// Intention: help with activity zone management (auto-pasture animals, auto-pit goblins, ...) // // the following things would be nice: // - dump info about pastures, pastured animals, count non-pastured tame animals, print gender info // - help finding caged dwarves? (maybe even allow to build their cages for fast release) // - dump info about caged goblins, animals, ... // - allow to mark old animals for slaughter automatically? // that should include a check to ensure that at least one male and one female remain for breeding // allow some fine-tuning like how many males/females should per race should be left alive // and at what age they are being marked for slaughter. don't slaughter pregnant females? // - count grass tiles on pastures, move grazers to new pasture if old pasture is empty // move hungry unpastured grazers to pasture with grass // // What is working so far: // - print detailed info about activity zone and units under cursor (mostly for checking refs and stuff) // - mark a zone which is used for future assignment commands // - assign single selected creature to a zone // - unassign single creature under cursor from current zone // - pitting own dwarves :) // - full automation of handling mini-pastures over nestboxes: // go through all pens, check if they are empty and placed over a nestbox // find female tame egg-layer who is not assigned to another pen and assign it to nestbox pasture // maybe check for minimum age? it's not that useful to fill nestboxes with freshly hatched birds #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #include "Core.h" #include "Console.h" #include "Export.h" #include "PluginManager.h" #include "modules/Units.h" #include "modules/Maps.h" #include "modules/Gui.h" #include "modules/Materials.h" #include "modules/MapCache.h" #include "modules/Buildings.h" #include "MiscUtils.h" #include #include "df/world.h" #include "df/world_raws.h" #include "df/building_def.h" #include "df/building_civzonest.h" #include "df/building_cagest.h" #include "df/building_chainst.h" #include "df/general_ref_building_civzone_assignedst.h" #include #include using std::vector; using std::string; using namespace DFHack; using namespace df::enums; using df::global::world; using df::global::cursor; using df::global::ui; using namespace DFHack::Gui; struct genref : df::general_ref_building_civzone_assignedst {}; command_result df_zone (color_ostream &out, vector & parameters); DFHACK_PLUGIN("zone"); const string zone_help = "Allows easier management of pens/pastures and pits.\n" "Options:\n" " set - set zone under cursor as default for future assigns\n" " assign - assign creature(s) to a pen or pit\n" " if no filters are used, a single unit must be selected.\n" " can be followed by valid zone id which will then be set.\n" " unassign - unassign selected creature from it's zone\n" " autonestbox - assign unpastured female egg-layers to nestbox zones\n" " requires you to create 1-tile pastures above nestboxes\n" " filters (except count) will be ignored currently\n" " uinfo - print info about selected unit\n" " zinfo - print info about zone(s) under cursor\n" " verbose - print some more info, mostly useless debug stuff\n" " filters - print list of supported filters\n" " examples - print some usage examples\n"; const string zone_help_filters = "Filters (to be used in combination with 'all' or 'count'):\n" " all - in combinations with zinfo/uinfo: print all zones/units\n" " in combination with assign: process all units\n" " should be used in combination with further filters\n" " count - must be followed by number. process X units\n" " should be used in combination with further filters\n" " race - must be followed by a race raw id (e.g. BIRD_TURKEY)\n" " unassigned - not assigned to zone, chain or built cage\n" " caged - in a built cage\n" " uncaged - not in cage\n" " foreign - not of own civilization (i.e. own fortress)\n" " own - from own civilization (fortress)\n" " war - trained war creature\n" " tamed - tamed\n" " trained - obvious\n" " untrained - obvious\n" " male - obvious\n" " female - obvious\n" " egglayer - race lays eggs (use together with 'female')\n" " grazer - obvious\n" " milkable - race is milkable (use together with 'female')\n" " minage - minimum age. must be followed by number\n" " maxage - maximum age. must be followed by number\n"; const string zone_help_examples = "Example for assigning single units:\n" " (ingame) move cursor to a pen/pasture or pit zone\n" " (dfhack) 'zone set' to use this zone for future assignments\n" " (dfhack) map 'zone assign' to a hotkey of your choice\n" " (ingame) select unit with 'v', 'k' or from unit list or inside a cage\n" " (ingame) press hotkey to assign unit to it's new home (or pit)\n" "Examples for assigning with filters:\n" " (this assumes you have already set up a target zone)\n" " zone assign all own grazer maxage 10\n" " zone assign count 5 own female milkable\n" " zone assign all own race DWARF maxage 2\n" " throw all useless kids into a pit :)\n" "Notes:\n" " Assigning per filters ignores built cages and chains currently.