-- Generates an image using perlin noise --[[=begin devel/test-perlin ================= Generates an image using multiple octaves of perlin noise. =end]] local args = {...} local rng = dfhack.random.new(3) if #args < 3 then qerror('Usage: devel/test-perlin <fname.pgm> <density> <expr> [-xy <xyscale>] [-z <zscale>]') end local fname = table.remove(args,1) local goal = tonumber(table.remove(args,1)) or qerror('Invalid density') local expr = table.remove(args,1) or qerror('No expression') local zscale = 2 local xyscale = 1 for i = 1,#args,2 do if args[i] == '-xy' then xyscale = tonumber(args[i+1]) or qerror('Invalid xyscale') end if args[i] == '-z' then zscale = tonumber(args[i+1]) or qerror('Invalid zscale') end end local fn_env = copyall(math) fn_env.rng = rng fn_env.apow = function(x,y) return math.pow(math.abs(x),y) end fn_env.spow = function(x,y) return x*math.pow(math.abs(x),y-1) end -- Noise functions are referenced from expressions -- as variables of form like "x3a", where: -- 1) x is one of x/y/z/w independent functions in each octave -- 2) 3 is the octave number; 0 corresponds to the whole range -- 3) a is the subtype -- Independent noise functions: support 4 local ids = { 'x', 'y', 'z', 'w' } -- Subtype: provides an offset to the coordinates local subs = { [''] = { 0, 0, 0 }, a = { 0.5, 0, 0 }, b = { 0, 0.5, 0 }, c = { 0.5, 0.5, 0 }, d = { 0, 0, 0.5 }, e = { 0.5, 0, 0.5 }, f = { 0, 0.5, 0.5 }, g = { 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 }, } function mkdelta(v) if v == 0 then return '' else return '+'..v end end function mkexpr(expr) -- Collect referenced variables local max_octave = -1 local vars = {} for var,id,octave,subtype in string.gmatch(expr,'%f[%w](([xyzw])(%d+)(%a*))%f[^%w]') do if not vars[var] then octave = tonumber(octave) if octave > max_octave then max_octave = octave end local sub = subs[subtype] or qerror('Invalid subtype: '..subtype) vars[var] = { id = id, octave = octave, subtype = subtype, sub = sub } end end if max_octave < 0 then qerror('No noise function references in expression.') end -- Allocate the noise functions local code = '' for i = 0,max_octave do for j,id in ipairs(ids) do code = code .. 'local _fn_'..i..'_'..id..' = rng:perlin(3)\n'; end end -- Evaluate variables code = code .. 'return function(x,y,z)\n' for var,info in pairs(vars) do local fn = '_fn_'..info.octave..'_'..info.id local mul = math.pow(2,info.octave) mul = math.min(48*4, mul) code = code .. ' local '..var .. ' = _fn_'..info.octave..'_'..info.id .. '(x*'..mul..mkdelta(info.sub[1]) .. ',y*'..mul..mkdelta(info.sub[2]) .. ',z*'..mul..mkdelta(info.sub[3]) .. ')\n' end -- Complete and compile the function code = code .. ' return ('..expr..')\nend\n' local f,err = load(code, '=(expr)', 't', fn_env) if not f then qerror(err) end return f() end local field_fn = mkexpr(expr) function render(thresh,file) local area = 0 local line, arr = '', {} for zy = 0,1 do for y = 0,48*4-1 do line = '' for zx = 0,1 do for x = 0,48*4-1 do local tx = (0.5+x)/(48*4/xyscale) local ty = (0.5+y)/(48*4/xyscale) local tz = 0.3+(zx+zy*2)/(48*4/zscale) local v1 = field_fn(tx, ty, tz) local v = -1 if v1 > thresh then v = v1; area = area + 1 end if file then local c = math.max(0, math.min(255, v * 127 + 128)) arr[2*x+1] = c arr[2*x+2] = c end end if file then line = line..string.char(table.unpack(arr)) end end if file then file:write(line,line) end end end return area/4/(48*4)/(48*4) end function search(fn,min,max,goal,eps) local center for i = 1,32 do center = (max+min)/2 local cval = fn(center) print('At '..center..': '..cval) if math.abs(cval-goal) < eps then break end if cval > goal then min = center else max = center end end return center end local thresh = search(render, -2, 2, goal, math.min(0.001,goal/20)) local file,err = io.open(fname, 'wb') if not file then print('error: ',err) return end file:write('P5\n') file:write('# '..goal..' '..expr..' '..xyscale..' '..zscale..'\n') file:write('768 768\n255\n') local area = render(thresh, file) file:close() print('Area fraction: '..area)