-- Front-end for the siege engine plugin. local utils = require 'utils' local gui = require 'gui' local guidm = require 'gui.dwarfmode' local dlg = require 'gui.dialogs' local plugin = require 'plugins.siege-engine' local wmap = df.global.world.map local LEGENDARY = df.skill_rating.Legendary -- Globals kept between script calls last_target_min = last_target_min or nil last_target_max = last_target_max or nil local item_choices = { { caption = 'boulders (default)', item_type = df.item_type.BOULDER }, { caption = 'blocks', item_type = df.item_type.BLOCKS }, { caption = 'weapons', item_type = df.item_type.WEAPON }, { caption = 'trap components', item_type = df.item_type.TRAPCOMP }, { caption = 'bins', item_type = df.item_type.BIN }, { caption = 'barrels', item_type = df.item_type.BARREL }, { caption = 'cages', item_type = df.item_type.CAGE }, { caption = 'anything', item_type = -1 }, } local item_choice_idx = {} for i,v in ipairs(item_choices) do item_choice_idx[v.item_type] = i end SiegeEngine = defclass(SiegeEngine, guidm.MenuOverlay) SiegeEngine.focus_path = 'siege-engine' SiegeEngine.ATTRS{ building = DEFAULT_NIL } function SiegeEngine:init() self:assign{ center = utils.getBuildingCenter(self.building), selected_pile = 1, mode_main = { render = self:callback 'onRenderBody_main', input = self:callback 'onInput_main', }, mode_aim = { render = self:callback 'onRenderBody_aim', input = self:callback 'onInput_aim', }, mode_pile = { render = self:callback 'onRenderBody_pile', input = self:callback 'onInput_pile', } } end function SiegeEngine:onShow() SiegeEngine.super.onShow(self) self.old_cursor = guidm.getCursorPos() self.old_viewport = self:getViewport() self.mode = self.mode_main self:showCursor(false) end function SiegeEngine:onDestroy() if self.save_profile then plugin.saveWorkshopProfile(self.building) end if not self.no_select_building then self:selectBuilding(self.building, self.old_cursor, self.old_viewport, 10) end end function SiegeEngine:onGetSelectedBuilding() return df.global.world.selected_building end function SiegeEngine:showCursor(enable) local cursor = guidm.getCursorPos() if cursor and not enable then self.cursor = cursor self.target_select_first = nil guidm.clearCursorPos() elseif not cursor and enable then local view = self:getViewport() cursor = self.cursor if not cursor or not view:isVisible(cursor) then cursor = view:getCenter() end self.cursor = nil guidm.setCursorPos(cursor) end end function SiegeEngine:centerViewOn(pos) local cursor = guidm.getCursorPos() if cursor then guidm.setCursorPos(pos) else self.cursor = pos end self:getViewport():centerOn(pos):set() end function SiegeEngine:zoomToTarget() local target_min, target_max = plugin.getTargetArea(self.building) if target_min then local cx = math.floor((target_min.x + target_max.x)/2) local cy = math.floor((target_min.y + target_max.y)/2) local cz = math.floor((target_min.z + target_max.z)/2) local pos = plugin.adjustToTarget(self.building, xyz2pos(cx,cy,cz)) self:centerViewOn(pos) end end function paint_target_grid(dc, view, origin, p1, p2) local r1, sz, r2 = guidm.getSelectionRange(p1, p2) if view.z < r1.z or view.z > r2.z then return end local p1 = view:tileToScreen(r1) local p2 = view:tileToScreen(r2) local org = view:tileToScreen(origin) dc:pen{ fg = COLOR_CYAN, bg = COLOR_CYAN, ch = '+', bold = true } -- Frame dc:fill(p1.x,p1.y,p1.x,p2.y) dc:fill(p1.x,p1.y,p2.x,p1.y) dc:fill(p2.x,p1.y,p2.x,p2.y) dc:fill(p1.x,p2.y,p2.x,p2.y) -- Grid local gxmin = org.x+10*math.ceil((p1.x-org.x)/10) local gxmax = org.x+10*math.floor((p2.x-org.x)/10) local gymin = org.y+10*math.ceil((p1.y-org.y)/10) local gymax = org.y+10*math.floor((p2.y-org.y)/10) for x = gxmin,gxmax,10 do for y = gymin,gymax,10 do dc:fill(p1.x,y,p2.x,y) dc:fill(x,p1.y,x,p2.y) end end end function SiegeEngine:renderTargetView(target_min, target_max) local view = self:getViewport() local map = self.df_layout.map local map_dc = gui.Painter.new(map) plugin.paintAimScreen( self.building, view:getPos(), xy2pos(map.x1, map.y1), view:getSize() ) if target_min and math.floor(dfhack.getTickCount()/500) % 2 == 0 then paint_target_grid(map_dc, view, self.center, target_min, target_max) end local cursor = guidm.getCursorPos() if cursor then local cx, cy, cz = pos2xyz(view:tileToScreen(cursor)) if cz == 0 then map_dc:seek(cx,cy):char('X', COLOR_YELLOW) end end end function SiegeEngine:scrollPiles(delta) local links = plugin.getStockpileLinks(self.building) if