.. _tools:

DFHack tools

DFHack has **a lot** of tools. This page attempts to make it clearer what they
are, how they work, and how to find the ones you want.

.. contents:: Contents

What tools are and how they work

DFHack is a Dwarf Fortress memory access and modification framework, so DFHack
tools normally access Dwarf Fortress internals and make some specific changes.

Some tools just make a targeted change when you run them, like `unforbid`, which
scans through all your items and removes the ``forbidden`` flag from each of

Some tools need to be enabled, and then they run in the background and make
changes to the game on your behalf, like `autobutcher`, which monitors your
livestock population and automatically marks excess animals for butchering.

And some tools just exist to give you information that is otherwise hard to
come by, like `gui/petitions`, which shows you the active petitions for
guildhalls and temples that you have agreed to.

Finding the tool you need

DFHack tools are tagged with categories to make them easier to find. These
categories are listed in the next few sections. Note that a tool can belong to
more than one category. If you already know what you're looking for, try the
`search` or Ctrl-F on this page. If you'd like to see the full list of tools in
one flat list, please refer to the `annotated index <all-tag-index>`.

DFHack tools by game mode

.. include:: tags/bywhen.rst

DFHack tools by theme

.. include:: tags/bywhy.rst

DFHack tools by what they affect

.. include:: tags/bywhat.rst

All DFHack tools alphabetically

.. toctree::
  :maxdepth: 1
