-- triggers random scripts --[[=begin modtools/random-trigger ======================= This triggers random dfhack commands with specified probabilities. Register a few scripts, then tell it to "go" and it will pick one based on the probability weights you specified. Outcomes are mutually exclusive. To make independent random events, call the script multiple times. =end]] local utils = require 'utils' local eventful = require 'plugins.eventful' outcomeLists = outcomeLists or {} randomGen = randomGen or dfhack.random.new() eventful.enableEvent(eventful.eventType.UNLOAD, 1) eventful.onUnload.randomTrigger = function() outcomeLists = {} end validArgs = validArgs or utils.invert({ 'help', 'command', 'outcomeListName', 'weight', 'seed', 'trigger', 'preserveList', 'withProbability', 'listOutcomes', 'clear', }) local function triggerEvent(outcomeListName) local outcomeList = outcomeLists[outcomeListName] local r = randomGen:random(outcomeList.total) local sum = 0 --print ('r = ' .. r) for i,outcome in ipairs(outcomeList.outcomes) do sum = sum + outcome.weight if sum > r then local temp = outcome.command --print('triggering outcome ' .. i .. ': "' .. table.concat(temp, ' ') .. '"') --dfhack.run_command(table.unpack(temp)) dfhack.run_script(table.unpack(temp)) break else --print ('sum = ' .. sum .. ' <= r = ' .. r) end end --print('Done.') --dfhack.print('\n') end local args = utils.processArgs({...}, validArgs) if args.help then print([[scripts/modtools/random-trigger.lua Allows mutually-exclusive random events. Register a list of scripts along with positive integer relative weights, then tell the script to select one of them with the specified probabilities and run it. The weights must be positive integers, but they do NOT have to sum to 100 or any other particular number. The outcomes are mutually exclusive: only one will be triggered. If you want multiple independent random events, call the script multiple times. 99% of the time, you won't need to worry about this, but just in case, you can specify a name of a list of outcomes to prevent interference from other scripts that call this one. That also permits situations where you don't know until runtime what outcomes you want. For example, you could make a reaction-trigger that registers the worker as a mayor candidate, then run this script to choose a random mayor from the list of units that did the mayor reaction. arguments: -help print this help message -outcomeListName name specify the name of this list of outcomes to prevent interference if two scripts are registering outcomes at the same time if none is specified, the default outcome list is selected automatically -command [ commandStrs ] specify the command to be run if this outcome is selected must be specified unless the -trigger argument is given -weight n the relative probability weight of this outcome n must be a non-negative integer if not specified, n=1 is used by default -trigger selects a random script based on the specified outcomeList (or the default one if none is specified) -preserveList when combined with trigger, preserves the list of outcomes so you don't have to register them again it is extremely highly recommended that you always specify the outcome list name when you give this command to prevent almost certain interference if you want to trigger one of 5 outcomes three times, you might want this option even without -outcomeListName most of the time, you won't want this will NOT be preserved after the user saves/loads (ask expwnent if you want this: it's not that hard but if nobody wants it I won't bother) performance will be slightly faster if you preserve the outcome lists when possible and trigger them multiple times instead of reregistering each time, but the effect should be small -withProbability p p is a real number between 0 and 1 inclusive triggers the command immediately with this probability -seed s sets the random seed (guarantees the same sequence of random numbers will be produced internally) use for debugging purposes -listOutcomes lists the currently registered list of outcomes of the outcomeList along with their probability weights use for debugging purposes -clear unregister everything ]]) return end if args.clear then outcomeLists = {} end if args.weight and not tonumber(args.weight) then error ('Invalid weight: ' .. args.weight) end args.weight = (args.weight and tonumber(args.weight)) or 1 if args.weight ~= math.floor(args.weight) then error 'Noninteger weight.' end if args.weight < 0 then error 'invalid weight: must be non-negative' end if args.seed then randomGen:init(tonumber(args.seed), 37) --37 is probably excessive and definitely arbitrary end args.outcomeListName = args.outcomeListName or '' args.outcomeListName = 'outcomeList ' .. args.outcomeListName if args.withProbability then args.withProbability = tonumber(args.withProbability) if not args.withProbability or args.withProbability < 0 or args.withProbability > 1 then error('Invalid withProbability: ' .. (args.withProbability or 'nil')) end if randomGen:drandom() < args.withProbability then dfhack.run_command(table.unpack(args.command)) end end if args.trigger then triggerEvent(args.outcomeListName) if not args.preserveList then outcomeLists[args.outcomeListName] = nil end return end if args.listOutcomes then local outcomeList = outcomeLists[args.outcomeListName] if not outcomeList then print ('No outcomes registered.') return end print ('Total weight: ' .. outcomeList.total) for _,outcome in ipairs(outcomeList.outcomes) do print(' outcome weight ' .. outcome.weight .. ': ' .. table.concat(outcome.command, ' ')) end print('\n') return end if not args.command then return end --actually register local outcomeList = outcomeLists[args.outcomeListName] if not outcomeList then outcomeLists[args.outcomeListName] = {} outcomeList = outcomeLists[args.outcomeListName] end outcomeList.total = args.weight + (outcomeList.total or 0) local outcome = {} outcome.weight = args.weight outcome.command = args.command outcomeList.outcomes = outcomeList.outcomes or {} table.insert(outcomeList.outcomes, outcome)