# Default DFHack keybindings

# Please do not edit this file directly. It will be overwritten with new
# defaults when you update DFHack. Instead, add your configuration to
# dfhack-config/init/dfhack.init

# global bindings #

# the GUI command launcher (two bindings since some keyboards don't have `)
keybinding add ` gui/launcher
keybinding add Ctrl-Shift-D gui/launcher
keybinding add Ctrl-Shift-P "gui/launcher --minimal"

# show hotkey popup menu
keybinding add Ctrl-Shift-C hotkeys

# on-screen keyboard
keybinding add Ctrl-Shift-K gui/cp437-table

# an in-game init file editor
keybinding add Alt-S@title|dwarfmode/Default|dungeonmode gui/settings-manager

# dwarfmode bindings #

# quicksave, only in main dwarfmode screen and menu page
keybinding add Ctrl-Alt-S@dwarfmode/Default quicksave

# toggle the display of water level as 1-7 tiles
keybinding add Ctrl-W@dwarfmode|dungeonmode twaterlvl

# designate the whole vein for digging
keybinding add Ctrl-V@dwarfmode digv
keybinding add Ctrl-Shift-V@dwarfmode "digv x"

# clean the selected tile of blood etc
keybinding add Ctrl-C spotclean

# destroy the selected item
keybinding add Ctrl-K@dwarfmode autodump-destroy-item

# destroy items designated for dump in the selected tile
keybinding add Ctrl-Shift-K@dwarfmode autodump-destroy-here

# apply blueprints to the map (Alt-F for compatibility with LNP Quickfort)
keybinding add Ctrl-Shift-Q@dwarfmode gui/quickfort
keybinding add Alt-F@dwarfmode gui/quickfort

# show information collected by dwarfmonitor
keybinding add Alt-M@dwarfmode/Default "dwarfmonitor prefs"
keybinding add Ctrl-F@dwarfmode/Default "dwarfmonitor stats"

# set the zone or cage under the cursor as the default
keybinding add Alt-Shift-I@dwarfmode/Zones "zone set"

# Stocks plugin
keybinding add Ctrl-Shift-Z@dwarfmode/Default "stocks show"

# open an overview window summarising some stocks (dfstatus)
keybinding add Ctrl-Shift-I@dwarfmode/Default|dfhack/lua/dfstatus gui/dfstatus

# change quantity of manager orders
keybinding add Alt-Q@jobmanagement/Main gui/manager-quantity

# re-check manager orders
keybinding add Alt-R@jobmanagement/Main workorder-recheck

# set workorder item details (on workorder details screen press D again)
keybinding add D@workquota_details gui/workorder-details

# view combat reports for the selected unit/corpse/spatter
keybinding add Ctrl-Shift-R@dwarfmode|unit|unitlist|joblist|dungeon_monsterstatus|layer_unit_relationship|item|workshop_profile|layer_noblelist|locations|pets|layer_overall_health|textviewer|reportlist|announcelist|layer_military|layer_unit_health|customize_unit|buildinglist|workshop_profile view-unit-reports

# view extra unit information
keybinding add Alt-I@dwarfmode/ViewUnits|unitlist gui/unit-info-viewer

# boost priority of jobs related to the selected entity
keybinding add Alt-N@dwarfmode|job|joblist|unit|unitlist|joblist|dungeon_monsterstatus|layer_unit_relationship|item|layer_noblelist|locations|pets|layer_overall_health|textviewer|reportlist|announcelist|layer_military|layer_unit_health|customize_unit|buildinglist|textviewer|item|layer_assigntrade|tradegoods|store|assign_display_item|treasurelist do-job-now

# export a Dwarf's preferences screen in BBCode to post to a forum
keybinding add Ctrl-Shift-F@textviewer forum-dwarves

# q->stockpile - copy & paste stockpiles
keybinding add Alt-P@dwarfmode/QueryBuilding/Some/Stockpile copystock

# q->stockpile - load and save stockpile settings out of game
keybinding add Alt-L@dwarfmode/QueryBuilding/Some/Stockpile "gui/stockpiles -load"
keybinding add Alt-S@dwarfmode/QueryBuilding/Some/Stockpile "gui/stockpiles -save"

