// automatically chop trees

#include "Debug.h"
#include "LuaTools.h"
#include "PluginManager.h"
#include "TileTypes.h"

#include "modules/Burrows.h"
#include "modules/Designations.h"
#include "modules/Items.h"
#include "modules/Maps.h"
#include "modules/Persistence.h"
#include "modules/Units.h"
#include "modules/World.h"

#include "df/burrow.h"
#include "df/item.h"
#include "df/map_block.h"
#include "df/plant.h"
#include "df/plant_tree_info.h"
#include "df/plant_tree_tile.h"
#include "df/plotinfost.h"
#include "df/world.h"

#include <map>
#include <unordered_map>

using std::map;
using std::multimap;
using std::pair;
using std::string;
using std::unordered_map;
using std::vector;

using namespace DFHack;
using namespace df::enums;



namespace DFHack {
    // for configuration-related logging
    DBG_DECLARE(autochop, status, DebugCategory::LINFO);
    // for logging during the periodic scan
    DBG_DECLARE(autochop, cycle, DebugCategory::LINFO);

static const string CONFIG_KEY = string(plugin_name) + "/config";
static const string BURROW_CONFIG_KEY_PREFIX = string(plugin_name) + "/burrow/";
static PersistentDataItem config;
static vector<PersistentDataItem> watched_burrows;
static unordered_map<int, size_t> watched_burrows_indices;

enum ConfigValues {

enum BurrowConfigValues {

static int get_config_val(PersistentDataItem &c, int index) {
    if (!c.isValid())
        return -1;
    return c.ival(index);
static bool get_config_bool(PersistentDataItem &c, int index) {
    return get_config_val(c, index) == 1;
static void set_config_val(PersistentDataItem &c, int index, int value) {
    if (c.isValid())
        c.ival(index) = value;
static void set_config_bool(PersistentDataItem &c, int index, bool value) {
    set_config_val(c, index, value ? 1 : 0);

static PersistentDataItem & ensure_burrow_config(color_ostream &out, int id) {
    if (watched_burrows_indices.count(id))
        return watched_burrows[watched_burrows_indices[id]];
    string keyname = BURROW_CONFIG_KEY_PREFIX + int_to_string(id);
    DEBUG(status,out).print("creating new persistent key for burrow %d\n", id);
    watched_burrows.emplace_back(World::GetPersistentData(keyname, NULL));
    size_t idx = watched_burrows.size()-1;
    watched_burrows_indices.emplace(id, idx);
    return watched_burrows[idx];
static void remove_burrow_config(color_ostream &out, int id) {
    if (!watched_burrows_indices.count(id))
    DEBUG(status,out).print("removing persistent key for burrow %d\n", id);
    size_t idx = watched_burrows_indices[id];
static void validate_burrow_configs(color_ostream &out) {
    for (int32_t idx = watched_burrows.size()-1; idx >=0; --idx) {
        int id = get_config_val(watched_burrows[idx], BURROW_CONFIG_ID);
        if (!df::burrow::find(id)) {
            remove_burrow_config(out, id);

static const int32_t CYCLE_TICKS = 1200;
static int32_t cycle_timestamp = 0;  // world->frame_counter at last cycle

static command_result do_command(color_ostream &out, vector<string> &parameters);
static int32_t do_cycle(color_ostream &out, bool force_designate = false);

DFhackCExport command_result plugin_init(color_ostream &out, std::vector <PluginCommand> &commands) {
    DEBUG(status,out).print("initializing %s\n", plugin_name);

    // provide a configuration interface for the plugin
        "Auto-harvest trees when low on stockpiled logs.",

    return CR_OK;

DFhackCExport command_result plugin_enable(color_ostream &out, bool enable) {
    if (!Core::getInstance().isWorldLoaded()) {
        out.printerr("Cannot enable %s without a loaded world.\n", plugin_name);
        return CR_FAILURE;

    if (enable != is_enabled) {
        is_enabled = enable;
        DEBUG(status,out).print("%s from the API; persisting\n",
                                is_enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled");
        set_config_bool(config, CONFIG_IS_ENABLED, is_enabled);
        if (enable)
            do_cycle(out, true);
    } else {
        DEBUG(status,out).print("%s from the API, but already %s; no action\n",
                                is_enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled",
                                is_enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled");
    return CR_OK;

