#include #include // for memset #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #include #include #include #include using namespace DFHack; #include #include #include string error; static void finish(int sig); int gotoxy(int x, int y) { wmove(stdscr, y , x ); return 0; } int putch(int x, int y, int znak, int color) { attron(COLOR_PAIR(color)); mvwaddch(stdscr, y, x, znak); attroff(COLOR_PAIR(color)); } /* enum TileClass { EMPTY, WALL, PILLAR, FORTIFICATION, STAIR_UP, STAIR_DOWN, STAIR_UPDOWN, RAMP, FLOOR, TREE_DEAD, TREE_OK, SAPLING_DEAD, SAPLING_OK, SHRUB_DEAD, SHRUB_OK, BOULDER, PEBBLES };*/ int puttile(int x, int y, int tiletype, int color) { unsigned int znak; switch(tileTypeTable[tiletype].c) { case EMPTY: znak = ' '; break; case WALL: case FORTIFICATION: znak = '#'; break; case PILLAR: znak = 'O'; break; case STAIR_DOWN: znak = '>'; break; case STAIR_UP: znak = '<'; break; case STAIR_UPDOWN: znak = '='; break; case RAMP: znak = '^'; break; case FLOOR: znak = '.'; break; case TREE_DEAD: case TREE_OK: znak= 'Y'; break; case SAPLING_DEAD: case SAPLING_OK: znak= 'i'; break; case SHRUB_DEAD: case SHRUB_OK: znak= 'o'; break; case BOULDER: case PEBBLES: znak= '*'; break; } attron(COLOR_PAIR(color)); mvwaddch(stdscr, y, x, znak); attroff(COLOR_PAIR(color)); } int cprintf(char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); int i = vwprintw(stdscr,fmt, ap); va_end(ap); return i; } void clrscr() { wbkgd(stdscr, COLOR_PAIR(COLOR_BLACK)); wclear(stdscr); } /* enum TileMaterial { AIR, SOIL, STONE, FEATSTONE, // whatever it is OBSIDIAN, VEIN, ICE, GRASS, GRASS2, GRASS_DEAD, GRASS_DRY, #include #include DRIFTWOOD, HFS, MAGMA, CAMPFIRE, FIRE, ASHES, CONSTRUCTED }; */ int pickColor(int tiletype) { switch(tileTypeTable[tiletype].m) { case AIR: return COLOR_BLACK; case STONE: case FEATSTONE: case OBSIDIAN: case CONSTRUCTED: case ASHES: default: return COLOR_WHITE; case SOIL: case GRASS_DEAD: case GRASS_DRY: case DRIFTWOOD: return COLOR_YELLOW; case ICE: return COLOR_CYAN; case VEIN: return COLOR_MAGENTA; case GRASS: case GRASS2: return COLOR_GREEN; case HFS: case MAGMA: case CAMPFIRE: case FIRE: return COLOR_RED; } } string getGCCClassName (Process * p, uint32_t vptr) { int typeinfo = p->readDWord(vptr - 4); int typestring = p->readDWord(typeinfo + 4); return p->readCString(typestring); } main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* initialize your non-curses data structures here */ signal(SIGINT, finish); /* arrange interrupts to terminate */ initscr(); /* initialize the curses library */ keypad(stdscr, TRUE); /* enable keyboard mapping */ nonl(); /* tell curses not to do NL->CR/NL on output */ cbreak(); /* take input chars one at a time, no wait for \n */ noecho(); /* don't echo input */ //nodelay(stdscr, true); int wxMax = getmaxx(stdscr); int wyMax = getmaxy(stdscr); keypad(stdscr, TRUE); scrollok(stdscr, TRUE); if (has_colors()) { start_color(); /* * Simple color assignment, often all we need. */ init_pair(COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(COLOR_RED, COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_BLACK); init_color(COLOR_CYAN, 700, 700, 700); // lt grey init_color(COLOR_MAGENTA, 500, 500, 500); // dk grey init_pair(COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(COLOR_MAGENTA, COLOR_MAGENTA, COLOR_BLACK); } int x_max,y_max,z_max; uint32_t x_max_a,y_max_a,z_max_a; uint16_t tiletypes[16][16]; DFHack::t_designation designations[16][16]; uint8_t regionoffsets[16]; map