-- Assign weapon racks to squads. Requires the weaponrack-unassign patch. --[[=begin gui/assign-rack =============== `This script requires a binpatch <binpatches/needs-patch>`, which has not been available since DF 0.34.11 See :bug:`1445` for more info about the patches. =end]] local utils = require 'utils' local gui = require 'gui' local guidm = require 'gui.dwarfmode' local widgets = require 'gui.widgets' local dlg = require 'gui.dialogs' local bp = require 'binpatch' AssignRack = defclass(AssignRack, guidm.MenuOverlay) AssignRack.focus_path = 'assign-rack' AssignRack.ATTRS { building = DEFAULT_NIL, frame_inset = 1, frame_background = COLOR_BLACK, } function list_squads(building,squad_table,squad_list) local sqlist = building:getSquads() if not sqlist then return end for i,v in ipairs(sqlist) do local obj = df.squad.find(v.squad_id) if obj then if not squad_table[v.squad_id] then squad_table[v.squad_id] = { id = v.squad_id, obj = obj } table.insert(squad_list, squad_table[v.squad_id]) end -- Set specific use flags for n,ok in pairs(v.mode) do if ok then squad_table[v.squad_id][n] = true end end -- Check if any use is possible local btype = building:getType() if btype == df.building_type.Bed then if v.mode.sleep then squad_table[v.squad_id].any = true end elseif btype == df.building.Weaponrack then if v.mode.train or v.mode.indiv_eq then squad_table[v.squad_id].any = true end else if v.mode.indiv_eq then squad_table[v.squad_id].any = true end end end end for i,v in ipairs(building.parents) do list_squads(v, squad_table, squad_list) end end function filter_invalid(list, id) for i=#list-1,0,-1 do local bld = df.building.find(list[i]) if not bld or bld:getSpecificSquad() ~= id then list:erase(i) end end end function AssignRack:init(args) self.squad_table = {} self.squad_list = {} list_squads(self.building, self.squad_table, self.squad_list) table.sort(self.squad_list, function(a,b) return a.id < b.id end) self.choices = {} for i,v in ipairs(self.squad_list) do if v.any and (v.train or v.indiv_eq) then local name = v.obj.alias if name == '' then name = dfhack.TranslateName(v.obj.name, true) end filter_invalid(v.obj.rack_combat, v.id) filter_invalid(v.obj.rack_training, v.id) table.insert(self.choices, { icon = self:callback('isSelected', v), icon_pen = COLOR_LIGHTGREEN, obj = v, text = { name, NEWLINE, ' ', { text = function() return string.format('%d combat, %d training', #v.obj.rack_combat, #v.obj.rack_training) end } } }) end end self:addviews{ widgets.Label{ frame = { l = 0, t = 0 }, text = { 'Assign Weapon Rack' } }, widgets.List{ view_id = 'list', frame = { t = 2, b = 2 }, icon_width = 2, row_height = 2, scroll_keys = widgets.SECONDSCROLL, choices = self.choices, on_submit = self:callback('onSubmit'), }, widgets.Label{ frame = { l = 0, t = 2 }, text_pen = COLOR_LIGHTRED, text = 'No appropriate barracks\n\nNote: weapon racks use the\nIndividual equipment flag', visible = (#self.choices == 0), }, widgets.Label{ frame = { l = 0, b = 0 }, text = { { key = 'LEAVESCREEN', text = ': Back', on_activate = self:callback('dismiss') } } }, } end function AssignRack:isSelected(info) if self.building.specific_squad == info.id then return '\xfb' else return nil end end function AssignRack:onSubmit(idx, choice) local rid = self.building.id local curid = self.building.specific_squad local cur = df.squad.find(curid) if cur then utils.erase_sorted(cur.rack_combat, rid) utils.erase_sorted(cur.rack_training, rid) end self.building.specific_squad = -1 df.global.ui.equipment.update.buildings = true local new = df.squad.find(choice.obj.id) if new and choice.obj.id ~= curid then self.building.specific_squad = choice.obj.id if choice.obj.indiv_eq then utils.insert_sorted(new.rack_combat, rid) end if choice.obj.train then utils.insert_sorted(new.rack_training, rid) end end end function AssignRack:onInput(keys) if self:propagateMoveKeys(keys) then if df.global.world.selected_building ~= self.building then self:dismiss() end else AssignRack.super.onInput(self, keys) end end if dfhack.gui.getCurFocus() ~= 'dwarfmode/QueryBuilding/Some/Weaponrack' then qerror("This script requires a weapon rack selected in the 'q' mode") end AssignRack{ building = dfhack.gui.getSelectedBuilding() }:show() if not already_patched then local patch = bp.load_dif_file('weaponrack-unassign') if patch and patch:isApplied() then already_patched = true end end if not already_patched then dlg.showMessage( 'BUG ALERT', { 'This script requires applying the binary patch', NEWLINE, 'named weaponrack-unassign. Otherwise the game', NEWLINE, 'will lose your settings due to a bug.' }, COLOR_YELLOW ) end