DFhackCExport command_result plugin_shutdown (color_ostream &out) {
    DEBUG(status,out).print("shutting down %s\n", plugin_name);

    return CR_OK;

DFhackCExport command_result plugin_load_data (color_ostream &out) {
    cycle_timestamp = 0;
    config = World::GetPersistentData(CONFIG_KEY);

    if (!config.isValid()) {
        DEBUG(status,out).print("no config found in this save; initializing\n");
        config = World::AddPersistentData(CONFIG_KEY);
        set_config_bool(config, CONFIG_IS_ENABLED, is_enabled);
        set_config_val(config, CONFIG_MAX_LOGS, 200);
        set_config_val(config, CONFIG_MIN_LOGS, 160);
        set_config_bool(config, CONFIG_WAITING_FOR_MIN, false);

    // we have to copy our enabled flag into the global plugin variable, but
    // all the other state we can directly read/modify from the persistent
    // data structure.
    is_enabled = get_config_bool(config, CONFIG_IS_ENABLED);
    DEBUG(status,out).print("loading persisted enabled state: %s\n",
                            is_enabled ? "true" : "false");
    World::GetPersistentData(&watched_burrows, BURROW_CONFIG_KEY_PREFIX, true);
    const size_t num_watched_burrows = watched_burrows.size();
    for (size_t idx = 0; idx < num_watched_burrows; ++idx) {
        auto &c = watched_burrows[idx];
        watched_burrows_indices.emplace(get_config_val(c, BURROW_CONFIG_ID), idx);

    return CR_OK;

DFhackCExport command_result plugin_onstatechange(color_ostream &out, state_change_event event) {
    if (event == DFHack::SC_WORLD_UNLOADED) {
        if (is_enabled) {
            DEBUG(status,out).print("world unloaded; disabling %s\n",
            is_enabled = false;
    return CR_OK;

DFhackCExport command_result plugin_onupdate(color_ostream &out) {
    if (is_enabled && world->frame_counter - cycle_timestamp >= CYCLE_TICKS) {
        int32_t designated = do_cycle(out);
        if (0 < designated)
            out.print("autochop: designated %d tree(s) for chopping\n", designated);
    return CR_OK;

static bool call_autochop_lua(color_ostream *out, const char *fn_name,
        int nargs = 0, int nres = 0,
        Lua::LuaLambda && args_lambda = Lua::DEFAULT_LUA_LAMBDA,
        Lua::LuaLambda && res_lambda = Lua::DEFAULT_LUA_LAMBDA) {
    DEBUG(status).print("calling autochop lua function: '%s'\n", fn_name);

    CoreSuspender guard;

    auto L = Lua::Core::State;
    Lua::StackUnwinder top(L);

    if (!out)
        out = &Core::getInstance().getConsole();

    return Lua::CallLuaModuleFunction(*out, L, "plugins.autochop", fn_name,
            nargs, nres,

static command_result do_command(color_ostream &out, vector<string> &parameters) {
    CoreSuspender suspend;

    if (!Core::getInstance().isWorldLoaded()) {
        out.printerr("Cannot run %s without a loaded world.\n", plugin_name);
        return CR_FAILURE;

    bool show_help = false;
    if (!call_autochop_lua(&out, "parse_commandline", parameters.size(), 1,
            [&](lua_State *L) {
                for (const string &param : parameters)
                    Lua::Push(L, param);
            [&](lua_State *L) {
                show_help = !lua_toboolean(L, -1);
            })) {
        return CR_FAILURE;

    return show_help ? CR_WRONG_USAGE : CR_OK;

// cycle logic

static bool is_accessible_item(df::item *item, const vector<df::unit *> &citizens) {
    const df::coord pos = Items::getPosition(item);
    for (auto &unit : citizens) {
        if (Maps::canWalkBetween(Units::getPosition(unit), pos))
            return true;
    return false;

