsearch_in_vector(world->items.all, item_id); break; } } } df::unit_labor l = item ? hauling_labor_map[item->getType()] : df::unit_labor::HAUL_ITEM; if (item && l == df::unit_labor::HAUL_REFUSE && item->flags.bits.dead_dwarf) l = df::unit_labor::HAUL_BODY; return l; } jlfunc_hauling() {}; }; class jlfunc_construct_bld : public jlfunc { public: df::unit_labor get_labor(df::job* j) { df::building* bld = get_building_from_job (j); switch (bld->getType()) { case df::building_type::Workshop: { df::building_workshopst* ws = (df::building_workshopst*) bld; if (ws->design && !ws->design->flags.bits.designed) return df::unit_labor::ARCHITECT; if (ws->type == df::workshop_type::Custom) { df::building_def* def = df::building_def::find(ws->custom_type); return def->build_labors[0]; } else return workshop_build_labor[ws->type]; } break; case df::building_type::Furnace: case df::building_type::TradeDepot: case df::building_type::Construction: case df::building_type::Bridge: case df::building_type::ArcheryTarget: { df::building_actual* b = (df::building_actual*) bld; if (b->design && !b->design->flags.bits.designed) return df::unit_labor::ARCHITECT; return construction_build_labor(j->items[0]->item); } break; case df::building_type::FarmPlot: return df::unit_labor::PLANT; case df::building_type::Chair: case df::building_type::Bed: case df::building_type::Table: case df::building_type::Coffin: case df::building_type::Door: case df::building_type::Floodgate: case df::building_type::Box: case df::building_type::Weaponrack: case df::building_type::Armorstand: case df::building_type::Cabinet: case df::building_type::Statue: case df::building_type::WindowGlass: case df::building_type::WindowGem: case df::building_type::Cage: case df::building_type::NestBox: case df::building_type::TractionBench: case df::building_type::Slab: return df::unit_labor::HAUL_FURNITURE; case df::building_type::Trap: return df::unit_labor::MECHANIC; } debug ("AUTOLABOR: Cannot deduce labor for construct building job of type %s\n", ENUM_KEY_STR(building_type, bld->getType()).c_str()); return df::unit_labor::NONE; } jlfunc_construct_bld() {} }; class jlfunc_destroy_bld : public jlfunc { public: df::unit_labor get_labor(df::job* j) { df::building* bld = get_building_from_job (j); df::building_type type = bld->getType(); switch (bld->getType()) { case df::building_type::Workshop: { df::building_workshopst* ws = (df::building_workshopst*) bld; if (ws->type == df::workshop_type::Custom) { df::building_def* def = df::building_def::find(ws->custom_type); return def->build_labors[0]; } else return workshop_build_labor[ws->type]; } break; case df::building_type::Furnace: case df::building_type::TradeDepot: case df::building_type::Construction: case df::building_type::Wagon: { df::building_actual* b = (df::building_actual*) bld; return construction_build_labor(b->contained_items[0]->item); } break; case df::building_type::FarmPlot: return df::unit_labor::PLANT; } debug ("AUTOLABOR: Cannot deduce labor for destroy building job of type %s\n", ENUM_KEY_STR(building_type, bld->getType()).c_str()); return df::unit_labor::NONE; } jlfunc_destroy_bld() {} }; class jlfunc_make : public jlfunc { private: df::unit_labor metaltype; public: df::unit_labor get_labor(df::job* j) { df::building* bld = get_building_from_job(j); if (bld->getType() == df::building_type::Workshop) { df::workshop_type type = ((df::building_workshopst*)(bld))->type; switch (type) { case df::workshop_type::Craftsdwarfs: { df::item_type jobitem = j->job_items[0]->item_type; switch (jobitem) { case df::item_type::BOULDER: return df::unit_labor::STONE_CRAFT; case df::item_type::NONE: if (j->material_category.bits.bone) return df::unit_labor::BONE_CARVE; else { debug ("AUTOLABOR: Cannot deduce labor for make crafts job (not bone)\n"); return df::unit_labor::NONE; } default: debug ("AUTOLABOR: Cannot deduce labor for make crafts job, item type %s\n", ENUM_KEY_STR(item_type, jobitem).c_str()); return df::unit_labor::NONE; } } case df::workshop_type::Masons: return df::unit_labor::MASON; case df::workshop_type::Carpenters: return df::unit_labor::CARPENTER; case df::workshop_type::Leatherworks: return df::unit_labor::LEATHER; case df::workshop_type::Clothiers: return df::unit_labor::CLOTHESMAKER; case df::workshop_type::MagmaForge: case df::workshop_type::MetalsmithsForge: return metaltype; default: debug ("AUTOLABOR: Cannot deduce labor for make job, workshop type %s\n", ENUM_KEY_STR(workshop_type, type).c_str()); return df::unit_labor::NONE; } } else if (bld->getType() == df::building_type::Furnace) { df::furnace_type type = ((df::building_furnacest*)(bld))->type; switch (type) { case df::furnace_type::MagmaGlassFurnace: case df::furnace_type::GlassFurnace: return df::unit_labor::GLASSMAKER; default: debug ("AUTOLABOR: Cannot deduce labor for make job, furnace type %s\n", ENUM_KEY_STR(furnace_type, type).c_str()); return df::unit_labor::NONE; } } debug ("AUTOLABOR: Cannot deduce labor for make job, building type %s\n", ENUM_KEY_STR(building_type, bld->getType()).c_str()); return df::unit_labor::NONE; } jlfunc_make (df::unit_labor mt) : metaltype(mt) {} }; class jlfunc_custom : public jlfunc { public: df::unit_labor get_labor(df::job* j) { for (auto r = world->raws.reactions.begin(); r != world->raws.reactions.end(); r++) { if ((*r)->code == j->reaction_name) { df::job_skill skill = (*r)->skill; df::unit_labor labor = ENUM_ATTR(job_skill, labor, skill); return labor; } } return df::unit_labor::NONE; } jlfunc_custom() {} }; map jlf_cache; jlfunc* jlf_const(df::unit_labor l) { jlfunc* jlf; if (jlf_cache.count(l) == 0) { jlf = new jlfunc_const(l); jlf_cache[l] = jlf; } else jlf = jlf_cache[l]; return jlf; } private: std::map job_to_labor_table; public: ~JobLaborMapper() { std::set log; for (auto i = jlf_cache.begin(); i != jlf_cache.end(); i++) { if (!log.count(i->second)) { log.insert(i->second); delete i->second; } i->second = 0; } FOR_ENUM_ITEMS (job_type, j) { if (j < 0) continue; jlfunc* p = job_to_labor_table[j]; if (!log.count(p)) { log.insert(p); delete p; } job_to_labor_table[j] = 0; } } JobLaborMapper() { jlfunc* jlf_hauling = new jlfunc_hauling(); jlfunc* jlf_make_furniture = new jlfunc_make(df::unit_labor::FORGE_FURNITURE); jlfunc* jlf_make_object = new jlfunc_make(df::unit_labor::METAL_CRAFT); jlfunc* jlf_make_armor = new jlfunc_make(df::unit_labor::FORGE_ARMOR); jlfunc* jlf_make_weapon = new jlfunc_make(df::unit_labor::FORGE_WEAPON); jlfunc* jlf_no_labor = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::NONE); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::CarveFortification] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::DETAIL); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::DetailWall] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::DETAIL); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::DetailFloor] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::DETAIL); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::Dig] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::MINE); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::CarveUpwardStaircase] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::MINE); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::CarveDownwardStaircase] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::MINE); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::CarveUpDownStaircase] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::MINE); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::CarveRamp] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::MINE); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::DigChannel] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::MINE); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::FellTree] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::CUTWOOD); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::GatherPlants] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::HERBALIST); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::RemoveConstruction] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::CollectWebs] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::WEAVER); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::BringItemToDepot] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::BringItemToShop] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::Eat] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::GetProvisions] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::Drink] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::Drink2] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::FillWaterskin] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::FillWaterskin2] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::Sleep] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::CollectSand] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::HAUL_ITEM); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::Fish] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::FISH); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::Hunt] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::HUNT); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::HuntVermin] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::Kidnap] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::BeatCriminal] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::StartingFistFight] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::CollectTaxes] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::GuardTaxCollector] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::CatchLiveLandAnimal] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::HUNT); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::CatchLiveFish] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::FISH); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ReturnKill] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::CheckChest] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::StoreOwnedItem] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::PlaceItemInTomb] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::HAUL_BODY); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::StoreItemInStockpile] = jlf_hauling; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::StoreItemInBag] = jlf_hauling; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::StoreItemInHospital] = jlf_hauling; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::StoreItemInChest] = jlf_hauling; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::StoreItemInCabinet] = jlf_hauling; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::StoreWeapon] = jlf_hauling; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::StoreArmor] = jlf_hauling; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::StoreItemInBarrel] = jlf_hauling; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::StoreItemInBin] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::HAUL_ITEM); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::SeekArtifact] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::SeekInfant] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::AttendParty] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::GoShopping] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::GoShopping2] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::Clean] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::CLEAN); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::Rest] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::PickupEquipment] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::DumpItem] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::HAUL_REFUSE); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::StrangeMoodCrafter] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::StrangeMoodJeweller] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::StrangeMoodForge] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::StrangeMoodMagmaForge] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::StrangeMoodBrooding] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::StrangeMoodFell] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::StrangeMoodCarpenter] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::StrangeMoodMason] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::StrangeMoodBowyer] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::StrangeMoodTanner] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::StrangeMoodWeaver] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::StrangeMoodGlassmaker] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::StrangeMoodMechanics] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ConstructBuilding] = new jlfunc_construct_bld(); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ConstructDoor] = jlf_make_furniture; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ConstructFloodgate] = jlf_make_furniture; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ConstructBed] = jlf_make_furniture; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ConstructThrone] = jlf_make_furniture; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ConstructCoffin] = jlf_make_furniture; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ConstructTable] = jlf_make_furniture; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ConstructChest] = jlf_make_furniture; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ConstructBin] = jlf_make_furniture; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ConstructArmorStand] = jlf_make_furniture; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ConstructWeaponRack] = jlf_make_furniture; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ConstructCabinet] = jlf_make_furniture; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ConstructStatue] = jlf_make_furniture; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ConstructBlocks] = jlf_make_furniture; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::MakeRawGlass] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::GLASSMAKER); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::MakeCrafts] = jlf_make_object; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::MintCoins] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::METAL_CRAFT); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::CutGems] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::CUT_GEM); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::CutGlass] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::CUT_GEM); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::EncrustWithGems] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::ENCRUST_GEM); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::EncrustWithGlass] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::ENCRUST_GEM); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::DestroyBuilding] = new