-- Add Elven diplomats to negotiate tree caps --[[=begin fix/diplomats ============= Adds a Diplomat position to all Elven civilizations, allowing them to negotiate tree cutting quotas - and you to violate them and start wars. This was vanilla behaviour until ``0.31.12``, in which the "bug" was "fixed". =end]] function update_pos(pos, ent) pos = df.entity_position:new() ent.positions.own:insert('#', pos) pos.code = "DIPLOMAT" pos.id = ent.positions.next_position_id + 1 pos.flags.DO_NOT_CULL = true pos.flags.MENIAL_WORK_EXEMPTION = true pos.flags.SLEEP_PRETENSION = true pos.flags.PUNISHMENT_EXEMPTION = true pos.flags.ACCOUNT_EXEMPT = true pos.flags.DUTY_BOUND = true pos.flags.COLOR = true pos.flags.HAS_RESPONSIBILITIES = true pos.flags.IS_DIPLOMAT = true pos.flags.IS_LEADER = true -- not sure what these flags do, but the game sets them for a valid diplomat pos.flags.unk_12 = true pos.flags.unk_1a = true pos.flags.unk_1b = true pos.name[0] = "Diplomat" pos.name[1] = "Diplomats" pos.precedence = 70 pos.color[0] = 7 pos.color[1] = 0 pos.color[2] = 1 return pos end checked = 0 fixed = 0 for _,ent in pairs(df.global.world.entities.all) do if ent.type == 0 and ent.entity_raw.flags.TREE_CAP_DIPLOMACY then checked = checked + 1 update = true -- see if we need to add a new position or modify an existing one for _,pos in pairs(ent.positions.own) do if pos.responsibilities.MAKE_INTRODUCTIONS and pos.responsibilities.MAKE_PEACE_AGREEMENTS and pos.responsibilities.MAKE_TOPIC_AGREEMENTS then -- a diplomat position exists with the proper responsibilities - skip to the end update = false break end -- Diplomat position already exists, but has the wrong options - modify it instead of creating a new one if pos.code == "DIPLOMAT" then break end pos = nil end if update then -- either there's no diplomat, or there is one and it's got the wrong responsibilities if not pos then pos = add_guild_rep(pos, ent) end -- assign responsibilities pos.responsibilities.MAKE_INTRODUCTIONS = true pos.responsibilities.MAKE_PEACE_AGREEMENTS = true pos.responsibilities.MAKE_TOPIC_AGREEMENTS = true end -- make sure the diplomat position, whether we created it or not, is set up for proper assignment assign = true for _,p in pairs(ent.positions.assignments) do if p.position_id == pos.id then -- it is - nothing more to do here assign = false break end end if assign then -- it isn't - set it up asn = df.entity_position_assignment:new() ent.positions.assignments:insert('#', asn); asn.id = ent.positions.next_assignment_id ent.positions.next_assignment_id = asn.id + 1 asn.position_id = pos.id asn.flags:resize(math.max(32, #asn.flags)) -- make room for 32 flags asn.flags[0] = true -- and set the first one end if update or assign then fixed = fixed + 1 end end end print("Enabled tree cap diplomacy for "..fixed.." of "..checked.." civilizations.")