# q->workshop - duplicate the selected job
keybinding add Ctrl-D job-duplicate

# materials: q->workshop; b->select items
keybinding add Shift-A "job-material ALUNITE"
keybinding add Shift-M "job-material MICROCLINE"
keybinding add Shift-D "job-material DACITE"
keybinding add Shift-R "job-material RHYOLITE"
keybinding add Shift-I "job-material CINNABAR"
keybinding add Shift-B "job-material COBALTITE"
keybinding add Shift-O "job-material OBSIDIAN"
keybinding add Shift-T "job-material ORTHOCLASE"
keybinding add Shift-G "job-material GLASS_GREEN"

# sort units and items in the on-screen list
keybinding add Alt-Shift-N "sort-units name" "sort-items description"
keybinding add Alt-Shift-R "sort-units arrival"
keybinding add Alt-Shift-T "sort-units profession" "sort-items type material"
keybinding add Alt-Shift-Q "sort-units squad_position" "sort-items quality"

# browse linked mechanisms
keybinding add Ctrl-M@dwarfmode/QueryBuilding/Some gui/mechanisms

# browse rooms of same owner
keybinding add Alt-R@dwarfmode/QueryBuilding/Some gui/room-list

# interface for the liquids plugin - spawn water/magma/obsidian
keybinding add Alt-L@dwarfmode/LookAround gui/liquids

# machine power sensitive pressure plate construction
keybinding add Ctrl-Shift-M@dwarfmode/Build/Position/Trap gui/power-meter

# siege engine control
keybinding add Alt-A@dwarfmode/QueryBuilding/Some/SiegeEngine gui/siege-engine

# military weapon auto-select
keybinding add Ctrl-W@layer_military/Equip/Customize/View gui/choose-weapons

# military copy uniform
keybinding add Ctrl-C@layer_military/Uniforms gui/clone-uniform

# minecart Guide path
keybinding add Alt-P@dwarfmode/Hauling/DefineStop/Cond/Guide gui/guide-path

# workshop job details
keybinding add Alt-A@dwarfmode/QueryBuilding/Some/Workshop/Job gui/workshop-job

# workflow front-end
keybinding add Alt-W@dwarfmode/QueryBuilding/Some/Workshop/Job gui/workflow
keybinding add Alt-W@overallstatus "gui/workflow status"
# equivalent to the one above when gui/extended-status is enabled
keybinding add Alt-W@dfhack/lua/status_overlay "gui/workflow status"

# autobutcher front-end
keybinding add Shift-B@pet/List/Unit gui/autobutcher

# view pathable tiles from active cursor
keybinding add Alt-Shift-P@dwarfmode/LookAround gui/pathable

# gui/rename script - rename units and buildings
keybinding add Ctrl-Shift-N@dwarfmode|unit|unitlist|joblist|dungeon_monsterstatus|layer_unit_relationship|item|workshop_profile|layer_noblelist|locations|pets|layer_overall_health|textviewer|reportlist|announcelist|layer_military|layer_unit_health|customize_unit|buildinglist gui/rename
keybinding add Ctrl-Shift-T@dwarfmode|unit|unitlist|joblist|dungeon_monsterstatus|layer_unit_relationship|item|workshop_profile|layer_noblelist|locations|pets|layer_overall_health|textviewer|reportlist|announcelist|layer_military|layer_unit_health|customize_unit "gui/rename unit-profession"

# adv mode bindings #

keybinding add Ctrl-A@dungeonmode/ConversationSpeak adv-rumors
keybinding add Ctrl-B@dungeonmode adv-bodyswap
keybinding add Ctrl-Shift-B@dungeonmode "adv-bodyswap force"
keybinding add Shift-O@dungeonmode gui/companion-order
keybinding add Ctrl-T@dungeonmode gui/advfort

# legends mode bindings #

# export all information, or just the detailed maps (doesn't handle site maps)
keybinding add Ctrl-A@legends "exportlegends all"