jlfunc_destroy_bld(); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::SmeltOre] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::SMELT); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::MeltMetalObject] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::SMELT); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ExtractMetalStrands] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::EXTRACT_STRAND); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::PlantSeeds] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::PLANT); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::HarvestPlants] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::PLANT); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::TrainHuntingAnimal] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::ANIMALTRAIN); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::TrainWarAnimal] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::ANIMALTRAIN); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::MakeWeapon] = jlf_make_weapon; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ForgeAnvil] = jlf_make_furniture; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ConstructCatapultParts] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::SIEGECRAFT); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ConstructBallistaParts] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::SIEGECRAFT); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::MakeArmor] = jlf_make_armor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::MakeHelm] = jlf_make_armor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::MakePants] = jlf_make_armor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::StudWith] = jlf_make_object; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ButcherAnimal] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::BUTCHER); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::PrepareRawFish] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::CLEAN_FISH); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::MillPlants] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::MILLER); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::BaitTrap] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::TRAPPER); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::MilkCreature] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::MILK); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::MakeCheese] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::MAKE_CHEESE); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ProcessPlants] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::PROCESS_PLANT); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ProcessPlantsBag] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::PROCESS_PLANT); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ProcessPlantsVial] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::PROCESS_PLANT); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ProcessPlantsBarrel] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::PROCESS_PLANT); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::PrepareMeal] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::COOK); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::WeaveCloth] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::WEAVER); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::MakeGloves] = jlf_make_armor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::MakeShoes] = jlf_make_armor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::MakeShield] = jlf_make_armor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::MakeCage] = jlf_make_furniture; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::MakeChain] = jlf_make_object; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::MakeFlask] = jlf_make_object; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::MakeGoblet] = jlf_make_object; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::MakeInstrument] = jlf_make_object; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::MakeToy] = jlf_make_object; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::MakeAnimalTrap] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::TRAPPER); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::MakeBarrel] = jlf_make_furniture; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::MakeBucket] = jlf_make_furniture; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::MakeWindow] = jlf_make_furniture; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::MakeTotem] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::BONE_CARVE); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::MakeAmmo] = jlf_make_weapon; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::DecorateWith] = jlf_make_object; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::MakeBackpack] = jlf_make_object; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::MakeQuiver] = jlf_make_armor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::MakeBallistaArrowHead] = jlf_make_weapon; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::AssembleSiegeAmmo] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::SIEGECRAFT); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::LoadCatapult] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::SIEGEOPERATE); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::LoadBallista] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::SIEGEOPERATE); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::FireCatapult] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::SIEGEOPERATE); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::FireBallista] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::SIEGEOPERATE); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ConstructMechanisms] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::MECHANIC); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::MakeTrapComponent] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::MECHANIC) ; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::LoadCageTrap] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::MECHANIC) ; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::LoadStoneTrap] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::MECHANIC) ; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::LoadWeaponTrap] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::MECHANIC) ; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::CleanTrap] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::MECHANIC) ; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