\n" " Usually you should always use the filter 'own' (which implies tame)\n" " unless you want to use the zone tool for pitting hostiles.\n" " 'own' ignores own dwarves unless you specify 'race DWARF'\n" " (so it's safe to use 'assign all own' to one big pasture\n" " if you want to have all your animals at the same place).\n" " 'egglayer' and 'milkable' should be used together with 'female'\n" " unless you have a mod with egg-laying male elves who give milk.\n"; DFhackCExport command_result plugin_init ( color_ostream &out, std::vector &commands) { commands.push_back(PluginCommand( "zone", "manage activity zones.", df_zone, false, zone_help.c_str() )); return CR_OK; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_shutdown ( color_ostream &out ) { return CR_OK; } /////////////// // Various small tool functions // probably many of these should be moved to Unit.h and Building.h sometime later... int32_t getUnitAge(df::unit* unit); bool isTame(df::unit* unit); bool isTrained(df::unit* unit); bool isTrained(df::unit* creature); bool isWar(df::unit* creature); bool isHunter(df::unit* creature); bool isOwnCiv(df::unit* creature); bool isActivityZone(df::building * building); bool isPenPasture(df::building * building); bool isPit(df::building * building); bool isActive(df::building * building); int32_t findBuildingIndexById(int32_t id); int32_t findPenPitAtCursor(); int32_t findCageAtCursor(); int32_t findChainAtCursor(); df::general_ref_building_civzone_assignedst * createCivzoneRef(); bool unassignUnitFromZone(df::unit* unit); command_result assignUnitToZone(color_ostream& out, df::unit* unit, df::building* building, bool verbose); void unitInfo(color_ostream & out, df::unit* creature, bool list_refs); void zoneInfo(color_ostream & out, df::building* building, bool list_refs); void cageInfo(color_ostream & out, df::building* building, bool list_refs); void chainInfo(color_ostream & out, df::building* building, bool list_refs); bool isBuiltCageAtPos(df::coord pos); int32_t getUnitAge(df::unit* unit) { // If the birthday this year has not yet passed, subtract one year. // ASSUMPTION: birth_time is on the same scale as cur_year_tick int32_t yearDifference = *df::global::cur_year - unit->relations.birth_year; if (unit->relations.birth_time >= *df::global::cur_year_tick) yearDifference--; return yearDifference; } bool isDead(df::unit* unit) { if(unit->flags1.bits.dead) return true; else return false; } bool isTame(df::unit* creature) { bool tame = false; if(creature->flags1.bits.tame) { switch (creature->training_level) { case df::animal_training_level::Trained: case df::animal_training_level::WellTrained: case df::animal_training_level::SkilfullyTrained: case df::animal_training_level::ExpertlyTrained: case df::animal_training_level::ExceptionallyTrained: case df::animal_training_level::MasterfullyTrained: case df::animal_training_level::Domesticated: tame=true; break; case df::animal_training_level::SemiWild: //?? case df::animal_training_level::Unk8: //?? case df::animal_training_level::WildUntamed: default: tame=false; break; } } return tame; } // check if trained (might be useful if pasturing war dogs etc) bool isTrained(df::unit* creature) { bool trained = false; if(creature->flags1.bits.tame) { switch (creature->training_level) { case df::animal_training_level::Trained: case df::animal_training_level::WellTrained: case df::animal_training_level::SkilfullyTrained: case df::animal_training_level::ExpertlyTrained: case df::animal_training_level::ExceptionallyTrained: case df::animal_training_level::MasterfullyTrained: //case df::animal_training_level::Domesticated: trained = true; break; default: break; } } return trained; } // check for profession "war creature" bool isWar(df::unit* creature) { if( creature->profession == df::profession::TRAINED_WAR || creature->profession2 == df::profession::TRAINED_WAR) return true; else return false; } // check for profession "hunting creature" bool isHunter(df::unit* creature) { if( creature->profession == df::profession::TRAINED_HUNTER || creature->profession2 == df::profession::TRAINED_HUNTER) return true; else return false; } // check if creature belongs to the player's civilization // (don't try to pasture/slaughter random untame animals) bool isOwnCiv(df::unit* creature) { if(creature->civ_id == ui->civ_id) return true; else return false; } // check if creature belongs to the player's race // (in combination with check for civ helps to filter out own dwarves) bool isOwnRace(df::unit* creature) { if(creature->race == ui->race_id) return true; else return false; } string getRaceName(df::unit* unit) { df::creature_raw *raw = df::global::world->raws.creatures.all[unit->race]; return raw->creature_id; } bool isEggLayer(df::unit* unit) { df::creature_raw *raw = df::global::world->raws.creatures.all[unit->race]; size_t sizecas = raw->caste.size(); for (size_t j = 0; j < sizecas;j++) { df::caste_raw *caste = raw->caste[j]; if( caste->flags.is_set(caste_raw_flags::LAYS_EGGS) || caste->flags.is_set(caste_raw_flags::LAYS_UNUSUAL_EGGS)) return true; } return false; } bool isGrazer(df::unit* unit) { df::creature_raw *raw = df::global::world->raws.creatures.all[unit->race]; size_t sizecas = raw->caste.size(); for (size_t j = 0; j < sizecas;j++) { df::caste_raw *caste = raw->caste[j]; if(caste->flags.is_set(caste_raw_flags::GRAZER)) return true; } return false; } bool isMilkable(df::unit* unit) { df::creature_raw *raw = df::global::world->raws.creatures.all[unit->race]; size_t sizecas = raw->caste.size(); for (size_t j = 0; j < sizecas;j++) { df::caste_raw *caste = raw->caste[j]; if(caste->flags.is_set(caste_raw_flags::MILKABLE)) return true; } return false; } bool isMale(df::unit* unit) { if(unit->sex==1) return true; else return false; } bool isFemale(df::unit* unit) { if(unit->sex==0) return true; else return false; } // dump some unit info void unitInfo(color_ostream & out, df::unit* unit, bool verbose = false) { if(isDead(unit)) return; out.print("Unit %d ", unit->id); //race %d, civ %d,", creature->race, creature->civ_id if(unit->name.has_name) { // units given a nick with the rename tool might not have a first name (animals etc) string firstname = unit->name.first_name; if(firstname.size() > 0) { firstname[0] = toupper(firstname[0]); out << "Name: " << firstname; } if(unit->name.nickname.size() > 0) out << " '" << unit->name.nickname << "'"; out << ", "; } out << getRaceName(unit) << " ("; switch(unit->sex) { case 0: out << "female"; break; case 1: out << "male"; break; case -1: default: out << "n/a"; break; } out << ")"; out << ", age: " << getUnitAge(unit); if(isTame(unit)) out << ", tame"; if(isOwnCiv(unit)) out << ", owned"; if(isWar(unit)) out << ", war"; if(isHunter(unit)) out << ", hunter"; if(verbose) { //out << ". Pos: ("<pos.x << "/"<< unit->pos.y << "/" << unit->pos.z << ")" << endl; if(isEggLayer(unit)) out << ", egglayer"; if(isGrazer(unit)) out << ", grazer"; if(isMilkable(unit)) out << ", milkable"; } out << endl; if(!verbose) return; //out << "number of refs: " << creature->refs.size() << endl; for(size_t r = 0; rrefs.size(); r++) { df::general_ref* ref = unit->refs.at(r); df::general_ref_type refType = ref->getType(); out << " ref#" << r <<" refType#" << refType << " "; //endl; switch(refType) { case df::general_ref_type::BUILDING_CIVZONE_ASSIGNED: { out << "assigned to zone"; df::building_civzonest * civAss = (df::building_civzonest *) ref->getBuilding(); out << " #" << civAss->id; } break; case df::general_ref_type::CONTAINED_IN_ITEM: out << "contained in item"; break; case df::general_ref_type::BUILDING_CAGED: out << "caged"; break; case df::general_ref_type::BUILDING_CHAIN: out << "chained"; break; default: //out << "unhandled reftype"; break; } out << endl; } } bool isActivityZone(df::building * building) { if( building->getType() == building_type::Civzone && building->getSubtype() == civzone_type::ActivityZone) return true; else return false; } bool isPenPasture(df::building * building) { if(!isActivityZone(building)) return false; df::building_civzonest * civ = (df::building_civzonest *) building; if(civ->zone_flags.bits.pen_pasture) return true; else return false; } bool isPit(df::building * building) { if(!isActivityZone(building)) return