links then self.selected_pile = 1+(self.selected_pile+delta-1) % #links return links[self.selected_pile] end end function SiegeEngine:renderStockpiles(dc, links, nlines) local idx = (self.selected_pile-1) % #links local page = math.floor(idx/nlines) for i = page*nlines,math.min(#links,(page+1)*nlines)-1 do local color = COLOR_BROWN if i == idx then color = COLOR_YELLOW end dc:newline(2):string(utils.getBuildingName(links[i+1]), color) end end function SiegeEngine:onRenderBody_main(dc) dc:newline(1):pen(COLOR_WHITE):string("Target: ") local target_min, target_max = plugin.getTargetArea(self.building) if target_min then dc:string( (target_max.x-target_min.x+1).."x".. (target_max.y-target_min.y+1).."x".. (target_max.z-target_min.z+1).." Rect" ) else dc:string("None (default)") end dc:newline(3):string("r",COLOR_LIGHTGREEN):string(": Rectangle") if last_target_min then dc:string(", "):string("p",COLOR_LIGHTGREEN):string(": Paste") end dc:newline(3) if target_min then dc:string("x",COLOR_LIGHTGREEN):string(": Clear, ") dc:string("z",COLOR_LIGHTGREEN):string(": Zoom") end dc:newline():newline(1) if self.building.type == df.siegeengine_type.Ballista then dc:string("Uses ballista arrows") else local item = plugin.getAmmoItem(self.building) dc:string("u",COLOR_LIGHTGREEN):string(": Use ") if item_choice_idx[item] then dc:string(item_choices[item_choice_idx[item]].caption) else dc:string(df.item_type[item]) end end dc:newline():newline(1) dc:string("t",COLOR_LIGHTGREEN):string(": Take from stockpile"):newline(3) local links = plugin.getStockpileLinks(self.building) local bottom = dc.height - 5 if links then dc:string("d",COLOR_LIGHTGREEN):string(": Delete, ") dc:string("o",COLOR_LIGHTGREEN):string(": Zoom"):newline() self:renderStockpiles(dc, links, bottom-2-dc:localY()) dc:newline():newline() end local prof = self.building:getWorkshopProfile() or {} dc:seek(1,math.max(dc:localY(),19)):string('ghjk',COLOR_LIGHTGREEN)dc:string(': ') dc:string(df.skill_rating.attrs[prof.min_level or 0].caption):string('-') dc:string(df.skill_rating.attrs[math.min(LEGENDARY,prof.max_level or 3000)].caption) dc:newline():newline() if self.target_select_first then self:renderTargetView(self.target_select_first, guidm.getCursorPos()) else self:renderTargetView(target_min, target_max) end end function SiegeEngine:setTargetArea(p1, p2) self.target_select_first = nil if not plugin.setTargetArea(self.building, p1, p2) then dlg.showMessage( 'Set Target Area', 'Could not set the target area', COLOR_LIGHTRED ) else last_target_min = p1 last_target_max = p2 end end function SiegeEngine:setAmmoItem(choice) if self.building.type == df.siegeengine_type.Ballista then return end if not plugin.setAmmoItem(self.building, choice.item_type) then dlg.showMessage( 'Set Ammo Item', 'Could not set the ammo item', COLOR_LIGHTRED ) end end function SiegeEngine:onInput_main(keys) if keys.CUSTOM_R then self:showCursor(true) self.target_select_first = nil self.mode = self.mode_aim elseif keys.CUSTOM_P and last_target_min then self:setTargetArea(last_target_min, last_target_max) elseif keys.CUSTOM_U then local item = plugin.getAmmoItem(self.building) local idx = 1 + (item_choice_idx[item] or 0) % #item_choices self:setAmmoItem(item_choices[idx]) elseif keys.CUSTOM_Z then self:zoomToTarget() elseif keys.CUSTOM_X then plugin.clearTargetArea(self.building) elseif keys.SECONDSCROLL_UP then self:scrollPiles(-1) elseif keys.SECONDSCROLL_DOWN then self:scrollPiles(1) elseif keys.CUSTOM_D then local pile = self:scrollPiles(0) if pile then plugin.removeStockpileLink(self.building, pile) end elseif keys.CUSTOM_O then local pile = self:scrollPiles(0) if pile then self:centerViewOn(utils.getBuildingCenter(pile)) end elseif keys.CUSTOM_T then self:showCursor(true) self.mode = self.mode_pile self:sendInputToParent('CURSOR_DOWN_Z') self:sendInputToParent('CURSOR_UP_Z') elseif keys.CUSTOM_G then local prof = plugin.saveWorkshopProfile(self.building) prof.min_level = math.max(0, prof.min_level-1) plugin.saveWorkshopProfile(self.building) elseif keys.CUSTOM_H then local prof = plugin.saveWorkshopProfile(self.building) prof.min_level = math.min(LEGENDARY, prof.min_level+1) plugin.saveWorkshopProfile(self.building) elseif keys.CUSTOM_J then local prof = plugin.saveWorkshopProfile(self.building) prof.max_level = math.max(0, math.min(LEGENDARY,prof.max_level)-1) plugin.saveWorkshopProfile(self.building) elseif keys.CUSTOM_K then local prof = plugin.saveWorkshopProfile(self.building) prof.max_level = math.min(LEGENDARY, prof.max_level+1) if prof.max_level >= LEGENDARY then prof.max_level = 3000 end plugin.saveWorkshopProfile(self.building) elseif self:simulateViewScroll(keys) then self.cursor = nil else return false end return true end local status_table = { ok = { pen = COLOR_GREEN, msg = "Target accessible" }, out_of_range = { pen = COLOR_CYAN, msg = "Target out of range" }, blocked = { pen = COLOR_RED, msg = "Target obstructed" }, semi_blocked = { pen = COLOR_BROWN, msg = "Partially obstructed" }, } function SiegeEngine:onRenderBody_aim(dc) local cursor = guidm.getCursorPos() local first = self.target_select_first dc:newline(1):string('Select target rectangle'):newline() local info = status_table[plugin.getTileStatus(self.building, cursor)] if info then dc:newline(2):string(info.msg, info.pen) else dc:newline(2):string('ERROR', COLOR_RED) end dc:newline():newline(1):string("Enter",COLOR_LIGHTGREEN) if first then dc:string(": Finish rectangle") else dc:string(": Start rectangle") end dc:newline() local target_min, target_max = plugin.getTargetArea(self.building) if target_min then dc:newline(1):string("z",COLOR_LIGHTGREEN):string(": Zoom to current target") end if first then self:renderTargetView(first, cursor) else local target_min, target_max = plugin.getTargetArea(self.building) self:renderTargetView(target_min, target_max) end end function SiegeEngine:onInput_aim(keys) if keys.SELECT then local cursor = guidm.getCursorPos() if self.target_select_first then self:setTargetArea(self.target_select_first, cursor) self.mode = self.mode_main self:showCursor(false) else self.target_select_first = cursor end elseif keys.CUSTOM_Z then self:zoomToTarget() elseif keys.LEAVESCREEN then self.mode = self.mode_main self:showCursor(false) elseif self:simulateCursorMovement(keys) then self.cursor = nil else return false end return true end function SiegeEngine:onRenderBody_pile(dc) dc:newline(1):string('Select pile to take from'):newline():newline(2) local sel = df.global.world.selected_building if df.building_stockpilest:is_instance(sel) then dc:string(utils.getBuildingName(sel), COLOR_GREEN):newline():newline(1) if plugin.isLinkedToPile(self.building, sel) then dc:string("Already taking from here"):newline():newline(2) dc:string("d", COLOR_LIGHTGREEN):string(": Delete link") else dc:string("Enter",COLOR_LIGHTGREEN):string(": Take from this pile") end elseif sel then dc:string(utils.getBuildingName(sel), COLOR_DARKGREY) dc:newline():newline(1) dc:string("Not a stockpile",COLOR_LIGHTRED) else dc:string("No building selected", COLOR_DARKGREY) end end function SiegeEngine:onInput_pile(keys) if keys.SELECT then local sel = df.global.world.selected_building if df.building_stockpilest:is_instance(sel) and not plugin.isLinkedToPile(self.building, sel) then plugin.addStockpileLink(self.building, sel) df.global.world.selected_building = self.building self.mode = self.mode_main self:showCursor(false) end elseif keys.CUSTOM_D then local sel = df.global.world.selected_building if df.building_stockpilest:is_instance(sel) then plugin.removeStockpileLink(self.building, sel) end elseif keys.LEAVESCREEN then df.global.world.selected_building = self.building self.mode = self.mode_main self:showCursor(false) elseif self:propagateMoveKeys(keys) then -- else return false end return true end function SiegeEngine:onRenderBody(dc) dc:clear() dc:seek(1,1):pen(COLOR_WHITE):string(utils.getBuildingName(self.building)):newline() self.mode.render(dc) dc:seek(1, math.max(dc:localY(), 21)):pen(COLOR_WHITE) dc:string("ESC", COLOR_LIGHTGREEN):string(": Back, ") dc:string("c", COLOR_LIGHTGREEN):string(": Recenter") end function SiegeEngine:onInput(keys) if self.mode.input(keys) then -- elseif keys.CUSTOM_C then self:centerViewOn(self.center) elseif keys.LEAVESCREEN then self:dismiss() elseif keys.LEAVESCREEN_ALL then self:dismiss() self.no_select_building = true guidm.clearCursorPos() df.global.ui.main.mode = df.ui_sidebar_mode.Default df.global.world.selected_building = nil end end if not string.match(dfhack.gui.getCurFocus(), '^dwarfmode/QueryBuilding/Some/SiegeEngine') then qerror("This script requires a siege engine selected in 'q' mode") end local building = df.global.world.selected_building if not df.building_siegeenginest:is_instance(building) then qerror("A siege engine must be selected") end local list = SiegeEngine{ building = building } list:show()