// at least one member of the fort can reach a position adjacent to the given pos
static bool is_accessible_tree(const df::coord &pos, const vector<df::unit *> &citizens) {
    for (auto &unit : citizens) {
        if (Maps::canWalkBetween(unit->pos, df::coord(pos.x-1, pos.y-1, pos.z))
                || Maps::canWalkBetween(unit->pos, df::coord(pos.x,   pos.y-1, pos.z))
                || Maps::canWalkBetween(unit->pos, df::coord(pos.x+1, pos.y-1, pos.z))
                || Maps::canWalkBetween(unit->pos, df::coord(pos.x-1, pos.y,   pos.z))
                || Maps::canWalkBetween(unit->pos, df::coord(pos.x+1, pos.y,   pos.z))
                || Maps::canWalkBetween(unit->pos, df::coord(pos.x-1, pos.y+1, pos.z))
                || Maps::canWalkBetween(unit->pos, df::coord(pos.x,   pos.y+1, pos.z))
                || Maps::canWalkBetween(unit->pos, df::coord(pos.x+1, pos.y+1, pos.z)))
            return true;
    return false;

static bool is_valid_tree(const df::plant *plant) {
    // Skip all non-trees immediately.
    if (plant->flags.bits.is_shrub)
        return false;

    // Skip plants with invalid tile.
    df::map_block *block = Maps::getTileBlock(plant->pos);
    if (!block)
        return false;

    int x = plant->pos.x % 16;
    int y = plant->pos.y % 16;

    // Skip all unrevealed plants.
    if (block->designation[x][y].bits.hidden)
        return false;

    if (tileMaterial(block->tiletype[x][y]) != tiletype_material::TREE)
        return false;

    return true;

static bool is_protected(const df::plant * plant, PersistentDataItem &c) {
    const df::plant_raw *plant_raw = df::plant_raw::find(plant->material);

    bool protect_brewable = get_config_bool(c, BURROW_CONFIG_PROTECT_BREWABLE);
    bool protect_edible = get_config_bool(c, BURROW_CONFIG_PROTECT_EDIBLE);
    bool protect_cookable = get_config_bool(c, BURROW_CONFIG_PROTECT_COOKABLE);

    if (protect_brewable && plant_raw->material_defs.type[plant_material_def::drink] != -1)
        return true;

    if (protect_edible || protect_cookable) {
        for (df::material * mat : plant_raw->material) {
            if (protect_edible && mat->flags.is_set(material_flags::EDIBLE_RAW))
                return true;

            if (protect_cookable && mat->flags.is_set(material_flags::EDIBLE_COOKED))
                return true;

    return false;

static int32_t estimate_logs(const df::plant *plant) {
    if (!plant->tree_info)
        return 0;

    //adapted from code by aljohnston112 @ github
    df::plant_tree_tile** tiles = plant->tree_info->body;

    if (!tiles)
        return 0;

    int32_t trunks = 0;
    const int32_t area = plant->tree_info->dim_y * plant->tree_info->dim_x;
    for (int i = 0; i < plant->tree_info->body_height; i++) {
        df::plant_tree_tile* tilesRow = tiles[i];
        if (!tilesRow)
            return 0; // tree data is corrupt; let's not touch it
        for (int j = 0; j < area; j++)
            trunks += tilesRow[j].bits.trunk;

    return trunks;

static void bucket_tree(df::plant *plant, bool designate_clearcut, bool *designated, bool *can_chop,
        map<int32_t, int32_t> *tree_counts, map<int32_t, int32_t> *designated_tree_counts,
        map<int, PersistentDataItem *> &clearcut_burrows,
        map<int, PersistentDataItem *> &chop_burrows) {
    for (auto &burrow : plotinfo->burrows.list) {
        if (!Burrows::isAssignedTile(burrow, plant->pos))

        int id = burrow->id;
        if (tree_counts)

        if (*designated) {
            if (designated_tree_counts)
        } else if (clearcut_burrows.count(id) && !is_protected(plant, *clearcut_burrows[id])) {
            if (designate_clearcut && Designations::markPlant(plant)) {
                *designated = true;
                if (designated_tree_counts)
        } else if (chop_burrows.count(id) && !is_protected(plant, *chop_burrows[id])) {
            *can_chop = true;

    if (!*designated && chop_burrows.empty())
        *can_chop = true;

