Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Petr Mrázek (peterix@gmail.com)

This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
damages arising from the use of this software.

Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
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#pragma once
#ifndef CL_MOD_WORLD
#define CL_MOD_WORLD

 * \defgroup grp_world World: all kind of stuff related to the current world state
 * @ingroup grp_modules

#include "Export.h"
#include "Module.h"
#include <ostream>

#include "DataDefs.h"

namespace DFHack
    typedef df::game_mode GameMode;
    typedef df::game_type GameType;

#define GAMEMODE_ADVENTURE df::enums::game_mode::ADVENTURE

     * \ingroup grp_world
    struct t_gamemodes
        GameMode g_mode;
        GameType g_type;
    class DFContextShared;

    class DFHACK_EXPORT PersistentDataItem {
        friend class World;

        int id;
        std::string key_value;

        std::string *str_value;
        int *int_values;
        static const int NumInts = 7;

        bool isValid() { return id != 0; }
        int entry_id() { return -id; }

        const std::string &key() { return key_value; }

        std::string &val() { return *str_value; }
        int &ival(int i) { return int_values[i]; }

        PersistentDataItem() : id(0), str_value(0), int_values(0) {}
        PersistentDataItem(int id, const std::string &key, std::string *sv, int *iv)
            : id(id), key_value(key), str_value(sv), int_values(iv) {}

     * The World module
     * \ingroup grp_modules
     * \ingroup grp_world
    class DFHACK_EXPORT World : public Module
        bool Start();
        bool Finish();

        ///true if paused, false if not
        bool ReadPauseState();
        ///true if paused, false if not
        void SetPauseState(bool paused);

        uint32_t ReadCurrentTick();
        uint32_t ReadCurrentYear();
        uint32_t ReadCurrentMonth();
        uint32_t ReadCurrentDay();
        uint8_t ReadCurrentWeather();
        void SetCurrentWeather(uint8_t weather);
        bool ReadGameMode(t_gamemodes& rd);
        bool WriteGameMode(const t_gamemodes & wr); // this is very dangerous
        std::string ReadWorldFolder();

        // Store data in fake historical figure names.
        // This ensures that the values are stored in save games.
        PersistentDataItem AddPersistentData(const std::string &key);
        PersistentDataItem GetPersistentData(const std::string &key);
        PersistentDataItem GetPersistentData(int entry_id);
        // Calls GetPersistentData(key); if not found, adds and sets added to true.
        // The result can still be not isValid() e.g. if the world is not loaded.
        PersistentDataItem GetPersistentData(const std::string &key, bool *added);
        // Lists all items with the given key.
        // If prefix is true, search for keys starting with key+"/".
        // GetPersistentData(&vec,"",true) returns all items.
        // Items have alphabetic order by key; same key ordering is undefined.
        void GetPersistentData(std::vector<PersistentDataItem> *vec,
                               const std::string &key, bool prefix = false);
        // Deletes the item; returns true if success.
        bool DeletePersistentData(const PersistentDataItem &item);

        void ClearPersistentCache();

        struct Private;
        Private *d;

        bool BuildPersistentCache();