local _ENV = mkmodule('plugins.buildingplan.itemselection') local gui = require('gui') local pens = require('plugins.buildingplan.pens') local utils = require('utils') local widgets = require('gui.widgets') local uibs = df.global.buildreq local to_pen = dfhack.pen.parse local BUILD_TEXT_PEN = to_pen{fg=COLOR_BLACK, bg=COLOR_GREEN, keep_lower=true} local BUILD_TEXT_HPEN = to_pen{fg=COLOR_WHITE, bg=COLOR_GREEN, keep_lower=true} -- map of building type -> {set=set of recently used, list=list of recently used} -- most recent entries are at the *end* of the list local recently_used = {} function get_automaterial_selection(building_type) local tracker = recently_used[building_type] if not tracker or not tracker.list then return end return tracker.list[#tracker.list] end local function sort_by_type(a, b) local ad, bd = a.data, b.data return ad.item_type < bd.item_type or (ad.item_type == bd.item_type and ad.item_subtype < bd.item_subtype) or (ad.item_type == bd.item_type and ad.item_subtype == bd.item_subtype and a.search_key < b.search_key) or (ad.item_type == bd.item_type and ad.item_subtype == bd.item_subtype and a.search_key == b.search_key and ad.quality > bd.quality) end local function sort_by_recency(a, b) local tracker = recently_used[uibs.building_type] if not tracker then return sort_by_type(a, b) end local recent_a, recent_b = tracker.set[a.search_key], tracker.set[b.search_key] -- if they're both in the set, return the one with the greater index, -- indicating more recent if recent_a and recent_b then return recent_a > recent_b end if recent_a and not recent_b then return true end if not recent_a and recent_b then return false end return sort_by_type(a, b) end local function sort_by_name(a, b) return a.search_key < b.search_key or (a.search_key == b.search_key and sort_by_type(a, b)) end local function sort_by_quantity(a, b) local ad, bd = a.data, b.data return ad.quantity > bd.quantity or (ad.quantity == bd.quantity and sort_by_type(a, b)) end ItemSelection = defclass(ItemSelection, widgets.Window) ItemSelection.ATTRS{ frame_title='Choose items', frame={w=56, h=24, l=4, t=7}, resizable=true, index=DEFAULT_NIL, desc=DEFAULT_NIL, quantity=DEFAULT_NIL, autoselect=DEFAULT_NIL, on_submit=DEFAULT_NIL, on_cancel=DEFAULT_NIL, } function ItemSelection:init() self.num_selected = 0 self.selected_set = {} local plural = self.quantity == 1 and '' or 's' local choices = self:get_choices(sort_by_recency) if self.autoselect then self:do_autoselect(choices) if self.num_selected >= self.quantity then self:submit(choices) return end end self:addviews{ widgets.Panel{ view_id='header', frame={t=0, h=3}, subviews={ widgets.Label{ frame={t=0, l=0, r=16}, text={ self.desc, plural, NEWLINE, ('Select up to %d item%s ('):format(self.quantity, plural), {text=function() return self.num_selected end}, ' selected)', }, }, widgets.Label{ frame={r=0, w=15, t=0, h=3}, text_pen=BUILD_TEXT_PEN, text_hpen=BUILD_TEXT_HPEN, text={ ' Use filter ', NEWLINE, ' for remaining ', NEWLINE, ' items ', }, on_click=self:callback('submit'), visible=function() return self.num_selected < self.quantity end, }, widgets.Label{ frame={r=0, w=15, t=0, h=3}, text_pen=BUILD_TEXT_PEN, text_hpen=BUILD_TEXT_HPEN, text={ ' ', NEWLINE, ' Continue ', NEWLINE, ' ', }, on_click=self:callback('submit'), visible=function() return self.num_selected >= self.quantity end, }, }, }, } self:addviews{ widgets.Panel{ view_id='body', frame={t=self.subviews.header.frame.h, b=4}, subviews={ widgets.EditField{ view_id='search', frame={l=1, t=0}, label_text='Search: ', on_char=function(ch) return