static void bucket_watched_burrows(color_ostream & out,
        map<int, PersistentDataItem *> &clearcut_burrows,
        map<int, PersistentDataItem *> &chop_burrows) {
    for (auto &c : watched_burrows) {
        int id = get_config_val(c, BURROW_CONFIG_ID);
        if (get_config_bool(c, BURROW_CONFIG_CLEARCUT))
            clearcut_burrows.emplace(id, &c);
        else if (get_config_bool(c, BURROW_CONFIG_CHOP))
            chop_burrows.emplace(id, &c);

typedef multimap<int, df::plant *, std::greater<int>> TreesBySize;

static int32_t scan_tree(color_ostream & out, df::plant *plant, int32_t *expected_yield,
        TreesBySize *designatable_trees_by_size, bool designate_clearcut,
        const vector<df::unit *> &citizens, int32_t *accessible_trees,
        int32_t *inaccessible_trees, int32_t *designated_trees, int32_t *accessible_yield,
        map<int32_t, int32_t> *tree_counts,
        map<int32_t, int32_t> *designated_tree_counts,
        map<int, PersistentDataItem *> &clearcut_burrows,
        map<int, PersistentDataItem *> &chop_burrows) {
    TRACE(cycle,out).print("  scanning tree at %d,%d,%d\n",
                            plant->pos.x, plant->pos.y, plant->pos.z);

    if (!is_valid_tree(plant))
        return 0;

    bool accessible = is_accessible_tree(plant->pos, citizens);
    int32_t yield = estimate_logs(plant);

    if (accessible) {
        if (accessible_trees)
        if (accessible_yield)
            *accessible_yield += yield;
    } else {
        if (inaccessible_trees)

    bool can_chop = false;
    bool designated = Designations::isPlantMarked(plant);
    bool was_designated = designated;
    bucket_tree(plant, designate_clearcut, &designated, &can_chop, tree_counts,
            designated_tree_counts, clearcut_burrows, chop_burrows);

    int32_t ret = 0;
    if (designated) {
        if (!was_designated)
            ret = 1;
        if (designated_trees)
        if (expected_yield)
            *expected_yield += yield;
    } else if (can_chop && accessible) {
        if (designatable_trees_by_size)
            designatable_trees_by_size->emplace(yield, plant);

    return ret;

// returns the number of trees that were newly marked
static int32_t scan_trees(color_ostream & out, int32_t *expected_yield,
        TreesBySize *designatable_trees_by_size, bool designate_clearcut,
        const vector<df::unit *> &citizens, int32_t *accessible_trees = NULL,
        int32_t *inaccessible_trees = NULL, int32_t *designated_trees = NULL,
        int32_t *accessible_yield = NULL,
        map<int32_t, int32_t> *tree_counts = NULL,
        map<int32_t, int32_t> *designated_tree_counts = NULL) {
    TRACE(cycle,out).print("scanning trees\n");
    int32_t newly_marked = 0;

    if (accessible_trees)
        *accessible_trees = 0;
    if (inaccessible_trees)
        *inaccessible_trees = 0;
    if (designated_trees)
        *designated_trees = 0;
    if (expected_yield)
        *expected_yield = 0;
    if (accessible_yield)
        *accessible_yield = 0;
    if (tree_counts)
    if (designated_tree_counts)

    map<int, PersistentDataItem *> clearcut_burrows, chop_burrows;
    bucket_watched_burrows(out, clearcut_burrows, chop_burrows);

    for (auto plant : world->plants.tree_dry)
        newly_marked += scan_tree(out, plant, expected_yield, designatable_trees_by_size,
                                  designate_clearcut, citizens, accessible_trees,
                                  inaccessible_trees, designated_trees, accessible_yield,
                                  tree_counts, designated_tree_counts,
                                  clearcut_burrows, chop_burrows);
    for (auto plant : world->plants.tree_wet)
        newly_marked += scan_tree(out, plant, expected_yield, designatable_trees_by_size,
                                  designate_clearcut, citizens, accessible_trees,
                                  inaccessible_trees, designated_trees, accessible_yield,
                                  tree_counts, designated_tree_counts,
                                  clearcut_burrows, chop_burrows);

    return newly_marked;

