// some headers required for a plugin. Nothing special, just the basics. #include "Core.h" #include "Export.h" #include "DataDefs.h" #include "PluginManager.h" #include "modules/EventManager.h" #include "modules/MapCache.h" #include "modules/Maps.h" #include "df/coord.h" #include "df/global_objects.h" #include "df/job.h" #include "df/map_block.h" #include "df/tile_dig_designation.h" #include "df/world.h" #include #include using namespace DFHack; using namespace std; command_result digSmart (color_ostream &out, std::vector & parameters); // A plugin must be able to return its name and version. // The name string provided must correspond to the filename - skeleton.plug.so or skeleton.plug.dll in this case DFHACK_PLUGIN("digSmart"); void onDig(color_ostream& out, void* ptr); void maybeExplore(color_ostream& out, MapExtras::MapCache& cache, df::coord pt, set& jobLocations); EventManager::EventHandler digHandler(onDig, 0); vector queue; map visitCount; // Mandatory init function. If you have some global state, create it here. DFhackCExport command_result plugin_init ( color_ostream &out, std::vector &commands) { // Fill the command list with your commands. commands.push_back(PluginCommand( "digSmart", "Automatically dig out veins as you discover them.", digSmart, false, /* true means that the command can't be used from non-interactive user interface */ // Extended help string. Used by CR_WRONG_USAGE and the help command: " This command does nothing at all.\n" "Example:\n" " digSmart\n" " Does nothing.\n" )); //digSmartPlugin = Core::getInstance().getPluginManager()->getPluginByName("digSmart"); EventManager::registerListener(EventManager::EventType::JOB_COMPLETED, digHandler, plugin_self); return CR_OK; } void onTick(color_ostream& out, void* ptr) { /* MapExtras::MapCache cache; for ( size_t a = 0; a < queue.size(); a++ ) { df::coord pos = queue[a]; for ( int16_t a = -1; a <= 1; a++ ) { for ( int16_t b = -1; b <= 1; b++ ) { maybeExplore(out, cache, df::coord(pos.x+a,pos.y+b,pos.z)); } } } cache.trash(); queue.clear(); */ map toRemove; for ( auto a = visitCount.begin(); a != visitCount.end(); a++ ) { if ( (*a).second <= 0 ) continue; df::coord pt = (*a).first; df::map_block* block = Maps::getTileBlock(pt); if ( block->designation[pt.x&0xF][pt.y&0xF].bits.dig != df::enums::tile_dig_designation::Default ) { out.print("%d: %d,%d,%d: Default -> %d\n", __LINE__, pt.x,pt.y,pt.z, (int32_t)block->designation[pt.x&0xF][pt.y&0xF].bits.dig); toRemove[pt]++; } } for ( auto a = toRemove.begin(); a != toRemove.end(); a++ ) visitCount.erase((*a).first); EventManager::EventHandler handler(onTick, 1); EventManager::registerTick(handler, 1, plugin_self); } void onDig(color_ostream& out, void* ptr) { CoreSuspender bob; df::job* job = (df::job*)ptr; if ( job->completion_timer > 0 ) return; if ( job->job_type != df::enums::job_type::Dig && job->job_type != df::enums::job_type::CarveUpwardStaircase && job->job_type != df::enums::job_type::CarveDownwardStaircase && job->job_type != df::enums::job_type::CarveUpDownStaircase && job->job_type != df::enums::job_type::CarveRamp && job->job_type != df::enums::job_type::DigChannel ) return; out.print("%d\n", __LINE__); set jobLocations; for ( df::job_list_link* link = &df::global::world->job_list; link != NULL; link = link->next ) { if ( link->item == NULL ) continue; if ( link->item->job_type != df::enums::job_type::Dig && link->item->job_type != df::enums::job_type::CarveUpwardStaircase && link->item->job_type != df::enums::job_type::CarveDownwardStaircase && link->item->job_type != df::enums::job_type::CarveUpDownStaircase && link->item->job_type != df::enums::job_type::CarveRamp && link->item->job_type != df::enums::job_type::DigChannel ) continue; jobLocations.insert(link->item->pos); } //queue.push_back(job->pos); //EventManager::EventHandler handler(onTick, 1); //EventManager::registerTick(handler, 5, plugin_self); MapExtras::MapCache cache; df::coord pos = job->pos; for ( int16_t a = -1; a <= 1; a++ ) { for ( int16_t b = -1; b <= 1; b++ ) { maybeExplore(out, cache, df::coord(pos.x+a,pos.y+b,pos.z), jobLocations); } } cache.trash(); } void maybeExplore(color_ostream& out, MapExtras::MapCache& cache, df::coord pt, set& jobLocations) { if ( !Maps::isValidTilePos(pt) ) { return; } df::map_block* block = Maps::getTileBlock(pt); if (!block) return; if ( block->designation[pt.x&0xF][pt.y&0xF].bits.hidden ) return; df::tiletype type = block->tiletype[pt.x&0xF][pt.y&0xF]; if ( ENUM_ATTR(tiletype, material, type) != df::enums::tiletype_material::MINERAL ) return; if ( ENUM_ATTR(tiletype, shape, type) != df::enums::tiletype_shape::WALL ) return; int16_t mat = cache.veinMaterialAt(pt); if ( mat == -1 ) return; // if ( block->designation[pt.x&0xF][pt.y&0xF].bits.dig == df::enums::tile_dig_designation::Default ) // return; if ( block->designation[pt.x&0xF][pt.y&0xF].bits.dig != df::enums::tile_dig_designation::No ) return; uint32_t xMax,yMax,zMax; Maps::getSize(xMax,yMax,zMax); if ( pt.x == 0 || pt.y == 0 || pt.x+1 == xMax*16 || pt.y+1 == yMax*16 ) return; if ( jobLocations.find(pt) != jobLocations.end() ) { return; } df::enums::tile_dig_designation::tile_dig_designation dig1,dig2; dig1 = block->designation[pt.x&0xF][pt.y&0xF].bits.dig; block->designation[pt.x&0xF][pt.y&0xF].bits.dig = df::enums::tile_dig_designation::Default; dig2 = block->designation[pt.x&0xF][pt.y&0xF].bits.dig; block->flags.bits.designated = true; // *df::global::process_dig = true; // *df::global::process_jobs = true; out.print("%d: %d,%d,%d, %d. %d -> %d\n", __LINE__, pt.x,pt.y,pt.z, visitCount[pt]++, dig1, dig2); //out.print("%d: unk9 %d, unk13 %d\n", __LINE__, (int32_t)block->unk9[pt.x&0xF][pt.y&0xF], (int32_t)block->unk13[pt.x&0xF][pt.y&0xF]); } command_result digSmart (color_ostream &out, std::vector & parameters) { if (!parameters.empty()) return CR_WRONG_USAGE; EventManager::EventHandler handler(onTick, 1); EventManager::registerTick(handler, 1, plugin_self); return CR_OK; }