Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Petr Mrázek (peterix@gmail.com)

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warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
damages arising from the use of this software.

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#include "Internal.h"
#include "TileTypes.h"
#include "Export.h"

#include <map>

using namespace DFHack;

const int NUM_TILETYPES = 1+(int)ENUM_LAST_ITEM(tiletype);
const int NUM_MATERIALS = 1+(int)ENUM_LAST_ITEM(tiletype_material);
const int NUM_CVTABLES = 1+(int)tiletype_material::CONSTRUCTION;

typedef std::map<df::tiletype_variant, df::tiletype> T_VariantMap;
typedef std::map<std::string, T_VariantMap> T_DirectionMap;
typedef std::map<df::tiletype_special, T_DirectionMap> T_SpecialMap;
typedef std::map<df::tiletype_shape, T_SpecialMap> T_ShapeMap;
typedef T_ShapeMap T_MaterialMap[NUM_MATERIALS];

static bool tables_ready = false;
static T_MaterialMap tile_table;
static df::tiletype tile_to_mat[NUM_CVTABLES][NUM_TILETYPES];

static df::tiletype find_match(
    df::tiletype_material mat, df::tiletype_shape shape, df::tiletype_special special,
    std::string dir, df::tiletype_variant variant, bool warn
) {
    using namespace df::enums::tiletype_shape;
    using namespace df::enums::tiletype_special;

    if (mat < 0 || mat >= NUM_MATERIALS)
        return tiletype::Void;

    auto &sh_map = tile_table[mat];

    if (!sh_map.count(shape))
        if (warn)
                stderr, "NOTE: No shape %s in %s.\n",
                enum_item_key(shape).c_str(), enum_item_key(mat).c_str()

        switch (shape)
            case BROOK_BED:
                if (sh_map.count(FORTIFICATION)) { shape = FORTIFICATION; break; }

            case FORTIFICATION:
                if (sh_map.count(WALL)) { shape = WALL; break; }
                return tiletype::Void;

            case BROOK_TOP:
            case BOULDER:
            case PEBBLES:
                if (sh_map.count(FLOOR)) { shape = FLOOR; break; }
                return tiletype::Void;

                return tiletype::Void;

    auto &sp_map = sh_map[shape];

    if (!sp_map.count(special))
        if (warn)
                stderr, "NOTE: No special %s in %s:%s.\n",
                enum_item_key(special).c_str(), enum_item_key(mat).c_str(),

        switch (special)
            case TRACK:
                if (sp_map.count(SMOOTH)) {
                    special = SMOOTH; break;

            case df::enums::tiletype_special::NONE:
            case NORMAL:
            case SMOOTH:
            case WET:
            case FURROWED:
            case RIVER_SOURCE:
            case WATERFALL:
            case WORN_1:
            case WORN_2:
            case WORN_3:
                if (sp_map.count(NORMAL)) {
                    special = NORMAL; break;
                if (sp_map.count(df::enums::tiletype_special::NONE)) {
                    special = df::enums::tiletype_special::NONE; break;
                // For targeting construction
                if (sp_map.count(SMOOTH)) {
                    special = SMOOTH; break;

                return tiletype::Void;

    auto &dir_map = sp_map[special];

    if (!dir_map.count(dir))
        if (warn)
                stderr, "NOTE: No direction '%s' in %s:%s:%s.\n",
                dir.c_str(), enum_item_key(mat).c_str(),
                enum_item_key(shape).c_str(), enum_item_key(special).c_str()

        if (dir_map.count("--------"))
            dir = "--------";
        else if (dir_map.count("NSEW"))
            dir = "NSEW";
        else if (dir_map.count("N-S-W-E-"))
            dir = "N-S-W-E-";
            dir = dir_map.begin()->first;

    auto &var_map = dir_map[dir];

    if (!var_map.count(variant))
        if (warn)
                stderr, "NOTE: No variant '%s' in %s:%s:%s:%s.\n",
                enum_item_key(variant).c_str(), enum_item_key(mat).c_str(),
                enum_item_key(shape).c_str(), enum_item_key(special).c_str(), dir.c_str()

        variant = var_map.begin()->first;

    return var_map[variant];

static void init_tables()
    tables_ready = true;
    memset(tile_to_mat, 0, sizeof(tile_to_mat));

    // Index tile types
    FOR_ENUM_ITEMS(tiletype, tt)
        auto &attrs = df::enum_traits<df::tiletype>::attrs(tt);
        if (attrs.material < 0)

        tile_table[attrs.material][attrs.shape][attrs.special][attrs.direction][attrs.variant] = tt;

        if (isCoreMaterial(attrs.material))
            assert(attrs.material < NUM_CVTABLES);
            tile_to_mat[attrs.material][tt] = tt;