// TODO: does this actually catch anything above the bad_flag check?
static bool is_valid_item(df::item *item) {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < item->general_refs.size(); i++) {
        df::general_ref *ref = item->general_refs[i];

        switch (ref->getType()) {
        case general_ref_type::CONTAINED_IN_ITEM:
            return false;

        case general_ref_type::UNIT_HOLDER:
            return false;

        case general_ref_type::BUILDING_HOLDER:
            return false;


    for (size_t i = 0; i < item->specific_refs.size(); i++) {
        df::specific_ref *ref = item->specific_refs[i];

        if (ref->type == specific_ref_type::JOB) {
            // Ignore any items assigned to a job
            return false;

    return true;

struct BadFlags
    uint32_t whole;

        df::item_flags flags;
        #define F(x) flags.bits.x = true;
        F(dump); F(forbid); F(garbage_collect);
        F(hostile); F(on_fire); F(rotten); F(trader);
        F(in_building); F(construction); F(artifact);
        F(in_job); F(owned); F(in_chest); F(removed);
        F(encased); F(spider_web);
        #undef F
        whole = flags.whole;

static void scan_logs(color_ostream &out, int32_t *usable_logs,
                      const vector<df::unit *> &citizens, int32_t *inaccessible_logs = NULL) {
    static const BadFlags bad_flags;

    TRACE(cycle,out).print("scanning logs\n");
    if (usable_logs)
        *usable_logs = 0;
    if (inaccessible_logs)
        *inaccessible_logs = 0;

    for (auto &item : world->items.other[items_other_id::IN_PLAY]) {
        TRACE(cycle,out).print("  scanning log %d\n", item->id);
        if (item->flags.whole & bad_flags.whole)

        if (item->getType() != item_type::WOOD)

        if (!is_valid_item(item))

        if (!is_accessible_item(item, citizens)) {
            if (inaccessible_logs)
        } else if (usable_logs) {

static int32_t do_cycle(color_ostream &out, bool force_designate) {
    DEBUG(cycle,out).print("running %s cycle\n", plugin_name);

    // mark that we have recently run
    cycle_timestamp = world->frame_counter;


    // scan trees and clearcut marked burrows
    int32_t expected_yield;
    TreesBySize designatable_trees_by_size;
    vector<df::unit *> citizens;
    int32_t newly_marked = scan_trees(out, &expected_yield,
            &designatable_trees_by_size, true, citizens);

    // check how many logs we have already
    int32_t usable_logs;
    scan_logs(out, &usable_logs, citizens);

    if (get_config_bool(config, CONFIG_WAITING_FOR_MIN)
            && usable_logs <= get_config_val(config, CONFIG_MIN_LOGS)) {
        DEBUG(cycle,out).print("minimum threshold crossed\n");
        set_config_bool(config, CONFIG_WAITING_FOR_MIN, false);
    else if (!get_config_bool(config, CONFIG_WAITING_FOR_MIN)
            && usable_logs > get_config_val(config, CONFIG_MAX_LOGS)) {
        DEBUG(cycle,out).print("maximum threshold crossed\n");
        set_config_bool(config, CONFIG_WAITING_FOR_MIN, true);

    // if we already have designated enough, we're done
    int32_t limit = force_designate || !get_config_bool(config, CONFIG_WAITING_FOR_MIN) ?
        get_config_val(config, CONFIG_MAX_LOGS) :
        get_config_val(config, CONFIG_MIN_LOGS);
    if (usable_logs + expected_yield > limit) {
        return newly_marked;

    // designate until the expected yield gets us to our target or we run out
    // of accessible trees
    int32_t needed = get_config_val(config, CONFIG_MAX_LOGS) -
            (usable_logs + expected_yield);
    DEBUG(cycle,out).print("needed logs for this cycle: %d\n", needed);
    for (auto & entry : designatable_trees_by_size) {
        if (!Designations::markPlant(entry.second))
        needed -= entry.first;
        if (needed <= 0) {
            return newly_marked;
    out.print("autochop: insufficient accessible trees to reach log target! Still need %d logs!\n",
    return newly_marked;