ch:match('[%l -]') end, }, widgets.CycleHotkeyLabel{ frame={l=1, t=2}, key='CUSTOM_SHIFT_R', label='Sort by:', options={ {label='Recently used', value=sort_by_recency}, {label='Name', value=sort_by_name}, {label='Amount', value=sort_by_quantity}, }, on_change=self:callback('on_sort'), }, widgets.Panel{ frame={l=0, t=3, r=0, b=0}, frame_style=gui.INTERIOR_FRAME, subviews={ widgets.FilteredList{ view_id='flist', frame={t=0, b=0}, case_sensitive=false, choices=choices, icon_width=2, on_submit=self:callback('toggle_group'), }, }, }, }, }, widgets.Panel{ view_id='footer', frame={l=1, r=1, b=0, h=3}, subviews={ widgets.HotkeyLabel{ frame={l=0, h=1, t=0}, key='KEYBOARD_CURSOR_RIGHT_FAST', key_sep='----: ', -- these hypens function as "padding" to be overwritten by the next Label label='Use one', auto_width=true, on_activate=function() self:increment_group(self.subviews.flist.list:getSelected()) end, }, widgets.Label{ frame={l=6, w=5, t=0}, text_pen=COLOR_LIGHTGREEN, text='Right', -- this overrides the "6----" characters from the previous HotkeyLabel }, widgets.HotkeyLabel{ frame={l=1, h=1, t=1}, key='KEYBOARD_CURSOR_LEFT_FAST', key_sep='---: ', -- these hypens function as "padding" to be overwritten by the next Label label='Use one fewer', auto_width=true, on_activate=function() self:decrement_group(self.subviews.flist.list:getSelected()) end, }, widgets.Label{ frame={l=7, w=4, t=1}, text_pen=COLOR_LIGHTGREEN, text='Left', -- this overrides the "4---" characters from the previous HotkeyLabel }, widgets.HotkeyLabel{ frame={l=6, t=2, h=2}, key='SELECT', label='Use all/none', auto_width=true, on_activate=function() self:toggle_group(self.subviews.flist.list:getSelected()) end, }, widgets.HotkeyLabel{ frame={r=5, t=0}, key='LEAVESCREEN', label='Go back', auto_width=true, on_activate=self:callback('on_cancel'), }, widgets.HotkeyLabel{ frame={r=4, t=2}, key='CUSTOM_SHIFT_C', label='Continue', auto_width=true, on_activate=self:callback('submit'), }, }, }, } self.subviews.flist.list.frame.t = 0 self.subviews.flist.edit.visible = false self.subviews.flist.edit = self.subviews.search self.subviews.search.on_change = self.subviews.flist:callback('onFilterChange') end -- resort and restore selection function ItemSelection:on_sort(sort_fn) local flist = self.subviews.flist local saved_filter = flist:getFilter() flist:setFilter('') flist:setChoices(self:get_choices(sort_fn), flist:getSelected()) flist:setFilter(saved_filter) end local function make_search_key(str) local out = '' for c in str:gmatch("[%w%s]") do out = out .. c end return out end function ItemSelection:get_choices(sort_fn) local item_ids = require('plugins.buildingplan').getAvailableItems(uibs.building_type, uibs.building_subtype, uibs.custom_type, self.index-1) local buckets = {} for _,item_id in ipairs(item_ids) do local item = df.item.find(item_id) if not item then goto continue end local desc = dfhack.items.getDescription(item, 0, true) if buckets[desc] then local bucket = buckets[desc] table.insert(bucket.data.item_ids, item_id) bucket.data.quantity = bucket.data.quantity + 1 else local entry = { search_key=make_search_key(desc), icon=self:callback('get_entry_icon', item_id), data={ item_ids={item_id}, item_type=item:getType(), item_subtype=item:getSubtype(), quantity=1, quality=item:getQuality(), selected=0, }, } buckets[desc] = entry end ::continue:: end local choices = {} for desc,choice in pairs(buckets) do local data = choice.data choice.text = { {width=10, text=function() return ('%d/%d'):format(data.selected, data.quantity) end}, {gap=2, text=desc}, } table.insert(choices, choice) end