::CastSpell] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::LinkBuildingToTrigger] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::MECHANIC) ; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::PullLever] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::BrewDrink] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::BREWER) ; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ExtractFromPlants] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::HERBALIST) ; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ExtractFromRawFish] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::DISSECT_FISH) ; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ExtractFromLandAnimal] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::DISSECT_VERMIN) ; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::TameVermin] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::ANIMALTRAIN) ; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::TameAnimal] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::ANIMALTRAIN) ; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ChainAnimal] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::UnchainAnimal] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::UnchainPet] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ReleaseLargeCreature] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ReleasePet] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ReleaseSmallCreature] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::HandleSmallCreature] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::HandleLargeCreature] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::CageLargeCreature] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::CageSmallCreature] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::RecoverWounded] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::RECOVER_WOUNDED); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::DiagnosePatient] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::DIAGNOSE) ; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ImmobilizeBreak] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::BONE_SETTING) ; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::DressWound] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::DRESSING_WOUNDS) ; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::CleanPatient] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::DRESSING_WOUNDS) ; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::Surgery] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::SURGERY) ; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::Suture] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::SUTURING); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::SetBone] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::BONE_SETTING) ; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::PlaceInTraction] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::BONE_SETTING) ; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::DrainAquarium] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::FillAquarium] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::FillPond] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::GiveWater] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::FEED_WATER_CIVILIANS) ; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::GiveFood] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::FEED_WATER_CIVILIANS) ; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::GiveWater2] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::GiveFood2] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::RecoverPet] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::PitLargeAnimal] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::PitSmallAnimal] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::SlaughterAnimal] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::BUTCHER); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::MakeCharcoal] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::BURN_WOOD); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::MakeAsh] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::BURN_WOOD); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::MakeLye] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::LYE_MAKING); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::MakePotashFromLye] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::POTASH_MAKING); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::FertilizeField] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::PLANT); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::MakePotashFromAsh] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::POTASH_MAKING); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::DyeThread] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::DYER); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::DyeCloth] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::DYER); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::SewImage] = jlf_make_object; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::MakePipeSection] = jlf_make_furniture; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::OperatePump] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::OPERATE_PUMP); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ManageWorkOrders] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::UpdateStockpileRecords] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::TradeAtDepot] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ConstructHatchCover] = jlf_make_furniture; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ConstructGrate] = jlf_make_furniture; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::RemoveStairs] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::MINE); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ConstructQuern] = jlf_make_furniture; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ConstructMillstone] = jlf_make_furniture; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ConstructSplint] = jlf_make_furniture; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ConstructCrutch] = jlf_make_furniture; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ConstructTractionBench] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::MECHANIC); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::CleanSelf] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::BringCrutch] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::BONE_SETTING); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ApplyCast] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::BONE_SETTING); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::CustomReaction] = new