// Lua API
// core will already be suspended when coming in through here

static const char * get_protect_str(bool protect_brewable, bool protect_edible, bool protect_cookable) {
    if (!protect_brewable && !protect_edible && !protect_cookable)
        return "   ";
    if (!protect_brewable && !protect_edible && protect_cookable)
        return "  z";
    if (!protect_brewable && protect_edible && !protect_cookable)
        return " e ";
    if (!protect_brewable && protect_edible && protect_cookable)
        return " ez";
    if (protect_brewable && !protect_edible && !protect_cookable)
        return "b  ";
    if (protect_brewable && !protect_edible && protect_cookable)
        return "b z";
    if (protect_brewable && protect_edible && !protect_cookable)
        return "be ";
    if (protect_brewable && protect_edible && protect_cookable)
        return "bez";
    return "";

static void autochop_printStatus(color_ostream &out) {
    DEBUG(status,out).print("entering autochop_printStatus\n");
    out.print("autochop is %s\n\n", is_enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled");
    out.print("  keeping log counts between %d and %d\n",
            get_config_val(config, CONFIG_MIN_LOGS), get_config_val(config, CONFIG_MAX_LOGS));
    if (get_config_bool(config, CONFIG_WAITING_FOR_MIN))
        out.print("  currently waiting for min threshold to be crossed before designating more trees\n");
        out.print("  currently designating trees until max threshold is crossed\n");

    int32_t usable_logs, inaccessible_logs;
    int32_t accessible_trees, inaccessible_trees;
    int32_t designated_trees, expected_yield, accessible_yield;
    map<int32_t, int32_t> tree_counts, designated_tree_counts;
    vector<df::unit *> citizens;
    scan_logs(out, &usable_logs, citizens, &inaccessible_logs);
    scan_trees(out, &expected_yield, NULL, false, citizens, &accessible_trees, &inaccessible_trees,
            &designated_trees, &accessible_yield, &tree_counts, &designated_tree_counts);

    out.print("           accessible logs (usable stock): %d\n", usable_logs);
    out.print("                        inaccessible logs: %d\n", inaccessible_logs);
    out.print("                       total visible logs: %d\n", usable_logs + inaccessible_logs);
    out.print("                         accessible trees: %d\n", accessible_trees);
    out.print("                       inaccessible trees: %d\n", inaccessible_trees);
    out.print("                      total visible trees: %d\n", accessible_trees + inaccessible_trees);
    out.print("                         designated trees: %d\n", designated_trees);
    out.print("      expected logs from designated trees: %d\n", expected_yield);
    out.print("  expected logs from all accessible trees: %d\n", accessible_yield);
    out.print("                    total trees harvested: %d\n", plotinfo->trees_removed);

    if (!plotinfo->burrows.list.size()) {
        out.print("no burrows defined\n");


    int name_width = 11;
    for (auto &burrow : plotinfo->burrows.list) {
        name_width = std::max(name_width, (int)burrow->name.size());
    name_width = -name_width; // left justify

    const char *fmt = "%*s  %4s  %4s  %8s  %5s  %6s  %7s\n";
    out.print(fmt, name_width, "burrow name", " id ", "chop", "clearcut", "trees", "marked", "protect");
    out.print(fmt, name_width, "-----------", "----", "----", "--------", "-----", "------", "-------");

    for (auto &burrow : plotinfo->burrows.list) {
        bool chop = false;
        bool clearcut = false;
        bool protect_brewable = false;
        bool protect_edible = false;
        bool protect_cookable = false;
        if (watched_burrows_indices.count(burrow->id)) {
            auto &c = watched_burrows[watched_burrows_indices[burrow->id]];
            chop = get_config_bool(c, BURROW_CONFIG_CHOP);
            clearcut = get_config_bool(c, BURROW_CONFIG_CLEARCUT);
            protect_brewable = get_config_bool(c, BURROW_CONFIG_PROTECT_BREWABLE);
            protect_edible = get_config_bool(c, BURROW_CONFIG_PROTECT_EDIBLE);
            protect_cookable = get_config_bool(c, BURROW_CONFIG_PROTECT_COOKABLE);
        out.print(fmt, name_width, burrow->name.c_str(), int_to_string(burrow->id).c_str(),
                chop ? "[x]" : "[ ]", clearcut ? "[x]" : "[ ]",
                get_protect_str(protect_brewable, protect_edible, protect_cookable));

