PROJECT (changelayer) # A list of source files SET(PROJECT_SRCS changelayer.cpp ) # A list of headers SET(PROJECT_HDRS ) SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES( ${PROJECT_HDRS} PROPERTIES HEADER_FILE_ONLY TRUE) # mash them together (headers are marked as headers and nothing will try to compile them) LIST(APPEND PROJECT_SRCS ${PROJECT_HDRS}) # option to use a thread for no particular reason OPTION(CHANGELAYER_THREAD "Use threads in the changelayer plugin." ON) #linux IF(UNIX) add_definitions(-DLINUX_BUILD) SET(PROJECT_LIBS # add any extra linux libs here ${PROJECT_LIBS} ) # windows ELSE(UNIX) SET(PROJECT_LIBS # add any extra linux libs here ${PROJECT_LIBS} $(NOINHERIT) ) ENDIF(UNIX) # this makes sure all the stuff is put in proper places and linked to dfhack DFHACK_PLUGIN(changelayer ${PROJECT_SRCS} LINK_LIBRARIES ${PROJECT_LIBS})