table.sort(choices, sort_fn) return choices end function ItemSelection:do_autoselect(choices) if #choices == 0 then return end local desired = get_automaterial_selection(uibs.building_type) if choices[1].search_key ~= desired then return end self:toggle_group(1, choices[1]) end function ItemSelection:increment_group(idx, choice) local data = choice.data if self.quantity <= self.num_selected then return false end if data.selected >= data.quantity then return false end data.selected = data.selected + 1 self.num_selected = self.num_selected + 1 local item_id = data.item_ids[data.selected] self.selected_set[item_id] = true return true end function ItemSelection:decrement_group(idx, choice) local data = choice.data if data.selected <= 0 then return false end local item_id = data.item_ids[data.selected] self.selected_set[item_id] = nil self.num_selected = self.num_selected - 1 data.selected = data.selected - 1 return true end function ItemSelection:toggle_group(idx, choice) local data = choice.data if data.selected > 0 then while self:decrement_group(idx, choice) do end else while self:increment_group(idx, choice) do end end end function ItemSelection:get_entry_icon(item_id) return self.selected_set[item_id] and pens.SELECTED_ITEM_PEN or nil end local function track_recently_used(choices) -- use same set for all subtypes local tracker = ensure_key(recently_used, uibs.building_type) for _,choice in ipairs(choices) do local data = choice.data if data.selected <= 0 then goto continue end local key = choice.search_key local recent_set = ensure_key(tracker, 'set') local recent_list = ensure_key(tracker, 'list') if recent_set[key] then if recent_list[#recent_list] ~= key then for i,v in ipairs(recent_list) do if v == key then table.remove(recent_list, i) table.insert(recent_list, key) break end end tracker.set = utils.invert(recent_list) end else -- only keep most recent 10 if #recent_list >= 10 then -- remove least recently used from list and set recent_set[table.remove(recent_list, 1)] = nil end table.insert(recent_list, key) recent_set[key] = #recent_list end ::continue:: end end function ItemSelection:submit(choices) local selected_items = {} for item_id in pairs(self.selected_set) do table.insert(selected_items, item_id) end if #selected_items > 0 then track_recently_used(choices or self.subviews.flist:getChoices()) end self.on_submit(selected_items) end function ItemSelection:onInput(keys) if keys.LEAVESCREEN or keys._MOUSE_R then self.on_cancel() return true elseif keys._MOUSE_L then local list = self.subviews.flist.list local idx = list:getIdxUnderMouse() if idx then list:setSelected(idx) local modstate = dfhack.internal.getModstate() if modstate & 2 > 0 then -- ctrl local choice = list:getChoices()[idx] if modstate & 1 > 0 then -- shift self:decrement_group(idx, choice) else self:increment_group(idx, choice) end return true end end end return ItemSelection.super.onInput(self, keys) end ItemSelectionScreen = defclass(ItemSelectionScreen, gui.ZScreen) ItemSelectionScreen.ATTRS { focus_path='dwarfmode/Building/Placement/dfhack/lua/buildingplan/itemselection', force_pause=true, pass_movement_keys=true, pass_pause=false, pass_mouse_clicks=false, defocusable=false, index=DEFAULT_NIL, desc=DEFAULT_NIL, quantity=DEFAULT_NIL, autoselect=DEFAULT_NIL, on_submit=DEFAULT_NIL, on_cancel=DEFAULT_NIL, } function ItemSelectionScreen:init() self:addviews{ ItemSelection{ index=self.index, desc=self.desc, quantity=self.quantity, autoselect=self.autoselect, on_submit=self.on_submit, on_cancel=self.on_cancel, } } end return _ENV