ptt_dfstring={} if WINDOWS then ptt_dfstring.ptr={off=0,rtype=DWORD} ptt_dfstring.size={off=16,rtype=DWORD} ptt_dfstring.alloc={off=20,rtype=DWORD} function ptt_dfstring:getval() --print(string.format("GETTING FROM:%x",self.__offset)) if self.size<16 then --print(string.format("GETTING FROM:%x",self.__offset)) return string.sub(engine.peekstr(self.__offset),1,self.size) else --print(string.format("GETTING FROM:%x",self.ptr)) return string.sub(engine.peekstr(self.ptr),1,self.size) end end function ptt_dfstring:setval(newstring) local offset=self.__offset local strl=string.len(newstring) if strl<16 then --print(string.format("GETTING FROM:%x",self.__offset)) engine.poked(,strl) engine.poked(,15) engine.pokestr(offset,newstring) else local loc if engine.peekd( > strl then loc=engine.peekd(offset) print("Will fit:"..loc.." len:"..strl) else loc=Allocate(strl+1) engine.poked(,strl) print("Will not fit:"..loc.." len:"..strl) end --print(string.format("GETTING FROM:%x",self.ptr)) engine.poked(,strl) engine.pokestr(loc,newstring) engine.poked(self.__offset,loc) end end else --ptt_dfstring.ptr={off=0,rtype=DWORD} function ptt_dfstring:getval() return engine.peekstr_stl(self.__offset) end end --if(COMPATMODE) then --ptr_vector={}{off=4,rtype=DWORD} --ptr_vector.en={off=8,rtype=DWORD} --else ptr_vector={}{off=0,rtype=DWORD} ptr_vector.en={off=4,rtype=DWORD} ptr_vector.alloc={off=8,rtype=DWORD} --end function ptr_vector:clone(settype) local ret={} for k,v in pairs(self) do ret[k]=v end ret.type=settype return ret end function ptr_vector:size() return ( end ptr_vector.type=DWORD function ptr_vector:getval(num) if then return error("Vector empty.") end --print("Wants:"..num.." size:"..self:size()) if num>=self:size() then error("Index out of bounds in vector.") end return engine.peek(*num,self.type) end function ptr_vector:setval(num,val) return engine.poke(*num,self.type,val) end function ptr_vector:append(val) if self.alloc - self.en > 0 then local num=self:size() self.en=self.en+engine.sizeof(self.type) self:setval(val,num) else error("larger than allocated arrays not implemented yet") local num=self:size() local ptr=Allocate(num*2) end end ptt_dfflag={} function ptt_dfflag.flip(self,num) --flip one bit in flags local of=math.floor (num/8); self[of]=bit.bxor(self[of],bit.lshift(1,num%8)) end function ptt_dfflag.get(self,num) -- get one bit in flags local of=math.floor (num/8); if[of],bit.lshift(1,num%8))~=0 then return true else return false end end function ptt_dfflag.set(self,num,val) --set to on or off one bit in flags if (self:get(num)~=val) then self:flip(num) end end function -- create new flag pattern of size(in bytes) local ret={} for i=0,size-1 do ret[i]={off=i,rtype=BYTE}; end ret.flip=ptt_dfflag.flip --change to metatable stuff... ret.get=ptt_dfflag.get ret.set=ptt_dfflag.set return ret; end --[[ Creature: 0 name (df_string) 28 28 nick (df_string) 56 56 surname- namearray(7*dword(4)) 84 ... 