static void autochop_designate(color_ostream &out) {
    DEBUG(status,out).print("entering autochop_designate\n");
    out.print("designated %d tree(s) for chopping\n", do_cycle(out, true));

static void autochop_undesignate(color_ostream &out) {
    DEBUG(status,out).print("entering autochop_undesignate\n");
    int32_t count = 0;
    for (auto plant : world->plants.all) {
        if (is_valid_tree(plant) && Designations::unmarkPlant(plant))
    out.print("undesignated %d tree(s)\n", count);

static void autochop_setTargets(color_ostream &out, int32_t max_logs, int32_t min_logs) {
    DEBUG(status,out).print("entering autochop_setTargets\n");
    if (max_logs < min_logs || min_logs < 0) {
        out.printerr("max and min must be at least 0 and max must be greater than min\n");
    set_config_val(config, CONFIG_MAX_LOGS, max_logs);
    set_config_val(config, CONFIG_MIN_LOGS, min_logs);

    // check limits and designate up to the new maximum

static int autochop_getTargets(lua_State *L) {
    color_ostream *out = Lua::GetOutput(L);
    if (!out)
        out = &Core::getInstance().getConsole();
    DEBUG(status,*out).print("entering autochop_getTargets\n");
    Lua::Push(L, get_config_val(config, CONFIG_MAX_LOGS));
    Lua::Push(L, get_config_val(config, CONFIG_MIN_LOGS));
    return 2;

static int autochop_getLogCounts(lua_State *L) {
    color_ostream *out = Lua::GetOutput(L);
    if (!out)
        out = &Core::getInstance().getConsole();
    DEBUG(status,*out).print("entering autochop_getNumLogs\n");
    int32_t usable_logs, inaccessible_logs;
    vector<df::unit *> citizens;
    scan_logs(*out, &usable_logs, citizens, &inaccessible_logs);
    Lua::Push(L, usable_logs);
    Lua::Push(L, inaccessible_logs);
    return 2;

static void push_burrow_config(lua_State *L, int id, bool chop = false,
        bool clearcut = false, bool protect_brewable = false,
        bool protect_edible = false, bool protect_cookable = false) {
    map<string, int32_t> burrow_config;
    burrow_config.emplace("id", id);
    burrow_config.emplace("chop", chop);
    burrow_config.emplace("clearcut", clearcut);
    burrow_config.emplace("protect_brewable", protect_brewable);
    burrow_config.emplace("protect_edible", protect_edible);
    burrow_config.emplace("protect_cookable", protect_cookable);
    Lua::Push(L, burrow_config);

static void push_burrow_config(lua_State *L, PersistentDataItem &c) {
    push_burrow_config(L, get_config_val(c, BURROW_CONFIG_ID),
            get_config_bool(c, BURROW_CONFIG_CHOP),
            get_config_bool(c, BURROW_CONFIG_CLEARCUT),
            get_config_bool(c, BURROW_CONFIG_PROTECT_BREWABLE),
            get_config_bool(c, BURROW_CONFIG_PROTECT_EDIBLE),
            get_config_bool(c, BURROW_CONFIG_PROTECT_COOKABLE));

static void emplace_bulk_burrow_config(lua_State *L,  map<int32_t, map<string, int32_t>> &burrows, int id, bool chop = false,
        bool clearcut = false, bool protect_brewable = false,
        bool protect_edible = false, bool protect_cookable = false) {

    map<string, int32_t> burrow_config;
    burrow_config.emplace("id", id);
    burrow_config.emplace("chop", chop);
    burrow_config.emplace("clearcut", clearcut);
    burrow_config.emplace("protect_brewable", protect_brewable);
    burrow_config.emplace("protect_edible", protect_edible);
    burrow_config.emplace("protect_cookable", protect_cookable);

    burrows.emplace(id, burrow_config);