jlfunc_custom(); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ConstructSlab] = jlf_make_furniture; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::EngraveSlab] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::DETAIL); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ShearCreature] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::SHEARER); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::SpinThread] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::SPINNER); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::PenLargeAnimal] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::PenSmallAnimal] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::MakeTool] = jlf_make_furniture; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::CollectClay] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::POTTERY); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::InstallColonyInHive] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::BEEKEEPING); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::CollectHiveProducts] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::BEEKEEPING); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::CauseTrouble] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::DrinkBlood] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ReportCrime] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::ExecuteCriminal] = jlf_no_labor; job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::TrainAnimal] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::ANIMALTRAIN); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::CarveTrack] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::DETAIL); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::PushTrackVehicle] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::PUSH_HAUL_VEHICLE); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::PlaceTrackVehicle] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::PUSH_HAUL_VEHICLE); job_to_labor_table[df::job_type::StoreItemInVehicle] = jlf_const(df::unit_labor::PUSH_HAUL_VEHICLE); }; df::unit_labor find_job_labor(df::job* j) { if (j->job_type == df::job_type::CustomReaction) { for (auto r = world->raws.reactions.begin(); r != world->raws.reactions.end(); r++) { if ((*r)->code == j->reaction_name) { df::job_skill skill = (*r)->skill; return ENUM_ATTR(job_skill, labor, skill); } } return df::unit_labor::NONE; } df::unit_labor labor; labor = job_to_labor_table[j->job_type]->get_labor(j); return labor; } }; /* End of labor deducer */ static JobLaborMapper* labor_mapper = 0; static bool isOptionEnabled(unsigned flag) { return config.isValid() && (config.ival(0) & flag) != 0; } static void setOptionEnabled(ConfigFlags flag, bool on) { if (!config.isValid()) return; if (on) config.ival(0) |= flag; else config.ival(0) &= ~flag; } static void cleanup_state() { labor_infos.clear(); } static void reset_labor(df::unit_labor labor) { labor_infos[labor].set_priority(default_labor_infos[labor].priority); labor_infos[labor].set_maximum_dwarfs(default_labor_infos[labor].maximum_dwarfs); } static void init_state() { config = World::GetPersistentData("autolabor/2.0/config"); if (config.isValid() && config.ival(0) == -1) config.ival(0) = 0; enable_autolabor = isOptionEnabled(CF_ENABLED); if (!enable_autolabor) return; // Load labors from save labor_infos.resize(ARRAY_COUNT(default_labor_infos)); std::vector items; World::GetPersistentData(&items, "autolabor/2.0/labors/", true); for (auto p = items.begin(); p != items.end(); p++) { string key = p->key(); df::unit_labor labor = (df::unit_labor) atoi(key.substr(strlen("autolabor/2.0/labors/")).c_str()); if (labor >= 0 && labor <= labor_infos.size()) { labor_infos[labor].config = *p; labor_infos[labor].active_dwarfs = 0; } } // Add default labors for those not in save for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(default_labor_infos); i++) { if (labor_infos[i].config.isValid()) continue; std::stringstream name; name << "autolabor/2.0/labors/" << i; labor_infos[i].config = World::AddPersistentData(name.str()); labor_infos[i].mark_assigned(); labor_infos[i].active_dwarfs = 0; reset_labor((df::unit_labor) i); } } static df::job_skill labor_to_skill[ENUM_LAST_ITEM(unit_labor) + 1]; static void generate_labor_to_skill_map() { // Generate labor -> skill mapping for (int i = 0; i <= ENUM_LAST_ITEM(unit_labor); i++) labor_to_skill[i] = job_skill::NONE; FOR_ENUM_ITEMS(job_skill, skill) { int labor = ENUM_ATTR(job_skill, labor, skill); if (labor != unit_labor::NONE) { /* assert(labor >= 0); assert(labor < ARRAY_COUNT(labor_to_skill)); */ labor_to_skill[labor] = skill; } } } static void enable_plugin(color_ostream &out) { if (!config.isValid()) { config = World::AddPersistentData("autolabor/2.0/config"); config.ival(0) = 0; } setOptionEnabled(CF_ENABLED, true); enable_autolabor = true; out << "Enabling the plugin." << endl; cleanup_state(); init_state(); } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_init ( color_ostream &out, std::vector &commands) { // initialize labor infos table from default table if(ARRAY_COUNT(default_labor_infos) != ENUM_LAST_ITEM(unit_labor) + 1) return CR_FAILURE; // Fill the command list with your commands. commands.push_back(PluginCommand( "autolabor", "Automatically manage dwarf labors.", autolabor, false, /* true means that the command can't be used from non-interactive user interface */ // Extended help string. Used by CR_WRONG_USAGE and the help command: " autolabor enable\n" " autolabor disable\n" " Enables or disables the plugin.\n" " autolabor max \n" " Set max number of dwarves assigned to a labor.\n" " autolabor max none\n" " Unrestrict the number of dwarves assigned to a labor.\n" " autolabor priority \n" " Change the assignment priority of a labor (default is 100)\n" " autolabor reset \n" " Return a labor to the default handling.\n" " autolabor reset-all\n" " Return all labors to the default handling.\n" " autolabor list\n" " List current status of all labors.\n" " autolabor status\n" " Show basic status information.\n" "Function:\n" " When enabled, autolabor periodically checks your dwarves and enables or\n" " disables labors. Generally, each dwarf will be assigned exactly one labor.\n" " Warning: autolabor will override any manual changes you make to labors\n" " while it is enabled.\n" )); generate_labor_to_skill_map(); labor_mapper = new JobLaborMapper(); init_state(); return CR_OK; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_shutdown ( color_ostream &out ) { cleanup_state(); delete labor_mapper; return CR_OK; } class AutoLaborManager { color_ostream& out; public: AutoLaborManager(color_ostream& o) : out(o) { dwarf_info.clear(); } ~AutoLaborManager() { for (auto d = dwarf_info.begin(); d != dwarf_info.end(); d++) { delete (*d); } } dwarf_info_t* add_dwarf(df::unit* u) { dwarf_info_t* dwarf = new dwarf_info_t(u); dwarf_info.push_back(dwarf); return dwarf; } private: bool has_butchers; bool has_fishery; bool trader_requested; int dig_count; int tree_count; int plant_count; int detail_count; int pick_count; int axe_count; int cnt_recover_wounded; int cnt_diagnosis; int cnt_immobilize; int cnt_dressing; int cnt_cleaning; int cnt_surgery; int cnt_suture; int cnt_setting; int cnt_traction; int cnt_crutch; int need_food_water; std::map labor_needed; std::map labor_outside; std::vector dwarf_info; std::list available_dwarfs; private: void scan_buildings() { for (auto b = world->buildings.all.begin(); b != world->buildings.all.end(); b++) { df::building *build = *b; auto type = build->getType(); if (building_type::Workshop == type) { df::workshop_type subType = (df::workshop_type)build->getSubtype(); if (workshop_type::Butchers == subType) has_butchers = true; if (workshop_type::Fishery == subType) has_fishery = true; } else if (building_type::TradeDepot == type) { df::building_tradedepotst* depot = (df::building_tradedepotst*) build; trader_requested = depot->trade_flags.bits.trader_requested; if (print_debug) { if (trader_requested) out.print("Trade depot found and trader requested, trader will be excluded from all labors.