140 race (dword) 144 224 flags 264 civ (dword) 252 ID 592 following ID 904 bleed vector? hurt vector or sth... 0x790 legends id? 2128 known names? or knowledge? flags: 0 Can the dwarf move or are they waiting for their movement timer 1 Dead (might also be set for incoming/leaving critters that are alive) 2 Currently in mood 3 Had a mood 4 "marauder" -- wide class of invader/inside creature attackers 5 Drowning 6 Active merchant 7 "forest" (used for units no longer linked to merchant/diplomacy, they just try to leave mostly) 8 Left (left the map) 9 Rider 10 Incoming 11 Diplomat 12 Zombie 13 Skeleton 14 Can swap tiles during movement (prevents multiple swaps) 15 On the ground (can be conscious) 16 Projectile 17 Active invader (for organized ones) 18 Hidden in ambush 19 Invader origin (could be inactive and fleeing) 20 Will flee if invasion turns around 21 Active marauder/invader moving inward 22 Marauder resident/invader moving in all the way 23 Check against flows next time you get a chance 24 Ridden 25 Caged 26 Tame 27 Chained 28 Royal guard 29 Fortress guard 30 Suppress wield for beatings/etc 31 Is an important historical figure 32 swiming ]]-- ptr_Creature={} local posoff=VersionInfo.getGroup("Creatures"):getGroup("creature"):getOffset("position") ptr_Creature.x={off=posoff,rtype=WORD} --ok ptr_Creature.y={off=posoff+2,rtype=WORD} --ok ptr_Creature.z={off=posoff+4,rtype=WORD} --ok ptr_Creature.flags={off=VersionInfo.getGroup("Creatures"):getGroup("creature"):getOffset("flags1"),}{off=0,rtype=ptt_dfstring} ptr_Creature.ID={off=252,rtype=DWORD} --ok i guess ptr_Creature.followID={off=592,rtype=DWORD} --ok ptr_Creature.race={off=140,rtype=DWORD} --ok ptr_Creature.civ={off=264,rtype=DWORD} ptr_Creature.legends={off=344,rtype=ptr_vector} --ok ptr_Creature.hurt1={off=0x308,rtype=ptr_vector:clone(BYTE)} --byte vector... ptr_Creature.hurt2={off=0x338,rtype=ptr_vector} ptr_Creature.wounds={off=0x388,rtype=ptr_vector} ptr_Creature.itemlist1={off=0x1D0,rtype=ptr_vector} ptr_Creature.itemlist2={off=0x288,rtype=ptr_vector} ptr_Creature.bloodlvl={off=0x490,rtype=DWORD} ptr_Creature.bleedlvl={off=0x494,rtype=DWORD} ptr_CrGloss={} ptr_CrGloss.token={off=0,rtype=ptt_dfstring} ptr_CrGloss.castes={off=296,rtype=ptr_vector} ptr_CrCaste={}{off=0,rtype=ptt_dfstring} ptr_CrCaste.flags_ptr={off=0x524,rtype=DWORD} --size 17? --[=[ Flags: 57 - is sentient (allows setting labours) --]=] ptr_LEntry={} -- all size 256{off=36,rtype=ptt_dfstring} ptr_LEntry.id1={off=160,rtype=DWORD} ptr_LEntry.id2={off=164,rtype=DWORD} ptr_LEntry.somlist={off=220,rtype=DWORD} ptr_dfname={} for i=0,6 do ptr_dfname[i]={off=i*4,rtype=DWORD} end --[[ Site docs: 0x38 name struct todo... 0x78 type: 0 - mountain halls (yours) 1 - dark fort 2 - cave 3 - mountain hall (other) 4 - forest 5 - hamlet 6 - imp location 7 - lair 8 - fort 9 - camp 0x7a some sort of id? 0x84 some vec (ids) 0x94 some other vec (ids) 0xa4 some vec (prts) 0x118 ptr to sth 0x14c ptr to mapdata ]]-- ptr_site={} ptr_site.type={off=0x78,rtype=WORD}{off=0x7a,rtype=DWORD}{off=0x38,rtype=ptr_dfname} ptr_site.flagptr={off=0x118,rtype=DWORD} ptr_legends2={}{off=0,rtype=DWORD} ptr_legends2.follow={off=0x18,rtype=DWORD} ptr_material={} ptr_material.token={off=0,rtype=ptt_dfstring}