materials; materials.clear(); vector stonetypes; vector< vector > layerassign; vector veinVector; // init the API DFHack::API DF("Memory.xml"); // attach if(!DF.Attach()) { error = "Can't find DF."; finish(0); } Process* p = DF.getProcess(); // init the map DF.InitMap(); DF.getSize(x_max_a,y_max_a,z_max_a); x_max = x_max_a; y_max = y_max_a; z_max = z_max_a; // get stone matgloss mapping if(!DF.ReadStoneMatgloss(stonetypes)) { error = "Can't read stone types."; finish(0); } // get region geology if(!DF.ReadGeology( layerassign )) { error = "Can't read local geology."; finish(0); } int cursorX = x_max/2 - 1; int cursorY = y_max/2 - 1; int cursorZ = z_max/2 - 1; // FIXME: could fail on small forts int vein = 0; // walk the map! for (;;) { int c = getch(); /* refresh, accept single keystroke of input */ clrscr(); /* process the command keystroke */ switch(c) { case KEY_DOWN: cursorY ++; break; case KEY_UP: cursorY --; break; case KEY_LEFT: cursorX --; break; case KEY_RIGHT: cursorX ++; break; case KEY_NPAGE: cursorZ --; break; case KEY_PPAGE: cursorZ ++; break; case '+': vein ++; break; case '-': vein --; break; default: break; } cursorX = max(cursorX, 0); cursorY = max(cursorY, 0); cursorZ = max(cursorZ, 0); cursorX = min(cursorX, x_max - 3); cursorY = min(cursorY, y_max - 3); cursorZ = min(cursorZ, z_max - 3); DF.Suspend(); for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) if(DF.isValidBlock(cursorX+i,cursorY+j,cursorZ)) { // read data DF.ReadTileTypes(cursorX+i,cursorY+j,cursorZ, (uint16_t *) tiletypes); DF.ReadDesignations(cursorX+i,cursorY+j,cursorZ, (uint32_t *) designations); for(int x = 0; x < 16; x++) { for(int y = 0; y < 16; y++) { int color = COLOR_BLACK; color = pickColor(tiletypes[x][y]); if(designations[x][y].bits.hidden) { puttile(x+i*16,y+j*16,tiletypes[x][y], color); } else { attron(A_STANDOUT); puttile(x+i*16,y+j*16,tiletypes[x][y], color); attroff(A_STANDOUT); } } } if(i == 1 && j == 1) { veinVector.clear(); DF.ReadVeins(cursorX+i,cursorY+j,cursorZ,veinVector); } } gotoxy(0,48); cprintf("arrow keys, PGUP, PGDN = navigate"); gotoxy(0,49); cprintf("+,- = switch vein"); gotoxy(0,50); if(vein == veinVector.size()) vein = veinVector.size() - 1; if(vein < -1) vein = -1; cprintf("X %d/%d, Y %d/%d, Z %d/%d. Vein %d of %d",cursorX + 1,x_max,cursorY + 1,y_max,cursorZ + 1,z_max,vein+1,veinVector.size()); if(!veinVector.empty()) { if(vein != -1 && vein < veinVector.size()) { string str = getGCCClassName(p, veinVector[vein].vtable); if(str == "34block_square_event_frozen_liquidst") { t_frozenliquidvein frozen; uint32_t size = sizeof(t_frozenliquidvein); p->read(veinVector[vein].address_of,size,(uint8_t *)&frozen); for(uint32_t i = 0;i<16;i++) { for (uint32_t j = 0; j< 16;j++) { int color = COLOR_BLACK; int tile = frozen.tiles[i][j]; color = pickColor(tile); attron(A_STANDOUT); puttile(i+16,j+16,tile, color); attroff(A_STANDOUT); } } } else if (str == "28block_square_event_mineralst") { //iterate through vein rows for(uint32_t j = 0;j<16;j++) { //iterate through the bits for (uint32_t k = 0; k< 16;k++) { // and the bit array with a one-bit mask, check if the bit is set bool set = !!(((1 << k) & veinVector[vein].assignment[j]) >> k); if(set) { putch(k+16,j+16,'$',COLOR_RED); } } } } gotoxy(0,51); cprintf("%s, address 0x%x",str.c_str(),veinVector[vein].address_of); } } DF.Resume(); wrefresh(stdscr); } finish(0); } static void finish(int sig) { endwin(); if(!error.empty()) { cerr << error << endl; } exit(0); }