false; df::building_civzonest * civ = (df::building_civzonest *) building; if(civ->zone_flags.bits.pit_pond && civ->pit_flags==0) return true; else return false; } bool isCage(df::building * building) { if(building->getType() == building_type::Cage) return true; else return false; } bool isChain(df::building * building) { if(building->getType() == building_type::Chain) return true; else return false; } bool isActive(df::building * building) { if(!isActivityZone(building)) return false; df::building_civzonest * civ = (df::building_civzonest *) building; if(civ->zone_flags.bits.active) return true; else return false; } int32_t findBuildingIndexById(int32_t id) { for (size_t b = 0; b < world->buildings.all.size(); b++) { if(world->buildings.all.at(b)->id == id) return b; } return -1; } // returns id of pen/pit at cursor position (-1 if nothing found) int32_t findPenPitAtCursor() { int32_t foundID = -1; if(cursor->x == -30000) return -1; for (size_t b = 0; b < world->buildings.all.size(); b++) { df::building* building = world->buildings.all[b]; // find zone under cursor if (!(building->x1 <= cursor->x && cursor->x <= building->x2 && building->y1 <= cursor->y && cursor->y <= building->y2 && building->z == cursor->z)) continue; if(isPenPasture(building) || isPit(building)) { foundID = building->id; break; } } return foundID; } // returns id of cage at cursor position (-1 if nothing found) int32_t findCageAtCursor() { int32_t foundID = -1; if(cursor->x == -30000) return -1; for (size_t b = 0; b < world->buildings.all.size(); b++) { df::building* building = world->buildings.all[b]; if (!(building->x1 <= cursor->x && cursor->x <= building->x2 && building->y1 <= cursor->y && cursor->y <= building->y2 && building->z == cursor->z)) continue; if(isCage(building)) { foundID = building->id; break; } } return foundID; } int32_t findChainAtCursor() { int32_t foundID = -1; if(cursor->x == -30000) return -1; for (size_t b = 0; b < world->buildings.all.size(); b++) { df::building* building = world->buildings.all[b]; // find zone under cursor if (!(building->x1 <= cursor->x && cursor->x <= building->x2 && building->y1 <= cursor->y && cursor->y <= building->y2 && building->z == cursor->z)) continue; if(isChain(building)) { foundID = building->id; break; } } return foundID; } df::general_ref_building_civzone_assignedst * createCivzoneRef() { static bool vt_initialized = false; df::general_ref_building_civzone_assignedst* newref = NULL; // after having run successfully for the first time it's safe to simply create the object if(vt_initialized) { newref = (df::general_ref_building_civzone_assignedst*) df::general_ref_building_civzone_assignedst::_identity.instantiate(); return newref; } // being called for the first time, need to initialize the vtable for(size_t i = 0; i < world->units.all.size(); i++) { df::unit * creature = world->units.all[i]; for(size_t r = 0; rrefs.size(); r++) { df::general_ref* ref; ref = creature->refs.at(r); if(ref->getType() == df::general_ref_type::BUILDING_CIVZONE_ASSIGNED) { if (strict_virtual_cast(ref)) { // !! calling new() doesn't work, need _identity.instantiate() instead !! newref = (df::general_ref_building_civzone_assignedst*) df::general_ref_building_civzone_assignedst::_identity.instantiate(); vt_initialized = true; break; } } } if(vt_initialized) break; } return newref; } // check if assigned to pen, pit, (built) cage or chain // note: BUILDING_CAGED is not set for animals (maybe it's used for dwarves who get caged as sentence) // animals in cages (no matter if built or on stockpile) get the ref CONTAINED_IN_ITEM instead // removing them from cages on stockpiles is no problem even without clearing the ref // and usually it will be desired behavior to do so. bool isAssigned(df::unit* unit) { bool assigned = false; for (size_t r=0; r < unit->refs.size(); r++) { df::general_ref * ref = unit->refs[r]; auto rtype = ref->getType(); if( rtype == df::general_ref_type::BUILDING_CIVZONE_ASSIGNED || rtype == df::general_ref_type::BUILDING_CAGED || rtype == df::general_ref_type::BUILDING_CHAIN || (rtype == df::general_ref_type::CONTAINED_IN_ITEM && isBuiltCageAtPos(unit->pos)) ) { assigned = true; break; } } return assigned; } // check if assigned to a chain or built cage // (need to check if the ref needs to be removed, until then touching them is forbidden) bool isChained(df::unit* unit) { bool contained = false; for (size_t r=0; r < unit->refs.size(); r++) { df::general_ref * ref = unit->refs[r]; auto rtype = ref->getType(); if(rtype == df::general_ref_type::BUILDING_CHAIN) { contained = true; break; } } return contained; } // check if contained in item (e.g. animals in cages) bool isContainedInItem(df::unit* unit) { bool contained = false; for (size_t r=0; r < unit->refs.size(); r++) { df::general_ref * ref = unit->refs[r]; auto rtype = ref->getType(); if(rtype == df::general_ref_type::CONTAINED_IN_ITEM) { contained = true; break; } } return contained; } // check a map position for a built cage // animals in cages are CONTAINED_IN_ITEM, no matter if they are on a stockpile or inside a built cage // if they are on animal stockpiles they should count as unassigned to allow pasturing them // if they are inside built cages they should be ignored in case the cage is a zoo or linked to a lever or whatever bool isBuiltCageAtPos(df::coord pos) { bool cage = false; for (size_t b=0; b < world->buildings.all.size(); b++) { df::building* building = world->buildings.all[b]; if( building->getType() == building_type::Cage && building->x1 == pos.x && building->y1 == pos.y && building->z == pos.z ) { cage = true; break; } } return cage; } bool isNestboxAtPos(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t z) { bool found = false; for (size_t b=0; b < world->buildings.all.size(); b++) { df::building* building = world->buildings.all[b]; if( building->getType() == building_type::NestBox && building->x1 == x && building->y1 == y && building->z == z ) { found = true; break; } } return found; } bool isEmptyPasture(df::building* building) { if(!isPenPasture(building)) return false; df::building_civzonest * civ = (df::building_civzonest *) building; if(civ->assigned_creature.size() == 0) return true; else return false; } df::building* findFreeNestboxZone() { df::building * free_building = NULL; //df::unit * free_unit = findFreeEgglayer(); bool cage = false; for (size_t b=0; b < world->buildings.all.size(); b++) { df::building* building = world->buildings.all[b]; if( isEmptyPasture(building) && isNestboxAtPos(building->x1, building->y1, building->z)) { free_building = building; break; } } return free_building; } df::unit * findFreeEgglayer() { df::unit* free_unit = NULL; for (size_t i=0; i < world->units.all.size(); i++) { df::unit* unit = world->units.all[i]; if( isFemale(unit) && isTame(unit) && isOwnCiv(unit) && isEggLayer(unit) && !isAssigned(unit) ) { free_unit = unit; break; } } return free_unit; } // check if unit is already assigned to a zone, remove that ref from unit and old zone // returns false if no pasture information was found // helps as workaround for http://www.bay12games.com/dwarves/mantisbt/view.php?id=4475 by the way // (pastured animals assigned to chains will get hauled back and forth because the pasture ref is not deleted) bool unassignUnitFromZone(df::unit* unit) { bool success = false; for (size_t or = 0; or < unit->refs.size(); or++) { df::general_ref * oldref = unit->refs[or]; if(oldref->getType() == df::general_ref_type::BUILDING_CIVZONE_ASSIGNED) { unit->refs.erase(unit->refs.begin() + or); df::building_civzonest * oldciv = (df::building_civzonest *) oldref->getBuilding(); for(size_t oc=0; ocassigned_creature.size(); oc++) { if(oldciv->assigned_creature[oc] == unit->id) { oldciv->assigned_creature.erase(oldciv->assigned_creature.begin() + oc); break; } } delete oldref; success = true; break; } } return success; } // assign to pen or pit command_result assignUnitToZone(color_ostream& out, df::unit* unit, df::building* building, bool verbose = false) { //if(!isOwnCiv(unit) || !isTame(unit)) //{ // out << "Creature must be tame and your own." << endl; // return CR_WRONG_USAGE; //} // building must be a pen/pasture or pit //df::building * building = world->buildings.all.at(index); if(!isPenPasture(building) && !isPit(building)) { out << "Invalid building type. This is not a pen/pasture or pit." << endl; //target_zone = -1; return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } // try to get a fresh civzone ref df::general_ref_building_civzone_assignedst * ref = createCivzoneRef(); if(!ref) { out << "Could not find a clonable activity zone reference" << endl << "You need to pen/pasture/pit at least one creature" << endl << "before using 'assign' for the first time." << endl; return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } // check if unit is already pastured, remove