    // Build mapping of everything to STONE and back
    FOR_ENUM_ITEMS(tiletype, tt)
        auto &attrs = df::enum_traits<df::tiletype>::attrs(tt);
        if (!isCoreMaterial(attrs.material))

        if (attrs.material != tiletype_material::STONE)
            df::tiletype ttm = find_match(
                attrs.shape, attrs.special, attrs.direction, attrs.variant,

            tile_to_mat[tiletype_material::STONE][tt] = ttm;

            if (ttm == tiletype::Void)
                fprintf(stderr, "No match for tile %s in STONE.\n",
            FOR_ENUM_ITEMS(tiletype_material, mat)
                if (!isCoreMaterial(mat) || mat == attrs.material)

                df::tiletype ttm = find_match(
                    attrs.shape, attrs.special, attrs.direction, attrs.variant,

                tile_to_mat[mat][tt] = ttm;

                if (ttm == tiletype::Void)
                    fprintf(stderr, "No match for tile %s in %s.\n",
                            enum_item_key(tt).c_str(), enum_item_key(mat).c_str());

    // Transitive closure via STONE
    FOR_ENUM_ITEMS(tiletype_material, mat)
        if (!isCoreMaterial(mat) || mat == tiletype_material::STONE)

        FOR_ENUM_ITEMS(tiletype, tt)
            if (!tt || tile_to_mat[mat][tt])

            auto stone = tile_to_mat[tiletype_material::STONE][tt];
            if (stone)
                tile_to_mat[mat][tt] = tile_to_mat[mat][stone];

df::tiletype DFHack::matchTileMaterial(df::tiletype source, df::tiletype_material tmat)
    if (!isCoreMaterial(tmat) || !source || source >= NUM_TILETYPES)
        return tiletype::Void;

    if (!tables_ready)

    return tile_to_mat[tmat][source];

namespace DFHack

    df::tiletype findSimilarTileType (const df::tiletype sourceTileType, const df::tiletype_shape tshape)
        df::tiletype match = tiletype::Void;
        int value = 0, matchv = 0;

        const df::tiletype_shape cur_shape = tileShape(sourceTileType);
        const df::tiletype_material cur_material = tileMaterial(sourceTileType);
        const df::tiletype_special cur_special = tileSpecial(sourceTileType);
        const df::tiletype_variant cur_variant = tileVariant(sourceTileType);
        const TileDirection cur_direction = tileDirection(sourceTileType);

        //If the current tile is already a shape match, leave.
        if (tshape == cur_shape)
            return sourceTileType;

        #ifdef assert

        // Special case for smooth pillars.
        // When you want a smooth wall, no need to search for best match.  Just use a pillar instead.
        // Choosing the right direction would require knowing neighbors.

        if ((tshape == tiletype_shape::WALL) && ((cur_special == tiletype_special::SMOOTH) || (cur_material == tiletype_material::CONSTRUCTION)))
            switch (cur_material)
            case tiletype_material::CONSTRUCTION:
                return tiletype::ConstructedPillar;
            case tiletype_material::FROZEN_LIQUID:
                return tiletype::FrozenPillar;
            case tiletype_material::MINERAL:
                return tiletype::MineralPillar;
            case tiletype_material::FEATURE:
                return tiletype::FeaturePillar;
            case tiletype_material::LAVA_STONE:
                return tiletype::LavaPillar;
            case tiletype_material::STONE:
                return tiletype::StonePillar;

        // Run through until perfect match found or hit end.
        FOR_ENUM_ITEMS(tiletype, tt)
            if (value == (8|4|1))
            if (tileShape(tt) == tshape)
                // Special flag match is mandatory, but only if it might possibly make a difference
                if (tileSpecial(tt) != tiletype_special::NONE && cur_special != tiletype_special::NONE && tileSpecial(tt) != cur_special)

                // Special case for constructions.
                // Never turn a construction into a non-contruction.
                if ((cur_material == tiletype_material::CONSTRUCTION) && (tileMaterial(tt) != cur_material))

                value = 0;
                //Material is high-value match
                if (cur_material == tileMaterial(tt))
                    value |= 8;

                // Direction is medium value match
                if (cur_direction == tileDirection(tt))
                    value |= 4;

                // Variant is low-value match
                if (cur_variant == tileVariant(tt))
                    value |= 1;

                // Check value against last match.
                if (value > matchv)
                    match = tt;
                    matchv = value;

        // If the selected tile has a variant, then pick a random one
        match = findRandomVariant(match);
        if (match)
            return match;
        return sourceTileType;
    df::tiletype findRandomVariant (const df::tiletype tile)
        if (tileVariant(tile) == tiletype_variant::NONE)
            return tile;
        std::vector<df::tiletype> matches;
        FOR_ENUM_ITEMS(tiletype, tt)
            if (tileShape(tt) == tileShape(tile) &&
                tileMaterial(tt) == tileMaterial(tile) &&
                tileSpecial(tt) == tileSpecial(tile))
        return matches[rand() % matches.size()];