static void emplace_bulk_burrow_config(lua_State *L, map<int32_t, map<string, int32_t>> &burrows, PersistentDataItem &c) {
    emplace_bulk_burrow_config(L, burrows, get_config_val(c, BURROW_CONFIG_ID),
            get_config_bool(c, BURROW_CONFIG_CHOP),
            get_config_bool(c, BURROW_CONFIG_CLEARCUT),
            get_config_bool(c, BURROW_CONFIG_PROTECT_BREWABLE),
            get_config_bool(c, BURROW_CONFIG_PROTECT_EDIBLE),
            get_config_bool(c, BURROW_CONFIG_PROTECT_COOKABLE));

static int autochop_getTreeCountsAndBurrowConfigs(lua_State *L) {
    color_ostream *out = Lua::GetOutput(L);
    if (!out)
        out = &Core::getInstance().getConsole();
    DEBUG(status,*out).print("entering autochop_getTreeCountsAndBurrowConfigs\n");
    int32_t accessible_trees, inaccessible_trees;
    int32_t designated_trees, expected_yield, accessible_yield;
    map<int32_t, int32_t> tree_counts, designated_tree_counts;
    vector<df::unit *> citizens;
    scan_trees(*out, &expected_yield, NULL, false, citizens, &accessible_trees, &inaccessible_trees,
            &designated_trees, &accessible_yield, &tree_counts, &designated_tree_counts);

    map<string, int32_t> summary;

    map<int32_t, map<string, int32_t>> burrow_config_map;

    summary.emplace("accessible_trees", accessible_trees);
    summary.emplace("inaccessible_trees", inaccessible_trees);
    summary.emplace("designated_trees", designated_trees);
    summary.emplace("expected_yield", expected_yield);
    summary.emplace("accessible_yield", accessible_yield);
    Lua::Push(L, summary);

    Lua::Push(L, tree_counts);
    Lua::Push(L, designated_tree_counts);

    for (auto &burrow : plotinfo->burrows.list) {
        int id = burrow->id;
        if (watched_burrows_indices.count(id))
            emplace_bulk_burrow_config(L, burrow_config_map,
            emplace_bulk_burrow_config(L, burrow_config_map, id);

    Lua::Push(L, burrow_config_map);

    return 4;

static int autochop_getBurrowConfig(lua_State *L) {
    color_ostream *out = Lua::GetOutput(L);
    if (!out)
        out = &Core::getInstance().getConsole();
    DEBUG(status,*out).print("entering autochop_getBurrowConfig\n");
    // param can be a name or an id
    int id;
    if (lua_isnumber(L, -1)) {
        id = lua_tointeger(L, -1);
        if (!df::burrow::find(id))
            return 0;
    } else {
        const char * name = lua_tostring(L, -1);
        if (!name)
            return 0;

        string nameStr = name;
        bool found = false;
        for (auto &burrow : plotinfo->burrows.list) {
            if (nameStr == burrow->name) {
                id = burrow->id;
                found = true;
        if (!found)
            return 0;

    if (watched_burrows_indices.count(id)) {
        push_burrow_config(L, watched_burrows[watched_burrows_indices[id]]);
    } else {
        push_burrow_config(L, id);
    return 1;

static void autochop_setBurrowConfig(color_ostream &out, int id, bool chop,
        bool clearcut, bool protect_brewable, bool protect_edible,
        bool protect_cookable) {
    DEBUG(status,out).print("entering autochop_setBurrowConfig\n");

    bool isInvalidBurrow = !df::burrow::find(id);
    bool hasNoData = !chop && !clearcut && !protect_brewable && !protect_edible
            && !protect_cookable;

    if (isInvalidBurrow || hasNoData) {
        remove_burrow_config(out, id);

    PersistentDataItem &c = ensure_burrow_config(out, id);
    set_config_val(c, BURROW_CONFIG_ID, id);
    set_config_bool(c, BURROW_CONFIG_CHOP, chop);
    set_config_bool(c, BURROW_CONFIG_CLEARCUT, clearcut);
    set_config_bool(c, BURROW_CONFIG_PROTECT_BREWABLE, protect_brewable);
    set_config_bool(c, BURROW_CONFIG_PROTECT_EDIBLE, protect_edible);
    set_config_bool(c, BURROW_CONFIG_PROTECT_COOKABLE, protect_cookable);