that ref from unit and old pasture // testing showed that this only seems to be necessary for pastured creatures // if they are in cages on stockpiles the game unassigns them automatically // (need to check if that is also true for chains and built cages) bool cleared_old = unassignUnitFromZone(unit); if(verbose) { if(cleared_old) out << "old zone info cleared."; else out << "no old zone info found."; } ref->building_id = building->id; unit->refs.push_back(ref); df::building_civzonest * civz = (df::building_civzonest *) building; civz->assigned_creature.push_back(unit->id); df::creature_raw *raw = df::global::world->raws.creatures.all[unit->race]; out << "Unit " << unit->id << "(" << raw->creature_id << ")" << " assigned to zone " << building->id; if(isPit(building)) out << " (pit)."; if(isPenPasture(building)) out << " (pen/pasture)."; out << endl; return CR_OK; } command_result assignUnitToCage(color_ostream& out, df::unit* unit, df::building* building, bool verbose = false) { out << "sorry. assigning to cages is not possible yet." << endl; return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } command_result assignUnitToChain(color_ostream& out, df::unit* unit, df::building* building, bool verbose = false) { out << "sorry. assigning to chains is not possible yet." << endl; return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } command_result assignUnitToBuilding(color_ostream& out, df::unit* unit, df::building* building, bool verbose = false) { command_result result = CR_WRONG_USAGE; if(isActivityZone(building)) result = assignUnitToZone(out, unit, building, verbose); else if(isCage(building)) result = assignUnitToCage(out, unit, building, verbose); else if(isChain(building)) result = assignUnitToChain(out, unit, building, verbose); else out << "Cannot assign units to this type of building!" << endl; return result; } // dump some zone info void zoneInfo(color_ostream & out, df::building* building, bool verbose = false) { if(building->getType()!= building_type::Civzone) return; if(building->getSubtype() != civzone_type::ActivityZone) return; string name; building->getName(&name); out.print("Building %i - \"%s\" - type %s (%i)", building->id, name.c_str(), ENUM_KEY_STR(building_type, building->getType()).c_str(), building->getType()); out.print(", subtype %s (%i)", ENUM_KEY_STR(civzone_type, (df::civzone_type)building->getSubtype()).c_str(), building->getSubtype()); out.print("\n"); df::building_civzonest * civ = (df::building_civzonest *) building; if(civ->zone_flags.bits.active) out << "active"; else out << "not active"; if(civ->zone_flags.bits.pen_pasture) out << ", pen/pasture"; else if (civ->zone_flags.bits.pit_pond && civ->pit_flags==0) out << ", pit"; else return; out << endl; out << "x1:" <x1 << " x2:" <x2 << " y1:" <y1 << " y2:" <y2 << " z:" <z << endl; int32_t creaturecount = civ->assigned_creature.size(); out << "Creatures in this zone: " << creaturecount << endl; for(size_t c = 0; c < creaturecount; c++) { int32_t cindex = civ->assigned_creature.at(c); // print list of all units assigned to that zone for(size_t i = 0; i < world->units.all.size(); i++) { df::unit * creature = world->units.all[i]; if(creature->id != cindex) continue; unitInfo(out, creature, verbose); } } } // dump some cage info void cageInfo(color_ostream & out, df::building* building, bool verbose = false) { if(!isCage(building)) return; string name; building->getName(&name); out.print("Building %i - \"%s\" - type %s (%i)", building->id, name.c_str(), ENUM_KEY_STR(building_type, building->getType()).c_str(), building->getType()); out.print("\n"); out << "x:" << building->x1 << " y:" << building->y1 << " z:" << building->z << endl; df::building_cagest * cage = (df::building_cagest*) building; int32_t creaturecount = cage->assigned_creature.size(); out << "Creatures in this cage: " << creaturecount << endl; for(size_t c = 0; c < creaturecount; c++) { int32_t cindex = cage->assigned_creature.at(c); // print list of all units assigned to that cage for(size_t i = 0; i < world->units.all.size(); i++) { df::unit * creature = world->units.all[i]; if(creature->id != cindex) continue; unitInfo(out, creature, verbose); } } } // dump some chain/restraint info void chainInfo(color_ostream & out, df::building* building, bool list_refs = false) { if(!isChain(building)) return; string name; building->getName(&name); out.print("Building %i - \"%s\" - type %s (%i)", building->id, name.c_str(), ENUM_KEY_STR(building_type, building->getType()).c_str(), building->getType()); out.print("\n"); df::building_chainst* chain = (df::building_chainst*) building; if(chain->assigned) { out << "assigned: "; unitInfo(out, chain->assigned, true); } if(chain->chained) { out << "chained: "; unitInfo(out, chain->chained, true); } } command_result df_zone (color_ostream &out, vector & parameters) { CoreSuspender suspend; bool need_cursor = false; // for zone_info, zone_assign, ... bool unit_info = false; bool zone_info = false; //bool cage_info = false; //bool chain_info = false; bool find_unassigned = false; bool find_caged = false; bool find_uncaged = false; bool find_foreign = false; bool find_untrained = false; //bool find_trained = false; bool find_war = false; bool find_own = false; bool find_tame = false; bool find_male = false; bool find_female = false; bool find_egglayer = false; bool find_grazer = false; bool find_milkable = false; bool find_agemin = false; bool find_agemax = false; int target_agemin = 0; int target_agemax = 0; bool find_count = false; size_t target_count = 0; bool find_race = false; string target_race = ""; bool zone_assign = false; bool zone_unassign = false; bool zone_set = false; bool verbose = false; bool all = false; bool auto_nestbox = false; static int target_zone = -1; for (size_t i = 0; i < parameters.size(); i++) { string & p = parameters[i]; if (p == "help" || p == "?") { out << zone_help << endl; return CR_OK; } if (p == "filters") { out << zone_help_filters << endl; return CR_OK; } if (p == "examples") { out << zone_help_examples << endl; return CR_OK; } else if(p == "zinfo") { zone_info = true; } else if(p == "uinfo") { unit_info = true; } else if(p == "verbose") { verbose = true; } else if(p == "unassign") { zone_unassign = true; } else if(p == "assign") { // if followed by another parameter, check if it's numeric if(i < parameters.size()-1) { stringstream ss(parameters[i+1]); int new_zone = -1; ss >> new_zone; if(new_zone != -1) { i++; target_zone = new_zone; out << "Assign selected unit(s) to zone #" << target_zone <> target_count; if(target_count <= 0) { out.printerr("Invalid count specified (must be > 0)!"); return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } find_count = true; out << "Process up to " << target_count << " units." << endl; } } else if(p == "age") { if(i == parameters.size()-1) { out.printerr("No age specified!"); return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } else { stringstream ss(parameters[i+1]); i++; ss >> target_agemin; ss >> target_agemax; find_agemin = true; find_agemax = true; out << "Filter by exact age of " << target_agemin << endl; } } else if(p == "minage") { if(i == parameters.size()-1) { out.printerr("No age specified!"); return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } else { stringstream ss(parameters[i+1]); i++; ss >> target_agemin; find_agemin = true; out << "Filter by minimum age of " << target_agemin << endl; } } else if(p == "maxage") { if(i == parameters.size()-1) { out.printerr("No age specified!"); return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } else { stringstream ss(parameters[i+1]); i++; ss >> target_agemax; find_agemax = true; out << "Filter by maximum age of " << target_agemax << endl; } } else if(p == "male") { find_male = true; } else if(p == "female") { find_female = true; } else if(p == "egglayer") { find_egglayer = true; } else if(p == "grazer") { find_grazer = true; } else if(p == "milkable") { find_milkable = true; } else if(p == "set") { zone_set = true; } else if(p == "all") { out << "Filter: all" << endl; all = true; } else { out << "Unknown command: " << p << endl; return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } } if((zone_info && !all) || zone_set) need_cursor = true; if(need_cursor && cursor->x == -30000) { out.printerr("No cursor; place cursor over activity zone.