\n"); else out.print("Trade depot found but trader is not requested.\n"); } } } } void count_map_designations() { dig_count = 0; tree_count = 0; plant_count = 0; detail_count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < world->map.map_blocks.size(); ++i) { df::map_block* bl = world->map.map_blocks[i]; if (!bl->flags.bits.designated) continue; for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++) for (int y = 0; y < 16; y++) { df::tile_dig_designation dig = bl->designation[x][y].bits.dig; if (dig != df::enums::tile_dig_designation::No) { df::tiletype tt = bl->tiletype[x][y]; df::tiletype_shape tts = ENUM_ATTR(tiletype, shape, tt); switch (tts) { case df::enums::tiletype_shape::TREE: tree_count++; break; case df::enums::tiletype_shape::SHRUB: plant_count++; break; default: dig_count++; break; } } if (bl->designation[x][y].bits.smooth != 0) detail_count++; } } if (print_debug) out.print("Dig count = %d, Cut tree count = %d, gather plant count = %d, detail count = %d\n", dig_count, tree_count, plant_count, detail_count); } void count_tools() { pick_count = 0; axe_count = 0; df::item_flags bad_flags; bad_flags.whole = 0; #define F(x) bad_flags.bits.x = true; F(dump); F(forbid); F(garbage_collect); F(hostile); F(on_fire); F(rotten); F(trader); F(in_building); F(construction); F(artifact); #undef F auto& v = world->items.all; for (auto i = v.begin(); i != v.end(); i++) { df::item* item = *i; if (item->flags.bits.dump) labor_needed[df::unit_labor::HAUL_REFUSE]++; if (item->flags.whole & bad_flags.whole) continue; if (!item->isWeapon()) continue; df::itemdef_weaponst* weapondef = ((df::item_weaponst*)item)->subtype; df::job_skill weaponsk = (df::job_skill) weapondef->skill_melee; if (weaponsk == df::job_skill::AXE) axe_count++; else if (weaponsk == df::job_skill::MINING) pick_count++; } if (print_debug) out.print("Axes = %d, picks = %d\n", axe_count, pick_count); } void collect_job_list() { labor_needed.clear(); for (df::job_list_link* jll = world->job_list.next; jll; jll = jll->next) { df::job* j = jll->item; if (!j) continue; if (j->flags.bits.suspend || j->flags.bits.item_lost) continue; int worker = -1; int bld = -1; for (int r = 0; r < j->general_refs.size(); ++r) { if (j->general_refs[r]->getType() == df::general_ref_type::UNIT_WORKER) worker = ((df::general_ref_unit_workerst *)(j->general_refs[r]))->unit_id; if (j->general_refs[r]->getType() == df::general_ref_type::BUILDING_HOLDER) bld = ((df::general_ref_building_holderst *)(j->general_refs[r]))->building_id; } if (bld != -1) { df::building* b = binsearch_in_vector(world->buildings.all, bld); int fjid = -1; for (int jn = 0; jn < b->jobs.size(); jn++) { if (b->jobs[jn]->flags.bits.suspend) continue; fjid = b->jobs[jn]->id; break; } // check if this job is the first nonsuspended job on this building; if not, ignore it // (except for farms) if (fjid != j->id && b->getType() != df::building_type::FarmPlot) { continue; } } df::unit_labor labor = labor_mapper->find_job_labor (j); if (labor != df::unit_labor::NONE) { labor_needed[labor]++; if (worker != -1) labor_infos[labor].mark_assigned(); if (j->pos.isValid()) { df::tile_designation* d = Maps::getTileDesignation(j->pos); if (d->bits.outside) labor_outside[labor] = true; } } } } void collect_dwarf_list() { for (auto u = world->units.active.begin(); u != world->units.active.end(); ++u) { df::unit* cre = *u; if (Units::isCitizen(cre)) { dwarf_info_t* dwarf = add_dwarf(cre); df::historical_figure* hf = df::historical_figure::find(dwarf->dwarf->hist_figure_id); for (int i = 0; i < hf->entity_links.size(); i++) { df::histfig_entity_link* hfelink = hf->entity_links.at(i); if (hfelink->getType() == df::histfig_entity_link_type::POSITION) { df::histfig_entity_link_positionst *epos = (df::histfig_entity_link_positionst*) hfelink; df::historical_entity* entity = df::historical_entity::find(epos->entity_id); if (!entity) continue; df::entity_position_assignment* assignment = binsearch_in_vector(entity->positions.assignments, epos->assignment_id); if (!assignment) continue; df::entity_position* position = binsearch_in_vector(entity->positions.own, assignment->position_id); if (!position) continue; if (position->responsibilities[df::entity_position_responsibility::TRADE]) if (trader_requested) dwarf->clear_all = true; } } // identify dwarfs who are needed for meetings and mark them for exclusion for (int i = 0; i < ui->activities.size(); ++i) { df::activity_info *act = ui->activities[i]; if (!act) continue; bool p1 = act->person1 == dwarf->dwarf; bool p2 = act->person2 == dwarf->dwarf; if (p1 || p2) { dwarf->clear_all = true; if (print_debug) out.print("Dwarf \"%s\" has a meeting, will be cleared of all labors\n", dwarf->dwarf->name.first_name.c_str()); break; } } // check to see if dwarf has minor children for (auto u2 = world->units.active.begin(); u2 != world->units.active.end(); ++u2) { if ((*u2)->relations.mother_id == dwarf->dwarf->id && !(*u2)->flags1.bits.dead && ((*u2)->profession == df::profession::CHILD || (*u2)->profession == df::profession::BABY)) { dwarf->has_children = true; if (print_debug) out.print("Dwarf %s has minor children\n", dwarf->dwarf->name.first_name.c_str()); break; } } // Find the activity state for each dwarf bool is_on_break = false; dwarf_state state = OTHER; for (auto p = dwarf->dwarf->status.misc_traits.begin(); p < dwarf->dwarf->status.misc_traits.end(); p++) { if ((*p)->id == misc_trait_type::Migrant || (*p)->id == misc_trait_type::OnBreak) is_on_break = true; } if (dwarf->dwarf->profession == profession::BABY || dwarf->dwarf->profession == profession::CHILD || dwarf->dwarf->profession == profession::DRUNK) { state = CHILD; } else if (dwarf->dwarf->military.cur_uniform != 0) state = MILITARY; else if (dwarf->dwarf->job.current_job == NULL) { if (is_on_break) state = OTHER; else if (dwarf->dwarf->burrows.size() > 0) state = OTHER; // dwarfs assigned to burrows are treated as if permanently busy else if (dwarf->dwarf->status2.able_grasp_impair == 0) { state = OTHER; // dwarfs unable to grasp are incapable of nearly all labors dwarf->clear_all = true; if (print_debug) out.print ("Dwarf %s is disabled, will not be assigned labors\n", dwarf->dwarf->name.first_name.c_str()); } else state = IDLE; } else { df::job_type job = dwarf->dwarf->job.current_job->job_type; if (job >= 0 && job < ARRAY_COUNT(dwarf_states)) state = dwarf_states[job]; else { out.print("Dwarf \"%s\" has unknown job %i\n", dwarf->dwarf->name.first_name.c_str(), job); state = OTHER; } if (state == BUSY) { df::unit_labor labor = labor_mapper->find_job_labor(dwarf->dwarf->job.current_job); if (labor != df::unit_labor::NONE) { dwarf->using_labor = labor; if (!dwarf->dwarf->status.labors[labor] && print_debug) { out.print("AUTOLABOR: dwarf %s (id %d) is doing job %s(%d) but is not enabled for labor %s(%d).