local _ENV = mkmodule('argparse') local getopt = require('3rdparty.alt_getopt') local guidm = require('gui.dwarfmode') function processArgs(args, validArgs) --[[ standardized argument processing for scripts -argName value -argName [list of values] -argName [list of [nested values] -that can be [whatever] format of matched square brackets] -arg1 \-arg3 escape sequences --]] local result = {} local argName local bracketDepth = 0 for i,arg in ipairs(args) do if argName then if arg == '[' then if bracketDepth > 0 then table.insert(result[argName], arg) end bracketDepth = bracketDepth+1 elseif arg == ']' then bracketDepth = bracketDepth-1 if bracketDepth > 0 then table.insert(result[argName], arg) else argName = nil end elseif string.sub(arg,1,1) == '\\' then if bracketDepth == 0 then result[argName] = string.sub(arg,2) argName = nil else table.insert(result[argName], string.sub(arg,2)) end else if bracketDepth == 0 then result[argName] = arg argName = nil else table.insert(result[argName], arg) end end elseif string.sub(arg,1,1) == '-' then argName = string.sub(arg,2) if validArgs and not validArgs[argName] then error('error: invalid arg: ' .. i .. ': ' .. argName) end if result[argName] then error('duplicate arg: ' .. i .. ': ' .. argName) end if i+1 > #args or string.sub(args[i+1],1,1) == '-' then result[argName] = '' argName = nil else result[argName] = {} end else error('error parsing arg ' .. i .. ': ' .. arg) end end return result end -- processes commandline options according to optionActions and returns all -- argument strings that are not options. Options and non-option strings can -- appear in any order, and single-letter options that do not take arguments -- can be combined into a single option string (e.g. '-abc' is the same as -- '-a -b -c' if options 'a' and 'b' do not take arguments. -- -- Numbers cannot be options and negative numbers (e.g. -10) will be interpreted -- as positional parameters and returned in the nonoptions list. -- -- optionActions is a vector with elements in the following format: -- {shortOptionName, longOptionAlias, hasArg=boolean, handler=fn} -- shortOptionName and handler are required. If the option takes an argument, -- it will be passed to the handler function. -- longOptionAlias is optional. -- hasArgument defaults to false. -- -- example usage: -- -- local filename = nil -- local open_readonly = false -- local nonoptions = processArgsGetopt(args, { -- {'r', handler=function() open_readonly = true end}, -- {'f', 'filename', hasArg=true, -- handler=function(optarg) filename = optarg end} -- }) -- -- when args is {'first', '-f', 'fname', 'second'} or, equivalently, -- {'first', '--filename', 'fname', 'second'} (note the double dash in front of -- the long option alias), then filename will be fname and nonoptions will -- contain {'first', 'second'}. function processArgsGetopt(args, optionActions) local sh_opts, long_opts = '', {} local handlers = {} for _,optionAction in ipairs(optionActions) do local sh_opt,long_opt = optionAction[1], optionAction[2] if not sh_opt or type(sh_opt) ~= 'string' or #sh_opt ~= 1 then error('optionAction missing option letter at index 1') end if not optionAction.handler then error(string.format('handler missing for option "%s"', sh_opt)) end sh_opts = sh_opts .. sh_opt if optionAction.hasArg then sh_opts = sh_opts .. ':' end handlers[sh_opt] = optionAction.handler if long_opt then long_opts[long_opt] = sh_opt handlers[long_opt] = optionAction.handler end end local opts, optargs, nonoptions = getopt.get_ordered_opts(args, sh_opts, long_opts) for i,v in ipairs(opts) do handlers[v](optargs[i]) end return nonoptions end local function arg_error(arg_name, fmt, ...) local prefix = '' if arg_name and #arg_name > 0 then prefix = arg_name .. ': ' end qerror(('%s'..fmt):format(prefix, ...)) end -- Parses a comma-separated sequence of strings and returns a lua list. Spaces -- are trimmed from the strings. If is specified, it is used to make -- error messages more useful. If is specified and greater than 0, -- exactly that number of elements must be found or the function will error. -- Example: -- stringSequence('hello , world,list', 'words') => {'hello', 'world', 'list'} function stringList(arg, arg_name, list_length) if not list_length then list_length = 0 end local list = arg:split(',') if list_length > 0 and #list ~= list_length then arg_error(arg_name, 'expected %d elements; found %d', list_length, #list) end for i,element in ipairs(list) do list[i] = element:trim() end return list end -- Parses a comma-separated sequence of numeric strings and returns a list of -- the discovered numbers (as numbers, not strings). If is specified, -- it is used to make error messages more useful. If is specified -- and greater than 0, exactly that number of elements must be found or the -- function will error. Example: -- numericSequence('10, -20 , 30.5') => {10, -20, 30.5} function numberList(arg, arg_name, list_length) local strings = stringList(arg, arg_name, list_length) for i,str in ipairs(strings) do local num = tonumber(str) if not num then arg_error(arg_name, 'invalid number: "%s"', str) end strings[i] = num end return strings end -- throws if val is not a nonnegative integer; otherwise returns val local function check_nonnegative_int(val, arg_name) if not val or val < 0 or val ~= math.floor(val) then arg_error(arg_name, 'expected non-negative integer; got "%s"', tostring(val)) end return val end -- Parses a comma-separated coordinate string and returns a coordinate table of -- {x=x, y=y, z=z}. If the string 'here' is passed, returns the coordinates of -- the active game cursor, or throws an error if the cursor is not active. function coords(arg, arg_name) if arg == 'here' then local cursor = guidm.getCursorPos() if not cursor then arg_error(arg_name, '"here" was specified for coordinates, but the game' .. ' cursor is not active!') end return cursor end local numbers = numberList(arg, arg_name, 3) return xyz2pos(check_nonnegative_int(numbers[1]), check_nonnegative_int(numbers[2]), check_nonnegative_int(numbers[3])) end return _ENV