\n"); return CR_FAILURE; } // search for male and female is exclusive, so drop the flags if both are specified if(find_male && find_female) { find_male=false; find_female=false; } // try to cope with user dumbness if(target_agemin > target_agemax || target_agemax < target_agemin) { out << "Invalid values for minage/maxage specified! I'll swap them." << endl; int oldmin = target_agemin; target_agemin = target_agemax; target_agemax = oldmin; } // auto-assign to empty nestboxes. this requires an empty 1x1 pen/pasture zone placed over a nestbox // currently it will not be checked if the nestbox is already claimed by another egglayer if(auto_nestbox) { bool stop = false; size_t processed = 0; do { df::building * free_building = findFreeNestboxZone(); df::unit * free_unit = findFreeEgglayer(); if(free_building && free_unit) { command_result result = assignUnitToBuilding(out, free_unit, free_building, verbose); if(result != CR_OK) return result; processed ++; if(find_count && processed >= target_count) stop = true; } else { stop = true; if(free_unit && !free_building) { out << "Not enough free nestbox zones found!" << endl; out << "You can check how many more you need with:" << endl; out << "'zone uinfo all unassigned own female egglayer'" << endl; out << "Or simply build some more and use 'zone autonestbox' again." << endl; } } } while (!stop); out << processed << " units assigned to their new nestboxes." << endl; return CR_OK; } // give info on zone(s), chain or cage under cursor // (doesn't use the findXyzAtCursor() methods because zones might overlap and contain a cage or chain) if(zone_info) // || chain_info || cage_info) { for (size_t b = 0; b < world->buildings.all.size(); b++) { df::building * building = world->buildings.all[b]; // find building under cursor if (!all && !(building->x1 <= cursor->x && cursor->x <= building->x2 && building->y1 <= cursor->y && cursor->y <= building->y2 && building->z == cursor->z)) continue; zoneInfo(out, building, verbose); chainInfo(out, building, verbose); cageInfo(out, building, verbose); } return CR_OK; } // set building at cursor position to be new target zone if(zone_set) { target_zone = findPenPitAtCursor(); if(target_zone==-1) { out << "No pen/pasture or pit under cursor!" << endl; return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } out << "Current zone set to #" << target_zone << endl; return CR_OK; } // assign to pen or pit if(zone_assign || unit_info) { df::building * building; if(zone_assign) { // try to get building index from the id int32_t index = findBuildingIndexById(target_zone); if(index == -1) { out << "Invalid building id." << endl; target_zone = -1; return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } building = world->buildings.all.at(index); } if(all || find_count) { size_t count = 0; for(size_t c = 0; c < world->units.all.size(); c++) { df::unit *unit = world->units.all[c]; if(find_race && getRaceName(unit) != target_race) continue; // ignore own dwarves by default if(isOwnCiv(unit) && isOwnRace(unit)) { if(!find_race) { continue; } } if( (find_unassigned && isAssigned(unit)) || (isContainedInItem(unit) && (find_uncaged || isBuiltCageAtPos(unit->pos))) || (isChained(unit)) || (find_caged && !isContainedInItem(unit)) || (find_own && !isOwnCiv(unit)) || (find_foreign && isOwnCiv(unit)) || (find_tame && !isTame(unit)) || (find_untrained && isTrained(unit)) || (find_war && !isWar(unit)) || (find_agemin && getUnitAge(unit)target_agemax) || (find_grazer && !isGrazer(unit)) || (find_egglayer && !isEggLayer(unit)) || (find_milkable && !isMilkable(unit)) || (find_male && !isMale(unit)) || (find_female && !isFemale(unit)) ) continue; if(unit_info) { if(unit->pos.x <0 || unit->pos.y<0 || unit->pos.z<0) out << "invalid unit pos" << endl; unitInfo(out, unit, verbose); } else { command_result result = assignUnitToBuilding(out, unit, building, verbose); if(result != CR_OK) return result; } count++; if(find_count && count >= target_count) break; } out << "Processed creatures: " << count << endl; } else { // must have unit selected df::unit *unit = getSelectedUnit(out); if (!unit) { out << "No unit selected." << endl; return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } if(unit_info) { unitInfo(out, unit, verbose); return CR_OK; } return assignUnitToBuilding(out, unit, building, verbose); } } // de-assign from pen or pit // using the zone tool to free creatures from cages or chains // is pointless imo since that is already quite easy using the ingame UI. // but it's easy to implement so I might as well add it later if(zone_unassign) { // must have unit selected df::unit *unit = getSelectedUnit(out); if (!unit) { out << "No unit selected." << endl; return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } // remove assignment reference from unit and old zone if(unassignUnitFromZone(unit)) out << "Unit unassigned." << endl; else out << "Unit is not assigned to an activity zone!" << endl; return CR_OK; } return CR_OK; }