\n", dwarf->dwarf->name.first_name.c_str(), dwarf->dwarf->id, ENUM_KEY_STR(job_type, job).c_str(), job, ENUM_KEY_STR(unit_labor, labor).c_str(), labor); } } } } dwarf->state = state; if (print_debug) out.print("Dwarf \"%s\": state %s %d\n", dwarf->dwarf->name.first_name.c_str(), state_names[dwarf->state], dwarf->clear_all); // determine if dwarf has medical needs if (dwarf->dwarf->health) { if (dwarf->dwarf->health->flags.bits.needs_recovery) cnt_recover_wounded++; if (dwarf->dwarf->health->flags.bits.rq_diagnosis) cnt_diagnosis++; if (dwarf->dwarf->health->flags.bits.rq_immobilize) cnt_immobilize++; if (dwarf->dwarf->health->flags.bits.rq_dressing) cnt_dressing++; if (dwarf->dwarf->health->flags.bits.rq_cleaning) cnt_cleaning++; if (dwarf->dwarf->health->flags.bits.rq_surgery) cnt_surgery++; if (dwarf->dwarf->health->flags.bits.rq_suture) cnt_suture++; if (dwarf->dwarf->health->flags.bits.rq_setting) cnt_setting++; if (dwarf->dwarf->health->flags.bits.rq_traction) cnt_traction++; if (dwarf->dwarf->health->flags.bits.rq_crutch) cnt_crutch++; } if (dwarf->dwarf->counters2.hunger_timer > 60000 || dwarf->dwarf->counters2.thirst_timer > 40000) need_food_water++; // find dwarf's highest effective skill int high_skill = 0; FOR_ENUM_ITEMS (unit_labor, labor) { if (labor == df::unit_labor::NONE) continue; df::job_skill skill = labor_to_skill[labor]; if (skill != df::job_skill::NONE) { int skill_level = Units::getNominalSkill(dwarf->dwarf, skill, false); high_skill = std::max(high_skill, skill_level); } } dwarf->high_skill = high_skill; // check if dwarf has an axe, pick, or crossbow for (int j = 0; j < dwarf->dwarf->inventory.size(); j++) { df::unit_inventory_item* ui = dwarf->dwarf->inventory[j]; if (ui->mode == df::unit_inventory_item::Weapon && ui->item->isWeapon()) { dwarf->armed = true; df::itemdef_weaponst* weapondef = ((df::item_weaponst*)(ui->item))->subtype; df::job_skill weaponsk = (df::job_skill) weapondef->skill_melee; df::job_skill rangesk = (df::job_skill) weapondef->skill_ranged; if (weaponsk == df::job_skill::AXE) { dwarf->has_axe = 1; if (state != IDLE) axe_count--; } else if (weaponsk == df::job_skill::MINING) { dwarf->has_pick = 1; if (state != IDLE) pick_count--; } else if (rangesk == df::job_skill::CROSSBOW) { dwarf->has_crossbow = 1; } } } // clear labors of dwarfs with clear_all set if (dwarf->clear_all) { FOR_ENUM_ITEMS(unit_labor, labor) { if (labor == unit_labor::NONE) continue; dwarf->clear_labor(labor); } } else if (state == IDLE || state == BUSY) available_dwarfs.push_back(dwarf); } } } public: void process() { dwarf_info.clear(); dig_count = tree_count = plant_count = detail_count = pick_count = axe_count = 0; cnt_recover_wounded = cnt_diagnosis = cnt_immobilize = cnt_dressing = cnt_cleaning = cnt_surgery = cnt_suture = cnt_setting = cnt_traction = cnt_crutch = 0; need_food_water = 0; trader_requested = false; FOR_ENUM_ITEMS(unit_labor, l) { if (l == df::unit_labor::NONE) continue; labor_infos[l].active_dwarfs = 0; } // scan for specific buildings of interest scan_buildings(); // count number of squares designated for dig, wood cutting, detailing, and plant harvesting count_map_designations(); // collect current job list collect_job_list(); // count number of picks and axes available for use count_tools(); // collect list of dwarfs collect_dwarf_list(); // add job entries for designation-related jobs labor_needed[df::unit_labor::MINE] += std::min(pick_count, dig_count); labor_needed[df::unit_labor::CUTWOOD] += std::min(axe_count, tree_count); labor_needed[df::unit_labor::DETAIL] += detail_count; labor_needed[df::unit_labor::HERBALIST] += plant_count; // add job entries for health care labor_needed[df::unit_labor::RECOVER_WOUNDED] += cnt_recover_wounded; labor_needed[df::unit_labor::DIAGNOSE] += cnt_diagnosis; labor_needed[df::unit_labor::BONE_SETTING] += cnt_immobilize; labor_needed[df::unit_labor::DRESSING_WOUNDS] += cnt_dressing; labor_needed[df::unit_labor::DRESSING_WOUNDS] += cnt_cleaning; labor_needed[df::unit_labor::SURGERY] += cnt_surgery; labor_needed[df::unit_labor::SUTURING] += cnt_suture; labor_needed[df::unit_labor::BONE_SETTING] += cnt_setting; labor_needed[df::unit_labor::BONE_SETTING] += cnt_traction; labor_needed[df::unit_labor::BONE_SETTING] += cnt_crutch; labor_needed[df::unit_labor::FEED_WATER_CIVILIANS] += need_food_water; // add entries for hauling jobs labor_needed[df::unit_labor::HAUL_STONE] += world->stockpile.num_jobs[1]; labor_needed[df::unit_labor::HAUL_WOOD] += world->stockpile.num_jobs[2]; labor_needed[df::unit_labor::HAUL_ITEM] += world->stockpile.num_jobs[3]; labor_needed[df::unit_labor::HAUL_BODY] += world->stockpile.num_jobs[5]; labor_needed[df::unit_labor::HAUL_FOOD] += world->stockpile.num_jobs[6]; labor_needed[df::unit_labor::HAUL_REFUSE] += world->stockpile.num_jobs[7]; labor_needed[df::unit_labor::HAUL_FURNITURE] += world->stockpile.num_jobs[8]; labor_needed[df::unit_labor::HAUL_ANIMAL] += world->stockpile.num_jobs[9]; // add entries for vehicle hauling for (auto v = world->vehicles.all.begin(); v != world->vehicles.all.end(); v++) if ((*v)->route_id != -1) labor_needed[df::unit_labor::PUSH_HAUL_VEHICLE]++; // add fishing & hunting if (isOptionEnabled(CF_ALLOW_FISHING) && has_fishery) labor_needed[df::unit_labor::FISH] ++; if (isOptionEnabled(CF_ALLOW_HUNTING) && has_butchers) labor_needed[df::unit_labor::HUNT] ++; /* add animal trainers */ for (auto a = df::global::ui->equipment.training_assignments.begin(); a != df::global::ui->equipment.training_assignments.end(); a++) { labor_needed[df::unit_labor::ANIMALTRAIN]++; // note: this doesn't test to see if the trainer is actually needed, and thus will overallocate trainers. bleah. } if (print_debug) { for (auto i = labor_needed.begin(); i != labor_needed.end(); i++) { out.print ("labor_needed [%s] = %d, outside = %d\n", ENUM_KEY_STR(unit_labor, i->first).c_str(), i->second, labor_outside[i->first]); } } priority_queue> pq; for (auto i = labor_needed.begin(); i != labor_needed.end(); i++) { df::unit_labor l = i->first; if (labor_infos[l].maximum_dwarfs() > 0 && i->second > labor_infos[l].maximum_dwarfs()) i->second = labor_infos[l].maximum_dwarfs(); if (i->second > 0) { int priority = labor_infos[l].priority(); priority += labor_infos[l].time_since_last_assigned()/12; pq.push(make_pair(priority, l)); } } if (print_debug) out.print("available count = %d, distinct labors needed = %d\n", available_dwarfs.size(), pq.size()); std::map to_assign; to_assign.clear(); int av = available_dwarfs.size(); while (!pq.empty() && av > 0) { df::unit_labor labor = pq.top().second; int priority = pq.top().first; to_assign[labor]++; pq.pop(); av--; if (print_debug) out.print("Will assign: %s priority %d (%d)\n", ENUM_KEY_STR(unit_labor, labor).c_str(), priority, to_assign[labor]); if (--labor_needed[labor] > 0) { priority /= 2; pq.push(make_pair(priority, labor)); } } int canary = (1 << df::unit_labor::HAUL_STONE) | (1 << df::unit_labor::HAUL_WOOD) | (1 << df::unit_labor::HAUL_BODY) | (1 << df::unit_labor::HAUL_FOOD) | (1 << df::unit_labor::HAUL_REFUSE) | (1 << df::unit_labor::HAUL_ITEM) | (1 << df::unit_labor::HAUL_FURNITURE) | (1 << df::unit_labor::HAUL_ANIMAL); while (!available_dwarfs.empty()) { std::list::iterator bestdwarf = available_dwarfs.begin(); int best_score = INT_MIN; df::unit_labor best_labor = df::unit_labor::CLEAN; for (auto j = to_assign.begin(); j != to_assign.end(); j++) { if (j->second <= 0) continue; df::unit_labor labor = j->first; df::job_skill skill = labor_to_skill[labor]; for (std::list::iterator k = available_dwarfs.begin(); k != available_dwarfs.end(); k++) { dwarf_info_t* d = (*k); int skill_level = 0; int xp = 0; if (skill != df::job_skill::NONE) { skill_level = Units::getEffectiveSkill(d->dwarf, skill); xp = Units::getExperience(d->dwarf, skill, false); } int score = skill_level * 1000 - (d->high_skill - skill_level) * 2000 + (xp / (skill_level + 5) * 10); if (d->dwarf->status.labors[labor]) score += 500; if ((labor == df::unit_labor::MINE && d->has_pick) || (labor == df::unit_labor::CUTWOOD && d->has_axe) || (labor == df::unit_labor::HUNT && d->has_crossbow)) score += 3000; if (d->has_children && labor_outside[labor]) score -= 10000; if (d->armed && labor_outside[labor]) score += 5000; if (d->state == BUSY && d->using_labor == labor) score += 7500; if (score > best_score) { bestdwarf = k; best_score = score; best_labor = labor; } } } if (print_debug) out.print("assign \"%s\" labor %s score=%d\n", (*bestdwarf)->dwarf->name.first_name.c_str(), ENUM_KEY_STR(unit_labor, best_labor).c_str(), best_score); FOR_ENUM_ITEMS(unit_labor, l) { if (l == df::unit_labor::NONE) continue; if (l == best_labor) (*bestdwarf)->set_labor(l); else (*bestdwarf)->clear_labor(l); } if (best_labor >= df::unit_labor::HAUL_STONE && best_labor <= df::unit_labor::HAUL_ANIMAL) canary &= ~(1 << best_labor); if (best_labor != df::unit_labor::NONE) { labor_infos[best_labor].active_dwarfs++; to_assign[best_labor]--; } available_dwarfs.erase(bestdwarf); } if (canary != 0) { dwarf_info_t* d = dwarf_info.front(); FOR_ENUM_ITEMS (unit_labor, l) { if (l >= df::unit_labor::HAUL_STONE && l <= df::unit_labor::HAUL_ANIMAL && canary & (1 << l)) d->set_labor(l); } if (print_debug) out.print ("Setting %s as the hauling canary\n", d->dwarf->name.first_name.c_str()); } print_debug = 0; } }; DFhackCExport command_result plugin_onstatechange(color_ostream &out, state_change_event event) { switch (event) { case SC_MAP_LOADED: cleanup_state(); init_state(); break; case SC_MAP_UNLOADED: cleanup_state(); break; default: break; } return CR_OK; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_onupdate ( color_ostream &out ) { static int step_count = 0; // check run conditions if(!world || !world->map.block_index || !enable_autolabor) { // give up if we shouldn't be running' return CR_OK; } if (++step_count < 60) return CR_OK; step_count = 0; debug_stream = &out; AutoLaborManager alm(out); alm.process(); return CR_OK; } void print_labor (df::unit_labor labor, color_ostream &out) { string labor_name = ENUM_KEY_STR(unit_labor, labor); out << labor_name << ": "; for (int i = 0; i < 20 - (int)labor_name.length(); i++) out << ' '; out << "priority " << labor_infos[labor].priority() << ", maximum " << labor_infos[labor].maximum_dwarfs() << ", currently " << labor_infos[labor].active_dwarfs << " dwarfs" << endl; } df::unit_labor lookup_labor_by_name (std::string& name) { df::unit_labor labor = df::unit_labor::NONE; FOR_ENUM_ITEMS(unit_labor, test_labor) { if (name == ENUM_KEY_STR(unit_labor, test_labor)) labor = test_labor; } return labor; } command_result autolabor (color_ostream &out, std::vector & parameters) { CoreSuspender suspend; if (!Core::getInstance().isWorldLoaded()) { out.printerr("World is not loaded: please load a game first.\n"); return CR_FAILURE; } if (parameters.size() == 1 && (parameters[0] == "enable" || parameters[0] == "disable")) { bool enable = (parameters[0] == "enable"); if (enable && !enable_autolabor) { enable_plugin(out); } else if(!enable && enable_autolabor) { enable_autolabor = false; setOptionEnabled(CF_ENABLED, false); out << "The plugin is disabled." << endl; } return CR_OK; } else if (parameters.size() == 3 && (parameters[0] == "max" || parameters[0] == "priority")) { if (!enable_autolabor) { out << "Error: The plugin is not enabled." << endl; return CR_FAILURE; } df::unit_labor labor = lookup_labor_by_name(parameters[1]); if (labor == df::unit_labor::NONE) { out.printerr("Could not find labor %s.\n", parameters[0].c_str()); return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } int v; if (parameters[2] == "none") v = 0; else v = atoi (parameters[2].c_str()); if (parameters[0] == "max") labor_infos[labor].set_maximum_dwarfs(v); else if (parameters[0] == "priority") labor_infos[labor].set_priority(v); print_labor(labor, out); return CR_OK; } else if (parameters.size() == 2 && parameters[0] == "reset") { if (!enable_autolabor) { out << "Error: The plugin is not enabled." << endl; return CR_FAILURE; } df::unit_labor labor = lookup_labor_by_name(parameters[1]); if (labor == df::unit_labor::NONE) { out.printerr("Could not find labor %s.\n", parameters[0].c_str()); return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } reset_labor(labor); print_labor(labor, out); return CR_OK; } else if (parameters.size() == 1 && (parameters[0] == "allow-fishing" || parameters[0] == "forbid-fishing")) { if (!enable_autolabor) { out << "Error: The plugin is not enabled." << endl; return CR_FAILURE; } setOptionEnabled(CF_ALLOW_FISHING, (parameters[0] == "allow-fishing")); return CR_OK; } else if (parameters.size() == 1 && (parameters[0] == "allow-hunting" || parameters[0] == "forbid-hunting")) { if (!enable_autolabor) { out << "Error: The plugin is not enabled." << endl; return CR_FAILURE; } setOptionEnabled(CF_ALLOW_HUNTING, (parameters[0] == "allow-hunting")); return CR_OK; } else if (parameters.size() == 1 && parameters[0] == "reset-all") { if (!enable_autolabor) { out << "Error: The plugin is not enabled." << endl; return CR_FAILURE; } for (int i = 0; i < labor_infos.size(); i++) { reset_labor((df::unit_labor) i); } out << "All labors reset." << endl; return CR_OK; } else if (parameters.size() == 1 && parameters[0] == "list" || parameters[0] == "status") { if (!enable_autolabor) { out << "Error: The plugin is not enabled." << endl; return CR_FAILURE; } bool need_comma = 0; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_STATE; i++) { if (state_count[i] == 0) continue; if (need_comma) out << ", "; out << state_count[i] << ' ' << state_names[i]; need_comma = 1; } out << endl; if (parameters[0] == "list") { FOR_ENUM_ITEMS(unit_labor, labor) { if (labor == unit_labor::NONE) continue; print_labor(labor, out); } } return CR_OK; } else if (parameters.size() == 1 && parameters[0] == "debug") { if (!enable_autolabor) { out << "Error: The plugin is not enabled." << endl; return CR_FAILURE; } print_debug = 1; return CR_OK; } else { out.print("Automatically assigns labors to dwarves.\n" "Activate with 'autolabor enable', deactivate with 'autolabor disable'.\n" "Current state: %s.\n", enable_autolabor ? "enabled" : "disabled"); return CR_OK; } }